This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 3, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim is a bit heated and who can blame her. No one has stopped taking orders from Langley 5 and Rothschilds, not any military, alleged white hats or otherwise. No agency either. They are marching forward with their war plans in the Middle East and show no signs of coming to the table. So they are dropping like flies but unfortunately innocent people are still dying.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Glitch in Deposits Connected to Closed Loop Called ‘Q’ in Omega
A long time ago, during the Trump Administration they installed closed loops in the Omega system that were simply called Q. There are still some remnants of that, but it doesn’t actually synchronize into the banking system but here was their plan anyway. They are going to hold our deposits and take them out of the banking system using a Synchronizing Terrestrial Integrated Chromeo orphic Kernel, also called a STICK, which they intended to attach to this closed loop that existed in remnant form in Omega. Had they taken all our deposits, which they started 24-48 hours ago, well testing it, they would have figured out they could not put it back into the banking system.
But this glitch in the delay of deposits should be fixed by the end of this broadcast and their stuff is going away. It’s just a shadow and not really connected to anything in the reality we live in now because the Q line was connected in the depths of hell. They just can’t get away from the fact everything has changed. They also tried to install Trump bucks again yesterday for the 1,764th time.
Continue to Submit Agreements
They Want $7.6 Trillion to Restore the Republic
They also tried to submit several agreements to Kim through the Treasury Department. They would like to restore the republic with $7.6 trillion, which is not going to get the US out of trouble right now. That amount might last until the end of November but no more. They are in so much trouble right now. So, Kim then called the Treasury Department and asked which yahoo took over their terminal. Evidently these operatives don’t understand anything that is going on but think Trump is saving everyone here from beyond the grave were submitting those crazy things. They are now learning the truth as they were told it yesterday.
They Want $7 Trillion for Interim Security of Planet Earth
Langley on the other hand would like a 90-day contract for Interim Security of the Planet Earth and $7 trillion to do it because they promised everybody money and they just keep writing checks they cannot cash getting themselves further into the hole. But that is also a no from Kim.
Expecting Their Power Back from Stolen Artifacts
Remember Kim told us on Wednesday that Langley supposedly wants to come forward and be good friends. Well, everyone will be not surprised that is absolutely not the case and Kim suspected that at the get-go. At that time, they asked Kim for 24 hours to get all the great things they are going to do together. Well, the real story behind needing 24 hours has to do with stolen artifacts.
Stolen Artifacts
There were two artifacts that look almost like a fatter version of a large coin and they stole them many years ago from the Light side. There are only seven of these ‘coins’ for lack of a better term in the world and they thought based on the last line of instructions they ever got from the underworld that last night would be a good time to use these coins.
What did they expect them to do?
They were under the impression they will open gateways and something was supposed to happen last night. Some Rothschild family members from Saudi Arabia, because they believe they are of the line of Solomon, the Khazarians went to the gate in Israel with two coins and they tried to open the gate there. They got very frustrated when it didn’t work and wanted to see what was inside the coins and what was to supposed to make this happen? So, they broke the coins open around 2am Kim’s time and what they saw was a type of a computer chip, some crystal dust and crystal sand. They were still very angry and they took the broken coins and the chip that was inside to some Israeli people who specialize in cyber things and they managed to read a part of what was in there. It’s like a flash drive for lack of a better term and they could read the preface let’s say, a little summary to the plot and they realized that these were something that could have been utilized during the beginning of the Light Age. Essentially, it said now that we transitioned into the Light Age, they no longer matter which made them angrier still.
Kim said the coins were tied to something else which was supposed to go to that place on the border of Iran and Iraq between where the living water was, in between the Gates opening. There is a special place where there was a mound of gold.
There is another artifact they are missing and Kim knows they do not have it because she physically carried it herself and hid it because it’s not a toy and it’s still hidden there. There were a few other coins as well that went along with the artifact they don’t have and those coins went to the different continents which would then activate something. But it cannot be used for the reverse, which is what they probably planned to do. She wasn’t very specific probably for a reason.
But back to what they did have. They could only read that summery after they broke into the coin and it sounds like they couldn’t read the rest because it was written in one of the oldest languages in the universe. Kim has seen that language in some agreements between Source and Source which can only be translated by someone of the right frequency. She has also seen the same language in the books on Natural Law and a few other things. It is very easy to decipher and read if you know how to do it and are on the Light side and of light matter. So, if you are a Rothschild and are listening and would like someone to translate it for you, come on down to Durango and Kim will be happy to do that for you. But you are not going to like what it has to say. It’s all about the restoration of nature, the recipe on how to fix things based on its attachment to Earth’s Akashic records, the original DNA blueprints and those types of things. Then it would have programmed that into the DNA of Earth which would have changed quicker.
Artifacts & Tools of the Light Side Can’t Be Used by the Dark Side
The Light Side/Kim’s side had put a lot of helpful little tools in different locations over the many years of doing this and they do things in such a way that it can only be utilized by them, at least to its fullest degree. She said they also have other things called the JAVA Suns. They are crystal balls with a gold trim around it and looks like a bunch of curly sun rays coming off it.
The dark side loves to steal the Light side’s stuff and over the years they have stolen a lot, but they can’t manage to make it work. Yet, they are god’s chosen ones in their mind and they can’t make any of the stuff work. Obviously, they are confused about which God but that would be Anti-source, and Kim said they chose that side a long time ago, their ancestors chose that side and they can’t come from back from that.
Back to Meeting Langley 5 Wanted with Kim
In preparation for their meeting Langley 5 Generals asked Kim if she needed them to bring the STICK. She asked what for and what are you bringing me? Evidently because the Parents, Marduk, Enki, and Enlil and some Coven Masters liked to do these symbology things, they would bring them things. It’s some egotistical, elitist kind of weird stuff like the kiss my ring kind of crap. But this leads to why Langley 5 eventually put off the meeting. They thought the Rothschilds would be successful last night with those coins and the gates would open. But true to form, as the Rothschild family never tells the truth about anything, at least what is left of them now, they told Langley 5 to give them a few hours because we just did the thing. But it was an outright lie. All they do is lie, cheat, and steal from each other constantly. There are no rules on their side. But that’s why Langley 5 was ordered to buy time and of course they have to send those orders on down the food chain.
Treasury Department Told to Wait a Day or So
They call the Treasury and told them give them a day or so, they need time, they have to work this out. Meanwhile they are hacking like crazy, hence the reason for the delay in deposits that went out and they are trying to get money any way they can. Kim said she doesn’t think they know how much money is in circulation right now and how their repeated attempts at stealing it and taking it to remote servers over the last 10-15 years has really drained the liquidity from the banking system because nobody is putting it back in anymore. The only gasp of air they got in 10 years was from Kim.
Operatives Are Really Angry & Down to 1% Believers
This has led to a very angry group of operatives and as of this morning we are down to about 1% believers. Langley 5 is now going crazy because most of their operatives are not picking up their phone call anymore. Little did those operatives know it was all dependent on some coins they stole thousands of years ago and nothing has changed, no flip of systems and no ‘rising of the ball’ is what they called it. They probably don’t even know what that means and just probably thought, oh sure I’d like to have some balls, that would be good, which then had Kim and Sunny laughing. Then Kim had to say continue with there were several other operations they had going to see if there are signals of balls returning. You just can’t make this stuff up.
The US ‘White Hat’ Military is Saving the World, What Hogwash!
The next thing Kim wanted to discuss, because she is really tired of hearing about it is that the alleged ‘white hat’ military, the US military is saving the world. These are quotes on the Internet evidently. Everything is in the hands of the military now, they are protecting us, they are saving us. They are doing no such thing! She gave us a blow by blow of what they are really doing:
Killed Over 1,000 People Fleeing the North of Gaza
Early this morning the US military hit a convoy of civilians fleeing from the north of Gaza to the south of Gaza where they were supposed to be going for their safety, which was ordered by the government. So, what they really did was gather everyone up in a line and killed over a thousand people today. And the US Military is going to save us all?
10,000 Dead in Gaza Strip (70% Women and Children)
The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq have been ordered to move artillery into average everyday neighborhoods in Baghdad. Now why would they be doing that? So far, the death count in the Gaza Strip is about 10,000 people. That includes Israelis, Americans and Palestinians, 70% of which were women and children. Great job military, saving the world, are you?
Weapons Are Being Delivered Everywhere in the Middle East
The US Airforce has been picking up arms donated by the nation state of Qatar. The Kuwaitis who are Rothschilds are delivering weapons to Egypt and the UAE is delivering weapons to Jordan. So, what does this tell you? They are preparing for a much larger war there in multiple locations.
A Muslim Pope?
There were also some announcements by a man claiming he wants to be in charge of the entire Sunni Muslim population of the world. He needs every Sunni to register with him if they are going to call themselves a Sunni Muslim. He would be in charge of appointing all priests and licensing all Imams. They cannot preach the Koran unless registered through him. What does this sound like to you? Are we developing a Muslim Pope? And it just so happens that he is from Egypt and it’s just a coincidence that everyone is delivering weapons to Egypt all of a sudden? Are we going to have an uprising? Are we going to have a religious war between the Shiites and Sunnis? Is that what they are doing here? What are they preparing for? And this is all brought to you by Langley 5. Remember, Langley 5 is not all American but they are in charge of the Military, and the ‘white hat’ Military or otherwise has not walked away from their orders. Neither has any agency. Nobody has walked away from taking orders from these people. They are gladly murdering people on the daily, American soldiers too. So don’t fool yourself.
How a False Flag is Done
The British and Canadians are delivering arms to Lebanon and allegedly Hezbollah. Iraq is not wanting to play along so drones were allegedly sent from Iran to Najaf in Iraq, which coincidentally is where the scholars are, and they are not meant for Israel. Nope, they are meant to attack the gulf states in the oil fields which are predominantly Sunni. Seeing a pattern here and a false flag? So, the Iraqis have no intention of utilizing these drones but they need to appear to be Iranian made drones because Iran is predominantly Shiites who will then attack oil fields in false flags in the Sunni region. You have the new Sunni Pope over there and Kim is deliberately using that term because he is doing the exact same thing the Catholic Pope did years ago.
They Are Stockpiling to ‘Protect’ Weapons in Cyprus
Wagner, the private military group donated surface air missiles to the Hezbollah. And their storage facility, actually for everyone playing the war game is in Cyprus. They are stockpiling a lot of weapons in Cyprus because they think if they are not in the war zone they won’t malfunction at a rapid rate. In other words, they think they are hiding them from Kim and she can’t tell where they are flying to. Like their tail number means anything to her. She can decipher and un-strategize every single thing they have created in the last 48 hours.
Trying to Start Religious War Affecting the World
It is clear to Kim based on this evidence they are trying to get Iraq involved in the world war, specifically the Najaf region which is like the Shiite Mecca. And Mecca is involved too, but it is very holy and they are not supposed to mess around in that region. There would be firing back from the Saudis of course, and there would be something hitting Mecca and before you know it there would be a religious war affecting the whole world.
There is no such thing as Islam in the Royal Families of the Middle East
Kim knows for a fact the royal families from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Morocco, and Kuwait are Satanists. Kim had a sit-down talk with a man who was a member of a coven years ago. His area of expertise was the Middle East and he gave her everything, including names of people. He explained to her about conjuring Jinn, meaning how it works. He said the angels wake up at 4am before the sun and that’s when the demons go to sleep so you conjure at night. He explained to her 3 levels of Jinn that you could conjure which Kim basically said were the Tarzakiens and some Reptilians and a few other types of lower astral beings. This coven member would do this work on behalf of the royal families in this area and others. He also did it for Iran, he was in charge of that. If they needed to conjure a Jinn to do something he would do the offerings and told her in detail how it would work. There were dead people involved, the younger and purer the better and all that.
To know your enemy, you have to know who these people are
He basically said that in the royal families there is no such thing as Islam. He told her which ones to look out for like Khomeini as they are 100% satanists and for large sums of money he would conjure whatever they wanted him to, to do whatever he wanted them to do. That was his job. So put the thought out of your head these are religious families in the Middle East. The installed royal families in the Middle East do nothing for religion ever. And Netanyahu is also a Satanist. He may have been born Jewish but he is 100% a Satanist. Their religion is money and power and they will do anything to get both. But if you don’t give them any, how long will they play the game?
It costs practically nothing to start a war
Meanwhile they are strategizing the Shiites. Fake Kushner goes to Saudi Arabia about a week or two ago and starts telling them about dreams he had of them supplying all the oil to Europe through a pipeline and then talks about the trillions of dollars they are going to earn and be in charge of the currency in the Middle East and all they gotta do is xyz. You need to have all the Sunnis under your umbrella, registered as souls you now earned and then keep all these people in line.
Then you go to the Shiite side and tell them the Sunnis are going to attack you and destroy Islam and then you start moving weapons into Egypt and support the new Pope of the Sunnis. The Saudis are already onboard because the Chinese already broke them and they are kind of mad at them, the Chinese side of the families because they haven’t yet pulled it off. But if they ask anyone on the Family side as to why they didn’t get paid, they’ll tell them it’s because they screwed up, which is a lie of course. The Saudi’s, the Kuwaitis donated everything they had.
KGB is Running the Russian-Ukraine Situation on Behalf of Langley 5
The Russians are back in the game giving weapons to Hezbollah on the come. That is what Kim is assuming because Wagner probably got them from people in Russia who sell these things, corruption runs deep. The General running the Russian-Ukraine situation over there on behalf of the Langley 5 is a Russian and the old director of the KGB. They aren’t making money any more over in Ukraine though. The Americans and Europeans aren’t donating anymore. They can’t even sell the weapons so much on the black market anymore and they are kind of running out of steam over there.
Putin is announcing Ukraine is broke, but Zelensky has Trump bucks and that of course changes everything. Oy vey. They show them fake numbers on a screen and they get them all going and this money will be released tomorrow. Little do they know it was all dependent on some coins they don’t even understand and going to some locations trying to open up a gateway. Nothing happened but they gotta keep it moving because deaths equal open gates in their mind. That hasn’t worked in a very long time and they know it but that hasn’t stopped them. They just don’t want to lose power.
Langley 5 Arranged Meeting with Kim Expecting To Have Equal or Greater Power Than Her
The only reason Langley 5 arranged a meeting with Kim to take place over the weekend probably was because they thought they would have an equal amount or greater power than Kim. They were expecting to have the power to block her and therefore proof they had to work together in order to make it happen.
But like Kim said, there is no such thing as working together with these people, you either own them or you don’t. They either work for you or they don’t. And she kindly explained to them there would be consequences if they go off the new reservation. She never expected Langley 5 to ever come to the party especially when she figured out last night what they were talking about, this ball rising, that’s when she figured out what they were doing. The fact that their plan didn’t work has no one calling anybody back now. It’s never going to happen.
Kim’s Message to Langley 5
You are never going to be in this position again. We were in the Dark Age for 3 billion years. Let’s just say Source had some freak accident and knocked his head and decides to recreate the Ages, if that happened, you would be about 3 billion years out before you have a position like you had before. And remember you were never in charge of anything ever. You were dependent on someone else, something else and there were many factors you didn’t ever understand. So, this little war you are trying to do, Kim is calling you out. She is calling every single country telling them what you are doing and the jig is up. It is so easy to out strategize you people it’s pathetic and you should check to see if your weapons are still working in Cyprus, you idiots. It is easy for her to play this game, but the killing of people for some artifact has to end!
You just refuse to remember you had upper management, and not only that but your true boss, Anti-Source has left you, Lucifer has left you. They all went to their holding places or wherever it is they go during a Light Age, or wherever Source decides to do with his other side. And the universe is against you. It’s not just Kim. Kim is the smart one. She says, oh Source says this, and she says ok, then that’s what we will do. Everything has changed. Your war in the Middle East is not going to change anything for you aside from you dying for killing innocents. That’s what it’s going to change for them, it’s not going to make the purse strings open up. Submitting more agreements to her is not going to make her approve them. You are always full of shit!
Kim didn’t censor herself. She definitely sounded fed up with these idiots as are all of us hearing about them. It’s not what a person says, it’s what they do and you have to expect whatever they say is a lie and then you have to find the 1% truth in that. But she highly doubts she’ll be getting a call from these Langley 5 idiots. Again, they are the last rung on the Black Sun side, these are generals, similar to, but not greater than your Jesuit Generals and some are also Jesuit Generals and Knights of Malta. These are your Black Bankers, Treaty of Versailles cash collectors who arrange for these crazy things to take place. They are fixers, freelancers, operatives, whatever you want to call them. They could have gotten paid if they went to work for Kim 2 years ago. Again, the only time they got paid is when Trump took money from her and that is all recorded on the diplomatic line for them to check. But they won’t.
In Closing
We have made so many strides and she knows that it’s not enough for many. Everyone wants monetary relief and she understands that and she wants to give that to us too, but she also doesn’t want these people attacking us for it. She doesn’t want small town USA or New Zealand or wherever to become Gaza Strip because you got money. Or you start building projects where they feel they need to drone many people. These people are not right in the head and they just can’t stop. They’ve been liars their whole life and they will continue to lie, cheat and steal even from their own people, even their own spouses. So we’ll see how it all pans out, but there should be no delay in deposits by the end of today because no amount of stolen artifacts will change that. No money will come to them again of course.
And that is the status report with where they are at. Fortunately they are dropping like flies rapidly.
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All they keep saying is there is gonna be martial law and we all are gonna be fine, blah blah blah…I’ve told people now for 3 years that they just want their Blockbuster Biblical Hero/Savior movie ending…and saved Israel for last, supposedly cleaning up tunnels and so on. REALLY do not want martial law…I think this all could go smoothly if they just stop with the BS, white hats vs black hats are just two sides of the same coin. I can hear Kim’s frustration with them, pretty sure they will not stop, it’s now going into the next year, still talking about impeaching the imposter president here and how they want everyone to just trust the plan, they got this but do they? I’m ready for their charade to end…it’s just so boring and people are exhausted from it all.
And now we are also hearing alot from Anna Von Reich, and I don’t know who elected her, but Kim said that she just wants to do the same system that we had before and that isn’t going to happen. The financial system no longer uses us as the energy source so it’s now going to be till next year I guess…so when do they plan to impeach the imposter or kill him off and install some other numb nut up there. I think humanity has grown up enough to not need gooberments or leaders or Kings or Queens…definitely over the royalty thing.
Did Kim mention anything about martial law? I know she said a long time ago that wasn’t going to happen, I think it’s a BAD IDEA…but people are still following this ridiculous charade and I can’t seem to explain to them that martial law isn’t a good thing no matter what they say ‘the military is in charge, it’s the only way’. BS.
Well said
Thankyou and God bless you.
I noticed a glitch in the deposits over the past week – its 7th Nov – when i asked the bank they said it was normal lol i wouldve noticed that before – bank lied and the next day it was fixed 👍🏻
Thank you
Thanks PJZ. Well done as always.
Part 2| Free Hugs in Amsterdam: Blind Trust Experiment / TheJourneyofMonah
En verdad hay que vibrar alto y sostenernos en la luz del infinito creador para no sucumbir, estos informes reflejan la verdad de lo que realmente pasa en el mundo y por qué pasa en el mundo,sin embargo, somos seres limitados en el tiempo vivimos de acuerdo a sus términos , ya más de ochenta años de edad nos consideran ancianos, cuando el resto del multiverso el cual coexistimos duran mínimo 1000 años, así que despierten por qué ellos saben lo que nos obligaron a olvidar , así que despertemos, somos los cocreadores más fuerte s de este multiverso y somos tan arrechos que no quieren que lo recordemos.
This is the reality that the planet is living, not the Chinese tales that Kim tells, the truth, she has let me down, an endless number of lies and facts that she has distorted, she has made me realize the lies and falsehood of what she tells, it’s all a damn farce, this is called, Psyops, that’s what it is.
Read what is the reality, where are the governments in bankruptcy, according to Kim would be by October 15, well that weird right???, anyway, I have many arguments to present about things that he said and that NOTHING HAS EVER HAPPENED, it never happened, and I’ll just give an example, in one of his reports he said, the last of the Rothschid died, however, the whole time he’s saying that one of the Rothschilds is still managing everything, anyway, we’ll see what the reality is, this by the looks of it, is very fanciful and people believe all these fantasies, very sad, that happens, because people, do not investigate, he has no critical mind, he has no common sense many other times, if they really investigated, they would find another reality, in which they would question, the nonsense and fantasies to which this Mrs. Kim points, it seems God is everywhere, I just tell them, read everything, it’s okay, investigate everything, don’t believe in anything, that’s much better…
WEEKLY REPORTS By Benjamin Fuldord
Fake President Biden declares World War III but has no army
The theater of the absurd that now passes for “government” in the United States is sinking to new lows as money and time run out. The latest black joke is the so-called official declaration of war by the “White House”. It reads in part as follows:
…militia groups have carried out numerous attacks using unmanned aerial systems and indirect fire… A U.S. contractor suffered a fatal cardiac incident while moving to a shelter during one of these attacks. …
In response…US forces carried out targeted strikes on facilities in eastern Syria…
I directed this action militar…de conformity with my constitutional authority as Commander-in-Chief.”
The only problem is that the fake Biden does not control the USA or any army. The real military is not going to be tricked by the Satanists into destroying the planet by starting an all-out nuclear war.
This latest desperate attempt to start World War III comes as the white Hats score important victories on multiple fronts.
The biggest one is probably the announced resignation of Swiss President Alain Berset, one of the leaders of the Octagon group. according to Mossad and other sources. His dismissal means that the World Economic Forum, the WHO and Gavi are about to lose the diplomatic immunity granted to them by the Swiss government. This will open the way for war crimes courts to commit mass murder through vaccination.
The other thing that is happening is that the white hat special forces are waging a fierce war in the tunnel network under Israel and the Gaza Strip. It’s only a matter of time before they get to the person many say is the head of the snake: Benjamin Netanyahu. However, the real Netanyahu is still present and hidden underground. He is being pursued by Israeli and American anti-Satellite special forces, Mossad and Pentagon sources claim.
The rabbit hole in Israel is apparently very deep. “Clear records of tunnel operations go back more than 4,000 years: Assyrian carvings show engineering units belonging to Sargon of Akkad (who reigned between 2,334 and 2,279 BC) undermining the walls of enemy cities,” Professor Joel Roskin, a geomorphologist and geologist at Bar–Ilan University, told the Jerusalem Post.
Professor Roskin says the area is home to “caverns and multi-storey complex underground tunnels with rooms, corridors and warehouses.”MI6 reports that fierce fighting is now taking place in these compounds.
Certainly, there are many credible reports of underground bases being taken out all over the world. A sign of this are earthquakes with depths of 8 and 10 km, with signs of having been caused by explosives. These indicate that a Deep Underground (SILLY) Military Base has been removed. Many of these earthquakes have been reported in Iran, Australia and other places in recent days. There was also one with an epicenter below San Francisco International Airport on Oct. 27, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The earthquake occurred about eight miles below the airport at 6:38 p.m. local time, it said.
The Satanists are also being removed from the ground. One of those being expelled is the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. The president of the European Council, Charles Michel, is leading the attack against him because he refutes the EU’s calls to end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
The Hungarian and Slovak presidents are also attacking her by blocking efforts to launder countless billions of euros in bribe money through Ukraine.
This is the reality that the planet is living, not the Chinese tales that Kim tells, the truth, she has let me down, an endless number of lies and facts that she has distorted, she has made me realize the lies and falsehood of what she tells, it’s all a damn farce, this is called, Psyops, that’s what it is.
Read what is the reality, where are the governments in bankruptcy, according to Kim would be by October 15, well that weird right???, anyway, I have many arguments to present about things that he said and that NOTHING HAS EVER HAPPENED, it never happened, and I’ll just give an example, in one of his reports he said, the last of the Rothschid died, however, the whole time he’s saying that one of the Rothschilds is still managing everything, anyway, we’ll see what the reality is, this by the looks of it, is very fanciful and people believe all these fantasies, very sad, that happens, because people, do not investigate, he has no critical mind, he has no common sense many other times, if they really investigated, they would find another reality, in which they would question, the nonsense and fantasies to which this Mrs. Kim points, it seems God is everywhere, I just tell them, read everything, it’s okay, investigate everything, don’t believe in anything, that’s much better…
Fake President Biden declares World War III but has no army
The theater of the absurd that now passes for “government” in the United States is sinking to new lows as money and time run out. The latest black joke is the so-called official declaration of war by the “White House”. It reads in part as follows:
…militia groups have carried out numerous attacks using unmanned aerial systems and indirect fire… A U.S. contractor suffered a fatal cardiac incident while moving to a shelter during one of these attacks. …
In response…US forces carried out targeted strikes on facilities in eastern Syria…
I directed this action militar…de conformity with my constitutional authority as Commander-in-Chief.”
The only problem is that the fake Biden does not control the USA or any army. The real military is not going to be tricked by the Satanists into destroying the planet by starting an all-out nuclear war.
This latest desperate attempt to start World War III comes as the white Hats score important victories on multiple fronts.
The biggest one is probably the announced resignation of Swiss President Alain Berset, one of the leaders of the Octagon group. according to Mossad and other sources. His dismissal means that the World Economic Forum, the WHO and Gavi are about to lose the diplomatic immunity granted to them by the Swiss government. This will open the way for war crimes courts to commit mass murder through vaccination.
The other thing that is happening is that the white hat special forces are waging a fierce war in the tunnel network under Israel and the Gaza Strip. It’s only a matter of time before they get to the person many say is the head of the snake: Benjamin Netanyahu. However, the real Netanyahu is still present and hidden underground. He is being pursued by Israeli and American anti-Satellite special forces, Mossad and Pentagon sources claim.
The rabbit hole in Israel is apparently very deep. “Clear records of tunnel operations go back more than 4,000 years: Assyrian carvings show engineering units belonging to Sargon of Akkad (who reigned between 2,334 and 2,279 BC) undermining the walls of enemy cities,” Professor Joel Roskin, a geomorphologist and geologist at Bar–Ilan University, told the Jerusalem Post.
Professor Roskin says the area is home to “caverns and multi-storey complex underground tunnels with rooms, corridors and warehouses.”MI6 reports that fierce fighting is now taking place in these compounds.
Certainly, there are many credible reports of underground bases being taken out all over the world. A sign of this are earthquakes with depths of 8 and 10 km, with signs of having been caused by explosives. These indicate that a Deep Underground (SILLY) Military Base has been removed. Many of these earthquakes have been reported in Iran, Australia and other places in recent days. There was also one with an epicenter below San Francisco International Airport on Oct. 27, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The earthquake occurred about eight miles below the airport at 6:38 p.m. local time, it said.
The Satanists are also being removed from the ground. One of those being expelled is the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. The president of the European Council, Charles Michel, is leading the attack against him because he refutes the EU’s calls to end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
The Hungarian and Slovak presidents are also attacking her by blocking efforts to launder countless billions of euros in bribe money through Ukraine.