This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 11, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim continues to gives us the war update in Israel, the real reason for this war and the progress as we go. More deep state attempts to regain control which ended in failure. Langley 5 Generals and Rothschild continue to drive every government, military, and agency off a cliff.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Israel War Update as of October 11th
In Israel Kim has seen the Chilean Airforce bringing in supplies, mostly ground weapons. The UN took off from Iraq, and they are trying to rally countries in the region to donate weapons and ammunition for the war, to keep things going for free. The Americans donated M270 MLRs (Multiple Launch Rocket System). They had Poland show up in support with weapons over the last 2 hours.
Hospital generators in Gaza are running out of fuel, probably within the next 12 hours. So, they have no intention of stopping anything, but also no intention of paying anyone. Israel does have a conscription law which means men and women must serve for a short period of time in the military when they turn 18 years old, so they are all trained. They have a lot of soldiers but you have to pay these people.
The Original 100-Year Plan Which Ties into the Financial Update
Remember Kim told us in the past that the 100-Year Plan was handed to Lenin from Rothschild. That plan included the installation of communism, the transfer of power at the time from the UK, the World War (WW1), the next World War (WW2), what the following War would be, which is right around this time, and there were many caveats with that.
The original 100-Year Plan that was put together not by Rothschild or people and it was actually a 1008-year plan that originated in Japan. Some of it is told as mythology, but in reality, it was a foresight of non-humans about what they would need to do to reverse us back should humanity ever become this light. The plan was supposed to conclude in 2025, which is why we hear a lot about the events that are supposed to start now, the War in Israel, Red October, etc. But none of it is working to reverse us back.
There was a portal in Japan off the islands much like the Bermuda Triangle that was tied to the Gods of the Underworld and the latest Lara Croft may talk about it, Tomb Raider (film).

Torii, the sacred portal of Japan | Japan Experience (
Kim said it is in Japan’s mythology so I looked into it a little and watched the movie. I found out about a couple of things like Himiko was the Empress of a kingdom called Yamatai that is on a hidden island somewhere off the mainland of Japan. In the movie, Lara finds out that Himiko was not cursed, but the carrier of a rare disease that kills everybody who touches her and turns them into zombies. That would certainly be of interest to the Deep State crazies. See this link for more information, Tomb Raider – The Legend of Himiko : How much is true?

The Back-Up Plan for Japan to Take Over Financial System in 2025
They were supposed to fire this up because Japan was supposed to take over the financial system of the world in 2025. It was kind of like a backup plan to the Chinese and their Black Widow program and all of that. It was in cooperation with the Chinese and a lot of people around the world know about this program. In preparation for this program there was special school in Japan where a lot of people send their children and these people have been sent around the world to implement this plan in 2025.
The news has been reporting enormous banking outages in Japan for the last couple of days as they tried to implement this system. One of the 15 secret militaries Arasaka Military, which is from Japan is in charge of implementing the system and they’ve been working feverishly the last couple of days. It is causing major problems in Japan, interfering with 1.4 million transactions over the last couple of days. Their back-up plan failed, so that is out.

Arasaka Military gets around lately. Kim mentioned them recently regarding the Maui fires.

The Dark Portal in Winslow, Arizona Plan
Remember the below lyrics to the Eagles song, Take it Easy?
Well, I’m a-standin on a corner in Winslow, Arizona
And such a fine sight to see
It’s a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed Ford
Slowin’ down to take a look at me

Well, there is a portal in Winslow, Arizona which is predominantly used by the Order of the Black Sun Generals, Militaries, and Space Force. Also in Winslow, Arizona was an old abandoned air station which was supposedly closed in the 1950s. But that is absolutely not true and they’ve been using this as a communications post to the lower astral. They would get orders there about who needs to get assassinated and all kinds of stuff. There was a holographic phone there for communication lines. Kim and her team were there a few months ago and the only thing she didn’t clean out while she was there were some old papers and tapes.

Well, when they ran out of money for funding this war, Langley 5 sent people to Winslow, Arizona to get some data on what they could use and they stumbled upon some old codes and AI information and whatnot. Then they ordered all their operatives to enter all these codes to see if they could get anything. That failed yesterday. But the operatives were told they would get 100% of the money which was not true. The Order people planned to take 90% of whatever they found and put it towards plans for war and other things. When this failed a call took place around 10:30 EST today and the Generals showed up late, which is normal for them, and they told the operatives they do not have all the data yet. And this was just a test to see if anyone was successful on the real operation. But it’s all a lie of course.
Deep State Tries a Sun Tzu Technique on Kim
They started another bit of commotion over the last couple of days trying to implement a Sun Tzu technique of Outside-In and Inside-Out on Kim. They called up the local security people in Durango and told them they needed to rattle Kim’s cage and let her know she was not secure in this town and she needed to start doing what they wanted her to do. At the same time, they started installing all their people in banks and other places. They thought by rattling her cage she would be all nervous. But that didn’t work because no one is paying them on their side to do that and the local security people know they’ve gotten way more truth from her than them, so that didn’t work.
They were also trying to keep Kim blocked off in banks, to make sure she wouldn’t move any money without them, but that didn’t work either. They are having trouble getting anyone, including the banking operatives to comply with what they want. There is just no money. But some operatives are still continuing to follow of course and no date was given to them. They were just told to sit and wait. They weren’t told to perpetuate the war or not to perpetuate it.
Ultimately, they couldn’t break Kim down. She knows the tactics very well as she has done this before with every freaking level so she knows how it works. Meanwhile the Treasury Department is really starting to panic now.
Mossad Update
As of this moment, she knows Mossad called Rothschild and told them they cannot continue without money. The Rothschilds told them to continue and they replied sorry, not without money. Then they called Langley 5 Generals and started yelling at them. What will be the result of that? Who knows, but they will likely go around in a circle. Clearly the ones following these psychopathic wingnuts will go off the cliff with them and now unfortunately it is causing a lot of deaths of innocent people. Kim said Mossad is very concerned about all the people who are dying. Personally, I find that hard to believe. But in any case, they were told this was all part of a plan.
The Deep State Continues to Fail
The back-up plan Arasaka tried to install failed, as did the Winslow, Arizona plan since there is no more data or communication lines there. So where does that leave the world this week? The Treasury Department was told to wait. But for how long? Infinitely apparently. Evidently there were some people from the Treasury Department that contacted a person that they believe could hire people to protect them from taking the phone calls from Langley 5, from physical threats, from people trying to steal money. They said they would make sure transfers landed in the GIA agency person’s account and these people would then provide the security and they would start transferring money to save the government. They had a plan and that was on Sat. But Kim said there is a problem with that plan because they didn’t bother to call anybody, they certainly didn’t call her. They never said a word. Instead, they waited all weekend long for someone else to pay them and dragged others with them and didn’t even give them the choice. Now everyone is angry with Kim again. But she isn’t involved in this mess. She didn’t cause the problem and certainly is not going to solve their problems. This isn’t welfare for elite Luciferian murderers!
Neutrino Box Update
Kim said she appreciates everyone wanting to help but at this moment she doesn’t need donations. Remember she was very clear about not accepting 3rd party donations. She wouldn’t have even told us about this project if she didn’t have all she needed to start it worked out. And she doesn’t have a pre-order site yet. It is still 6-months away. She has to set up a lab from scratch first, and order and purchase equipment. Things take time to build. It will happen one way or the other in the next 6 months.
What she would rather have us do is prepare ourselves. Langley 5 and Rothschild are driving every government, military, and agency off a cliff right now. She is telling us blow by blow so we know where we are in the death process because she does not see any of them wanting to move forward in a positive way. No one has turned a corner; it does not look like it will ever work out. We have to keep moving on our own. She is still doing test transfers in the financial system and cleaning up other things in the multiverse. The news is not always uplifting but there are positive things we are doing. Someone needs to go forward and it might as well be us. So, we will continue along with plans for CARE.

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Please respond to others at this time if you have the means to do so.
What does it mean???, Do we have to keep moving on our own???.
Please Pam, could you be more specific when you give the news, please???, thank you…
There are many things that you say, that you give them as if they were obvious and as if everyone knew it or were something so common, but it’s not like that, you’re talking about topics that are not heard very often, so you need to understand even if it’s in their general context, but most of the topics that are discussed here are not specific and even more, they are not closed, it’s as if each reader should be the one who gives closure to a specific topic, in short, it’s not news if I should interpret and give closure to my craving, don’t you think???, even so, thank you very much for your great work…