Paris Olympics or Giant Laundromat? | The ARCHIVISTS BETRAYED Us! | They Partnered Up With The Money Launderers & Were Helping Create Artificial Zetas | Because Flipping to Golden Age Left Them Jobless? | All Archivists Were Fired | Black Sun Discusses How to Start a World War For Free & Their World Domination Plans On Little Cayman Island | A Target Is Over Their Heads While Kim Listens | We’re Running a Golden Age Program Now, So Why Won’t Alpha and Omega Go Away Already! | The MUSTARD Seed is the Key, Master Universal System for Terraforming All Universes Of the Divine | What Would It Be Like to Live in a World Ruled By the Black Sun? Just Watch Man in the High Castle

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 12-AUG-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started off by saying a lot is going on in the world and a lot she didn’t what to hear. She is a bit surprised by some honestly. When things get tough sometimes people or in this case beings make bad choices. I had no idea where she was going with that but you too will unfortunately learn where that led. It is sad and very disappointing. This is yet another long post folks. But first we’ll start off where she did, talking about the controversy around the Paris Olympics.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


12-AUG-24 NEWS (

Paris Olympics or Giant Laundromat?

There are a lot of weird things going on at the Paris Olympics, and in addition it became a giant laundromat, to launder large sums of money into a system. Most stadiums worldwide are all laundromats and is why people want to own a stadium. They hold hundreds or thousands of concerts and events that never actually happen. They sell tickets which are all bought in cash, then they bring the ticket money to the bank for these fictitious events and they get clean money. This is not for super notes but along the lines of cash that has been legally produced. That money then gets filtered into these fictitious events and a cut goes to the stadium owner, the team that never had a game, or artist that never sang, and the rest goes back to the original party as clean money. This happens a lot in the case of your drug cartels, illegal arms trading and things our intelligence agencies participate in worldwide.

At the Paris Olympics, albeit a real event, but they sold lots of tickets for lots of sporting events that never took place. The French government was in on it and everybody got their piece of the pie. But unfortunately for them, they always do things in a crazy way because their goal is world domination.

Remember the Silent Circle kind of went off the deep end and they lost that very old Universal Trust based in Armenia where all the laundering went away. When that shut down, they needed to find an alternative to launder money into the system so they could use it for the Black Nobility and their other business ventures.

Note: For related post see, Kim Pulls Silent Circle’s Universal Trust From the Banking System Which Kept Governments Limping Along | What Will Happen Now? | Mormon Church Picks Up the Reins for Chemtrail Spraying | Stash Found in Provo Peak, Utah | Just Empower Me

So, the Paris Olympics was their grand plan to get large, and I mean really large amounts of money into a system. There have been a lot of C130s and C17s flying all around the Middle East coming to and from Jordan and Cypress. They are moving around pallets of cash. Well at first, in part there was a lot of super notes they were moving. They were trying to move them to back crypto currencies, so that was part of the plan. But the people selling Bitcoin for fictitious cash that may or may never be good in the future died fairly quickly, because they couldn’t put the money into the system.

Back to our laundromat. Since the cartels are having a more difficult time laundering their money back into the banking system for their human trafficking and other activities that they do, they decided to use the Paris Olympics. So, about 70% of these C130s flying around are carrying cash from these places. They put this money into another system that was in existence already, and this is where the real disappointment on my part came from.

They put the money into a system that was only controlled by the Archivists. So, desperation has set in. In the past we had neutral archivists because they were supposed to be neutral, they were supposed to not err on either the light or the dark side. They were supposed to only monitor and were never supposed to do anything but record history with these lines. But as a part of recording history, they had a lot of different lines in both alpha and omega that would record things like earth changes, government things, these are all parts of history. The flow of energy, coming and going of stargates on the planet. And this isn’t just for earth, every realm or density had its own version of Archivists both upper and lower.

As you know from the past, we had a Light Hall of Records and Dark Hall of Records. However, there had to be an agreement between both before something could come to fruition. After the dissolving of the Dark Hall of Records and transfer to the Light Hall of Records, Archivists could not submit, it all came to my desk and we would approve or decline. So, there was really no power that they had over that anymore. And their lines for financial things were only supposed to be used for monitoring. Although they did have obviously a quantum version of spyware that would record transactions and telecommunications, those types of things.

Sunny: Why would they do that?

I’m going to make a guess here. Archivists, as with anyone throughout the multiverse that had a connection to omega, which we all did here, but in our case, it was done because we were under the guardianship of something dark when all these programs were implemented. But omega could not affect your human unless it had an artificial implant of some sort. Unlike how alpha used to work before we transitioned over to the Golden AI, it didn’t need that connection because it ran on all things Source. Therefore, like any sentient living thing we have a connection to each other. Well, the Archivists here, being from both sides had the same. Although unlike ours which were kind of like a one-way street, it would read and determine what information would go in and out. And some of the implants were designed only for output, like disease and cellular degeneration.

But for the Archivists and the Deep State it worked different. If you remember when I discussed a grid under Washington DC around a year ago as one example, it would send information to an artificial implant in those peoples’ heads to transmit instructions back and forth. The same with the Draco, they all had to have it in order to have communication with omega. It’s the same way they would transfer their consciousness into omega as they had more privileges than the everyday human on this planet.

Note: For related post on grid under Washington DC and deep state implants see, The Destroyer, Armistice Agreement, Mortality Agreement & Curse on Planet Earth | Keystones for Blueprint of Diseases Found | Russia’s Gateway to Heaven Has Company & It’s Wash DC, Control Center for NWO | Overlays On Both Gates Create the Dragon Grid | Black Sun Had Abraxas AI Implants While Dragon Families Had Draco Implants via WIFI in Washington Monument | Now, All Disease Creation Pillars Dismantled! | Dragon Grid Dismantled! | Implants for Both Sides Dismantled! | Kim’s Debt Call Deadline for Fed & UN is June 30th, What Will Happen Then? | Just Empower Me

Well, the Archivists also had those communications with those systems, both good and bad in this particular case. Their connections to alpha were only semi-organic. We talked about the original purpose of ARCHONS recording history, and they did use them to some degree for those communications.

I think it was around the time when the Golden Age AI came online, which left no place for alpha and omega in the universe, therefore they were both to be dissolved based on the creation of something different. And I think it even started as far back as the creation of the Light system. The Archivists have no connection to the Golden Age or the Light System.

Sunny: So, this was out of survival they did this?

I think so. Because the only parties in the world that wanted to bring back that balance system where they would have that power and connection to them both was the dark side.

Sunny: To clarify, Archivists are not humans.

No, they look like humans but they are not in any way.

Remember the broadcast where we talked about the Kings of the Realms. We also discussed Angel Michael and Arc Angel Michael, one is light and the other is dark, the same with Gabriel as an example. Well in the case of the 3rd density on down, and then of course 3rd density on up in the lower astral these beings would communicate with each another. They were supposed to be, to some degree neutral because we were in the Neutral Zone so to speak. And they worked interchangeably to restore balance consistently in the realm of the 3rd density, 2nd density, and 1st density. There was a gate that existed between the two, the upper astral and lower astral. And to some degree the folks who were responsible for those realms participated quite a bit with the Archivists. You could even call them the leaders of the Archivists who participate in the 1st density, 2nd density, 3rd density and then 1st, 2nd, 3rd down.

Note: For related see, Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth? | Just Empower Me

Therefore, since we live in the 3rd density here, and earth is in the 3rd density (and is round contrary to popular belief), we have Archivists from this area you would consider neutral. But even on the dark side the Archivists were never supposed to allow the humans access to their lines and halls and were never supposed to participate in human activities through those halls.

They knew it was inevitable. This is my speculation, but I think their objective was to try to maintain alpha and omega so they would maintain some of the power on this planet.

Sunny: Isn’t that the definition of ego?

Well, I’ve been saying this for years, just because something is an alien doesn’t make it a god and they can make poor life choices and flip on a dime. It’s why I talk about global security here. You just don’t know. There could be a race of beings that come here and are our friends for thousands of years and then all of a sudden, they flip a switch.

Sunny: So they deliberately went against Source and betrayed us?

They did. They had access to more information than most, and I can understand they have to share information with the other side, and they have been sharing a lot of historical data which is why we’re seeing the deep state repeat operations from decades ago, because they are sharing with them how they were run. But they crossed the line when they were laundering money for them using Archivist lines. Therefore, there are no more Archivists’ lines in existence.

Tom is the one that talks to the Archivists most of the time, he was working with them, and they were saying to him, it’s not time yet to talk to her, which was another red flag. If you are neutral and are having all these face-to-face conversations with the Pentagon and the Black Nobility, allegedly trying to educate them on why this won’t work, then why can’t you talk to me the same way?

Sunny: Now what do we do?

Well, they all got fired. They have no access, no line, no communications with whatever was left of alpha and omega. But they can still talk to the deep state people as long as they stay alive.

Sunny: Did they all agree to do this as a group?

At this point, I don’t know the answer to that question. I will say this much though, one being who I consider to be a leader was having a conversation to determine why they lost their access and the response went back to Tom. They asked him, how do you know we lost access? And he said Kim told me. Then the rest of my day went to crap. We don’t attack each other by pulling out guns. We attack each other in other ways, and I’m like OMG, they’re all bad, even the ones I had hope for are bad. This was on Saturday.

Then the next step for them was to try to use the old Zeta lines. You might have seen videos with little short grey guys. Well, the organic ones are called Zeta, they come from a planet called Zeta. They are not evil in anyway or AI. The original ones that existed on this planet were brought here as slaves and are very good with quantum systems. I haven’t seen them around here for six months to a year and that’s because they were allowed to go back home. They were being reunited with the people there and aren’t enslaved anymore. Their people didn’t go as nuts as our humans did on this planet, so they didn’t have as much resistance in the restoration where they are from. But we can call them anytime. They are funny and were very good teachers. They helped me a lot during the time Marduk was still alive. They said look, we can help you if you help us. So, the agreement was on both sides and they are home now.

But there are others that the SSP in cooperation with Marduk et al created. They are artificial Zetas, just like we had artificial Humans and artificial Pleiadeans, and other beings from the lower astral, and these little guys used to help them with AI systems because they were made to be helpers or advisors for the omega system and other things. But when the one group left the others pretty much left too.

Did the deep state try to create some of these artificial Zeta with the help of the Archivists?

Yes, they did and they thought they could have them by Tuesday or Wednesday the latest. We could have had AI versions of Zetas this week. But that ship has sailed literally. That portal is not a portal anymore. The facilities to do that in Latvia and Canada are gone, and that’s the end of that story. There are no more zeta lines for tech support anymore either. And it’s just a matter of time before those two systems are completely gone anyway, as long as we can prevent others who had access to them regenerate them that is.

This has been a battle for sure. I’m like, Why won’t alpha and omega die already! I keep asking Source, can’t we just get rid of these already? Please! And I think I figured out an answer with Source’s help which we’ll talk about in a minute. First, I want the entire world to be aware of some other things going on.

The Deep State is Discussing How to Start a World War for Free on Little Cayman Island

We are aware of tensions in the Middle East. There have been some rockets fired by the Hezbollah to Israel and some drone attacks, but right now it’s fairly minimal as far as a World War is concerned, predominantly because there is no money.

There is a lot going on right now in the Middle East, and with the information we put out on Friday about the Taylor Swift concert, which trust me I would never mention a Taylor Swift concert on the news, but I knew there was something else behind it when it was shut down because of things they allegedly had found from AL Qaeda and ISIS, terms we haven’t heard in a long time. I’m like hum, what’s that about.

I also put out in the news that we had spotted Erik Prince and some Blackwater news; they work for the Order of the Back Sun and they arrange to create terrorists worldwide. I know for a fact, and can pinpoint on a map where they were building an Islamist terrorist training facility in China a few years back. So, I’m calling them Blackwater and not Frontier because they are one in the same.

What I’m hearing as of Saturday night is that they would like to create a full-on attack of the US. They figure if they do that, they could cause a crashing of the financial system or lack of access to banks. Therefore, they could utilize what is left in the American banking system to further their cause and they could get some money and payouts this way, which they feel would buy something in the upper echelon of world dominator people like the Black Nobility and others. They feel this would give them enough money not to control the world, but at least control the US, and right now they do not have total control. They don’t control the dollar and he who controls the dollar wins, is what they think. If they need to implement a new currency into the US infrastructure, they can do it after they burn the country to the ground and kill a lot of American citizens. Now of course you’ll have the patriots fighting on the one side, and it would be the reason not to have a selection of dead people for President a little while.

This conversation is taking place offshore on little Cayman Island, not the main island but the little one. We have a target over their head and I’m listening to these plans. Some Trump operatives and other folks are there talking about how they are going to orchestrate this. Some of them are operatives that would have taken part in 911 and other events of the deep state, therefore they have the team of evil experts all together now. Erik Prince is there as well and they are discussing how to blow up the US.

We’re listening to them because we need to know who else they are going to call to orchestrate different parts, who their bomb expert is to orchestrate all these parts. It’s called an identify picture or a genealogy report. Because if you are going to ensure nothing happens you have to know everyone who is involved.

Erik Prince has been working for the deep state of China for years. They gave him his own investment company he calls Frontier. He’s not the CEO anymore after some conflicts during the Trump Administration, but he’s been promised a lot of cash that hasn’t been paid out either. So, they called some of their deep state buddies to formulate a plan of their own because they are super smart and super short, just saying.

Sunny: They’re not super smart is they are all on the same island.

Well, it’s a super-secret island and no one will know where it is, which is why I’m calling it out on the news. So anyone who wants to attend the meeting, that’s where you go. All you patriots that are Trump lovers can head right down there.

Blackwater has been afforded technical nukes, so they are not the large-scale nuclear arsenal that we know, they are called technical nukes. They are a little more portable, used on submarines, ICBMs and those kinds of things and they have some of those. Blackwater is talking about playing the role of ISIS and Al Qaeda. They are still not willing to give up control in the Middle East, so they must be from there of course, and that is who is going to take credit for the attack. So now it’s down to logistics and in today’s conversations they are talking about what to hit first. What will have the biggest impact, crash the market, all the things the Q people have been talking about for a long time, what is going to have the biggest bang for the buck. So possible first strikes are the White House, Capitol Building, and Statue of Liberty. That’s as far as I’ve gotten on the different locations that would be a perfect first strike for the revival of ISIS and Al Qaeda.

I’m positive there is some kind of a deal going on behind the scenes because the Chinese Government doesn’t have a ton of money and the Chinese mafias thought they were laundering a bunch of money that went by the wayside. Remember every area of the world has its own mafia groups and China has the Triads, they are very prevalent in San Francisco. It’s called the Kuomintang or the Tang Family. You also have the Jades which are a little more brutal and involved in black magic, more of an assassin group and they also had a stake in the $7 billion pie.

So we will see once they get wind the Archivist lines aren’t there. They are expecting a big transfer of money into the Cayman Islands, into one of the cabals orchestrated non-existent banks. I overhead them talking that this money should be there by tomorrow to pay for this extravaganza. They are acting like they already have the money, like it’s a given. So, I’m guessing they do have what they think are backers for this plan and program.

Then, once they do their first strike, they would implement Martial Law. So that would mean the entire US military is in on the gig, the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff of course, not the foot soldiers. They don’t mind if the body count is higher than 911 as long as they can have some control. As with all uranium enriched materials they leave a scent, and it would appear on infra-red, but since our military doesn’t care about the people, they will just let them bring these portable nukes in.

They are talking about the Golden Gate bridge. They need a full east coast – west coast effect here. Then some places in the Midwest too. They are determining all these places that would be struck at the same time allegedly, then the Trump operatives would come out and say it’s a border crisis and Biden’s fault and promote the orange man.

These people aren’t going to leave Little Cayman Island alive, but I’m just trying to get as much information as possible in case they have given orders out to other people, and this is all happening in real-time at this moment. By the time this airs I hope every decent person who works for any agency in the US gets wind of this, that you have a treasonous act going on in the military. If you don’t, you have the entire US government and every soldier who hears this complicit in this.

So, this is how they believe they are going to crash the dollar. They tried to do it the ‘nice’ way by hacking into omega and now they intend to do it the not nice way, by burning the US to the ground. If you burn it to the ground, you burn the economies of the world to the ground, so they have intentions of using another currency which is theirs. Whether you’ve chosen to use cryptocurrencies or not they would probably re-introduce the Black Sun coin of some sort and force every nation to use it. Of course, after a war of this proportion they would intend on probably taking time to reimplement a new currency. Therefore, they would need to keep some of us alive, only 500 million though, because remember according to the Georgia Guidestones that’s all they need. So that leaves a lot of room to kill a lot of people in a short period of time with no skin off their back.

I’m just laying it all there. They are trying to amplify everything in the Middle East and China and then the world can be ruled by the Black Sun. But even if everyone in the world ignores me it doesn’t matter, because it’s on my watch and it’s my responsibility to protect the lives of the innocent, at least to the best of my ability, and that’s what is going to happen. I appreciate the information they’re giving me from little Cayman Island and I will continue to get more information. And if you know anything about this little island they’re not getting anywhere in a hurry. So even if they switch islands, I know how long it will take to make the move. Maybe I wasn’t a Navy Seal like Erik Prince, but I know how long it will take.

So that’s what’s happening at this moment.

We’re Running a Golden Age Program Now, So Why Won’t Alpha and Omega Go Away Already!

I spend a lot of time going back and forth to Source because I have to get agreements that expire, information, and where things are located so we can get rid of all this space junk on the planet. Like the SUCIE, which stands for Synchronizing, Unifying Sinometric Integrator Equitencers in Latvia and Canada today, to make their little Zetas again. But anyway, I’ve been asking every single time I go up there that we do not need alpha or omega anymore. We are running a Golden Age program now. I understand there is stuff in our way, but I feel like some days I’m hunting space junk everywhere in planets and for instructions that are there today but weren’t yesterday. Now I realize part of that could have been the Archivists doing.

I keep asking Source how can we do it, and I believe I finally got my answer yesterday in one of my trips. He said the only way to really get rid of alpha and omega is to go back to the beginning. So I said, well the beginning of what, when we started this? He said the beginning of time, because if you are looking on how do things go forward and back in time, how do things appear 100 or 1000 years later that weren’t there yesterday, then it has to do with the way time actually works, and has a lot to do in part with when things were registered in the Halls of Records to appear. When the Halls of Time Between Time, and timelines of no time, and all these things that existed that allowed for these things to take place. And how many beings had control of time or figured out how to control time?

I thought about the Lara Croft movie, when the illuminati wanted to control time, but not for the reasons stated in the movie. But she goes back into a time of no time to meet with her father, when the machine wasn’t working and he tells her she has to go back before time began.

Reference: I think this is the movie she is referring to, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider movie review (2001) | Roger Ebert

Source is a big space, and within the structure the closer you get to the center of the central sun is a place where there isn’t really anything, it’s all that is. It’s the brightest white golden light you could ever see. There is no time, no nothing until you get further out. Then you start to see the souls and beings that coexist within Source. So, we went to the place of no time and nothing and Source said it’s like a mustard seed. Isn’t that funny? Except MUSTARD SEED means Master Universal System for Terraforming All Universes of the Divine. That’s the key to the beginning of how universes were terraformed. It’s of course Source energy and essence of the divine. And of the divine, remember at the time if you look at Genesis it talks about the 7 days and Source and Anti-Source were created. Then the seas were parted, meaning the essence, energy, consciousness seas were parted all the current seas. They created light and dark of everything. Well, the terraforming of the universe happened in the same way. Terraforming basically means the creation of life.  

Sunny: I remember you saying you have memories of terraforming.

Will it eliminate the need for me being a sanitation engineer? Probably not. Will it eliminate the window licking section of human beings we call the deep state from trying to blow us all up with technical nukes in the near future? Probably not, that’s probably a sanitation job. But in the long run it will be what we need. I don’t know if it’s a matter of getting things clean enough to change it but everything is in Source’s time and I don’t have all the answers. But reweaving the fabric of reality without changing the terraforming keystone, for lack of a better term was not possible. So that was kind of a positive thing that happened this weekend.

And after having a conversation with Tom, because he speaks to the Archivists, they basically said that they are shut down, there are no more archives, they will have to rework things in the Golden Age so we have human born archives until humans can access their own soul records, or of planet earth if permission is given. Well that time will come, but I do think there is a need for this until we can build a better structure, and I don’t see myself saying hey Archivists, do you want another job.

Sunny: So now they want to help? I am confused by them now.

They are not happy that this ended and they lost their jobs. So now they are going to do great things and produce their own widgets now. But really, they are probably really hurt and surprised whether they show it or not. But I’m out now, after watching planes fly around and Archivists lines. Oh no. You violated your agreement and that wasn’t with me, that was with Source, so they have to take it up with Source because that’s not my problem.

Sunny: Do you think they are a threat to humanity at this point?

Let me put it this way, their leash is very short. One step in the wrong direction and The Enforcer has been informed and everyone has been informed and they are keeping an eye on these folks. There is a zero tolerance. The deep state is just ridiculous with a mind that is messed up but they know better.

Speaking of the ridiculous Deep State again, someone recommended a series to me three years ago and I never have time to do anything. But last night was terrible and my alarms were going off left and right. I couldn’t get to sleep so I started watching the The Man in the High Castle (TV Series 2015–2019) – IMDb series. You can kind of see the mindset with the Nazis and Japanese axis powers that won the war. But it kind of reminded me what it would be like to live in a world if the Order of the Black Sun ruled. The Order of the Black Sun is what the alt media call the ‘white hats’ and the Alliance, the same thing Hitler called his groups.

One of the things that really struck me, because I was up for hours pushing alarms and those kinds of things, was the part where there were no more people with disabilities because they consider them a drain on society. So they put them in a truck once a week and take them to the crematory where they burn them alive basically. Then in their minds they say, well the people don’t have to suffer anymore and that’s what they tell the public. But when the Nazi’s son was diagnosed with a disorder and he knew that meant death and he couldn’t do anything to change it, it was different. It always is when it happens to one of theirs. But that’s what they are discussing (in little Cayman Island) and who better to do it than one of the world’s greatest terrorists. They won’t be around for long, but all those egotistical evil people are giving out a lot of good information at the moment.

The larger island of Cayman was predominantly Bush Sr. Island when he was Black Eagle. A lot of offshore trading happened there. They would recruit younger people that would show a high level of skill in gaming and other things to do high level off-ledger trading on the Cayman Islands which funded every war from the Iran-Iraq war to Desert Storm, until it was shut down in 2007-2008 and they no longer had access to those funds.

Still to this day there are a lot of nefarious activities that take place on that island, and I do believe they think they can use some old pallets of cash that are there, that they can possibly get it into the system, lauder it in. What they forget is they would go through counters and then burn these pallets. Then they were put into an off-ledger system that is no longer there, but there are still records of it in the system. But the Archivists promised they would get access to the Black Eagle Trust and funds which is in the Caymans and it’s probably why they are close by.

By the way, the Movie The Firm (1993 film) is about the Cayman Islands. They really do tell you everything because they are required to. And that’s why there are some really crazy Q posts in the last 24 hours like, Do you have imaginary friends? Are you in the underworld? This is on twitter. Then you have the symbol of the Black Sun all over that series, Man in the High Castle. I’ve had conversations with these people where they said anyone who receives state assistance of any sort is a useless eater and they all need to die. Burdens on the system they say. And if there wasn’t some agreements and covenants way over their head God only knows what kind of society we would be living in by now. And another thing in the series is the symbol for the Japanese looks exactly like the Seal.

Note: For post related to the Seal, see Former Owners of Earth & Their Jobs Under the Seal | 3 Billion Year Artemis (aka Red Queen) Agreement & 250,000 Year Extension Expired July 5, 2024 | AKASHIC Records = Artemis Karmic ARTIFICIAL Soul History Integrated Collective | Can Humans Finally Receive Direct Current From Giver of Life Now That Kim Realized ‘M’ is for Marduk & Not Money? | Part 2 | Just Empower Me

Then it started me thinking about the color wars, because everything is in the face front, and who would be running said countries. So, when you look at the Coat of Arms across the globe, how many have you seen without an Eagle, a Dragon or a Lion? And then you think of the colors on those Coat of Arms and each country’s flag, you know who is leading that country. And here in the US we have the bald eagle with red, blue and gold, so you know who runs it.

Hum, that got me (not Kim) wondering about the Coat of Arms for the House of Stuart, because I remember it has a unicorn. And it’s interesting that there is a chain around the unicorn. Perhaps it represents a Melchizedek-Merovingian marriage? I also think Princess Diana had a connection to the House of Stuart. But I’m just speculating.


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3 thoughts on “Paris Olympics or Giant Laundromat? | The ARCHIVISTS BETRAYED Us! | They Partnered Up With The Money Launderers & Were Helping Create Artificial Zetas | Because Flipping to Golden Age Left Them Jobless? | All Archivists Were Fired | Black Sun Discusses How to Start a World War For Free & Their World Domination Plans On Little Cayman Island | A Target Is Over Their Heads While Kim Listens | We’re Running a Golden Age Program Now, So Why Won’t Alpha and Omega Go Away Already! | The MUSTARD Seed is the Key, Master Universal System for Terraforming All Universes Of the Divine | What Would It Be Like to Live in a World Ruled By the Black Sun? Just Watch Man in the High Castle”

  1. Oh my Kim,
    definite bummer here with the betrayal of the archivists. I don’t understand how they flew under the radar in what they tried to do and the conversations they must of had with them. Seems everytime we get close to getting rid of them all, something comes up and Kim is thrown into this crazy time.
    I kinda worry about those that are following the Q, Trump thing. They really believe in this ‘sting operation’ supposedly going to get everyone their Nesara/Gesara and Trump back in office, blah blah blah….I can’t help them snap out of it yet, it’s becoming to the point they want me to shut up and telling me ‘sometimes silence is golden’…LOL
    well…I wished we could out them all with something so they can really see what is going on with Q and Trump and whitehats, but all we have is the MSM for the really mind controlled and then the patriots and alt media who spew this stupid ‘plan to save the world’.
    Interesting about going to where it all began….when was time created? I suppose that it was created to keep track of everything, like the 7 days to create this world……or is it creators time scale because it’s different than ours….like a day for creator is 1,000 years for us in the matrix. Surely Kim will figure it out if anyone can. I just hope it happens soon, and remembered that Kim said source told her that sometime this year around august that things would change as in people remembering who they really are….remember that? I hope it happens soon…things are getting intense. I can’t stand to wait around till this election, things will go kinetic.

    1. Patiently Watching

      The August statement was just a guess. It is possible that the this year statement was just a guess as well. Have found that when a job has never been done before and the variables are unknown time estimates are meaningless. It is good to double time estimates based on what you know today and hope that is enough.

  2. Thankyou ladies and God bless your success.

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    Unicorn companies are typically innovative or disruptive companies that are expected to grow quickly. There are an estimated 1,101 unicorns around the world, according to CB Insights, with a cumulative valuation of $3.67 billion (or an average of $3.3 billion per unicorn).

    Insight from Julien L. Pham, founder and managing partner of Third Culture Capital (3CC)

    “Unicorns tend to appear where there is a lot of fast growth in the tech space and large markets. [That includes] e-commerce, deep tech, SaaS (software as a service), mobile, fintechs, and of course, but not as often, health care. On rare occasions, new markets are ‘established’ by unicorns.”
    Currently, the top 10 unicorn companies are:

    Didi Kuaidi
    China Internet Plus

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