Pentagon & Intelligence Agencies Expectation Of Cash Payouts Fall Flat Because There is No War | SSP-Duck Dynasty Promise Of ‘Trump’ Contracts Will NEVER Happen | They Still Want Another Pandemic | Continue to Spread Lie Trump Funded Everyone In 2018 | Duck Dynasty’s Intent Is To Gain Political Control Over Many Countries | But With No Money They Are Back Trying to Scam Asian Countries With Historical Assets | Then They Make Threats Of A Huge Debt Call Hoping Kim Jumps In | They Clearly Never Understood The Control Structure On Planet Earth But Want To Be Ground Commander, Gatekeeper & Guardian, So Essentially They Want To Be Kim | Part 1 of 4

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 03-JAN-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. It’s the 3rd of January 2025. Wow, I’ve been talking to you guys for almost 5 years now, remember the LifeForce calls back in the day? We’ve certainly come a long way since then and I just wanted to thank the whole team for that. We have some really cool things to look forward for 2025, but I’ve been thinking a lot about today’s update and tonight’s GIA Report is going to be a little different.

This long broadcast so I’m breaking it into 4 parts, this is Part 1.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



As we are going into 2025 I thought I would start off this year with an overview of how the world really works then and now. A lot of you are new and some people are rewatching the financial video I did about 4 years ago and a lot has changed since then, so we’re going to be talking about that. I’ll be doing a lot of white boarding tonight so that everyone can kind of understand where we are going into 2025. I will also provide an explanation of who we are and what we do. So, kind of in brief I’ll explain what my positions are and where we are going from here because there seems to be a lot of confusion out there as far as governments and other financial folks are concerned. The deep state is trying to figure out how they can turn their person into being Ground Commander or the Guardian or the Gatekeeper, essentially all the things I just happen to be. It’s been kind of funny actually watching them over the last few days, but first I’ll give an update on what’s been happening since New Year’s Eve and what the SSP-Trump operatives are up to.

The Pentagon and Other Intelligence Agencies Expected Cash Payouts New Year’s Eve

In the past on New Year’s Eve the Pentagon and other Intelligence Agencies would receive a cash payout.


Because at the time we had a war going on, not only a war like Global Martial Law, but we had a much larger war going on the planet and that war is millions of years old. It’s pretty well over now, but they still believe at 12:01 if they try to declare Martial Law they would still receive a big payout.

They also did rituals at the Pentagon. This was a very interesting thing because people at this level normally wouldn’t participate in rituals. If you’re well read, you’ll know which men wear skirts (and they are not Scottish). There were a lot of people in robes too and these attempted rituals continued every night into the early morning until last night.

But on New Year’s Day around 12:25 every alarm I had started going off and it wasn’t because men in skirts were dancing around around a bonfire doing rituals, but because of the attempted amount of hacking and huge uptick in chatter. I have my Key Intelligence and Military System (KIMS) which monitors the world for security in case you are new, and it has ties into basically every single Intelligence Agency and Military in the world. It also has the ability to monitor via our own special satellites. They can detect extreme amounts of danger, right down to an uptick in chatter by ‘special’ people and if it’s a security concern I will get a message. Well apparently, they were really confused as to why they didn’t get a payout.

Note: This isn’t new for those of us who have been following Kim for years. Below is last’s years excerpt on this subject and the related post, Remnants of Monarch Military Lead the Charge | 13-15 Operatives Still Giving It A Go, Including Saddam Hussein’s 3rd Son Adnan “Saif” Mohammad | Q Clock Still Says World Ends Jan 12th, Pay Day for the Black Sun Which Hasn’t Happened in Years | In Their Minds, the Higher the Death Toll, The Bigger the Payment | Truth Kim Provided Funding in 2012 is Spreading, As Are Diplomatic Line Logs of Kim’s Conversations with Trump

Now things should get a little rocky here. Based on our current analysis of our data here we expect an uptick and continued uptick of events coming from the deep state until probably mid-morning on Sunday. I would say we would see a lot tomorrow and the reason why is because these payouts that were promised, and this is predominantly being run by the SSP military. They are also working in conjunctions with Langley 5 or the group of Generals over Langley and the Global Headquarters Group, so you could say the Black Sun side.

They had some meetings that took place earlier this week where the operatives were promised they would have their contracts. They said give them another day or two, your Trump contracts will be out, that’s exactly what they called them in the meeting. He loves you; he won’t forget you and they were buttering that bread and kept slapping that on so thick it was ridiculous. Well, those two days were up New Year’s Day.

So, another meeting takes place. They told them we did what we needed to do and it looks like it’s all coming through now and we should be in the clear by Saturday. And since that time, they are repeating the exact same thing they always do. They have a good majority of the NSA onboard, what is left of the ACIO which is the higher division of the NSA who used to report to Marduk. They might be more well versed in non-human created AI systems and may have more experience with gateways and portals and how they work in conjunction with Cyberlife. Cyberlife has also been very active as well as Delphi Military who were in a mountain in Colorado. They aren’t with us anymore but this seems to be a continuous process.

Note: For related post on ACIO and Shadow Militaries see, The 15 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2

They are also hacking to try and install things like another pandemic for one. I don’t know if they just keep repeating the same cycles thinking this is how it happens. When I think about this, and I’ve said this in news reports before, if you look up the chain of events that took place right before WW2 and the chain of events they’ve been trying to implement over the last 3 or 4 years you’ll see a lot of similarities.

At the start of WW2, we had a corona virus pandemic and a flu pandemic and a few other things. Then that pandemic escalated into war which lasted for some time and the whole world was involved. At that time war made money and there was a reason for that, which served non-humans. By that I mean there was a bigger war going on.

Positions in Military and Intelligence

Let’s talk about the different positions and where we can go as far as Military and Intelligence is concerned and why everyone believes what they believe because there is a lot of chatter about the US Military being the savior. There is also continued talk about this Global Martial Law since Martial Law in the US didn’t get them paid. Well, the mechanisms behind these things are not automated. It’s not just the money, it’s all the other mechanisms that would kick in to implement an agenda set by someone and that someone at the time was a Ground Commander.

We started the ball rolling with the GIA. The GIA in the past was an organization that was pretty large and everybody in every government knew what the GIA was. The GIA contained a lot of individuals who escalated to a certain level in the intelligence community. They were able to walk in and out of any Government, Military, White House, Parliament, or anywhere they had the clearance and the access.

Where would the GIA stand in relation to the SSP?

The GIA was not created by me, however I did acquire the GIA 9 years ago as part of the new structures that were coming into play based on a chain of events that happened.

In some cases, the GIA could be a face front for the SSP.  Some of the SSP also held positions with the GIA depending on their job and purpose. I have wiped out the database of GIA personnel but I haven’t downloaded the entire Fulcrum, meaning all of the data of every operation the GIA ever ran.

There are still some people out there running around calling themselves GIA and for some reason everyone just believes them even though their databases don’t show that. The governments are still listening to these people therefore they allow them into their database as anything they want them to be, that could be GIA or the Mickey Mouse club, it doesn’t matter. They have the clearance and they set the number so there was a lot of fraud going on out there as far as the people who are still working as such and have the ability to do what they do. This causes a lot of disruptions in the world.

Note: Related posts on the GIA, History of the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) Top Intelligence on the Planet Past & Present | Kim Replaced Marduk As Ground Command for GIA March 31, 2016 & Things Got Really Confusing | Dark Matter Comes In Many Colors | The SSP Will Be Unable to Function As Of Sept 18, 2024! | Our Planet’s Name is Gaia, EARTH = Energetic Alternative Reality of the Terraforming of Hologram

SSP-Trump Operatives set themselves up in several countries as the shadow government. Most of these guys are the Americans and I call them the Duck Dynasty cowboys because they kind of all heil from the southeast of America and are cowboys. However, not all there are American, some are Chinese, Japanese and from other countries too, but the majority who are allegedly running the show are American cowboys.

Due to the lack of humans and non-humans over their head the cowboys are under the impression they should now be in charge because they feel they have given themselves enough clearances and governments to actually become the shadow government. They have done this in Israel, Syria, they are trying desperately in Iraq, they are also present in Iran but there is still somewhat of a fight with the Chinese there because the Chinese Government, the Politburo or Black Dragon still runs Iran. They are also in Russia running the Russian government I guess you could say and they are in England and different countries in Europe. Their intention is to take political control and that is important if you want to run the world. This is the way they think because it’s the way it was. They think political control gave you control over the countries.

So they sent all their political operatives to do their stuff. Most operatives are older, there are a lot of them from the Reagan era and they still talk about it like it was their glory days. Then they have a whole slew of operatives following them and believing they are in charge. They are using Trump as a face front in a lot of cases because during the Trump Admin there was a large amount of funding that came out in March of 2018.

It was the first time I was able to push money out of the system. I got stuck at the Central Bank Level and Treasury Level, however that didn’t stop them from spending it and of course a number of people claimed they were the ones that pushed the money through. In this case Trump took the credit and now they are stuck in a lie, because I did that. I funded a couple of budgets, I paid off debt to China during the Trump Administration, I sent out money for hurricane relief that never came and if you are in Florida, you know that. I also sent out more relief for California and explained if we didn’t plant more trees we would have mudslides and more mudslides we did have.

I did a lot of things during the Trump Admin and had many, many conversations with Trump and people who were permitted to be in the room. A lot of those people were thrown out of the room when the phone would ring. Sometimes they would call me ahead of time or Tom Melville and tell Tom that the phone was going to ring so they could contain the lie because the SSP Operatives claimed they and of course Trump did all these things and gave all their contracts. He got it done, I even heard that exact term from an operative to me. Trump got it done. I said no dear, I got it done.

The Trump operatives are in a bit of a pickle right now as far as political structures go and this ramped back up around 5pm EST today since no money came and some people were promised that by the end of the day.

They are running some operations in a few other countries like the Philippines, South Korea, and a few areas in China which deals with historical assets. They are claiming there are all these assets out there and they can’t quite keep their stories straight, in that it doesn’t hold true through all the channels. What I mean by that is the Trump lawyers are under the impression they are going to collect all these assets, this is a quote from attorneys who deal directly with soon to be inaugurated Trump, they said “we are collecting all these assets to use for America.” I guess that would probably be the Treasury. They plan on doing something with these assets to benefit the US is what they are claiming.

Meanwhile, on the flip side we heard the CIA in cooperation with the Knights of Malta and a few others are trying to collect assets in the Philippines, China, and South Korea in order to destroy the assets. Now this is what they are telling countries. In Malaysia they are also trying to do the same thing but Malaysia said they would rather hold onto their historical assets and not give them up to the cowboys, aka the Trump Admin. That being said, there is one hand saying they are going to destroy the assets to do the right thing by taking them off the market so they are not a “threat” and on the flip side they are saying they are going to use them for their own benefit.

If you are in South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, or any other country who thinks they will get their historical assets back, I know they have been promising the Middle East to back their gold and a couple of African Governments are in there too, just so they can be the shadow government of those particular countries, but they are never going to return your gold to you. Have you heard this one Iraq? Yes, I know they did and they told some other countries as well.

They are telling these countries other past administrations were bad, they took their gold for decades going all the way back to Hoover, but we’re going to return those assets back to you. Yeah, sure. They have no hope of returning those assets back. Why do I know that? Because a lot of those assets aren’t even in the same place they put them, and because they also don’t understand the cross-collateralization that formed things like your Red Book and Blue Book. I know this because the Blue Book has lots of accounts and hallmarks on things, like the Pegasus is a hallmark, and the Vatican’s alleged gold which had the Omega symbol on it, that was the hallmark there. There was stuff in the hills of Laos and Vietnam they are looking for which is no longer there. They are just lying to these countries. They say they are going to take the other stuff and destroy it and pay them a fee. Yeah, sure. They are never going to pay them. They are borrowing money from everyone right now just to survive.

Note: For post related to Blue Book, Red Book and Black Book see, US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real

There is a “debt call” allegedly, this is the story from the several phone calls I’ve gotten. A huge debt call will take place that will crash the banking system if somebody doesn’t do something about it.

Well, I guess that someone must be me, but I’ve kind of accounted for that fact and us humans not involved in this game will be fine. Really you will be fine. You might have a topsy turvy time if you had some stock investments if it did happen, but I doubt they will let it happen unless they are completely out of options. But every retirement fund can be refilled, everything can be made right for the people. So I’m not really worried about this debt call.

But I still did some digging into this debt call and it turns out the majority of this debt call was about a lot of things issued recently. There were some other debts against oil contracts and stuff they’ve been trying to pay out on for years but the majority of this debt call is a bunch of lip service. What I mean is Duck Dynasty has been out there wheeling and dealing and making loads of promises. There were giving fake assets and stories to one group and stories to another group and they have zero capacity to perform this function, but they are telling everyone New Year’s Day we’ll have it, then on the Black Moon we’ll have it and that was a mess. They seem to be very confused as to how the world really works.

Overview On How the World Really Worked in the Past and Where We Are Going

So again, since many of you are new here, I thought I would start 2025 off with an overview of how the world really works then and now and by now we’ll talk about who sits where and why the Deep State’s gates aren’t opening. Also, where we as people are going, what C.A.R.E. is and how does the Marketplace fit in. It’s obvious from the chats I’ve been reading that people don’t understand a lot of this. I see people still talking about restoring the Constitution. Well, you clearly haven’t read it then, it has nothing to do with you, maybe the Bill of Rights. But there was a lot or bad stuff written on that Constitution and those who signed it were Freemasons and they wear skirts on special occasions and dance around bonfires on New Year’s Eve, so be careful what you wish for. I say this with a lot of love and caring for you, but also from a standpoint of looking at the planet, where we are and where we are going.

Note: For related post on Constitution see, Deep State Keeps Trying for Another 9-11 Event | The Presidential Debate Show | There Are 3 Levels of Constitutions: Constitution 1 Is About World Governance of Earth, Constitution 2 Is About Order People & World Government, Constitution 3 Is the One We The People Know About | Kim Addresses the FEAR Porn Around Millions of Soldiers To Corral US Citizens Under Martial Law | A Review of Alt Media Propaganda Techniques (aka Q-Operation Trust) | Deep State Mind Control Program Purpose | Omega’s Job Was to Create So Much Dis-ease YOU Finally Make the Decision to Leave

Over the last couple of months, we’ve experienced a lot of growing pains and many people are experiencing a lot more intuition. They are trying to stifle that down by sending frequencies, they are trying everything they can as humans and as remnants of AI systems to knock you down, but really you have that connection and it’s getting stronger and stronger.

So maybe instead of saying be careful what you wish for, be careful with what you are manifesting and bringing into your life. What do you really want? What do you really care about? A constitution or change in your government? How does that affect your life personally, and your loved one’s lives and everyone in your country because you are actually the majority. If we actually got together and united the world would be a different place. But they keep us compartmentalized and labeled by color, nationality, movies, who is the boogie man in the movie. They put out an air they are omnipotent and a lot of people in the alt media perpetuate this. By saying they are capable of doing all these things you are making them out to be more than they actually are. Back in the day in the mainstream media they said Putin did this or that. I’d say wow, he did that all by himself? No, of course he didn’t, it was created by hundreds of operatives. Yes, there are a lot of them but a lot less now and a lot more of you.  

A friend of mine said to me today, don’t plant apple seeds if you want oranges. That’s pretty wise and something you should consider in 2025 because you are going to change the most. Yes, we are going to see some things change this year, probably by around the mid to end of February you’ll start to see. For some it might be quite disturbing, but you guys, you’re pretty well read in about what is going to happen.

For the rest of the broadcast, we are going to talk about where we were, who is what, who had what position and why everyone is so mad at me because money didn’t come to the Pentagon. Well, the world has changed and it’s not going back and it’s going to change more. Rapid changes are going to happen in 2025 and it will be your job to help people understand this chain of events. I try, I give the information and it’s not always well received, but I put it out and inform you of what is happening and what you can expect. And I expect to see major changes this year based on the data I have.

So, for one last time I’ll explain the structure past and present for all of you who are new. I’ll start with Military and Intelligence structures which seems to be quite confusing for people. Then we’ll do financial structures then and now. We’ll go over all the structures of the world so everybody has a better understanding of where we came from, how far we’ve come, because that’s important too, because of all your hard work and our hard work has not gone unnoticed to those who really matter in the world and in the universe.



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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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6 thoughts on “Pentagon & Intelligence Agencies Expectation Of Cash Payouts Fall Flat Because There is No War | SSP-Duck Dynasty Promise Of ‘Trump’ Contracts Will NEVER Happen | They Still Want Another Pandemic | Continue to Spread Lie Trump Funded Everyone In 2018 | Duck Dynasty’s Intent Is To Gain Political Control Over Many Countries | But With No Money They Are Back Trying to Scam Asian Countries With Historical Assets | Then They Make Threats Of A Huge Debt Call Hoping Kim Jumps In | They Clearly Never Understood The Control Structure On Planet Earth But Want To Be Ground Commander, Gatekeeper & Guardian, So Essentially They Want To Be Kim | Part 1 of 4”

  1. Viliame Devo Tukai

    You are doing a tremendous amount of work in sharing what Kim is doing for humanity. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Thank you very much for your dedicated work. Here in Bulgaria we translate everything and we distribute it. We are often attacked and our publications taken down. But we always find a way to share every report. Thank you again to God, to Kim, to you Pam, and to all the bright souls who are constantly in the battle for the good of the people.

    1. That’s wonderful! I am so glad to hear that. Thank you for helping share the truth. God Bless You!

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