Question & Answers | Glossary

UNN recently added a Q&A section to Kim’s regular broadcasts and I will be adding that information here. Please note, I have not documented every question and answer but have been picking those that are useful in providing more clarification around the related topics she has spoken of before. My objective is to eventually create a glossary so I’ve tried to distill the questions down into terms instead. But in the meantime, this new page will have to suffice and I will be updating as needed.

Admiralty Law | Angels | Armenia | Bible | Birth Certificate Program & Bills of Exchange | CDT Plates | Council of 5 | Council of 9 | Destroyer/Black Magician | Draco Controllers of Earth, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Anu | The Enforcer | Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) | Hall of Records | House of Orange | Gold and Silver | Law of One | Melchizedek | Moon | Reincarnation | Safety Zones | Technology (Kim Uses) | Trump | Universal Council | Universal Protection Unit |

Admiralty Law, or Lost at Sea

Marduke was the Ruler or Duke of the Sea(s) and that included the sea of consciousness, so, it goes deeper then explanations you find on the internet. They tell you that you lose your birth certificate and it’s now a death certificate and in part on our level that is the best explanation you are going to get. But when you look at the more dastardly plan, and the control of your consciousness, Marduk’s right to do it and he owns the sea, it is even worse than that.

With the transition of Admiralty Law into Natural Law – How will this affect existing business contracts, marriage contracts and the judicial system in general?
Our legal system on this planet was built by Others, not humans and it starts at the top with Monarch Law. When you get to the humans that would be the beginning. A sub-law underneath Monarch law was Canon Law in some cases, then Draconian Law, then a legal system we see. Depending on which elite group you were a part of determined where you would have participated in these different laws.

As far as a legal system, humanity has a way to go before we can understand and heal from our traumas to be self-governing, but in the interim if we do not have governments what are we going to do? If we had a working relationship with government, we could have worked within that system to change the legal system in totality. To make it work for the people and not the elite. The things that fall under the Legal System as we know it, the patent system, the Dept of Justice, Prison Control, Bonds against prisoners per indictment and the money-making machine that it once was, we can see a lot of problems in every aspect of the judicial system on Earth. The International Court with the UN, on a government level the judicial system that is put forth as it relates to governments, everything in broken for the human. There has to be a total rewrite of the system should we have to go it alone without governments because otherwise we will have total chaos.

They tried to do that with assemblies and develop a Court of your Peers but they were unsuccessful. There was no way they could pull that off worldwide at this point. They did not have enough of the right people with a basic understanding that we are not becoming the new owners of that system. There is a lot of talk on the internet on Assemblies etc., and they think they are fighting the system and this is good, but they’re not and it’s too muddy. It’s actually really simple but for some reason people want to make it really complicated.

We need an interim system in place that Kim and her team has thought about extensively. There are many things we need to think about, how do we live, what are the rules of the road? Do we need driver’s licenses, passports? For a while yeah, probably so people are not hurt. There are a lot of things that need to be thought out such as the reason you need a contract to be with a person, so marriage is one example. Is it for the purpose of taxes, insurance? For combining assets and credit? But do you have to, can it be a choice? These types of questions need to be looked at once we stop labeling people, which takes time because they distorted everybody’s head to think this is love. But even changing the little stuff is not going to happen for a while. There are a lot of crazy rules for them to own us in some way or another, but when you don’t want to own the world but just want to teach people a better way then there are a whole lot options open to you.
Source: UNN Broadcast:


As above so is below. We’ve certainly all heard that before. Well, there were just as many angels in the 9th plane of the 9th density or the real heaven as there were in the 9th plane of the 9th density and the 8th plane in the lower astral that were participating in carrying out Source’s will. Direct instructions to follow out their orders were received cooperatively during the Neutral Age. Both participated, the Angels and the Fallen Angels.

Somewhere along the way during the middle of the Dark Ages the light side was no longer active and participating, not because they didn’t want to, but because of manipulation of lower astral beings which technically prohibited them from being here for a long time. The energy was wrong, nobody was listening to anybody and a lot of fighting in the heavens between both sides was taking place.

At this point, there are positive beings that report directly to the light side of Source and there are no more beings reporting to Anti-Source, they are all reporting to Source now. For example, you could say both Gabriel and Fallen Gabriel are positive beings now because during the Light Age everyone goes to that side, so there are a lot more participating now on the Light side. You could probably even say a lot of them are with us because the legions have arrived. We might even get the opportunity to see some of them as journalists on the news soon if things keep going the way they are going. We will see.

About Angel Michael
Michael is part of the legions who lives in the 9th density of the 9th plane. He lives in Source itself. He is a protector of all organic life forms, all of Source’s creation for lack of a better term. Sometimes in a protective mode or he could be involved in creation itself. The angels are co-creating with Source and part of the group are the progenitors that generate souls. So, everybody does something different and whatever God asks, they do without question. There is no deviating from the plan.

When you travel to Source you can meet and talk to them anytime you like. Kim said she doesn’t like to call it astral travel, it’s more of a temporary partial consciousness transfer to the place where you are traveling to.
Source: UNN Broadcast,


There is a definitive reason why they allowed so much genocide in Armenia. The beginning of the problem started many years ago when a member the Merovingian (or Rothschild) family married into the Armenian Royal Family. As with all marriages there were agreements between the 2 families. On the Armenian side it was a Melchizedek they married and there were a lot of Melchizedek s in that area for a long time. It was one of many countries in the region there that had a lot of that energy.

When this marriage happened, in order to prevent loss of life of the many, there were a lot of people slaughtered there in genocide. There was a Jewish genocide and a lot of different things that took place in that area. They take these people, or create the event in specific areas and they take them within 3 days of their death to a specific location. Now it is different when a person dies from a trauma, they are shot, stabbed, and worse. There are different reactions within the planes of your body and definitely throughout your soul versus a slower death from a disease for example. There is a different reaction in the body and in your soul that happens, it almost feels like it is ripped out of you.

Therefore, they used this energy to not only kill as many Melchizedeks as possible, because that’s like a big bonus for them to kill as many light bloodlines as possible, but it also allowed them to open wormholes down to the lower astra. So, there was a lot and Kim means a lot of interference in this particular country.

There a few UNESCO sites there. Sites where they would install these alters or made-in material conductors or the crystals and they put them in these locations with the dead bodies and then created these wormholes which allowed for data collection to go back and forth and all kinds of things. This happened in a lot of places in the world not just Armenia.

Armenian Sites
Khor Virap – Wikipedia
Mount Ararat – Wikipedia This is where Noah was and is the resting place of Noah’s Ark. Kim said that part of the story is true.
Tatev Monastery – Wikipedia
Noravank – Wikipedia
Amberd – Wikipedia
Zvartnots Cathedral – Wikipedia
Haghartsin Monastery – Wikipedia
Blue Mosque, Yerevan – Wikipedia
Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide Memorial
No genocide ever went to waste in creating a wormhole to the lower astral, but all of this was cleaned up on July 5th, 2023. So, was there a spiritual side in a negative way where you would have been able to affect the consciousness that was coming up through the lower astral? Yes, for a lot of years. But that is no longer.
Source: UNN Broadcast:


The Bible was written approximately 700 years after all the events took place. There was a lot of word of mouth before then of people telling stories over and over again. But if we have learned nothing in this process of Restoration of Earth, we can unequivocally say some of the information is true. Some of the events and people did take place. So some of the stuff in the Bible isn’t terrible although she would leave out the part where we are all going to die at the end. Is there maybe sometimes less of a spiritual and more of a scientific explanation as to why some of the events took place? Kim thinks so, but she does know there were many books written by the person we call Jesus. There was no letter ‘J’ back then so it must have been another name. Jesus in French is Je Suis which means ‘I am’ which means God. But nonetheless there have been humans that have come and gone in all walks of life to try and install crystalline energy at various points in history. They typically come every 2,016 years and we are closer now than we have ever been before.

Some of the events definitely happened and one thing is for sure, you don’t need to visit somebody in a hat, in a building unless you like that to connect with God. There is something to be said for a group praying to God and asking for the same thing. There is a lot of truth to that in both a spiritual and scientific level because you are bringing in more of that Source light energy, you are manifesting more together because you are making a stronger light bulb, so to speak. Hundreds of candles coming together all doing the same thing makes you really bright. But you get there how you get there.

What is Kim’s take on events in Revelation that are now playing out now?
Israel is the trigger that kicks everything off and people are looking at their bibles these days to find out what happens next.
This was all part of the 1,000-year-old plan, and what is going on now was just a portion of what the Order of the Dragon had. She does believe these events were intended to happen. We can see indications of programs running from elsewhere, meaning not of this earth, that were set up to try and make events like this happen. We’ve been lucky so far and Kim and the teams she works with have gotten pretty much everything. They were a little late about the earthquake in Turkey and a few other things though, and she is not saying those were not horrific events but they are not God and they did their best to clean up stuff before these events happened. There has been prediction after prediction from seismologists who are saying earthquakes are going to happen here, happen there and nothing actually happens. Eruptions of volcanoes that are supposed to happen but don’t happen. Events from around the Ring of Fire are going to happen on this day or that day. We are hearing it in the Alt Media, big events happening in the Spring of 2024, April of 2024. None of that is going to happen and the Deep State/Order of the Dragon honestly is just as confused as people looking to their bibles are. Kim does think these were planned events, 1,000 years or 2,000 years ago. She also believes that the Light almost won 2,000 years ago when these people were around. They were the ones who came before us and tried to do the flip at that time. She does believe that every 2,016 years we roll again, but fortunately we are now past that time.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Bills of Exchange are no longer legal tender as of 2014. The Act that is being discussed on the Internet and various social media platforms is that a Bill of Exchange is actually payable from the Department of US Treasury, but that is not the case. The Department of US Treasury had nothing to do with the Bills of Exchange and the cashing in of those instruments. Bills of Exchange are actually issued from Treasury of USA and if you’ve been watching for a while, you would know the Treasury of USA is no different from the Treasury of UK or Treasury of China, or Treasury of Canada, etc. They have treasuries in every single country everywhere and they used to be run by the Order of the Black Sun.

Now the discharge of debt program is actually based on a Birth Certificate program to whereby at the time of your birth your birth certificate is issued and it has a number on it. That number equates with a bond that was issued against your person. The lead bank for that was Credit Suisse and the purpose behind it at the time of the program was to pay for things like free public education, your protection, also know as the police force, the Pentagon, the Coast Guard. It was also to pay for road repair and so on and so forth until you came of working age which went from 18 to 21 in the program. All of those bonds were transferred to Credit Suisse then through the ANNA (The Association of National Numbering Agencies) in Belgium on through to the Alpha System. Once they were received from the Alpha System the bonds were paid out and there was a huge leverage, usually 50-100% leverage on those bonds. Then those monies would go the Ways and Means Committee here the US to pay for human health services, the social security program and other programs runs by that department.

So, can you actually discharge debt using a Bill of Exchange? No. Kim hasn’t seen that happen anywhere and she thinks it’s a rumor they started. If you were to call the Treasury Dept or had a bank call the Treasury Dept and told them this is what they wanted to do they would probably think you were crazy. The birth certificate program has ended, therefore there are no new bonds as of 2007. So anyone who was born after 2007 wouldn’t qualify anyway and those who are older, the money has already been spent. So it’s not like you can get a bill of exchange tied to that birth certificate anymore. If you attended public education or have a police force in your area, that money has already been spent. But that was the birth certificate program and what it was designed to do.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Note: For a related post see, The IRS Expired Under the Federal Reserve Act & Was Already Disabled by Kim Goguen | The Global Structure of Taxation and Causation System Expired! | The Monetization of Leveraged Assets Expired! | Congress, Check the National Archives! | Swapping out Rothschild People for Black Sun People (Treasuries of USA) Will Not Happen! | Is the Tax Authority a Better Solution? | US Govt $197 Trillion Debt Wiped Clean by Kim Years Ago | Just Empower Me

Cloister Dura Teura (CDT) Plates

The Cloister Dura Teura plates are plasma plates that were tied to the Emerald Order Covenant. The Emerald Order Covenant was something that the Merovingian line did. The Merovingians were guardians of Earth, not good ones but they were for 3,000 years and there is some truth to the fact that these plates exist. As far as their connection to the Hall of Records, that would be no. They had more of a record keeping system and each one had a different purpose. Some were recording mental behaviors, emotional behaviors, physical behaviors, genetic manipulation, and physical responses. Some of them were record keeping for various AI systems, be it Armageddon or otherwise and human responses. So, it was kind of like we were living in a petri dish and each one of these plates was scattered throughout the multi-verse which she knows for a fact because she has gotten thousands at this point and hopes that is the end of them. Some of them stored data in order to do a reboot and some were analytic systems. So to a lesser degree, you could compare them to what the Pentagon uses if they are going to run a military operation and check probability for success. But this was on a much higher scale, and it was more about the lower astral tracking their progress in taking over the multi-verse, that is what they were designed to do.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

We’ve had in the past and do have now some the Council of 5 here. The Council of 5 was appointed by the Universal Council and have been around a long time but they are not always the same people, but they typically the same 5 species of beings and they were the ones who were appointed to try to fix this situation we have going here on Earth that infected everywhere. They are very nice people.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

The Council of 9 were semi-impartial and considered the Lords of the Yugas or Lords of the Ages. For that they all had a governing system at one point in time on both Alpha and Omega, so that the balance would allegedly be maintained, which obviously was not the case here. There was no balance whatsoever. She does not know what that was all about for sure, but it probably was based on covenants and agreements. Those kinds of things which threw things out of balance, but they were permitted and they were just doing their job of enforcing that.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Kim named the Destroyer as a singular being because 18,000 years ago it was a singular being that came here. However, in the Omega-verse there was a whole race of Destroyers, some larger and some smaller and they existed in the 6th and 7th lower astral densities. They are an amphibian type race that kind of look like reptiles, but she uses that term lightly. If she was to find a picture on the internet that looked like them, the closest she would say would be from a book called the Devil’s Bible also known as the Codex Gigas. There is a depiction of a creature in there with a very large head and the body is smaller than the head, it’s not quite that thin though, they are very stalky looking and they have horns and definitely some interesting things around their head.

The first time this particular being came through to earth was about 3 million years ago, through the Ukraine portal and it was the affiliation with this group that began the Order of the Black Sun. The Order of the Black Sun calls him the ultimate Black Magician. Did any of these destroyer beings actually inhabit any of the Parents? Kim is not sure but she doesn’t think Marduk would have allowed that because it would have been a stronger being than he was.

The next time it came it was able to be quarantined off in a way, so he could no longer use the central vortex of Earth. This also took place because the planet he was inhabiting at the time was destroyed, so he managed to jump into earth during a specific alignment period. As far as Kim knows that mechanism is no longer there so it’s not possible for that to happen again.

The next appearance that she is aware of throughout history of this particular race is when we lost our original moon and then the flood happened, this is the Noah story. The earth flooded because we had no moon and then the moon was replaced with something that was unnatural, artificial and it gave a lot of power and control over earth to the lower astral.

The environment of where they used to be from looks a lot like your biblical version of hell, it’s very fiery and brimstoney. They have been around a few billion years and hopefully there is nothing left of them now. She does know at one point in time there were stories about the War in Heaven and these beings were involved in that war because the central vortex of the light side of the universe is Source itself. The beginning of everything starts there. So, there was an actual war at the beginning of the Dark Age and this race of beings was involved in that for sure. She would say the one we call the Destroyer would have been more like their King or their leader and he was often the one involved. He seems more prevalent and stronger than the others. For all she knows maybe he had more privileges than the others.

Kim nicknamed him the Destroyer because every time he came ultimate destruction followed. She often says he played the role of Satan for sure. But Satan is a separate entity as are Lucifer and Lucerne who were angels that took on the role of Angels of anti-Source. So, they would be your Fallen Angel crew who took on the role after Source became the Alpha and Omega. They are not the same beings as the Destroyer race; their composition is not the same. And Human Beings are not Angels on the light side of the multiverse. Our souls are not comprised that way. However, we are of the light, are organic beings, our souls are made by Source. These Destroyer beings were inorganic dark beings from the lower astral in a different density from us. You could probably say their opposite in the Light side would have been the Alcyone folks who are in the 7th density of the Light Universe and they are still there.

There are sayings amongst the magic world, if you try to bring it back it becomes unnatural. Well, that is true because it comes back with something inorganic and you are breaking the reincarnation cycle. In this case most everything down there looks like something out of a bad horror movie.

As far as Kim knows at this point in time we don’t have any Destroyer beings left.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Draco Controllers of Earth | Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Anu

Control Structure on Earth
Marduke — Placeholder

Enki was the son of Enlil and brother of Marduk. Kim describes him as the ultimate spook or spy and she has spoken to him face to face. He was in charge of the Parents that were in charge of the Coven Masters who were in charge of the Covers who were in charge of the operative sections like Umbrella Military Corp and those people.

His intertwining with our genetics:
Kim would say yes, he did have involvement with that and she would say that because of the oversight he had over a lot of the DUMBS and laboratories where there were genetic modifications, and especially because they were the largest ones, which were in Wuhan China and Brazil. Most of the Nazi party migrated into Brazil and continued their work. That is why we have blonde-haired blue-eyed tribes in Brazil. Then there is whole town that is nothing but twins.

So as far as Enki himself being in charge of genetically modifying humans, he definitely had direct involvement, but she would say they all did actually (Anu, Enlil and Marduk), although since he was overseeing the experiments and because he oversaw the military sectors and agency sectors, and Black Sun sectors he probably had more involvement than the others. But as far as the original human DNA, he absolutely did not create that. Genetically modifying humans started with the loosh farming a few million years ago. Remember the Draco have been here many times, they came and they were kicked out. There was a war and a battle, another one about 85,000 years ago, then they left. Every time they come in, they try to implement the industrial ages and all this stuff and they tried to make us better and better slaves. There was never anything benevolent about what he did. Kim knows for a fact they created this vessel 7.0, through soul manipulation, 7 deadly sin manipulation, mind manipulation, all of these programs were created over the years but not by them per se. They just did it on behalf of Anti-Source here on earth as Lords of the Land. And we are Humans 7.0 now. We were quite different than we are now, we were a lot taller and lived a long time, you can keep your vessel going as long as you want. Then there’s stasis and sleep chambers and all kinds of things we used to have that we don’t have anymore. They took all that stuff away, but that is how they kept the Parents alive for thousands of years. They were normal organic humans like you and I. That is a world we will live in in the future.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

The same question was asked again on Nov 22, 2023:

Did Enlil and Enki Create Humans?
No. They created diabolical plans to manipulate humans on every level and how we developed into Humans 7.0 having started out as 1.0. Although Marduk did have a relationship with the Council of 9 and found every area of gray that he could in order to manipulate both sides into doing exactly what he wanted. There were rumors they created earth, but remember they wanted to portray themselves as the gods and they are portrayed that way in our history. The same goes for the Abraxas. Zeus, Odin anyone? So, no they didn’t create humans but to some degree there were some dealings with both Anti-Source and Source and they manipulated both sides to achieve their agenda. We are more susceptible to disease, our life-times are shorter, we are subject to reincarnation which was also an invention of theirs. But no, they cannot create a human soul, they didn’t have the consent of Source to do that. And Source not wholly but in part is inactive in some ways during a Dark Age, just like Anti-Source is inactive during a Light Age. We are going into a forever Golden Age and will not have a repeat of Neutral Age or a Dark Age ever again.
Source: UNN Broadcast,

Enlil — Placeholder
Anu (Annunaki = King of the Draco) — Placeholder

Refer to, History of the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) Top Intelligence on the Planet Past & Present | Kim Replaced Marduk As Ground Command for GIA March 31, 2016 & Things Got Really Confusing | Dark Matter Comes In Many Colors | The SSP Will Be Unable to Function As Of Sept 18, 2024! | Our Planet’s Name is Gaia, EARTH = Energetic Alternative Reality of the Terraforming of Hologram | Just Empower Me

Hall of Records

Hall of Records | Dark Hall of Records
The Hall of Records has been around since the beginning of time. We also at one point in time had the Dark Hall of Records. Officially its mainframe to talk in people computer terms exists in the 9th density of the 9th plane. That means basically in Source in the Central Sun. Every planet everywhere has a Hall of Records and accessing it is as easy as accessing Source itself. You can ask to see it.

Global Archivist Group
However, when it comes here to Earth that is where the Global Archivist Group comes in. The Archivists are here as a neutral party, they are the record keepers. The Global Archivist Group can read it in that realm and translate it. They have a special way of doing things that indicates when something is actually ratified in the Hall of Records including who actually put it there. They have a special way of certifying things.

When Archivists deliver hard copies of things to governments, for example a bill has been ratified or rejected, it has a very special sequence of things that exist within the delivery which is not for public consumption at this moment in time. If it does not bear those certain things, they will know it is an untruth so that the National Archives of various countries cannot lie.

The Hall of Records has not ratified anyone since August of 2016
The Archivists have discussed at some point in time they are going to start updating Archives around the world. Meaning there is a lot that does not go into a Nation’s Archives. For example, they were told and forced by the Deep State not to post which President was ratified and which one was not. This also applies to which members of Congress, Parliament and Prime Ministers were not ratified after recent elections. No head of states or bills have been ratified in the Hall of Records since August 2016. There was money that did come out due to other contractual obligations in the interim, but there has been nothing ratified for a long time. Kim hopes the Archivists eventually do update at least that part of the records, the ones everybody knows about. There will be a lot of shock and awe amongst governments when the Archivists start putting out that information publicly. As far as the more esoteric type documents that could be hundreds, thousands, million and billions of earth years old, someday she hopes they do put out that information someday.

Who Can Perform Ratifications?
In terms of ratifying there are two entities that can do that, Source and Kim, and Kim cannot ratify anything that Source does not approve.

Dark Hall of Records
When the deep state submits new agreements, which they still continue to do every day, they try to go to old portals that would have gone to the Dark Hall of Records whether they know it or not. But all that information has been re-routed to Kim, so she gets all their ridiculous requests. They try to bypass the Archivists now because they were told it is a waste of their time. They have to go through that whole sequencing thing to show it came from an Archivist and their requests will never get ratified anyway. Kim just looks where it came from and reads it and rejects it. Yesterday she got bombard with 50-60 agreements looking for total control of things. For example, they would like to refuse our soul to dark energy. They try all kinds of things, new pandemics, wars, etc.

Was there an access point to the Hall of Records Under the Sphinx?
Portals are portals, places are places. Some are dark portals and went to Dark Hall of Records or Dark Akashic Records and some to the light Hall of Records and light places. They were only given orders and instructions on how to do evil while we were never permitted to have any information on this and had to figure it out for ourselves. So, Kim would say there is some truth to those things, but it’s like an access point. There would be a spire there, a black goo box and that would connect to something in like the 8th density of 8th plane of the Omega-verse on that side and then information was passed back and forth in such a fashion.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Who is in charge of the Netherlands? The House of Orange is in charge and they are part of the Order of the Dragon, they are the Orange Dragon, also connected to the Orange Plane in the Halls of Amenti which is just below your Red line which is the Causal Plane and below the Mental Plane. A lot of interesting things come from that area, specifically things done in the Caribbean nations that are connected to the Netherlands. And that is where KPMG Headquarters is. There are a lot of things that come out the Netherlands that people don’t recognize if you don’t connect the dots. Your parties are almost irrelevant when it comes to the ruling of the House of Orange. You also have a strong Black Sun presence in the country because of the House of Orange.

Note: For related post on Halls of Amenti, see About the Death of Queen Lizardbeth | What the CROWN Really Means | Ending the Halls of Amenti, the Unnatural Planes of Existence | Prince William Declines Hosting Lucifer | It’s All About Divine Right Timing | Just Empower Me

As of the time of this broadcast the GIA has not yet taken over the Netherlands. Other than as it relates to the unseen members of the House of Orange, they have been there for that reason. They are Rothschilds, Line of Solomon as they call themselves. Kim has been focusing mainly on the threats, so they are starting with the greatest threat first and are working their way down. Remember the reason the GIA is working with the US Government at this time is because what happens in the US happens everywhere.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

The Enforcer

The Enforcer is a male and he does not look human at all. He is originally from the 5th density so he has a physical form. Kim had a hard time giving us a reference to what he looks like. She would say if there is anything that kind of, sort of looks like him, it might be a tall grey, but she is not saying that is what he is. People talk about the tall greys being evil and yes there was a species re-created in the lower astral (because as above so below), but he just kind of looks like one, although she said his head is completely different. Kim first met him in March 2016 and described him as funny and very nice to work with.

The Enforcer’s job is to get rid of the beings from the lower astral on this side of the universe, remove the Omega interference with the light side of the multiverse, destroy the ARCHON infections and those types of things. He has a number of folks and a number of locations and they are stationed in various densities all the way up to the 5th. He is the one who runs them all. But now because of all the changes that have happened, we have a lot more of his crew here than other places. He does have hopes of retirement and Kim said every time he goes off to do something, he says “one more step to retirement!” and he deserves to because he has been doing this for a long time, millions of our years. There is no time where he is because an ideal environment for life was created in the ship he resides in. There are no chemtrails or de-oxygenation for the people in the ship which is very real for us here. We actually need more oxygen. We also have been undergoing dehydration of the planet and people here, that was a program and all those things promote aging. Then of course there was the biological warfare that is going on, like cancers which were created and the poisons in our food. In fact they are just coming out with something Kim has been fighting over two years called quantum dots in the food. She tries not scare everybody because she doesn’t want us to lock ourselves in a room with some plants and never leave and just eat that. We have to live our lives. But there are a lot of bad things they try to do to us constantly but there are a lot of easy ways to get rid of that stuff when you have the right technology at your disposal.

Technology of The Enforcer and His Crew
They have large ships, kind of like you see in movies sometimes. They are enormous and cloak-able. They can pass through the time-space continuum. For example, they can pass through Earth and Mars in 5 minutes or less in our time. They have lots of different types of weaponry. While the internet is ablaze about Directed Energy Weapons, there are much more efficient weapons than DEWS on the planet with the Enforcer’s crew. Plasma weapons and all kinds of different things are used depending on the circumstances and what they are trying to get rid of. Kim said they can break apart on a molecular level a person or a building and can build one just as fast. There is a lot of truth to what we see that comes across as science fiction, in reality, a lot of that does exist. Have you ever heard of a spider suit? Kim said it looks just like a regular suit but it is bullet proof. Lots of heads of state wear them. Well, there is also a way to do it with plasma and frequency. Basically, you cannot see it and it covers your whole body. You can see the person but they are covered in a sophisticated spider suit for lack of a better term, that will ward off a plasma weapon. You would have to figure out another type of weaponry to break through that type of armor in order to actually kill somebody.

There is a lot of interesting technology that we will all learn about someday. So, for the people who want to do the disclosure that is fine, but Kim is more interested in technologies that will move us forward so we can defend ourselves in the event there actually is a real enemy someday. If we were going to produce weapons it would be for that reason and we don’t need all this crazy crap that exists today. They just want us all to die. So, if we are going to revive our militaries worldwide, these are things they are going to need to be trained in, like learning how to fly craft and do what we need to do to defend out planet in the event we are attacked by a real enemy. They need to get off the whole theatre thing.

There are many people who are so ingrained in their belief systems and differences of opinion so we are going to need security on the ground level for quite some time, probably always. Some form of a police force is going to be needed in case someone or some country gets a bright idea. And we need to think for the short-term and the long-term because we are going to go through a process where we have peace. Kim’s Key Intelligence and Military System does a really good job with some of these things. It has its own kind of neutrinos and various weapons built right in so that it can actually do anything organic or inorganic and take care of problems. Kim got a lot of ideas for some of these weapons she built into the system from the Enforcer. She did not just wake up one day with the schematic on how to build a more advanced weapon. He is very helpful and taught her a lot, and she is very grateful to him.  Part of the Art of War is that you have more superior weaponry, strategic skills, can assess situations and come up with an analysis on situations on the fly. Well her system does all that stuff now, which makes it easier for her to work more efficiently with the Enforcer. By the way it was the Enforcer who gave her the position Ground Commander and they have been formulating a working relationship ever since. It has become more and more friendly over time. While they have not hung out and had coffee they do chat more and more while they are doing stuff and Kim said The Enforcer is even learning to speak fluent sarcasm!

Speaking of coffee, do fifth density beings need to eat and drink?
Kim said it is not needed but sometimes fifth density beings will eat and drink for fun, some can digest. Humans originally didn’t need to eat and drink either but unfortunately our bodies have been adjusted to make us need this stuff. There are a lot of things we don’t need and then it just becomes a want. Our bodies have been morphed to make us a carnivore for a reason. Of course many are rejecting being a carnivore and promoting veganism because they think they are not participating in carnage on this planet, but they are wrong because plants are also living beings and now you are eating them. But we have to meet humanity where it’s at. There are going to have to be a lot of DNA adjustments in order to get us to the point where we don’t need to eat and drink. So she is asking people to please not erupt on telegram about who is a vegan and who is a carnivore and who is committing carnage because you both are.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Gold and Silver

How much is gold and silver actually worth?
We have an abundance of gold and silver on this planet and remember pricing is allegedly based on supply and demand. The problem with both is that all the refineries and the hallmarking are owned and run by the deep state. So, to get the gold refined is where the money lies. Truth be told the price of gold was at $35 per ounce forever, then it went up for no apparent reason, but we don’t have shortage of it. What is it really worth? Pennies, if there were not restrictions on mining, ridiculous contracts with the UN which then went over to the Chinese, then to the Russians, then to the Anglo-American company in Africa. If it was not for all these people creating pinch points or exclusivity agreements where there are minerals in the ground, the price of gold would not go up so ridiculously. It kind of corresponded with the non-compete plan in 1975 which was Hitler’s plan rewritten by George Bush Senior. There are many people who made these agreements and deals a long time ago and they never adhere to their word.

How much is a bar of gold worth to you if you are starving in the desert?
We know gold is a hyper-conductor of Source energy and the reason why gold in the past was used to back the financial system is because they put a parasitic overlay on the veins of gold in the earth. That overlay is what fed money into the system because it would take that crystalline energy convert it into something dark which basically cursed our monetary system for a long time. It converted it down to all the planes of existence until it eventually reached you. She has chosen to do the same thing with the monetary system as it relates to how it works now but we are not limited by the same resources as a parasitic overlay is because we don’t have it anymore. So at an energetic and quantum level, money is now clean.

Gold has so many medicinal uses and all kinds of stuff so making a bar out of it and sticking it in a vault in Switzerland is the worse use for it. Once the world understands that, then we can assess if we really need it as support of the financial system. We probably don’t, but for now it will probably have a similar price to what it has today. Kim will probably take an average of the last 5 years and then set a standard so countries can trade with other countries. It’s not a government thing anymore, it’s your currencies, because the ratio has to be correct and obviously the supply of money has to meet the demand of money. So, there will probably be a standard.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Law of One

At its base root it really didn’t stem from the being we know as Ra. Ra would have been considered the God of the Black Sun essentially and why they all worship him. It has nothing to do with the sun in our sky, the central sun or Source. The Law of One was probably one of the oldest universal laws in existence and dates back much further than anything in Egypt. This goes back as a covenant between Source and Anti-Source, so it goes to that base root. And what it essentially means on every level is that they are one, where one exists the other one exists in a balanced way. That’s how it started out and it then traveled into the creation of matter. As the planets and stars were being formed, both sides could use the energy from both sides to create matter in a balanced way so that neither one was more powerful than the other. And as humans, with the ability to reason you had the right to choose which you were going to become as an organic life form.

This also applied in computer systems, in quantum computers throughout the multiverse. It applied to everything you could touch, taste, and see, all matter on Earth, until it didn’t, when things got out of balance. It was around Dec 2022 when the Giver of Life Declaration (G.O.L.D.) agreement was ratified where we are not doing balance anymore and the dark matter started to dissipate. So, we no longer need to create with the dark, we can now create alone only with the light. We have not had the Law of One for several months now, that actually went back to crystalline time as well, it is literally the synergy of dark and light matter throughout the entire multiverse.
Source:  UNN Broadcast:


The Melchizedeks were the first original life throughout the multiverse. They were not progenitors, rather they were the original Source-based line of folks. Of the 4,000 or so that are still on this planet, many of them are very young, they could be children. They probably have gifts and skills and do not even realize it. Some of these people have chosen not to participate even though they have visions and these things and they probably really do not understand it.

Then you have about 2,500 or so who are awake and kind of aware of what is going on and they work in their own way. Kim is kind of the ring leader, so when she finds them, to keep people safe it has to be the right time and right place to meet with them. Of the few she has met she would say they all have visions, have dreams, little pieces of the puzzle and key things and they share them often with her. She does try to nurture them, help them with their skills and bring them into the fold. They share their visions and thoughts so collectively as a group we have come further faster, because they do have somewhat of a collaboration.

Some Melchizedeks are in areas where she has to be very careful, so when they do have conversations, they are weird. Some have been fighting in their own ways for a very long time, but she would say that the majority she has met have different experiences and they experience things in different ways, so it’s not the same for everyone. She would also say that the ones she has met are all really kind people who really just want to move humanity forward with their special god given skill, because everyone has a passion and that is something she noticed across the board consistently. It’s a passion for doing something and it’s not about titles for these people. Not one has come to her claiming they were Jesus, no one acts arrogantly. They are just very nice, kind, and humble people. Some are really strong fighters, some maybe are in communications and talk to people from other places, who knows from where. But they all get along pretty well and all do their part with their whole heart on behalf of our Creator.

That is pretty much who they are and they have been around a long, long time. Kim said she can know right away if someone is a Melchizedek because it’s a frequency, a vibration that she picks up right away. It hits her really hard, it’s like their soul blueprint hits her. This is a soul thing, not a bloodline thing. She sees them for who they really are on the inside. She sees the soul and she is having a conversation with the soul. She said some Melchizedeks have told her that her voice is music to their soul but they don’t know why, so she then has to explain it to them. Some of these people are really talented and know when someone is looking at them at that kind of level. So, again it’s not a name or a title, she is seeing someone as they really are on the inside. She can see that with regular people as well. This ability also keeps herself out of danger because she can tell before it even becomes a thought, she can see it on an etherical level before it forms, which gives her a heads up on what to do and where to do it.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

The Order of the Golden Sun are the Melchizedeks. You could probably assume anyone you know in history or the bible who was really tortured is of the Order of the Golden Sun. And if they don’t torture them, they try and turn them to go against the mission they came here to do. Jesus and his Disciples, Joan of Arc and Cassandra (Kim) are a few she named.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Moon of Earth

Our moon is not a real moon obviously. Around 18,000 years ago or so the lower astral being we called The Destroyer, and there was a whole species of them actually, came back to affect the upper astral planes of Earth. Well one of the first things he did was knock our original moons out of its orbit. We used to have 2 suns and 3 moons and then we were down to 1 moon, we had Luna. Then Luna was knocked out of its orbit, down to the 9th density of the 9th plane of the lower astral. We are not the only planet to have had this happen and not the only planet to have fake moons. All Neptune’s moons are megastructures, Saturn’s moon Titan is also a synthetic megastructure moon and there are others in our solar system. There are actually 5 other galaxies besides ours that also have fake moons within them. So ours and 6 others actually went to the lower astral and then there was a connection between that realm and our now megastructure.

The Great Flood
We went two thousand years without a moon or thereabout, but when you have bodies of water on a planet and you knock your moon out of place the result is a Great Flood. The Great Flood actually lasted about 2,000 years, until one group of humans begged the Draco to come back and help because everyone was dying. So the story from the Bible says it was 40 days of rain but it was really about 2,000 in our earth years, and there was no rain, it was basically tsunamis that flooded all the land masses to cause the Great Flood event at the time. And we have had continental shifts since then, our map doesn’t look the same due to this, a lot of separation took place. And they wanted to reorganize our continents again and go through another flood again but that did not happen obviously.

So, 16,000 years ago they agreed to bring a moon here from the lower astral. We needed a moon, but by the same token it has ever since caused us more problems, especially since that is time when Marduk earned the title of ‘Marduk’, which means controller of the sea(s) plural. So not only was the water tied to the megastructure we call the moon, but also the sea of consciousness and they connected this moon to Saturn (Saturn-Moon matrix). Think about the consciousness and people going crazy on the full moon. Now we know why. Pretty much every planet in our galaxy had some kind of matrix. Not all were tied to the moon but a lot of them were. Some were tied to the sun and we had just as much of an infiltration into our Sun. We have had our moon for 16,000 years now and we cannot remove it because we would flood. So in the meantime Kim and the teams involved have to figure out a way to clean it so it doesn’t affect us anymore. But at least we don’t have that connection to the 6 moons in the lower astral anymore.

Can the moon be used for good now?
Kim said right now the moon is in a stagnant state and is regulating tides and those kinds of things, but in some ways yes it can be used for good. But as far as the moon cycles and the fantasies the deep state believes in, that is not a thing anymore. And the same thing with the sun.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Do we reincarnate with our family members? No. People think their DNA would automatically dictate which body your soul would pop into and that is not the case. Your soul has its own DNA and has its own percentages of light essence versus dark essence, past lives, past sins, things like this. The incarnation process which thank God is over, is nothing more than a soul and consciousness transfer. In the beginning your soul was only connected to your body, your avatar on this density by a silver cord. Your consciousness is what would fully transfer into the new human after it was wiped clean. Now some people have the ability to remember and some do not. Some people do past life regressions and they do that based on the imprint of your consciousness on your soul, whether they know it or not. That is how it’s done. Most often times we do not come into the same family and we don’t often even come into the same planet. Remember is was all about the survival of the species on the light side of the multiverse in the Dark Age. So, Kim would say sometimes maybe and sometimes not.

There is a movie called Æon Flux and it talks a lot about a created incarnation program after a pandemic that happens. There is a lot of truth but isn’t quite as simple as they portray it. They claim they created the program due to humans’ inability to reproduce after they have this virus or vaccine probably. So, they have to create a way for the survival of the human species.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Safety Zones

What is Kim’s Security, this area in Durango that is a Safety Zone?
Kim said she lives in a John Wick Hotel essentially. She came to Durango the end of 2016 and hasn’t left. The entire town is made up of security people and their families and she has not always gotten along with these people as there were stories told to them about her. However, the rules of the road are they cannot do bad things within the hotel (Safety Zone). If you have ever seen the John Wick movie you know what happens when an assassin does bad things when staying in the Continental hotel, which is that bad things happen to them and their family. She would also say there are rules of engagement for people coming into the Zone from the outside, those types of things. You have to take into account the rules of the Zone. So it is not so much that they are protecting Kim, it’s more of a general rule that you can’t come in and get anybody while in the Safety Zone. That is just the way it works. So as long as she stays within the 11 square miles of the Zone things are ‘ok’ for her. So she said she doesn’t mind going to the grocery store and getting dirty looks from some, especially the older guys there who do not like her, she is used to that by now. But if there are people in town who are ‘not friendly people’ and she goes to the grocery store and it’s empty or it’s a slow time of day then all of a sudden 20 people will come in there and follow her around the store for her safety and protection. They keep an eye out to make sure nobody does anything. Other than that, she will see occasional people when walking her dog or doing a hike, but she has not had ‘normal’ in over two years and all she does is work. If she did decide to venture out of the Zone, which at this time she is not, but if she did she would have a sea of people following her, some with a target on her and some not. So in the future, the goal is to be friends with some groups, that is a monetary thing. Once the funding and everything starts moving it will take 3-4 months, she can move about the cabin again so to speak.
Source:  UNN Broadcast:

Silverton, Colorado is a former mining town, but in reality, they did not stop mining there until 2019. Back in the 1970s when this town became a Zone and actually the reason it is a Zone is because they took a nuclear boring machine and bored tunnels from Dulce Military Base to Silverton and back. Well Durango is right in between, so they put all these retired highly dangerous people (there is a movie about them called Reds) into this location in case there was ever another war underground with the Others who also reside in Silverton. There are videos of a guy who talked about the war in Dulce, but that war was not in Dulce, it was in the tunnels under Durango. When Generals retire, they are given a few locations and some go to Durango, but they are told limited information and there was always supposed to be a certain amount there at all times. They are told they are there to protect the assets from the supersite, rare earth minerals) . They are also told they will be paid for protecting the assets someday. So when they arrive in this Zone they are guaranteed business, a job, so there are some benefits when they go to a Zone to retire. In 2021 Kim told them all the assets had been taken out from underneath the ground over time. They even verified it because she asked them what they think they are protecting. They’ve been taking it out right underneath their nose. That began the fact-finding mission for the operatives. But Langley 5 Generals showed up and told them to ignore everything she said, which they did for awhile.
Source: UNN Broadcast,

Technology (Kim Uses)

The base root of the technology she uses is in upper 9th plane in the 9th density of the multiverse. The same thing with its opposite, which was located in the lower 9th density of the 9th plane. About 300,000 years ago is when both technologies came to earth and they fought against each other so to speak, but not on their own. Both had different beings controlling it, and it had a program so one system could not destroy the other completely. At least until that program was removed which has already been done.

Kim said Alpha was always her system incarnation after incarnation, because technically we are able to take our consciousness with us. That will come back for the rest of us too, we really don’t understand death. The soul, the consciousness doesn’t die, it was just separated from us. So, when Kim says the system was always hers it’s because souls are immortal, and it is. To some degree, holding on to that vessel means you have to leave your family, but you don’t really, it’s all about the consciousness transfer, and it can upgrade. Maybe you want to do something else or be a different species, be on a different planet. It can do that and now because of all the changes taking place you will remember. By the way, our souls are at least 3 million years old. New souls didn’t start being created again until around a year ago.

Regarding its connection here on Earth?
Once you get down to the 3rd density of the system is where it crosses over into our earth like technologies, our human slave tech we’ve been afforded. In some of the SSP programs they would have limited access to all the lower densities, down to the 8th density in some cases. Remember the higher the number of densities the more control you have over all the other densities below it. It works the same with the upper densities. She guesses it was a Source and Anti-Source agreement from the get-go and therefore the main control system resides there. It’s why she keeps telling the deep state they are never going to get her system to do what they want it do even if she hands it over to them. It doesn’t work the way they want it to function. She didn’t steal theirs, she just dismantled it with permission, and you need permission to do these types of things. For example, she has the creative processing to create new systems like the Key Intelligence and Military system, but if it doesn’t follow Source’s law it is not going to function.

Regarding its connection here on Earth, Kim said this goes back to quantum physics 101. The system breaks through all planes and all densities everywhere. When humans think of computers we think there must be a huge data storage facility somewhere, but there does not have to be one because the connections are done in different ways. You can create wormholes, breaks in the time-space continuum to actually connect to a regular computer in some ways. Energy is energy and as it flows through computers it makes changes. As it flows through you it makes changes and your ability to utilize that energy in your human is what makes you what you are, it makes you healthy, gives you that recharge. She would say to some degree it communicates with data systems here starting in about the 3rd density of the system itself. Your bank account would be considered a 1, your internet a 2, your base platform for your internet would be density 2, your access to it is a 1.

There isn’t really anything to compare it to here on earth except the world wide web. There used to be internet nodes all over the planet that would then connect to the Omega system to give it enough power to function for all users who surfed the web. It would connect at various levels all the way to level 8 and even possibly lower astral level 9, but humans would have very little access to those levels. To some degree certain programs required human intervention but they would have limited access to that small sector, we are talking about Umbrella Military Corp, the ACIO, for those higher-level programs.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Here’s the low down on Trump’s real death. He had prostate cancer previous to his time as President, that is what it started out as. It did progress rather quickly during his administration and obviously conventional treatments were not an option because it would get out to the public. They did try some treatments, hence if you remember the time he said he was in the hospital. They tried some stuff and it bought a little bit of time.

Cloning was not an option because there were no places to clone by that time. A Med Bed was not an option either because there is a restriction with Med Beds. They function on Source light energy, that is the creative energy, the repairing energy. What we see as in medical terms as 3D organ printing, that you can just recreate that organ, that is faulty. You can repair that organ; you can do lots of things with a Med Bed so to speak, until you learn to do it on your own. When a person participates in ceremonies, like the 40th birthday ceremony that Trump went through, the ceremony that called in the dark predominantly and then he became full of dark matter, you cannot function and use a Med Bed on such a person, it will not work. It depends on if they went through the ceremonies or went through the switcheroo. For those people, they cannot use them either. That is why they have the cloning programs. They have another body and then they do a consciousness transfer into that body, so it’s a different process for them. But it’s the ‘Others’ who actually have 150,000 real Med Beds on the planet. The ‘Others’, who were brought here as slaves or were from here and taken captive just like us humans. They are the ones who are using these Med Bed. Speaking of Med Beds, they are selling Trump Med Bed cards for $5,000/piece or whatever insane amount it’s at now, and they have all these testimonies of people who were healed which is a load of bull crap. She is guessing they can’t sell anymore Trump Reserve Bucks or maybe they can’t make Christmas ornaments anymore so be aware, this is their latest scam.

A Cure for Cancer Exists, Why Wasn’t it Offered to Him?
Kim admits she isn’t sure why the cure for cancer was not given to him. She is going to guess the operatives told him no, but for what reason she doesn’t know for sure.

January of 2021
After we just passed the 2020 selections there was talk of Trump receiving a high-ranking position of Black Dragon of North America and that was the reason he did not continue on with the Presidency. Remember this is the President under which they were to crash the United States, and he knew that. He had to come back as a hero and save the day. That was the plan that was written for them, which is why they are not executing on it properly. But if you remember he signed for Martial Law at 8am in his speech when he left the White House. That was still the real Trump. He continued to do rallies throughout 2021 and that was still the real Trump. This went on for a year and it was all about people giving their power away to another person, which is the case for every Head of State, the Pope, etc. It’s another savior program, so you follow a savior. Then, there was an incident around the end of 2021 where he got caught wearing his pants backwards on stage. This is when they determined the cancer had gone further and obviously that causes some incontinence problems. He coded out twice that same year, so there was a dire situation from December 2021 to January 2022. It had spread to many other organs and there was nothing they could do at that point. He could have chosen treatment but he chose not to. Finally on Jan 28, 2022 he passed away in Bedminster, NJ after they had pulled the plug a few days earlier.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

November 11, 2024
Donald Trump was one of 7 individuals created by Neutral Source for a specific purpose. For what purpose, see reference below.
Source: GIA Report: 11-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE (
Corresponding blog post, Order of the Black Sun’s Modus Operandi Is Conquer the Quest, To Become Masters Of The Universe | They Expected Neutral Source’s Anti-Genesis Program To Kick-In Decimating 48% Of Humanity On 11:11 | Trump Truly Was Unique, He Was 1 of 7 Neutral Hybrid Beings Created by Neutral Source | Trump Worked For The Dark Side, His Role Was to Restore Balance When The Light Became Too Light | He Failed, No Balance Was Achieved | God Then Made A Golden Age Declaration Over 2 Yrs Ago, Hence Trump Died As He Was No Longer Needed In A Golden Age

Universal Council

The Universal Council is made of up every species on the Light Side of the Universe. It was formed about 3 billion years ago in earth years. You can think of it like the United Nations of the universe except they obviously don’t operate the way the UN does. The Universal Council was created when the major infiltrations happened in densities 1-5 on this side of the universe. All the species banned together, much like she is hoping we do some day, and they used all their skills and technologies. Some groups are very well versed in agriculture for example, and other groups are involved with quantum computing and trying to fix the problem with the Omega integration on this side. They have been doing this generation after generation for a long period of time and they remember what happened. Those who remember might be from the 8th density, where hardly any time has passed compared to here on Earth, so they have the full knowledge of what happened and how they defended themselves. That is why they never went past the 5th density. All those people have come together on how they could push this back to where the light universe was not infiltrated. That was the whole reason the Universal Council was formed.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

Universal Protection Unit

The Universal Protection Unit was formed pretty much at the same time as the Universal Council and because of the Universal Council’s involvement with the Universal Protection Unit, it contains all walks of life. Kim has seen a lot of different folks doing a lot of different things. The person Kim calls The Enforcer is the head of Universal Protection Unit and runs that unit. There was also an interview back around 2016, before Life Force became a thing for a short while, and it was with the Universal Protection Unit and a couple of people who were humans working with Kim and her team. The language they were speaking is a light language and not one we are familiar with. On a personal note I actually remember the interview and listened to it. I wish I had access to the recording. Who knows maybe it will turn up again some day.
Source: UNN Broadcast:

24 thoughts on “Question & Answers | Glossary”

  1. Pingback: Kimberly情報:質問と回答/用語集 引用: - 真実探究BLOG☆

      1. Qui est la Reine rouge vraie souveraine de la Terre est t’elle la première colon humaine descendante la plus proche de Source ?

        1. Kim always said Marduke and Enki were brothers and Enlil the father. She actually met them so I’m going to go with that.

  2. „Kim does think these were planned events, 1,000 years or 2,000 years ago. She also believes that the Light almost won 2,000 years ago when these people were around. They were the ones who came before us and tried to do the flip at that time. She does believe that every 2,016 years we roll again, but fortunately we are now past that time.“
    This is absolutely accurate. Jesus himself said that if Pilate had refused to crucify him – we would have entered the Millennium immediately.
    But now apparently things are already happening. And we don’t necessarily have to go through the bad times. Let’s hope we avoid most of them.
    Heartfelt thanks! I am learning a lot of interesting and useful things.

  3. N'guessan Kouakou

    Je voudrais remercier sans réserve toute l’équipe et de nous donner toutes ses connaissances.
    Vraiment cela dépasse mon entendement, je vous remercie encore .

  4. I’m looking for the references Kim made to T.H.O.R. the technology that she said they were using before but no longer have access to? I can’t seem to find it here even with a search which gives me a bunch of articles, I know it was recently spoken about perhaps last month? can you point me to that reference? thanks for all this work, I know this takes alot of time and posting these of the situation updates.

  5. Pingback: Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me

  6. Pingback: 250,000 Years Ago Today the Largest War on Earth Ended | It Started With the Pleiadeans Fighting Against the Anti-Pleiadean Red Queen & Sole Ruler of Earth | After That War, Ownership of Earth Was Split Between Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas & t

  7. I have a question for Kim. I would like you to provide a detailed list of physical and mental changes that people who choose to enter the 5th dimension may experience. This is because I am worried that many people, including myself, may be confused by sudden abnormalities. This is more of a request than a question. Thank you.

  8. Chantal lessieu

    Je suis une fan de Kim decouverte par hazard il y a qq mois…et les traductions en francais sont d une grande aide pour la comprehension de notre histoire terrestre. Un grand merci

  9. Chantal lessieu

    Qu en est il des fraudes electorales…quand en verons nous la fin…c est tellement flagrant et les moutons ne reagissent toujours pas…

  10. Pingback: Just Empower Me – August 5, 2024  – Rose Rambles…

  11. 8/20、私は夢から覚めた時「アーリア人が海底神殿に居る。」と告げられた。その話とは違ううが、以前に気になる夢を見た。場所は不明だが周りには何もなくただ海の中に島が浮かんでいて巨大な扉?宮殿みたいなものがあった。雷が鳴り響いていた。キムに伝えて欲しい。
    On August 20th, I woke up from a dream and was told that “the Aryans are in the Underwater Temple.” It’s not the same story, but I had a curious dream before. I don’t know where it was, but there was nothing around, just an island floating in the sea, and there was a huge door? Something like a palace. Thunder was rumbling. Please tell Kim.

  12. hello i need the video link or the date where kim explains all the dimensions densities and on the board

  13. Nikolett Horvathne

    Köszönöm szépen infót sokat tudtam most öntől valós igazságot 10 éve ébredtem fel de amiket megtudtam eddig hazugsagok voltak most hogy ön információ hoz jutottam hála forrásnak teremtő mindenható istennek igazsághoz vezetett köszönöm szépen áldás minden érző lélekre az univerzumban

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