This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 01-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim addresses the latest rumors being reported on by the alt media. The bigger news however is around The Christ-Anti-Source covenant that expired. We learn what that was about, why the Christ (the being we know as Jesus) died so we didn’t have to. However, his decent to the lower astral further condemned earth and humans to slavery.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

04-Apr-24 News (
[Note: They named this video per above but it is the 1st of April’s broadcast]
Rumors Going Around This Week
The stuff they are putting out now is absolutely ridiculous.
Nesara/Gesara and the RV is Happening
The Deep State people were reporting Nesara/Gesara is going to happen, the Q-clock is running out, the RV is supposed to happen today. Nothing happened, but did they expect it to because it coincides with April 1st or because of Easter? The fact that they sat at the Garden Tomb in Israel Friday afternoon our time tells me maybe it has something to do with Easter. Maybe Easter isn’t even on the day that we think it is. Maybe all of this transpired 8 days after the Equinox (March 19th), and in that case, we’re 11-12 days after. Who knows why they do the things they do and when they do them, but I try to figure it out so I know what they are going to do next.
CERN Rumor
They also said they have demons from the 4th density of the lower astral hanging out at CERN which is false. Actually, there are many colliders like the one at CERN on the planet. Other places include France, the UK and the US, so it’s not the only one, but it’s the one that’s the most talked about. When Omega was around, they did have a way to create AI generated lower astral beings in through a portal where CERN used to be located. They moved it to Australia, which had a similar portal when the one in Switzerland stopped working. So, they have moved them to where 8th density lower astral portals existed in the past, when it had a connection to the omega system. That’s kind of the story behind CERN, but it doesn’t really function now and nothing is going to happen with that on April 8th. The last time they allegedly fired it up was all just a show. It wasn’t even real, nothing fired up. It’s ridiculous what they are saying right now and I think it has a lot to do with the events they expected to take place over the weekend.
Simpsons Show Now Predicting Trump’s Death in 2024
The Simpsons series is still running with new episodes in case you didn’t know. But I distinctly remember them saying back in 2020 or so that Trump was going to be shot, and they showed an episode of him in a casket. But now it’s supposed to take place in 2024 under completely different circumstances. Allegedly, if that happens, we’re going to have a nuclear event. But I don’t see that happening at all because it’s nearly impossible. Maybe some small ICBMs (Intercontinental ballistic missiles) or something like that, but not a major nuclear event.
The Eclipse is Changing its Course
According to some social media channels, all of a sudden the eclipse has changed its course and it’s not going along the same path. There does happen to be a fault line where they cross. But what is the big deal about a lunar and solar eclipse and where they cross and why the sudden change in course?
The messing around with time is actually created by the anti-corona, anti-Source, death or the serpent. It makes no sense to us as it probably has to do with their rituals and this weekend was no exception. I was looking into it though because I wondering why the deep state people are in certain locations right now. I’m pretty sure what they were up to has to do with the Christian Easter, yet the Orthodox Christian Easter isn’t until the end of this month. Everyone thinks Easter is on a different day so how do they determine that day? It’s not based on the moon, but one thing for sure is our calendar has been messed with in general. But I definitely know if you talk to the “Others” who have been here a long time, they say the beginning of the New Year starts on the Equinox.
Biowarfare Will be Released Moments Before the Eclipse
Another rumor going around is they are going to release an enormous amount of biowarfare moments before the eclipse. They are not going to do that. Will they try something else? Maybe, possibly. But the event they were looking for with 100% certainty was that red dust thing. That is what they are expecting and hoping you will manifest this by placing your focus and creating this event into reality. Remember they use you to create, they cannot do it on their own. They are always using us to create everything around us, so be careful, the more connected we become, the more powerful we become as a co-creator, as an individual.
The Christ – Anti-Source Covenant
We have crystalline time, crystalline energy, crystalline love and all these Christ energies, and as you well know, there is something called the anti-Christ so we also have an anti-Christ energy. And on Friday billions of people around the planet were focused on the death of Christ.
What does all that focus on death do to the planet?
Starting on Friday the deep state people were going to various places on the earth, even after all we’ve done. It’s hard to believe there is still anything left here, but I found the Pallavicini family and some of the SSP people under the Vatican doing some sort of weird ritual that had to do with the death of Christ, so maybe these are technologies that are only activated this time of year.
Black and Red, Favorite Colors of Satanist Churches
We know the favorite colors of the deep state satanist churches are red and black and that’s because anti-love or damnation, condemnation, anti-corona was actually a thing.
Christ Died So You Did Not Have To
It existed because it took the love of Christ when he died. Christ died so you did not have to is part of that. Part of that was the deal that was made for the Christ, the soul of this being to go down to the lower astral and to give love to Anti-Source during the Dark Age because the threat was very high to destroy all of humanity and destroy earth. The man we know as Jesus, being closest to Source at 99.9% and being that powerful had to go down or all of humanity, all of earths inhabitants would have had to go down.
There is a reason why they want to destroy humans, but that was the difference between a being who is that powerful and the way we have been. I keep saying you don’t know how powerful you are because as a united group you can create something really amazing here on earth. We tend to fight each other a lot and then separately things are thrown at us constantly to varying degrees. We forget why we need to unite, but together we could be just as powerful as the Christ being.
The Aftermath of Christ’s Decent to Hell
When Christ went to hell, it created all this space junk because the dark needs to use mechanisms, heart stones, crystals, conductors, etc. to function, but that further condemned earth and humans to slavery unfortunately. And by slavery that also means your creative love energy that you get from Source was used 100% to create something dark and maintain the dark on this planet. Therefore, all the energy you bring into your body, the majority of which you don’t receive, that was cut right off the top. Then it goes down to the lower astral and becomes part of The Christ-Anti-Source Covenant. Death got amplified at this point. It was a program that was already running but it took over at that point and all that was on it. But The Christ-Anti-Source Covenant is now expired.
Note: Related posts about Jesus:
1. Every 2,000 Years Agreements Come Up for Renewal Regarding Control of Sun & Moon | A Key Agreement is Resurrection of Christ-Crystalline-Source Energy on the Planet & Why the Incarnation of a ‘Pure Soul’ Shows Up Every 2,000 Years | Last Time that ‘Pure Soul’ Was Jesus | Jesus Refused To Renew Agreements that Allowed the Dark’s Control of Sun & Moon, Hence the Crucifixion | The Evil Crazy People Expected Automatic Renewal Which Would Resurrect Their Control Of the Planet | Just Empower Me
2. The Holocaust Was About Targeting the Melchizedek Bloodline Who Are the Purest Souls of Light, To Be Used as Batteries | Melchizedek’s: Solomon, John the Baptist, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, 12 Apostles Were Buried in Cyprus & in Stasis Powering Dark Portal | They Were Cloned With Different Consciousness to Create the Merovingian Dynasty | Kaifeng Jews Are Also Melchizedek’s & Targeted | They Were Cloned to Create Manchurian Candidates | Part 2 of 2 | Just Empower Me
What the Deep State Tried to Prevent Today
That is why at the Vatican on Friday the deep state made several attempts to leverage your soul, to try to find remnants of what we call Cestui Que Vie, which allowed them liens on your soul, energy, and consciousness. They tried to re-lien humanity again by doing some weird ceremony with strange red and black stones below the Vatican on Friday.

It didn’t stop there; it went on all weekend long because they weren’t sure when the Anti-Christ was going to take back over and this nightmare (this Light Age) according to them would be over. That’s what they were hoping for, and they would be back in control and the Omega system would flip.
So, there were a few things that would turn on alien technologies this time every year. But were they set to turn on a few days before April 1st or Good Friday? Or did they turn on because the entire world is focused and ‘celebrating’ on the death of the Christ?
The Serpent Represents Tree of Death
Death, the anti-corona is what it’s called, and by definition was represented in human history several times as the serpent. One serpent in human history being in the Garden of Eden, and in some cultures, they say once Eve ate of the tree, the serpent came and turned the tree into death, which is true. We definitely had a Tree of Death throughout earth and throughout the multiverse, but not totally throughout the alpha-verse.
We had that serpent, that anti-corona which was a being, that was able to come around earth, but go no further based on the covenant with Christ and Anti-Source. So, we were essentially running on the Tree of Death until this weekend.
But What is meant for our harm can be used for good, As Kim often says…
Now Christians around the world focusing on the death of Christ don’t know what they were doing is bad, but these deep state people doing rituals certainly did. They went to several locations around the world including Romania and Arkansas and they were definitely using machines. Now do these machines get activated this time of year? Or was it because Christians around the world focusing on the death of the Christ triggered them? That is entirely possible. Again, we don’t know how powerful we are. But they started emitting these frequencies to open up the gateway to allow death in.
Now celebrating the death of the Christ and celebrating Christ’s rising are two different things. Intent plays a role in the natural and organic, while the focusing on an event plays a role in the inorganic world and its ability to create. So, with everyone focused on death this one day, they must want me to come back. Right? Meaning everyone is looking for death.
Did the oblivious masses focus on death help them any this year?
No, but it was one of the rockiest weekends for me that I’ve had in a long time because those frequencies were terrible. Because as the Guardian and the Gatekeeper, whenever they try to open a gate it sends all the frequency to me personally, whatever plane of existence it is comes to me. It was really bad, but it did lead us to launching the next part as a protection measure which counteracted it, and without everything trying to go through my person, which is good and it had to do with finding out what Love really is.
What is Love Really?
We’ve talked about consciousness, essence and energy, but what I didn’t realize is what Love really is. If I were to look at love from a scientific standpoint, I would say it’s a frequency but love is not a frequency.
Love is a part of Source itself, but it’s an entity onto itself that allows for creation. We have the multiple planes of existence, and love is actually a plane or part of the existence of Source itself. It has its own essence, consciousness, and energy. It’s an entity that exists as a part of the Creator which allows for creation to take place.
And the opposite of that is anti-creation and death, anti-matter, anti-consciousness, the black hole where no life exists is the direct opposite. How’s that for interesting?
Creativity Resides on the 5th Density and Causal Plane
Creativity lives in the 5th density of the multiverse and if you’re talking about your person, creativity lives in your Causal plane. During the time of anti-creation, because they took Source’s love, which is what the Christ being was, basically Source love walking on this planet, and then they made the agreement with Anti-Source. The Anti-source could create with death, if that makes any sense. It gave it more creative powers than it already had once the covenant was made, and it took your creative powers too. It’s the same with computers and AI systems, it takes the creative power away. Think about what you are feeling when you are at your most creative, things just start to flow. When things manifest in your life are you paying attention to the fact you are using the part of the Creator that allows for it to come through the Causal plane, manifest into the Astral plane and eventually the Physical plane? It’s something to think about when you are manifesting things.
Back to the red and black colors favored by the Satanist churches
The color red is not evil, it stands for love because it’s also the same color of the Causal plane. So red mixed with pure white light is what the part of Source known as love is. It’s pure white and red instead of pure black and red, and that’s the transition we started going through yesterday.
Shield of Love (Blood of Christ) Regains Control of the Causal Plane Everywhere
Now back to what Kim was referring to regarding what is meant for our harm can be used for good.
Love is also your shield. Nothing can manifest into you physically unless you give it permission to come through the Causal plane, and that goes for evil, illness, disease and all those things death down there in the lower astral created.
Once you have 100% control of your Causal plane you have to give permission for that to come here. And that is what they were trying to get me to do yesterday whether they knew it or not. It’s very uncomfortable when someone tries to bring death through your body and into existence, but as Gatekeeper you have control of whether or not it can manifest onto this planet in any level.
So, I had to figure out something because it was really draining me this weekend and that’s when I discovered the Shield of Love. I knew about the Shield of Source, and in Christian texts they say to cover yourself in the blood of Christ because that is love and it works. I really wasn’t sure what was going to happen this weekend because I couldn’t make it stop, but finally Source actually did it and covering everything in love is what protected me in the first instance of constant drilling for 72 hours straight.
But then I thought we could do this everywhere. So, returning the blood of Source or Christ back to a pure form, a pure light mixed with red versus darkness (black) mixed with red, we can now regain control of the Causal plane of existence throughout the multiverse. Therefore, the slavery that was caused by the event that happened 2,000+ years ago on humanity as a whole no longer applies.
And this is part of the reason why when the deep state kept trying to leverage securities it did not work. It will never work unless they get someone to agree to it and that person is not me or any human walking this planet and they would have to go straight up to Source. If anyone wants to agree they can leave the planet right now because we worked too hard for this, which hopefully will start permeating through other things.
Deep State Members at the Garden Tomb Are Dead
So the people involved in the crazy rituals were unsuccessful in raising the anti-Christ or the Christ Anti-Source duality. They stood at the Garden Tomb for 2 days and when my last care for those people had left me, I started hitting every site they were at. Even if they were just bystanders at those sites, I just didn’t care anymore. In the beginning I was just giving them a push back with a shield and by Sunday morning there was a rapid removal because I didn’t want to do it anymore, I couldn’t. Again, it’s like little kids playing with toys they don’t understand other than it’s a special day to play with them. I had enough of all the crazy things they were doing knowingly or unknowingly, because they didn’t know all those things were coming at me at the time.
More Agreements Expired Over the Weekend
Lots of agreements expired over the weekend. Some were regular agreements which gave the Black Sun some rights of management over the energy while others were about the ultimate slavery agreement.
Ultimate Slavery Agreement Parts 1 & 2
Three billion years ago we went into the Dark Age, then about 1.5 million years ago we became a loosh farm. But there were different rules underneath those terms and conditions of us being a parasitic multiverse in part. Then 250,000 years ago is when they finally took over the Causal plane, but they were still not able to use that energy with consent to create, other than what they looshed from us humans. So, a lot of the programs and rituals on this planet that we see go on such as disease, monetary systems all those things were created so they have our consent so to speak, to use our energy for those purposes.
After the crucifixion, when Christ went down to the lower astral, that was the second part of that ultimate slavery agreement. When you have the Christ, you have a never-ending piece of Source and they didn’t ease up on us in any way, we were their cattle. But we survived and honestly, I don’t know how I’m still here after this weekend.
The ultimate Slavery Agreement to utilize your Christ energy or your love to create in the lower astral ended.
And right now, the deep state people are going a little crazy seeing if there is still a possibility to change that.
Sunny: Do you think anything will happen on the Solar Eclipse?
Well, it’s also a New Moon which means new beginnings, but I don’t know what to expect to be honest. I am definitely making sure there is no space junk, no hardware in the sun or the moon that could make a difference that day. The Archivists said as well they don’t expect anything to happen that day. But I do see the transition of the torus of earth changing to more of a creative love energy because earth is a co-creator too.
Certain days in human history are important, maybe not calendar days because they messed with our calendar so much, but actual days like the Equinox, where half the day is light and half the day is dark is significant. So a lot of agreements were signed on those days and the Solstices too. But I see things more as a sequence rather than a specific day thing. So, the eclipse on the 8th does play a factor from that standpoint, as one thing completes then the next thing can in a series or sequence of events. Ushering in the Golden Age is a sequence of events, so I’m hoping for something really positive. We’ll definitely find out soon as it’s just a week away.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thank you for sharing ❤️
I’m sorry Kim that happened to you. It breaks my heart. 🙏❤
Gracias de corazón ✨
That’s why on Friday at the Vatican, the deep state undertook several methods of using your soul so that people would find the remnants of what we call the Cestui Que Vie, which is the basis that owns your soul, energy and consciousness. …AI and KIM GOGIN. SUCH A STUPID LIE AND IMOBILISM OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE STRUCTURE OF HUMAN AND THE UNIVERSE.
Why is Kim wearing red and black in this post?