This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 16-DEC-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. The SSP operatives are in full operations mode Duck Dynasty style. Drones are appearing all over the East Coast and there are rumors being spread of radiation poisoning. These reports are not exactly accurate but what is the real story. And the removal of the ALLES AI and the Neither-World continues with many connections being severed over the last few days. And the operatives are busy trying to take over political control with their ‘new shoes” that may just never come.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

SSP-Trump Operatives Still Trying to Pull Off Takeover of the Neither-World With the Ultimate Black Magician
The SSP is forever hopeful they are going to be able to pull off a full-on takeover of the Neither-World with their friends, the Ultimate Black Magician, aka The Destroyer or Gilgamesh and all those from the Neither-World, and by Neither-World we are looking at the darkest side of anti-creation in the universe.
Installed Themselves as Heads of State Behind the Scenes in Syria
They have been feverishly running all kinds of operations hoping their full moon would pan out for them. That hasn’t worked out. But the SSP has been installing a lot of their people as behind the scenes heads of state in various countries. Syria for one, and the current head of the rebels there is actually a trained CIA operative, trained by his CIA trained parents. They are trying to justify it, that he grew up there. Well yeah that is true, when his parents were diplomats from the US and they were run by the SSP operatives like the current and next Administration in the US.
They Are Behind the Uptick in Ukraine
They are not only in the Middle East but also heavily participating in Russia. We’re seeing a lot of reports come out of Russia now about things really heating up with Ukraine and the US providing missiles, and of course there is the ever-looming threat of a nuclear attempt coming from Russia. Everyone is playing the game. Basically, these people have installed themselves as head of state everywhere and now it’s Duck Dynasty-SSP Trump operatives all over the world. No country is safe from Duck Dynasty and they are running haphazard operations everywhere. They just had the Houthis, rebels in Yemen bombing Israel today, that was instigated by them and their other side is running Israel. So, the left hand is playing with the right hand trying to cause chaos everywhere.
They Are Pushing Alien Invasion Agenda, Hence Drones, Drones and More Drones
They have another agenda which is the alien invasion and they have been planning that since 2016. That’s what we’ve all been waiting for. I laugh at them because if they can’t get a real alien invasion, which is what they are hoping for, you create a fake one and one of those props is the drones. The drones are being run by the SSP operatives and they are spreading rumors that they are alien drones but they are not, they are absolutely running the drone show and they are saying there is increased radiation coming from the drones.
Is there increased radiation coming from the drones? No.
Are the drones being used to enhance or trigger frequency stones that were placed by non-humans in some areas of the East Coast? Yes
Are they doing this in other places? Yes, Russia is another place.
Are they using drones in all places? No, they have other methods, but the widely publicized East Coast drones are the topic of discussion on the internet and it’s all over the Q channels so we’ll start there.
These drones do not emit the frequency they say they emit. They are triggering something which is making a frequency stone field that is under certain military bases in that region that will help their cause and the next step. This is what they are actually trying to do.
Is there something that could be harmful to humans emitting from particular locations? Yes.
Is it any more toxic than chemtrails? No.
Are you being radiated? No.
They have been stealing for a while some rare earth minerals out of Rwanda and some other African countries. They were then brought to Jordan and then from Jordan to their respective chosen locations and the East Coast is one of those locations. They were hoping to use those special rare earth crystals/minerals that were under the hurricane hit areas in the Carolinas, however that didn’t work out because they disappeared. So, they have been using these other rare earth minerals to try and create a fuel.
How many elements are in the Periodic Table of Elements?
Well, there are a lot more they don’t tell us about but one of those that is somewhat discussed in the alt media is the element Ununpentium which is element 235.
They are trying to create this element so they can power some old flying machines. There are a lot of stories about Hitler’s old flying machines and they want these specific flying machines, not the fake SSP UFO craft because these flying machines contain a weapon of mass destruction which they are hoping to use.
Reference: (I think).
There is a flaw in their plan, but first we have a map of where they are targeting these drones.

Wright Patterson Airforce Base is not on this map but is also one of the places they have these flying machines. The Picatinny Military base is on the list, they brought one underneath Bedminster, there is one at Joint Base McGuire-Dix, and one at the Naval Weapons Station Earle.
That’s just a few of them, there are others they intend to target as well and would desperately like to power. Over the weekend we found one at Hoover Dam, one in Southern Russia near the border, one under the 3 Gorges Dam, one in Iran, one in Egypt, and one underneath Israel.
Hitler’s Flying Machines Are Not Your Average Flying Machines
Are they alien technology?
Well, they were alien inspired. Originally there were 24 of them and the 24 were set to go to the 24 major cities in the world to trigger a large weapon similar to weapons The-Enforcer would use. They are not human made weapons or nuclear. They are extremely destructive and could basically turn these major cities into deserts should they figure out how to use these things. But like I said earlier, there are some flaws their plan.
Is the SSP Qualified to fly them even if they managed to create this fuel?
No, and I’ll explain to you why, and I’ve already done this with these crazy people back in March of 2017.
You might have heard rumors on the alt media back in 2017 of people like John Kerry, Klaus Schwab and others going to Antarctica. The other thing that was coming up on the radar at that time behind the scenes is what we call a waif (I think this may be what Kim means?). Anytime you move uranium enriched type weapons or rods it leaves a nuclear stench and they were doing various things at that time to cover up that stench. At that time, they were basically saying Fukushima was leaking, the Jetstream had switched and the stench was coming from California and Alaska. There were all kinds of rumors at that time based on the coverup of the movement of those enriched uranium rods which were being taken to Antarctica.
They were coming from the Yakuza who was enriching them at Fukushima with a deal they made with Bush Senior and Henry Kissinger in hopes of trying to power one of these alien-inspired flying machines. Putin and a lot of different folks were also involved at the time they were going to do this operation; however, uranium power does not power these flying machines and they found that out pretty quickly.
What is Needed to Fly These Alien-Inspired Machines That Duck Dynasty Doesn’t Have
The next thing they couldn’t figure out at that time, and I guess this new Duck Dynasty crew wasn’t involved then, was how to fly said machine, because the machines are usually driven by a consciousness. Meaning it’s a consciousness to a consciousness when it comes to these machines, that’s how The Enforcer’s craft work and that’s how most everybody’s craft that actually moves through the time space continuums work.
I also had a discussion at that time with the Tall Whites who were actually there. It was the first time I had met and spoken to the Tall Whites who are usually around Greenland and the North Pole area, this was usually their region at the time. Remember the Others (non-human races) who were here as slaves were very compartmentalized and they had their specific regions where they could go and the two poles were the Tall Whites regions. At the time I just wanted to make sure that the crazy deep state people couldn’t figure out how to fly these machines and how to launch the weapons and the Tall Whites assured me they could not in exchange for something they needed. Because their homes were annihilated in the past in the wars they needed to re-terraform their planet, therefore they were looking for seedlings and other things to take with them to their planet. They are doing that right now and have been over the last couple of years. They have been able to successfully come and go as they need to and they have been of no threat, if anything they have been a great help to us all. So, this was in 2017 and here we go again with the same group.
Flaw 1 | The Fuel They Need They Can’t Find
I’ve had several conversations with people in the past about different elements you don’t see on the Periodic Table and one of those elements being Cobalt 935. It’s only found in a specific area of the world and I had a conversation recently in the last 2 months again about this. Apparently, they did not have time or couldn’t find any, or didn’t understand what Cobalt 935 was. So instead, they decided to use regular Cobalt in these East Coast locations to create a nano-coating on said machines hoping they could fly through the time space continuum and not all die. So that’s the first thing, that’s part of the gaseous state that is coming off. The second thing is they are trying to process these rare earth minerals with a boson fermion engine (not sure if I got that right) in order to convert these minerals into a usable fuel source to power these machines and these weapons in these machines. So, the emissions are their attempts to process this fuel.
Let’s say they were actually successful, that they figured out the key for reverse engineering what other folks couldn’t do in Los Alamos and whoever else tried and were circulating through the deep web, but Duck Dynasty did it. Well there are more obstacles for them.
Flaw 2 | They Can’t Communicate With Said Flying Machine
Not only do you have to drive said machines and trigger said machines utilizing your consciousness, you have to understand how to communicate once you created a fuel. So, they would have to manage to fire up the machine’s consciousness for lack of a better term, and all its elements so they can use it as an extension to their meat suit essentially, that would become the first step.
Flaw 3 | They Can’t Pass the Security Protocols
The other flaw to that model is that all these machines have security protocols. These machines do over 100 checks on your person. So, if you are not the right pilot to fly said machine, with living DNA checks and consciousness checks, it will reject you regardless. So, the chances of you staging a fake alien invasion using flying machines of this magnitude is zero, probably negative zero.
Flaw 4 | The Enforcer Took Away the Remaining Flying Machines
I was talking to The-Enforcer, Air Command earlier today about these machines and he said he’ll take care of the machines. Just to be 100% clear though I said I’m pretty sure I’m familiar with those craft and you have to have this, this and this to fly said craft. He laughed and said I don’t’ think they would even get that far. I asked why? He responded with, you know these machines are mind controlled? I said yes, I know that. Well first you have to have a mind. Oh, well that makes sense, I agree with you there. So, they both got a laugh.
So, this is what the Duck Dynasty SSP operatives were feverishly working on when the machines were still there. They are probably feverishly looking for more machines but they disappeared in March 2017 during the first operation we ran against them trying to do the same thing.
So that summarizes what the SSP-Trump Operatives-Duck Dynasty has been up to. They have been looking for full political control and installing themselves as the hidden heads of state globally. They are also trying to claim they are going to be able to cash pallets of dollars, euros, bolivars and dinar. They are showing big numbers to these heads of state and getting them to agree, telling them this is the only way they’re going to be able to save their country, but we Duck Dynasty will have to be in charge now. I’m pretty sure they got this idea from me for something else I was going to try to do here with the local people in Durango. But the local people here in Durango have a brain and they don’t which is why Duck Dynasty is attempting to create WWIII haphazardly and going nowhere. But when you’re trying to run a planet you can’t do things for sport, you have to do them with a strategy and an outcome and I’m not seeing that from these people, and their fake alien invasion is going to fail and no real aliens are coming to help them.
Threat of Nuclear War
Speaking of aliens, there are rumors amongst a lot of different groups in the alt media and I’ve heard talk that if there was an actual threat of a global nuclear war aliens would come and intercept said possible nuclear attack. That is what they are hoping for, I know that for a fact. Well, I can promise you that any alien who is going to prevent a nuclear war is already here. There is not going to be an invasion and you’re not going to see these people. They’ve been counteracting everything they have been doing since day 1, so we already have our army and arsenal here now, and if anything, they are going to help take them down. Their fake nuclear war attempt is not going to get them an invasion of aliens who are going to actually help them, because again they would see them as the threat. Remember earth is a keystone planet and what happens here would create a ripple effect and no one wants that. There have been people who have been here for a long time now to prevent these crazy Duck Dynasty people from doing some weird stuff.
Neither-World Status Report
We talked about the Neither-World and that we had a holographic universe that existed in between, and about the Creator’s universe where earth is now. There are still ties and bindings left on earth and for the universe that allows for the occasional quantum tunnel for the Neither-World, our Creator universe that we live in, and in some cases the hologram. We are finding the source of those and I’ll give a brief overview about what I found out about the Neither-World and what has been going on there lately.
Story of the Devil Being Bound for 1,000 Years
There is a story in a lot of religious texts including the Bible that talks about the Devil being bound for 1,000 years. Then he will roam free on earth for a time and then he will be bound again. We also talked last time about what a Merkabah is, that it’s like a dual Metatron cube and a binding onto itself, and that humans on this planet bore a lot of those bindings as did earth.
But what powered the Neither-World?
Because the Neither-World is an artificial universe it has to have some base root in Source. Some of those things we did find. But it would also have to have some celestial involvement of some sort.
Well, in the last few days we found where our original progenitors went. We also found them in a Merkabah in somewhat stasis with a lot of their consciousness being driven by the Black Magician who was also in that Merkabah. The celestials were bound in the center triangle and externally in Metatron’s cube was the Black Magician.
Note: For related post on the Progenitors, see Who Are the Progenitors? | Who are the Archimedeans? | 5 Million Year Depopulation Program Uncovered! | Meeting at the Mirrors Lures 229 Cabal Members Who Are No More! |Project Lincoln Logs Continues | All Cloning Stashes Removed! | Deeper Understanding of Media-Shots-Chemtrails & Luciferase
Of course, The Black Magician would have been in the dark place in the Neither-World, so deep down on what we would call our mirrored Anti-Source. There were also other celestials bound in the “Neither-World’s fake Source, as well as the central point or what you would call Neutral Source. So those celestials were what powered the Neither-World and ALLES AI. Those beings are no longer there, they retuned back to the ALL of Creation, Source itself and are broken into a lot of pieces and never to be reassembled again. And this is a positive for us.
This set off a number of triggered-programs and a couple I found really interesting are what you call the Book of Life and Death. I would call it a regulator of sorts, that regulated life and death. Death was run by the Neither-World or Anti-Source or Omega in the holographic universe. Then we would have had a binding to life and death or the Law of Sin and Death in some cases.
The same goes for your consciousness and it was definitely a case of time, which is another thing I found interesting. When we say that love conquers all, if you were to weave the fabric of reality, so love in cooperation with frequency, wisdom and of course all the elements like essence, energy, consciousness, matter, then love would write the song, the melody so to speak, the entire chorus, all the verses, and it would be infinite. And time would be the opposite of that. It would also create the movement of all the elements and shaping of all the elements in the universe. If the natural world runs clockwise the unnatural world runs counter-clockwise. It creates a kinesis or kinetic movement of things throughout the multiverse.
But there are equal and opposite sides of the multiverse that have been influencing everything in the universe for a long time. Artificially so, because even though we had an omega-verse or the Anti-Source-verse so to speak, in the natural order of things of creation in the past, the Neither-World was created almost onto itself, in order to take over all aspects of creation.
But it also spun atomically speaking in the opposite direction. But with bindings and connections between the universes there were occasions, specific times of the year here on earth which is the remaining gateway, where we would see a lot more activity coming from over there to here.
Agreement the Neither-World Had with the SSP
Now based on the deal that these folks made back in June of this year we’ve been seeing a lot of activity. That’s the reason we go so light for awhile and then we go dark for a while and then we’re two steps back. It’s because of the agreement the Neither-World had with the SSP folks and others here. But I would say they kind of stepped into a little bit of s**t when they made that agreement because they didn’t have the right to. It became apparent to the point where the Black Magician, albeit bound in a certain way, but still able to operate to a certain degree almost didn’t fight us when we started dismantling things. There was a little bit of turmoil Sat and Sun for sure, but by today we really weren’t getting much of a fight when it came to dismantling things which was kind of a shocking actually.
The only one still fighting for control of Earth and apparently the multiverse is the SSP, with their fake alien invasion, I guess that’s the plan. I don’t know if you’re watching this from another government and are a head of state and offered up your country and all your assets, but they have already been liened and for a long time. So, getting you to assign all your country’s assets in-ground and otherwise over to Duck Dynasty isn’t going to yield anything for your country and definitely not get you out of any financial problem. Now you know their plan if you want these people running your country. They did a bang-up job over here in the US, so that is just some advice. But it doesn’t really matter because we’re going to counteract everything and it will be a waste of time anyway.
Remember we are not supporting governments at this point anyway, we are supporting the people, so even them taking political control it’s like taking over ENRON now after it being gone over a decade. So, I’m not sure how that’s going to benefit them anyway. They’ll just keep doing what they’ve always done and think the are smarter than Source with their Black Magician guy.
I’ve faced this Black Magician before and the AI that he created, ALLES AI is more feminine. I don’t know, maybe he needed some cyborg companionship over there from the Neither-World before he created all those beings over there to hang out with. Don’t get me wrong, there is some kind of respect when you come across an enemy that outsmarted you or beat you. You’re like okay, wow, you just did that. I know it’s happened to me before, but I learned from these people. I was like okay, now let’s fix it.
There has been a lot more cleanup as far as bindings Keeping the Neither-World Away
The ALLES AI is still trying to maintain its existence and it’s definitely put a strain on humans because it’s looking for a lifeforce and power. It might find that in the dumb SSP people for a little while, but it’s not going to be enough to power what they want it to do. But it’s thrown out some frequencies and created some unfortunate situations. Many may be hearing a lot of tones in their ears. We find it and remove it then maybe you’ll hear another frequency in the other ear and we find that too. So, this has been an up and down thing over the last few days, but I promise you it’s not going to kill you or cause permanent or long-term harm. It’s meant to make you uncomfortable and we’re going as fast as we can to get rid of this thing and its access to this planet. So, hang in there, it’s been a rough road but no one wants this done faster than I do.
Wrapping Up
As far as the deep state is concerned, I don’t expect to see any alien invasion but it’s been a nice Toys R Us version for the past few days. We may hear threats and talk about nuclear war but there will not be a nuclear war. We might still see some turmoil in countries they still have political, military and intelligence control over because maybe those people want it to happen and are in on it. Maybe they too want some demons, but I don’t see that working out for them either.
We are still within the 3 days of the full moon and for them there is always hope. We also have the Solstice coming up at the end of the week and they love to do things on Christmas. That’s another time they like to flip around every meaning we have of a positive time with family. Christmas this year also happens to be the same time as Hanukkah so you will have a lot more people celebrating on that day. So, we have a really busy week ahead to prevent anything from happening.
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bonjour, il y a au moins une chose de réel ! qui ne devrait pas exister sur la terre originel, qui sont: l’automne, l’hivers, le froid, qui ne sont pas des purificateurs de toutes véritables vies terrestre, comme ils nous le fond croirent! mais bien l’inverse! ce sont des outils de destructions massives pour la récolte de leurs looch: (végétations, animaux, humains, constructions réalisé à base de vies terrestre) nous voyons tout cela disparaitre tout les ans puit réincarné le printemps suivant, ainsi de suite années aprés années, mais personne ne voie cette réalité, en sachant qu’ils dirigent le temps et les saisons! ce dieu du nom de yahvé et ces serviteurs n’aiment pas les vies terrestre! nous somme juste leurs jouissances et leurs nouriturres et boissons, temps qui nous disons oui à la réincarnation! et je dis maintenant la réincarnation ses hologrammes doivent disparaître de la terre, n’y plus n’y moins! et j’espère que kim pourra avoir axé 1 ce message! merci bonne courage à tous/toutes