I had a gap in my email service so subscribers may not have received the last 2 newsletters. I have now fixed that so you should receive emails again as I publish.
Below are the last 2 posts that you may or may not have received.
Rumors This Week: Nesara/Gesara & RV is Happening, CERN Has Demon Visitors, The Simpsons Now Predicts Trump’s Death in 2024, The Eclipse is Changing Course, & Expect Biowarfare Right Before | What Does All That Focus On Death Do to the Planet On Good Friday? | The Christ–Anti-Source Covenant, Christ Died So You Did Not Have To? | The Aftermath of Christ’s Decent to Hell Made It Worse | The Serpent Represents Tree of Death | Why Are Red & Black Favorite Colors of Satanist Churches? | Ultimate Slavery Agreement to Utilize Your Christ Energy/Love To Create In Lower Astral Ends
[Published 04/04/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/01/2024]
Good Friday Update | Christ, The Original Rightful Guardian For Source On This Planet & His Death to Curse This Planet For More Than 2,016 Years Has Been Broken!
[Published 04/01/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/29/2024[
This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 03-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Today Kim gives an explanation behind the earthquake in Taiwan and how it relates to ancient Hindu mythology about the Milk Ocean. She also found out the remnants of the Global Headquarters is working off predictions to occur through 2030, which are lies, but allegedly from Project Looking Glass. In other words nothing has changed for the non-repairable humans left on this planet. They remain non-repairable.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

03-Apr-24 News (
The Base Root Behind the Earthquake in Taiwan
The remnants of the Deep State were not the cause of the earthquake in Taiwan, but they were behind the media campaign that was set forth for it. The explanation on the earthquake in Taiwan has to do with the Milk Ocean.
The Story About the Milk Ocean
There is a lot of information about the Milk Ocean on the internet. A lot of it comes out of the Hindus mythology through India, saying it was the connection to Lord Vishnu in their world. There used to be lot of talk in Russian mythology about the Milk Ocean as well, and a lot of prophecies about how the Milk Ocean disappeared.
The Milk Ocean is actually a thing, but it’s not water. You could call it a Source version of a Gatekeeper program, and the ultimate say as to what would happen to the Gate known as Keystone Earth and the Gateway in zero-point Earth would have been up to Source.
So, although Global Headquarters and those who proclaimed they are the 9 (remember the Q clock) believe they had the only Gatekeeper program on earth, that was false. It was always false. The ultimate end, ripcord or Deadman switch would have been with Source. So even if these people or the non-humans got out of line, Source and Anti-source could have pulled the rip cord and blocked the gate at any time, and the Milk Ocean was a part of that program. Gateways, overlays on gateways, and membranes on gateways to prevent catastrophic events are done with energy, essence, consciousness, and frequencies. There are all kinds of things that can block gateways and this Milk Ocean was both the essence of Source and Anti-Source, so it was like their gatekeeper key. The Milk Ocean extended through a very large area. It went through the northern part of Russia down to most of China, throughout most of Pakistan and India, throughout Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and most of Eastern Europe through Romania. So, it was a very large area where this ocean existed.
Source’s Gatekeeper Program (Milk Ocean) Was Removed & Replaced with Source Essence
Now as far as the humans and the SSP are concerned, they’ve been trying to utilize it for their benefit for a long time, but it’s a mixture of both light and dark and you cannot isolate just the dark portion for your purposes. And those types of things would have been utilized by “Others” and by covenant only. And the gatekeeper program could only be removed by Source itself, which is has. It’s not needed anymore because there is no gate. The matter itself would flow through a lot of caverns with the predominant location or entryway point being in Kazakhstan. It has been replaced with Source essence for sure, but it’s not acting as a gatekeeper program anymore.
There was a trigger put in place by non-human beings at several places in the world that could have triggered earthquakes when the Milk Ocean was transmuted and changed. This relates to the earthquake in Taiwan, which was not a 7.5 like the news media was saying. We didn’t register anything over a 4 or 4.5. There was also an earthquake in Alaska.
In specific locations, of which we had only 5 left in the world, it happened to trigger these dormant alien technology machines in a few different locations. The one that actually triggered the Taihang Mountains in China, which is where the signal came from that went to Taiwan was not a human thing. For once the China deep state did not do this. Once the Milk Ocean morphed into something else the signal actually came from Klyuchevskaya Sopka, one of the largest mountains in Siberia. However, they were counting on this triggering earthquakes all over the world and hopefully during the eclipse. So, the Global Headquarters and SSP people got very excited yesterday when we actually had an earthquake.
China Deep State’s Involvement is Around Staging a 911 ‘Lite’ Event
Where China’s involvement came in was in making sure there were some buildings that came down and some landslides happened in certain areas of Taiwan. Yes, the ground did shake, so this was no surprise when some of the building came down. You could call this a 911 lite event, which was definitely staged. They took advantage of a potential event they thought was going to take place based on false information they received from Project Looking Glass.
Where the 3.5 earthquake was reported in Alaska is where that bit of technology was. We also had some of that technology in Medicine Mountain in California and one or two other locations on earth that we took care of as well. But the expectation of more earthquakes in the US on the path of the eclipse is never going to take place.
Did we unknowingly trigger something a little bit early because we didn’t need it anymore?
Yes, I guess we did. But it wasn’t what they are saying it was in social media. And there wasn’t a tsunami in Japan today. It was only 30 cm (11 inches).
So that’s the explanation behind the earthquake. That is exactly where the signal came from to a mountain in China, in a dormant volcano and it triggered under the water. And because there was no power behind it, no dark energy to trigger these machines, there was a small earthquake. I believe the 5 locations we found are the last but we’ll keep looking to make sure. I don’t expect any kind of disaster because the power behind it is gone. I still don’t expect anything to happen on April 8th but we’re remaining diligent.
What’s Left of the Global Headquarters is Now Running the Show & Creating Upheaval
We have some Langley 5 people and people who work with them, and a few SSP people left but we are mostly down to what is left of the Global Headquarters people. And they are very angry right now due to their screens being whited out and them not being able to see anything. Tom Melville and I did receive some phone calls over the weekend yelling and complaining wanting me to give them back access and authority, but that would be a NO from me.
Attempt to Regain Some System Access Has Been Unsuccessful
They are desperately trying to get access to any kind of computer system to regain control or regain some kind of a gatekeeper system for money coming through. They recently threatened the ACIO people and then kicked them out of their facility. Remember the ACIO worked directly for Marduk and were the ‘quantum computing experts’ section of the NSA. They were here to do monitoring and make sure balance was maintained. Well now the people who did know how to run that stuff are kind of on the run and I don’t know if those people are even affiliated with the ACIO or if they are affiliated with the 15 Shadow Militaries in some way. Personally, I feel it’s the 15 Shadow Militaries and not the actual ACIO, which was technically part of them at one time. Speaking of the 15 militaries, they also sat down with some members of Cyberlife since they went blind. I am guessing they needed something to see into computers to do something. Whatever they tried didn’t last and they are blind again, and their 2 main facilities which were in the in US are no longer working.
Conversations Behind the Scenes
There were talks over the weekend where the US basically decided they could not afford to move forward with a war in the Middle East, nor with Taiwan, which we talked about in a previous broadcast. The US was going to do the bare minimum by NATO standards, but apparently this is unacceptable to what remains of the Global Headquarters and the Order of the Dragon.
There are a lot of preparations and a lot of planes going around there which really are “super-secret” meetings so no one can listen and include members of the US State Department. Their “official” story is they were visiting UNESCO sites in the Middle East, of which there are many. They didn’t mention the fact they were flying around in a circle for 4 hours and having a meeting with some people from Qatar, also known on a political map as Clintonville. People from Singapore, Turkey, and Jordan militaries were also in attendance. These are all Rothschild controlled areas of the world and we know Iran is Green Dragon territory, so no surprise there. And now Iran has threatened Israel since they have long range missiles. And this apparently is supposed to be happening on the eclipse, which also happens to be the last day of Ramadan.
In other conversations behind the scenes, including those on the plane, a lot of it is about money, what can they move around, and how they need the US involvement officially. There were huge bribes being talked about with the US State Department for their involvement in the Middle East. So of course they agreed to participate in the Middle East. They’ll be back here offering something to people, probably those who have contracts with them to provide weapons to the Middle East. But those people are still waiting for a paycheck of substance. Will they comply? Is Iran going to attack Israel? I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think so.
Preparing for Expected Events in the Middle East
There are a lot of Turkish forces moving around the Middle East as Turkey is a member of NATO. If you can’t get the US to be the face front in the war, you push on NATOs allies to continue with this process. So, it’s no surprise we’re seeing Turkey moving all over the place. We still have a lot of operatives onboard and whatever the US military was discussing behind closed doors obviously went out the window. There have been many attempts to move military equipment coming from the US to the Middle East in preparation for the events they’re planning to take place over the next several days.
Sending Out Erratic Orders with No Strategy Behind Them
Orders they are giving are very erratic, there is no strategy behind what they are doing. I know about the planned war between Iran and Israel which has been going on for over a decade. I know about the Taiwan situation with China. Putin and his conscription announcement is not new as Russia always had that, but perhaps changing of the age is what makes it new. Also, a declaration of war by Russia against Ukraine was mentioned 4-5 times in the last 2 weeks in Russian news. Except they’ve been at war, so what is that about?
All this upheaval is predominantly coming from this Global Headquarters group. As far as I can tell they are working with some of the Q people and what’s left of the of SSP still hoping this solar eclipse does something for them. I’m telling you these things because there is a lot of fear going around of what is to come in the next few days. We are monitoring very closely the orders coming from Global Headquarters and their people who arrived here in Durango yesterday and today. I’m not sure why they are here and hope it has nothing to do with me. If it does, they will be very disappointed people.
Project Looking Glass Rears Its Ugly Head Again
These remaining Global Headquarters and SSP People still believe false information that allegedly came from Project Looking Glass. The group has been told that they have information, orders, and instructions of possible events that could take place between now and 2030. This is what the SSP believe they have. Even though we are a few years into this information and nothing they thought was going to happen has happened yet, they still plan to wait for these respective events to take place in accordance with alleged information that came from Project Looking Glass. Actually, none of the events they have instructions for have taken place except for what happened in Turkey last year, which was not a human dictated event but remnant of the Armageddon program.
I can tell you that information past 2012 from Project Looking Glass is 100% a lie. Did they get it from some alien race at the Octagon, or some coven somewhere? I don’t know, but it was all pulled directly out of their asses because there was no information that was correct beyond the year 2012. That’s why everyone believed the world was going to end in 2012 because no more information came.
2012 was not the end of the world, it what when the world began to change. They are actually going off an entire book of lies that was left for them.
It’s important for them to know and all of us to know because the fear coming out of the media about events to take place is just that, FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). They are predicting more earthquakes to come. Some say an earthquake in California was supposed to take place a few weeks ago. There were mechanisms, multiple things on the fault line left by non-humans at some point in time that could have made that happen. But the expectation of more earthquakes in the US on the path of the eclipse is never going to take place or earthquakes worldwide for that matter.
Status of the Crazy People Now
What we have are inexperienced operatives trying to run a war in the Middle East, transporting equipment all over for no pay, but a title, hoping the events from false information will come to fruition. I still don’t know what their end result is with these false instructions but they are still talking about earthquakes.
As for what the GCHQ people are doing around here in Durango, I don’t know. But are they going to continue after a lot of their colleagues died in Norfolk for what they were doing yesterday? I don’t know for sure, but they’ll probably continue until they too are dead.
It does cause some problems for people in general, because of their insatiable desire for power, money and control. But they are in a failing business and refuse to go in a different direction. At this point, after listening to all the plane meetings and how much power they are promising in the region, they sound very ill, all of them.
And I really do not think there is any hope in fixing government. I thought I would repeat that because the governments are more broken than humanity is believe it or not. Humanity just has to be careful the oppressed don’t become the oppressors.
Positive Actionable Items You Can Do Today
Stop wondering who is becoming the next president because it doesn’t matter. And remember, where you put your intention is important, focus on a positive outcome and not watching hundreds of videos of earthquakes. If you find yourself going through tik-tok video after tik-tok video it will probably make you sick. And since it’s China’s social media channel expect to see a lot of that. So turn off your computer, your phone and go for a walk, anything to reground yourself.
I see so many people in a full-on panic but there is nothing that happens that cannot be reversed. It just depends on who you are listening to. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but remember 90% of your emotional and mental state will affect your physical body.
If you are here, you are here for a reason, we are here to make the changes. We were brought here because of who we are. They tortured us because of who we are, so just remember that. Every time life seems horrible and the energy is terrible, remember how strong you are. Despite what they’ve thrown at us, chemicals and chemtrails and sprays, we are still here! And for people who feel they are too old to be of help, maybe your part is to share your wisdom with others.
So, remember, this too shall pass.
And being grateful for all those Apocalypse attempts that didn’t happen never hurts either…
Apocalypse 14.0
The Government’s Disclosure Program | Mitch McConnell’s Special Implant | Marduk Gifted Us Another Apocalypse, A Full Package to Destroy Humanity & Control Those Who Survived | Black Dragon, UN & Rothschild On Behalf of Line of Solomon Try to Re-up Agreements in Hall of Records | China’s Ultimate Plan is Moving The Fed to Hong Kong, Including FedNow that CIA & NSA Were Helping Install | BRICS Nations Expected Large Shares of USD | Operatives Preparing for Upcoming BRICS Meeting in Panic Mode Due to No Money | Kim Seizes ALL Personal Accounts of Order of the Dragon Leaving Them Broke! | Just Empower Me
UNN Situation Report July 28, 2023
Apocalypse 13.0
More on the JASON Society & Related Groups Intent on World Domination | Apocalypse Attempt 13.0 | Focus on Egypt & the Middle East, Causing 5.8 Earthquake in Turkey but Fake Alien Invasion & Tsunami Prevented | Turns Out Alpha Centuari is a Black Sun & Proximus Centauri Used to Be Earth’s 2nd Sun | Source Creates Another Covenant to Speed up Light to Light Integration Removing the Space Time Matter Matrix! | Part 1
UNN Situation Report 02/22/2023
Apocalypse 12.0:
2 Drunkards Trigger Apocalypse Attempt 12.0 | Almost Unleash a Magnetic Pole Shift via Harmonic Reactor in Antarctica! | Light Side Required All Hands on Deck | JASON Society Troublemakers | Alpha-Omega Source Agreement-Reign of the Bloodline Expires! | Rulership of Earth Now Granted to Us, the Bloodline of the Light! | Spring Equinox is Actually New Year’s Day, When Source Sends Our Instructions for the Year
UNN Situation Report Feb 20, 2023
Apocalypse 11.0:
Armageddon Protocol Activated Because the Light Won the War | Alien Tech (Density Machines) Cause Earthquake in Turkey on Lion’s Gate, Feb 5th | Will the Middle East be Next? | Why Kim is Concerned About Yellowstone | Finally, the End of The Evil Generals | Who are the Targethians & How Are They Involved? | FAITH | Just Empower Me
UNN Situation Report Feb 6, 2023
Apocalypse 10.0:
200,000 Sent Back to Source Due to Apocalypse Attempt 10.0 | Remnants of the Order of the Black Sun & the Dragon Hold Recruitment Meeting | International Space Station Dismantled, Soon to Be Removed | Seal of Source on the Planet Completed as Planned! | Just Empower Me
UNN Report Dec 26, 2022
Apocalypse 9.0:
Hey Central Bankers! Kim Created & Runs the Global Repository | Just to Confirm, Eres Did Not Return as Ares, God of War | Disappointed Generals Try For Apocalypse 9.0 & Hope We Believe Christ is a Demon | What’s in Germantown, Maryland? | Dec 23rd is HOLY FIRE DAY! ASCENSION IS IMMINENT!!! | Just Empower Me
UNN Situation Report Dec 23, 2022
Apocalypse 8.0:
Apocalypse 8.0? | Black Sun Tries to Unleash Absent Lower Astral on Earth | Massive Network of Corp Control Found | Huawei, the Replacement for ECHELON Undone | Battlelines Drawn | Both Sides Claim to Own Kim | Is ‘Trump’ thing Worth More Dead or Alive? | Will Black Sun Push Martial Law? | Rothchilians Sweep up on Empty Promises | Welcome to Crystalline Time! | What is Sovereignty? | Just Empower Me
UNN Report Oct 24, 2022
Apocalypse 7.0
Happy Birthday Kim! | What Has Ensued Since Kim’s Operation Notes Were Unleashed? | Where Do the Remaining 9 Deep State Generals Stand Now? | Just Empower Me
UNN Situation Report Sept 28, 2022
Apocalypse 6.0:
Rumors Around 25th Amendment/Martial Law/10 Days of Darkness/Nuke Attack/Banking Crisis | Was Xi Jinping in Hiding? | Dueling Agency People Fight for their Dead POTUS Pick | Kim’s Notes Go Viral in Spook Community | Status of Kim’s Offer to Blackrock | Just Empower Me
UNN Report Sept 26, 2022
Apocalypse 5.0, 4.0 & 3.0:
More Apocalypse Plans & More Failures | BlackRock’s Aladdin System Kaput | Supersnap Kaput | Fake Alien Operation Kaput | Buttering up Tom Melville Kaput | Apocalypse Plan on Deck Targets Famous Bridges on 9/28 | Kim Throws her Hat in the Ring, Makes BlackRock an Offer | Just Empower Me
UNN Situation Report Sept 21, 2022
Apocalypse 4.0 & 3.0:
The WHO Says COVID is Unwinding? Really? | Apocalypse 3.0 on Deck for Sept 24th | Digital Currency Carrot Perpetuates Insanity | Bacteria in Halite, Source of Recent Respiratory Problems | Delusional Generals Try to Butter Up Tom Melville to Avoid Kim | What’s Up with the War in Russia? | Just Empower Me
UNN Report Sept 16, 2022
Apocalypse 2.0:
Apocalypse Plan B Derailed! | Out of the Loop King Chuckie III Gets a Reality Check | Who is Somerset Belenoff? | Any People Still Stuck in the Halls? | Operatives Dropping Like Flies | Massive Cleaning & Clearing of All Systems Underway | Just Empower Me
UNN Situation Report Sept 12, 2022
Apocalypse 1.0:
What Do Juan O’Savin and ‘The Viking’ Have in Common? | Wait! Lucifer Can Still Come by Sept 7th | Wingnuts Attempt New Ways to Create Apocalypse | Kim & The Enforcer Perform More Operations & Wipe Them Out | Just Empower Me
UNN Situation Report Sept 5, 2022
Pindar Chair Show in Durango | Juan O’Savin’s Real Boss is The Pale Horsemen | Operation Wipe Out (aka) Armageddon Derailed! | Surviving Infiltrators Tagged & Likely Sweating Profusely | Just Empower Me
UNN Situation Report Aug 26, 2022
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