This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 9, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us an update on the what is happening in Israel. Because the prophecies extend through all religions about Armageddon and where the final battle between good and evil will be, which is in Israel they are trying to get it started asap because they are figuring out the world is changing. Kim and the Enforcer’s teams have done everything they could to mitigate loss of life, but she said under the circumstances it’s not that easy. It takes a lot of time and effort unfortunately. But she does end on some positive news though, regarding her neutrino box project which is soon to be underway.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
The Pre-planned War in Israel
The events going on in Israel over the weekend has been a plan for quite a while. It was a preplanned war and not by the Rothschilds et al. It was something they had from years ago when Marduk was still alive. They received instructions from him on how to create this war. Kim can even go into the old orders and instructions in the Hall of Records and read them so she knows everywhere they are going before they get there.
The Rothschilds Hatred for Real Jewish People
The Rothschilds have hated the real Jewish people for a very long time. They tried to annihilate them during WWII but what is happening now actually goes back much further, all the way back to Moses. Kim told us before that the original 10 Commandments were about how to live in the world ruled by Source, the Light. Moses came down from the mountain all excited wanting to share the communication he had with the Creator but then saw the Jewish people worshipping false idols instead. Needless to say, he was angry and eventually he had to go back up the mountain and this time came back with 613 commandments. If you are Jewish, you would have seen them in the Torah, and some are kind of crazy and that’s because those 613 commandments were about, how to live in a world ruled by Anti-Source.
The Rothschilds and the other Dragon families are the Merovingians (Demons), a Luciferian bloodline and they are constantly looking for ways to prevent people from worshipping the Light. Well around 2016-2017 Kim heard about this part of plan that happened this weekend because it came right from Mayer Rothschild’s mouth. He was trying to convince or trick a Melchizedek (Angel) to work for the dark essentially. Also, back at that time Mayer Rothschild made a comment that he couldn’t stand the Orthodox Jews, which at this time makes up about 70% of Israeli citizens, including those with the Mossad. He estimated they would like to keep 30% who maybe weren’t so religious, non-practicing or maybe were completely the opposite. And there has been news coming from there about how they would like to kill everybody. It happened before with the Netanyahu Administration, with Japan and the tsunami; he was involved in that so it’s no surprise now it’s happening on their territory.
Why Try to Start the War Ahead of Schedule
The prophecies extend through all religions about Armageddon and where the final battle is going to start. The final battle between good and evil will be in Israel. We know the basis of why the war needs to be started there by why now? Because they are starting to get wind that the world is changing. So, they are really working hard to get everyone onboard for their ‘savior’ to come, which will actually be from their Luciferian bloodline. They wanted to install their own version of the Anti-Christ, a Mahdi which is the Islamic savior. In Judaism it’s Yeshua and in Christianity Jesus.
Doing this exercise now, which is sooner than they anticipated, is because the dark consciousness is fading. They do not have brain implants being remote controlled from a lower astral race anymore so they are not getting a good handle as to why their good friends, the Reptilians (their bloodlines are very similar) are not coming to help them when it’s a full moon, new moon, Lion’s gate or any gate. So, they decided to pull the rip cord so to speak on Friday.
In addition, because Kim was having conversations with different groups of operatives and other groups last Friday word started getting around that the Rothschilds were not the ones who were providing the funding. Also spreading was the reason why those pallets of cash they have been handing out since 1975 are never going to be cashable and they also started figuring out all the different geopolitical moves going on behind the scenes and what is really happening. They’ve been doing a lot of verifying and what they are now recognizing is that this is not the way to go. Not all operatives are assassin types, some are scientists and they can see how things are going with some technologies which can be used in a positive manner or negative one.
What is Happening Behind the Scenes
They still see puffy clouds in Omega and they could see a war chest of fake money, meaning just numbers in a back-system and this showing of fake money was enough to get everything going. When the Rothschilds started losing credibility they realized they had no time left, so they pulled the ripcord. They pulled out someone else’s plan and handed it out to the Langley 5 Generals, the Americans essentially, and handed it out to the Israelis and Hamas. And everyone wants their savior to come back right? They are all looking forward to it, so they went for it.
To further start this and anger the Republican party operatives, the rumor going around was that the Biden Administration had actually given Iran $6 billion to arm the Hamas. But there was no real money because the US doesn’t have any. Biden is the Democratic party; blue belongs to the Blue Dragon therefore it was Rothschild who promised Iran $6 billion. Biden isn’t promising anything to anybody but the Administration probably got wind something was probably going to happen, so they tried to get Iran involved. They cannot get a world war going unless Iran is involved. Iran has been used and abused by the Order of the Dragon for eons, and they are part of the Order. Khomeini, or whoever is playing that role now is the Green Dragon. And they have put out enough money and funded enough craziness coming from China, the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, and the Taliban. Now the reason that rumor was put out there was to gain the support of the operatives in America for what was about to happen, and they fell for it hook, line, and sinker. They said okay, when the $6 billion gets here we’ll do it.
Did the War Dogs Actually Provide Arms?
Well, some of the operatives were smart enough to say, once that money comes out and you get the war started, I’ll come in and provide the arms later. But the loyalists didn’t wait for the money. They went into the stock they had in Jordan and some other areas and by Friday night things escalated. They planned it out and rigged up the below implosion to get the party started. What they are claiming is an Israeli airstrike is not, most of the explosions are coming from the ground.

Saturday night there were more claims of airstrikes but again it looks like explosions are coming from the ground. Of course we cannot rely on what the mainstream media is showing. They are trying to hype this up to holy high heaven because they need to get this war really started because there is a fake war chest with fake numbers. So come on guys! We got get this war started!

Air Command Does Worldwide Grounding
By Sat morning Ground Command Kim and Air Command The Enforcer put out a plan.
They realized if they grounded anything that could fire a missile, such as a drone, helicopter, aircraft, or fighter jet and just kind of dealt with what was in the region then the Americans, the British, and the Iranians would be there in no time. Everybody is going to start to play now and start dropping stuff everywhere, the Chinese, the Russians, everybody was going to start to come. So let’s just say Air Command saw this as a potential threat, so The Enforcer made a decision to do a worldwide grounding. That doesn’t include C17s and C30s and other carriers, just things that could participate in Armageddon or fake WWIII, and that worked for a while.
Ships Lost All Electronic Capacity
Then they started shooting Israel from battleships offshore in Gaza. It was the Navy (but not the Americans at the time), it was the Israelis going as far inland as they could in battleships. Then there were rumors that the Americans were on their way with fighter jets and all this stuff. So then ships lost all electronic capacity.
Left with Launchers from the Ground
For the last 24 hours or so what they are left with are launchers from the ground. Things like rocket launchers, medium and long-range missiles which are all coming from the ground at this point. For the last 12-18 hours Kim and The Enforcer were working on that type of a malfunction.
That is where the war is at right now, where it started and who started it.
Rothschild Promises Money on Sunday Night
With all the failing equipment the operatives involved basically told the Rothschilds they did not have the ability to keep this war going until Tuesday unless there was money, so they agreed to provide money by Sunday night. And Kim said they made a valiant effort attempting to hack at thin air all weekend.
Kim Created a Faraday Cage to Help with Dissipation of Parasites & Dark Matter
Because they could show the shadow of money in the distance to the Treasury Department, Kim decided to create a reverse faraday cage, for lack of a better term, in quantum computers. Think of it like a shield. They cannot see anything when they try and hack into the financial system now, but in addition to that the more they pound us with parasites and dark matter (MITRE Corp still has some sophisticated stuff), it goes back at them, to the false clouds and helps with the dissipation of these things. So, at this rate there will be no more puffy clouds in the sky in the next 15-16 hours, and the more they do it the less that they can see. So she she wanted to give a shoutout to Mobius Military and Cyberlife for helping her get rid of this with no effort on her part. She appreciates that. All she had to do was create a mirror or shield for that.
Did any money come Sunday night US time?
No money came. They all have been waiting for the east coast to wake up though thinking money is coming from the US although she doesn’t know why.
Today Chaos Ensued in This Realm
Mossad Did Their Part
Mossad did everything on the list they were supposed to do in the first 24 hours, but didn’t get paid. Then there was going to be the announcement of Yeshua coming to fruition. Word on the street is they wanted David Rothschild, the younger one, to play the role of Yeshua, but he didn’t want to play the role, so she is sure someone else was picked to play him. She has heard of many fake Mahdis out there and she is on Jesus 84 or 85 now, so you can throw that one in the ring now too. They really have these people convinced they are going to play the role of the Anti-Christ or the false prophet, whatever term you use. But in any case, now they are now calling around to find out what happened since they did their part.

Hey Guys You Can Cash in Your Dinar! Yeah Right
Now Bush Sr. before he died was the master of getting people to do something for free. First it was the fake pallets of super notes in 1979 to Iran and more recently Kamala Harris sent $3 billion of the same fake pallets to Iran. Why they take this cash Kim doesn’t know. If they still can’t cash the pallets from 1979, why continue to take more? But Rothschild also got people to work for free. In 2016 Mayer Rothschild told them (evidently the Mossad was included) that “the RV is carrots for jackasses”, to quote him. Yet Rothschild is still promising everyone: countries, the Mossad, the CIA, and the operatives around the world to get this war going first, then they will be able to cash in on everything. That’s what got all the operatives to start putting up arms from other countries, from the Mossad to other places. They were told they will now be able to cash in their Dinar. Oy vey. Kim said China then called the Taliban and asked for clearance and safe passage through Iraq and Iran and eventually Gaza and Israel and Lebanon which she believes was denied. But they were promised if they do this, they will be able to cash in their Dinar too.
Flash forward to what’s happening now.
It’s All Kim’s Fault!
They are blaming Kim because they cannot cash in their historical assets, or their dinar and for not getting paid for all the work they have done over the weekend. They are trying to deflect their problems on Kim. How novel.
Things Rothschild Doesn’t Understand
They are currently working on a ridiculous agenda handed to them by Kim’s predecessor. Again, it has been years since Marduk left this Earth and Universe. Kim is NOT Marduk. So, they can pursue all those orders as long as they want, but she is not going to play with them. She has financial control, at least as it is released from the system and she is working on the final leg as she told us. So if she didn’t order them to do any of these crazy things why are they blaming her. It’s like they have brain damage if you ask me.
COIL (Context and Object Integrating Language)
What they don’t understand is that even in years past with their successful wars, WWI, WWII, Iran Conflict, Desert Storm, etc. it still required the left hand to shake with the right hand. Her predecessor was always sitting there and had the ability to allocate numbers to fake money that was in Omega. He had accessibility at that time, for the right hand to shake with the left hand. So, without Kim’s cooperation even if they see fake numbers in the sky they still need her to put allocation numbers to it to make it real. This ties to COIL (Context and Object Integrating Language) which bound systems together. You need to work one to work the other one. They can hack all they want but if they don’t have the other hand to clap with, it just will never work. Kim knew that which is why she had to change the COIL language to bind with the Harmonic Genesis System which she created. She had to reverse the binding in a way that would allow for crystalline time to function down in this density and so we can see money.
These are the things Rothschild doesn’t understand. Nothing has been automated, not for thousands of years. There was always a Wizard of Oz, a man, woman, or being behind the curtain that allowed for them to do what they were doing. But they still think if they create a war, it will affect the dark consciousness of the dark system and it will help that system to grow and release money from a war chest that doesn’t really exist without the agreement of both sides.
The Law of One Has Expired
That means all things are not created equal. Dark matter is not created equal to Light matter. Things have been changing in this world. They refuse to work with her even though she is sitting in the same chair where they got their orders from before. So, she might just look for a Draco costume and maybe that will help.
This trickles down to them getting someone else to pay the bill. They are thinking like Bush Senior in that by turning all these people against Kim for not paying the bill she will cave. But she didn’t order this so why would she pay for it. She would say some operatives do know she didn’t order this and some do not. But what has happened in the last 24-48 hours with the grounding of aircraft and battleship interventions, they have to know there is involvement of some sophisticated technology that they are unaware of.
Mossad Still Following Orders from Rothschild
Not since 2010 or so has Kim had a lot of interaction with anyone in the Mossad. They have been under orders from Rothschild (I assume she means them) and MI6 for a long, long time. But she wants to get the word out to them so they understand she didn’t order this so she is not paying the bill. And since some of them working for Mossad are Orthodox Jews that means their heads are on the chopping block too.
Instead of Causing Destruction for Free Why Not Make Money Fixing Things?
Should they want to stop answering Rothschild calls and WEF calls and if they agree with her that 70% of Israeli population they want dead should stay alive, then there is a way out. Instead of killing each other for no money, should they decide they want to clean up their country from these implosions they just did, build hospitals, strengthen their borders and do other positive things, then join with Kim to fix it and do it right. She has videos of them tearing down the wall between Gaza and Israel, which is really just a chain-link fence with barbed wire on the top, so she proposed if they are going to build it, let’s build it right. Together they can come up with something cooperatively and solve those problems in Palestine, the Gaza strip. Together they can also solve those problems in Lebanon. And why do some areas in this part of the world have no power when Israel has one of the largest gas deposits in the world? They can help fix that too and get paid for it.
Rather than destroy thousands of years of history there are lots of things they can do to make money. Case in point, Kim said was presented with a contract from an American Colonel during the plandemic for a specific medical item that could have been very useful in leu of ventilators and other things. It came out of Israel; it was a Mossad owned company and it was something that would have saved lives. She put money in a bank in Israel to pay for this and they were all happy until they got a call from Rothschild. Rothschild ordered them not to take Kim’s money and now they deny the money was ever there and the medical equipment that was supposed to come to the US military at the time was gone. That is what happens when you work for Rothschild, you do not get paid. You could have gotten paid millions at that time and that was just one example of one order on something that was needed. Keep following Rothschild orders and you will be broke. The country of Israel will all be destroyed if they have their way and you will be 70% less in population. It’s your choice, but she is not paying anyone’s bill. And she is not helping Langley 5 Generals either. They are living in a fantasy, going on about what they created in the past and she assumes that is how they got this rah-rah session going to get this all started last Friday night. But they are taking credit for things that the being behind the curtain helped them with. Today they have a Ground Commander who will not play with them either.
She ended this section saying it’s not as bad as it looks. Between her team and The Enforcer’s team they have done everything they could to mitigate loss of life, but under the circumstances it’s not that easy. It takes a lot of time and effort unfortunately.
Positive Technology Development | Neutrino Boxes Starting Development
Development of Kim’s neutrino boxes is soon to begin. She has an associate who offered a nominal amount, a couple hundred thousand dollars which is enough to bring a couple of individuals to America to slowly start manufacturing neutrino boxes here in the US. Because solar energy is usually approved in most states and countries and the neutrino boxes falls underneath that category it too will be approved, so that is one less hurdle.
She does have access to the materials they need and they have started to source the equipment needed to build a small laboratory. They may only get 1 or 2 boxes out of day once they get the laboratory setup, but it will increase over time and she expects to be in operation starting the first of the year. So in the future, when the Research and Development firms get going (under CARE I assume), it will move much faster.
But she decided to start moving on this and if the neutrino boxes can be created, it proves a lot of other things can be created too, even with a small crew. Slowly but surely they can start putting other scientists to work and grow further faster and this can be done without any money coming from the Trust. But of course, when it is safe to do so Kim will start releasing money to the general public for projects as quickly as possible. But she wants to let everybody know about this project she is starting because she encourages us to do the same. She also wanted to make it clear that she is not asking for donations or money for projects and she is doing this project on her own. She already has what she needs to get it started. She DOES NOT collect money for projects, even if they are near and dear to her heart. She probably wants to make that clear so no one gets scammed out there. She just wanted to let us know her plan is in motion, that it can be done. It just takes a few willing people, some housing and equipment, and the important thing is they will be ready to mass produce this when the time is right.
So on that note, we have some positive news! And we got photos of Kim’s dogs! I hear them often in the background and now we have a visual. Meet Francesca and Frankie!

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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
very cute dogs 🙂
Thank you very much for that amazing report. I have my Subscription with UNN but it sometimes is hard to take it all in. I am going to spread this as far as I can.
Rothschild’s orders:
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he (Netanyahu) told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”
We should not be giving money to any of these people we should be taking down all the people involved in this whole plan and stop them creating wars and killing people. Kim has said the dragon families are all going to be hunted down like dogs and taken off the planet because this will continue if they are not removed. I think Kim is right I just wish she had made this decision sooner. The Order givers and the ones responsible for this evil Psyop for their agenda are the ones we need to target and that will nail it.
The work you are doing is extremely valuable. It is a sip of living water, a breath of hope, a pillar of faith and a path to love. In these difficult times of transition, truth helps us to be free from falsehood and delusion, and to live in the light. Congratulations to Kim, Sam and all Lightworkers. I thank God for having you.
Kim’s dogs are very cute.
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Thank you PJZ. You do a fantastic job with these transcripts. Even though I sometimes listen to the updates twice, it is always better to read them in writing. I am unable to get a UNN membership for technical reasons so depend on the free broadcasts.
Also, the images you provide for illustration are super.
Thank you so much for doing such accurate reporting from Kim’s situation report. Right now I rely on it because I am verily keeping my head above the wTdr and I now know whT is going on . Even when I do have subscription paid Still I read your blog. Made me aware of your accurate reporting of it all. Words can not describe how thankful I am for you, your, time, and efforts! You are a wonderful humN being. Every opportunity I get I share your link with as many as I can. BecUse I know how wonderfully you share this information. You are a gift to us all who are strapped to tight to pT to subscribe to UNN.
Sincerely, Tamera.
WONDERFUL BELOVEDs KIM AND GALACTIC FAMILY HEAR[T] …. thank you kindly for your postings and always much love and gratitude for all the work you are doing . Yes spread the word to others about this site too. Love and hugs darlings.
WONDERFUL BELOVEDS Kim and Galactic family hear[t]…. MANY THANKS FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS and work for the Restoration of Earth. We are grateful in every which way.