This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on August 9, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report Kim reports the dying animal is still at it, particularly the Golden Dragon and Black Dragon in China are now wanting to burn the US to the ground and they caused a terrible disaster in Hawaii. Jesuits and Jades are the ones who took those orders and are being hunted down like dogs, along with the order givers. But positive things are happening too and we may start to see some leadership changes in the near future.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
The Shit Hit the Fan on Wednesday!
Lots of great things are happening which means those who are not our friends are miserable, particularly the China Deep State, who does not like the forward movement of the US in particular. Unfortunately for them all the lies they told about money and BRICS is catching up to them because nothing they said is going to happen has actually happened, including with the Federal Reserve.
After the news on Monday we had an incident with the Rothschilds and the Generals who were yelling and saying they were in charge and then proceeded to give out a lot of orders. Well on Tuesday morning they all decided to go into their respective bunkers because there was no money that came on Monday. The Generals went under Langley and the Rothschilds under GCHQ in the UK .
Hum, all together in just two bunkers. What an opportunity!
Generals in US & Rothschilds in UK Living Their Last Days in a Bunker
The doors locked and the keypads did not work and they are still in there at the time of this broadcast. Kim had a conversation with the bunker people live on the Key Intelligence & Military System and she told them they need to stay there and decide what they want to do. But they have not changed a bit while she was eaves dropping. They still want to kill us all, start another pandemic, wait for alignments etc. Then the people under GCHQ in the UK started talking about whether they can make a deal with Kim, but that is not going to happen. It is too late. She knows they just want to kill us all. And since people listen to them due to their special decorated uniforms, she decided they will stay in those bunkers for the rest of their lives. They have no way to communicate with the outside world. There are 14 people in the UK and 4 or 5 in the US depending on who is still alive. Once everyone is gone, she will open the door and cleanup the carnage.
China Deep State Orders Jesuits and Jades to Burn US to the Ground
Lions Gate did not yield the results they wanted so all hell broke loose. They were making people angry everywhere, including their business partners and family members in China when they did not come through in gaining back control of anything. So China thought it was a good idea to send out a lot of orders and apparently the takers in the game are the Order of the Jesuits and a Chinese assassination group called the Jades. They are highly trained in black magic and all kinds of nefarious stuff. One of their orders currently is to burn the United States to the ground and any aspect they deem necessary and/or gain back some kind of control in computers, financial systems, or any way possible way they can think of to just take back control.
Below are the places Kim found them thus far. She and her team are hunting them down like dogs and those who gave these orders. What she can tell so far it is both the Black Dragon and the Golden Dragon in China are cooperating in this effort to burn the country to the ground. But let’s see who wins. It is either us or them and right now she is already running identify pictures on both sides. If you are a member of either one of these organizations you better watch your back because she is coming for you. If she must go down to the last generation in the both Orders of the Dragon in China she will because she is done with them. It is over. They have zero capacity to gold back any currency, BRICS is never going to happen.

- Fire in Hawaii: One of the things they achieved overnight was the fire in Lahaina. It was set on purpose. There were some high winds due to Hurricane Dora a few hundred miles away and they took that as an opportunity to burn the place to the ground. This is obviously a tragedy amongst the Hawaiian people and Kim is looking to see what she can do to help over there. A lot of people lost their businesses and homes. It is very sad to see stuff like this.
- Incident in the Safety Zone (Durango) Averted: Kim also had an incident in her town around 1 or 2am. One Jade and one Jesuit decided they were going to come in there and start some problems, but that was averted.
- Mount Rushmore: She also found the Jades and the Jesuits at Mount Rushmore today.
- San Francisco: They were also in San Francisco at the underground facility under Wells Fargo.

LAHAINA WILDFIRE UPDATE! 10 August 2023 – YouTube
Positive Things Happening While Their Alleged Leaders Stuck in Bunkers
First Call | GIA & CIA
Over the last 24 hours positive things are happening for us which made them very angry. For instance, phone calls took place between the GIA and Langley, the CIA and in part that was probably due to the fact their alleged leaders were no longer in communication due to being locked in a basement. They needed someone to be in charge and since the GIA has proven its leadership skills everywhere in the world, they seem the logical choice. Since their absence some talks have gone on about these CIA people coming underneath the GIA. Those talks seem to be going well as far as Kim can tell and this could mean a positive change for the world.
Second Call | All Agencies in US, Pentagon & Military Present
There was a second call this morning with all the agencies in the US. The Pentagon and military were present and apparently everyone is creating an order to things. Everyone is aware what is happening and the country is a mess and that Kim has a plan forward.
Some things we are likely to see coming out in the news will center around a lot of leadership changes:
- Leadership changes in the military. Millie is supposed to retire at the end of September but will probably have to go earlier.
- We will probably see some truth coming out about the health status of some former and present fake Presidents.
- We will likely see the implementation of several different people who will run the country in the interim, maybe under Martial Law if it comes to that.
The Dying Animal Is Very Angry
Other things the dying animal did in the last couple of days is as follows:
- Personnel in Wash DC Sent Home: On Monday around 3pm a lot of personnel in Washington DC were sent home. That order came from the folks in the bunker before they lost communications. They sent everyone home because there was no money, although Congress was not in session so that was not really an issue. They supposedly told the NSA, Fed, Treasury, and FBI they needed to go home because there was going to be a storm. It was just a way to buy themselves some time to see if there is anything else they can do. They then brought aboard some select people from these agencies and transported them to an underground facility in Fairfield, Virginia to see if they could get a hold of any of the old computer systems or get some kind of access point to get some money.
- Yellowstone: Mobius Military predominantly and a few others went to Yellowstone Park expecting some dark matter, dark energy, a portal to hell, Lucifer’s return, she does not know.
- Philippines: They sent a bunch of people to the Philippines to find something in a bunker, old texts hoping to get an indication of what went wrong. They have been going through those.
- Mount Rushmore: The 15 militaries have provided the Jesuits with some equipment they should not have access to because they do not know what it does. It came out of China, some of it. It was around the US and Tai Yong Military participated. One machine was at Mount Rushmore based on a portal that does not exist there anymore. They thought they were hacking computers but in reality they were causing a kernel hole in the sun. They should not have any toys and she had to chasing after them too so the removal could be done. They have seen 4 generations go by now and they still think it is a good idea to take this job despite it always being a short-term position.
- Jesuits in Jordan: She is watching the Jesuits in Jordan which is where their headquarters for operations is in the Middle East. Orders went out to release many files in Iran and Iraq which are not very effective as far as she can tell.

The Fed stopped answering the phone and were waiting for calls from the people in the bunkers who have no communication systems in the UK. But she thinks the Fed finally realized they are done and so does the China Deep State since their only solution now is to burn the country to the ground. The Jesuits are probably just angry because they were the bankers for the families and now they are nothing. Of course, they could have participated in what Kim is doing but they chose not to. Instead, they would rather burn countries to the ground and kill people, but that is not what the Restoration Plan is about. So, they can feel free to die as well with the rest of the China Deep State that needs to go. She is sure the 1.3 billion Chinese people who live there will also be happy about that, as they must be sick of them too.
For governments to make a decision you have to take away the fear for these people and she will go to extreme measures to do that at this point and to prevent these people from burning the country to the ground.
There were some programs preset years ago should this event ever happen, so there was some cleanup for Kim regarding that yesterday, but aside from that we should have had some good energy coming in. Everything is really coming to a head which is a positive and why the dying animal is really upset. Countries are going broke because lies do not pay the bills and keep an economy running. So, everything is going to change and we have a lot of work to do.
So that was the height of Lions Gate yesterday.
The World Status Now
She is happy to hear the potential positive changes taking place within Government here. There are other calls scheduled today and she will find out what happens. There will probably be zero progress with China and the UK at this point due to the crazy people that live there. They will probably be last to come forward regardless of who lives or dies, that is just their nature. Germany is also not happy about all these changes and who knows what the Russians will do. They are kind of neutral at the moment. They have been on China’s side because they have to be for many reasons. But we will see. As for other countries, what happens in America happens everywhere, so at this point let us hope for the best.
It appears there are people who care about the country but there are concerns. They are thinking, I did this so now I am going to have to blame it on somebody else. But Kim is saying that is not necessary. There is no reason to hide records because she has them all. She has not agreed with what happened in the past obviously, but she gets that for the most part they were doing their job. At this point she is really just looking to move forward.
The Current Administration in the US
The China Deep State has done a great job destroying the political system in the US but Kim and her team can end that pretty quickly if that is what the government agrees they want to do. If that is the case and these people are onboard, she can see this changing very rapidly, before the end of the month. That includes the situation with multiple dead presidents. We need some strong leadership here and she picked a few people who would be right for that. Kim will not be doing that. While she does the news for us she will not be doing it for them. There will also be some crossover between the Government and CARE. We will also see exiting in the UN, CARE come out and the GIA’s involvements in these changes.
Currency Reevaluations
Kim is also working on several other things like proper evaluation of currencies, the numbers in the energy sector and other areas in the commodities market and production contracts to support the dollar so we can start converting from dollars to different currencies. She is trying to figure out how to rebalance the planet fairly with real numbers that make sense. She has to start from where the currencies are because if you move too fast it will cause hyperinflation. There is a delicate balance when reevaluating currencies, unlike what the China deep state is telling everyone in BRICS. It cannot happen overnight like they are claiming. It is a step-by-step process and will be done right so it will not cause further harm to the economy. And now she has more tools and the ability to make these changes.
People Involved with RV | Dinar Chronicles
Kim has told a lot of people expecting the RV that it is not happening for a long time and she said many who follow that are Patriots. But Kim gave her word (and her word is always good) about assisting some of those people in some ways. It will not entail quintillions of course. But she thinks 99% of the people involved probably have intentions on doing something positive for the world so she wants to see what she can do there. And the Dinar Chronicles has mentioned the GIA and CARE this morning evidently. So a lot of people in the RV are starting to talk about Kim, the GIA and CARE.
I sifted through that very annoying site filled with advertising and Trump saving baby pictures and found the entry Kim was referring to on August 9th.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 9, 2023 | Dinar Chronicles
Update on Projects for CARE Portal
Some things have been worked on like the ticketing part for project submissions, but it will not launch until she is ready to distribute funds for projects. Relief funds and life assurance are different. But taking in people’s projects requires consideration of many things and she has been talking about them. Currencies, sourcing of materials, shipping, and logistics behind it. It also entails analyzing industries and how we are going to fix it, how it affects currency and GDP, etc. Have patience I guess is what she is getting at.
Until next time!
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
I think alot of these Chronicle bible thumpers &(Markz) would like access to the bunkers to be with their beloved sources of intel rather than actually assist humanity. They cant handle the truth.
I suspected that the Lahaina fire was deliberate!
Does anyone know if DEWs were used or was it something else.
We stayed at the Pioneer Inn back in 89. It was still very rustic then.
This lady predictions always been on point since April 2020.
re DEW etc
I found this and it STRONGLY points to DEWs!
What does RV stand for? It’s not obvious…
Re-Valuation…of currencies globally
Thank you to everyone involved with Kim and her team. Very much appreciated.
I am very appreciative of your explanation of what Kim is doing and I apologise in advance for commenting at such length. I am very hopeful for the future but there is a serious lack of evidence which like it or not, reality demands. There are those who believe that Kim is a psyop and that she is the victim of mind control techniques and it isn’t hard to see why. I, for one, would like to know how she can go for days without sleep, is constantly working, and yet has time to watch films and TV series which she often alludes to. Is it not disturbing that she has seemed of late to have adopted a very militaristic, hard-nosed, almost callous attitude to wiping out life? Who are these people who have been locked in a bunker? Do we know them? What are their names? Are they human? Do they have families, children who will mourn their loss, perhaps for years? Do we have any evidence of these people she has eliminated? Are there photos of the dead bodies, the massacres that litter her narratives? Why can we not be introduced to one of her ‘Others’? Are there no spokespeople who can address us? We are being asked to take everything on trust but please forgive me if that smacks of a religious approach rather than one rooted in the material world.
There are some huge issues which Kim never addresses and which are incredibly serious and require that justice is done for the sake of our psychological wellbeing.
She totally ignores the love and support that many millions of people around the world have for Trump. She denigrates and mocks him and yes, at this point it is a brand behind which people cluster, but why is he singled out? I don’t hear the same negative rhetoric around others in the public eye. Why is this? Why does she never mention the names of others like Obama or Bill Gates or Fauci et al? Why is it only ever Trump? She could do us all a favour by telling us about the Secret Space Force and why she dislikes them so much but she doesn’t.
Whether she likes it or not, there is a huge groundswell of support for Trump and people are convinced that the election of 2020 was indeed stolen and there is plenty of evidence of that. On top of this there is the crime of the century, the plandemic, which is causing untold suffering and will result in the decimation of the human population and perhaps more significantly for the future of humans, they have changed the human genome with these injections, a situation that is likely irreversible. You cannot simply ignore the emotions surrounding these issues and wish them away. These things will remain a scar on the human psyche for decades to come if not longer in the human memory.
It bothers me that she never mentions voting and one might conclude she intends to replace one kind of tyrannical and authoritarian rule with another, albeit more benevolent in tone. It bothered me greatly that she said ‘free will’ was a dark program. What does that mean? That we are not going to have it? How is that different from the globalist Nazis?
And as a final comment, when is she going to tell us about these so-called ‘Others’? What is being done to get people psychologically ready to know about them? There are commentators in the alternative community of ‘influencers’ who believe that Kim’s agenda is an alien, dark AI agenda, one concerned with taking over the Earth and humans. Some even refuse to mention her name but allude to her with distaste. In short, they say that we will be replacing one form of slavery with another, one slave master with another. That is a very dark view which I sincerely hope is not the case but we can’t ignore these things. They must be addressed.
We left reality long ago because the planet has been taken over by dark entities for thousands of years. We have lived for a long time in slavery and effective isolation from other worlds. Limited sectors of the planet were left with a higher standard of living than the rest. Those who have lived under better conditions do not sufficiently know the cruelty, immorality, intolerance and incorrigibility of rulers. Many people are still willing to fight for the status quo. On the other hand, the concession period for the planet has expired and the forces of Light are regaining their lost territories after the space wars. And the forces of darkness are the worst losers and have long since crossed all red lines.
Ние сме напуснали реалността отдавна, понеже планетата е превзета от хиляди години от тъмни същности. Ние живеем продължително време в робство и ефективна изолация от другите светове. Ограничени сектори на планетата бяха оставени на по-висок стандарт живот от останалите. Живялите при по-добри условия не познават в достатъчна степен жестокостта, безморалността, нетолерантността и непоправимостта на управляващите. Много хора, все още са готови да се сражават за статуквото. От друга страна срока на концесията за планетата изтече и силите на Светлината възвръщат загубените си вследстие космически войни територии. А силите на мрака са най-лошите губещи и отдавна са преминали всички червени линии.
It would be almost impossible to fully address all of the concerns you have expressed here. So, I will offer this instead.
We are all Soul and NOT the flesh and blood bodies we “temporarily” inhabit, so the trails of this word are exactly what they seem to be.
I cannot “Prove” this to you or anyone else, but I know it to be true. I can only offer evidence…and there is MUCH, we simply need to seek it out and be willing to let go of the limitations we now hold to so we can grow.
Please consider the information you will find here:
and take it into your heart, as I and many others have done.
I see a lot of hurt in words you wrote and hope this will help bring some peace.
“We are all Soul and NOT the flesh and blood bodies we “temporarily” inhabit, so the trails of this word are NOT exactly what they seem to be.”
Thank you Mike for your thoughtful comments. I have been spiritually awake for over fifty years and a lone voice among my friends and relatives for all of that time. I hear what they say and I know there is a world of hurt which they are going to have to face, a psychological tsunami which will overwhelm most of them. People like me will have to help in whatever way we are able but I am not immune to the hurt they will suffer. I weep for them.
Thank you for stating succinctly what I feel but cannot express in words.
We are living in terrible yet wonderful times. Kim has a military mentality. She is not interested in discussions of democracy or freedom, her aim is to improve the human condition broadly. So while slaying the forces of evil, and they are truly evil so no mercy for their evil offspring, on the material plane Kim focuses on currencies and banking, the bedrock institutions of the feudal system that we currently live in. I happen to think her big picture perspective is correct and that she is brilliant about what she’s doing, but she doesn’t do everything or consider everything.
About the Trump clan vs the Clinton/bush/Obama clan, I think Kim feels frustrated that Trump has such an enormous global following. The reason is that Trump is one of THEM, the global feudalists–this must be obvious to you Kathleen P, because you are yourself so intelligent. Kim is frustrated by us believers in Trump and/or Robert Kennedy Jr (for example) because our faith in these “leaders” is an aspect of how enslaved we still are. Think about how far the concept of “controlled opposition” goes. For example it looked like Trump “accomplished a lot” as president, but he was also the face front of the pandemic and there are just too many other examples of the exact same. What if he was chosen, played his “part upon the stage”, what if the entire current show is a scam, kind of like crypto is an orchestrated scam, I could go on but you know what I mean. RFK Jr was for a long time soliciting money for his campaign etc by offering the highest bidder to go falconing with him. Falconing, think about it, since the Pharaohs and right up through the Middle Ages, the sport of kings. Isn’t this a big part of the Trump heritage also? Kim’s perspective on the Great War for Control of the Planet informs us about the feuding family factions who are themselves controlled by evil off-worlders. That you and I, total strangers, can discuss these things on the internet is testimony to the progress that humankind has made in terms of attaining freedom from eons of slavery. But we aren’t there yet, obviously, because we’re still attached to the idea of leaders who are Royalists. Kim represents the People’s faction, think about how similar to Ancient Rome…
Anyhow, what we have to do is to figure out how to have politics, voting etc that isn’t controlled by feudal families and their off-world evil loose suckers.
loosh suckers
for Kathleen, here’s what I found in the online encyclopedia Brittanica, not a very good source, but still– Kim is a space-age Tyrant, which is a good label not a bad one.
Greek attitudes toward tyranny, as already noted, changed over time, shaped by external events. In the beginning the tyrant figures in the poetic sources as an enviable status, something to which an aristocrat might aspire. In the early stages of the Greek polis (city-state), the hereditary aristocracy held all political power and ruled as a group, with the mass of citizens excluded from political life. Tyrants first appear in that milieu in the mid-7th century BCE, but there is controversy about precisely how. One view sees rivalry between aristocratic families who vied to take all power into their own hands; the other suggests that tyrants were representative of a newly politically conscious dēmos (people) who supported their rise in the hope of improving their position within the state. Although the idea of any political consciousness on the part of the dēmos in the 7th century is optimistic, it is true that early tyrants tended to have popular support. Figures such as Cypselus at Corinth and Cleisthenes at Sicyon offered an alternative to exploitation by the aristocrats, and certainly tyrants introduced reforms intended to please the dēmos, codifying the laws and establishing justice—Peisistratus in Athens set up traveling courts—and gathering resources for public projects, such as fountains to supply water and grand temples.
Thus, the tyrants of the Archaic age of ancient Greece (c. 900–500 BCE)—Cypselus, Cleisthenes, Peisistratus, and Polycrates—were popular, presiding as they did over an era of prosperity and expansion. But those attitudes shifted in the course of the 5th century under the influence of the Persian invasions of Greece in 480–479 BCE. Most sources for Greek history are Athenian, and for them the defining moments of the Athenian state were the establishment of the democracy in 510 BCE and the Greeks’ astonishing defeat of Persia in the next generation. The outcome of the Greco-Persian Wars was interpreted as the success of the free and democratic Greeks against the autocratic and tyrannical Persian king; consequently, in Athenian writing after 480 BCE tyranny became the hated opposite of democracy. That coloured attitudes toward tyranny in the past as well; rulership that had previously seemed positive and acceptable was condemned as oppressive and self-serving.
The idea that tyranny vanished in 510 BCE, however, is a false one. One of the most-successful tyrant dynasties ruled in Sicily between 406 and 367, that of Dionysius the Elder and his sons, and tyrants reappeared in numbers in the 4th century BCE. In part that reflects a genuine change in political circumstances. Impoverishment and an increase in foreign interference meant that constitutions tended to become unstable, and hence many of those classical tyrants came to power on a platform of economic reform to benefit the lower classes, offering the cancellation of debts and redistribution of land.
Thank you Maria. That was a very thoughtful, considered reply – and quite a reassuring take on future governance. I will only add that we humans need leaders, wise elders, tribal chiefs if you will, someone who listens and speaks for the many. Kim seems to have broken the mould by speaking to us directly and I am truly heartened that she leads an army of many beings to resolve the enslavement of the planet.
As an aside, I listened to Courtney Brown’s recent Farsight video with Bill the Grey Alien who confirmed what Kim had said some time ago, that these Others were also enslaved. Their genome has been deliberately degenerated to imprison them further and Bill expressed the utter horror of being trapped in a form, a vehicle, that is a poor shadow of what he once was. His heart wrenching cry was for freedom. That is what they have done to us over many millennia and they intended to go further. Thank God for Kim’s bravery and resolute defiance.
I pray to God that this information is true, as the deep state is capable of any treachery. On the one hand, we cannot verify almost any of this information. On the other hand, we have lost many of our qualities as fighters of the Light and cannot be effective enough. The end result is that we remain passive observers leaving everything in the hands of the Liberators, which also makes great sense. Perhaps the only space in which we can be effective is in awakening people, regardless of the fact that they will usually think we are crazy.
Thank you ТРЕНД. I agree with you. We are not trained to be as devious and unscrupulous as these deep state players – and who would want to be? It leaves us open to being manipulated, however, because we cannot even imagine the treachery you speak of. Would these Satanists deploy any means possible? Deception on a grand scale? Yes, of course. I want to believe in Kim’s army of non-humans liberating us but is it too much to ask that we be shown a bit more of them?
Thank you very much! Again, good news for us common folk, and great work for Kim and her associates. I read the comments and see people’s concerns. But since we’ve always been lied to before, it’s normal to have a dose of skepticism. However, the evil we are up against requires exactly a woman like Kim – uncompromising and a good strategist. The monsters don’t deserve a drop of mercy. Where was their mercy towards us before? Just think of the baby atrocities, and the billions of shattered lives. Nothing on this planet is normal yet.
I think Kim was too kind to these beasts, giving them time to change their thinking, but of course no result. I don’t think their families are any different from them either. But anyone can start down the path of change if they are truly conscientious.
Regarding the Secret Space Program, as far as I have read, they have committed atrocities not only on Earth but on other planets as well. They have hardly changed their minds.
And about Trump, it was well explained who he belongs to, and who he served.
I guess information is released in a measured way for people to take in. Then again, few read, watch, and care. The transition is very hard on our fragile souls. At least that’s how I feel about it.
I wish Kim and all the lightworkers well!
Great comment, thank you!
DEWs burned Maui…
I am so very grateful for the many hours of writing and research that PJZ puts in here to assist us in our understanding of the bigger picture. I will continue to watch and learn and do my utmost to manifest the very best of outcomes for all of us.
Thank you.