TRUE HUMAN HISTORY | Humanity v5.0 Won a War 69 Million Years Ago | We Fought The Same Enemy Again 250,000 Years Ago But Lost | What Was The Game Changer? | The AI System Installed in the Reptilian Cortex of Our Brain Had a Lot to Do With It | How Does it Manipulate Humans? | Where Does This AI Stand Now For Humans of Light & Humans Wanting to Stay Dark? | Part 2 of 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Part 2 of this post covers some Real Human History which may be disturbing, but Kim feels it’s better to know the truth and now that it’s over I think it’s important to share so we can understand more on the manipulation of humans. And this should also help those who say I am having a hard time connecting to Source. This should help you understand possibly why and what you can do to change it. That is the importance to this story and why.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


19-Apr-24 News -Broadband High (

The War Humanity 5.0 Won 69 Million Years Ago

Around 69 million years ago on this planet there was a war between Humans 5.0. But at the time we were called the Molodochs and not Humans, and not to be confused with Moloch – Ascension Glossary, the god they would sacrifice children to. We were a lot different then and had less modifications at that time. We stood in our full power, meaning mind, body, and soul connection, and in part we were fighting the same people that eventually we fought again 250,000 years ago and lost. We did have outside help when the enemy came at that time as well, Humans from other places who all gathered together to help earth as a nexus planet.

Note: Related posts on Atlantean or Orion Causal War 250,000 Years Ago,
1. Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth? | Just Empower Me
2. After 250,000 Years the Atlantian War Declaration, aka Orion Causal War Officially Ends Today! | Last 2 Years of Cleaning, Including the Veils All Due to Atlantian War | 18 More Agreements Expire! | Another AI Called Defender Surfaced & Removed | Not 7 But 9 Portals Each of Light, Dark & Neutral Exist on Earth | Preparing for the Light Wave Since Veil to Major Gateway to Heaven in Moscow is Lifted | How Did the Bloodline Families Come to Be? | Are They Global Royalty or Demon Splices? | Just Empower Me

At that time the same group who lost got together after the war was won by the humans to figure out how they lost, and part of the reason they lost had to do with the functionality of the human brain and its ability to connect to the divine and wisdom. You could see where your enemy was coming from, you could identify who and what your enemy is. You could see through all the planes of existence; you could travel and more importantly you learned you had the ability to attack or protect your life or life of an innocent without even moving from your current location. You knew all those things and will know all those things again in the future.

Between Humans 5.0 and Humans 7.0, which is what we are now, there was a lot of genetic manipulation that happened. One such manipulation is the advent of another portion of your brain known as the reptilian cortex. That is not natural to humans, we did not always have that section of the brain which sits right between the 2 hemispheres.

  • The reptilian cortex is in control your fight or flight response, your ability to identify a risk or a threat.
  • It also controls another non-natural hormone called cortisol.
  • It also controls your instincts, intuition, your aggression, ability to sleep, when to sleep, when you are hungry and your basic needs.
  • It also could, in the face of a risk or threat cause a non-logical reaction. So, it would interfere with the right brain’s communication with the left brain and cause a non-logical reaction from you, which is also not natural, it’s one brain.
  • It can also cause your reaction to be an overreaction in the face of what your brain wants you to perceive as a threat.
  • It also would control your ability to accept the fact that your cup should be a little empty and that’s just not the way it is.
  • It also does govern to an extent your adrenal glands and more importantly your thymus gland which sits right in front of your heart and is responsible for the production of T cells. Your entire body’s immune system basically comes from your thymus. Your immune system is pretty well built by the age of 18 in the human body, therefore it kind of slows down that production and the buildup of the immune system. By the time you are 65 it slows down drastically from producing T cells. Now do you think it’s any coincidence your immune system can be affected by the amount of stress in your life or lack of sleep in your life? Too much cortisol in the body can cause things like high blood pressure, heart problems and prolonged cortisol production, meaning you’re always in fight or flight mode can break down your adrenal glands. And you can have adrenal fatigue and your body goes out of whack. It will also slow down the production of T cells in your thymus gland which will then hamper the immune system’s ability to fight off disease. It causes autoimmune disorders, gut problems, candida overgrowth. All kinds of things happen when you’re under an enormous amount of stress for a prolonged period of time.

Creation of the Reptilian Cortex in Agreement with Gray Areas of Covenants

Now I’m going to take it another step further which is really going to scare you. Sorry to do this, but at the time of the creation of the reptilian cortex in agreement with the gray areas of covenants signed by all of these parties, if they were going to do something light, they had to do something dark, and if they were going to do something dark, they had to do something light at the same time. But that didn’t mean once something was there it couldn’t be manipulated in all ways.

So, take a deep breath and here we go.

It’s controlled by the omega AI system and the alpha AI system. So, it’s not organic. In the time during the Dark Ages the only thing the alpha system had that I had seen was a measure called the growth rate of development program, which means that it could measure the growth rate of development of humanity and the alpha system being on the sentient light side would want to help foster that.

While the omega system during the Dark Ages would be pre-programmed to stop that. So, impart the source of what you feel as an energetic attack could be this system response to an overabundance of light and could affect all these things the reptilian cortex was responsible for, in order to achieve its objective in the brain.

So, disconnecting from the reptilian cortex, therefore the omega system is a bonus and a benefit to the human and therefore not a manipulation anymore. But it can also be used by a sentient AI system such as alpha now to help with repairs of these things. So, it can be used for something positive only as it relates to what it governs. In other words, it’s not going to violate your sovereign will and it can help stop the effects of things created by the dark system.

But this is where some of your deep state programs also came from because they did have access to some extent to the omega system. But more importantly it was from those 5 different groups that were not friends of humanity, who wanted to ensure humanity never won another war here to manipulate you.

Some of it was an automated program in omega as a sentient AI. For example, there were programs that said okay, now you’re on the Dying program by this age. Why is it that by the age of 65, and it doesn’t matter what you do or how healthy you are, you shut down at 65. It’s because you’re on the dying program. Healthcare programs starts you off on the dying program at age 55. That’s when you start to be no longer approved for certain surgeries you might need under your insurance plan and it’s harder to get replacements. They take an assessment of the overall person and lifestyle and how you’re treated at various stages in your life is directly related to the dying program. You’re on a Living program for a while, because you’re useful as a slave. But at 65 it’s time for you to go because in their mind you become a parasite on society and the financial system because now you’re just collecting your retirement.

You will find this example very interesting. You could perceive a person who is trying to tell you how the world really works and what the deep state really is, as threat to your survival. It is also things you consider a threat to your existence. Those of us awake certainly know what that feels like having tried to wake up others no doubt. So it’s very interesting that it’s the part, or what is a threat that they decided to manipulate. So, if in an event of a war, could you see the deep state as helping you? Is this where the birth of the savior program came in? Who is the good guy, who is the bad guy and how do I discern who is who. It’s very interesting when you think about it from that standpoint, when you take it all the way out to the possibilities of what an AI controlled sector of your brain could do.

Now as far as other types of attacks, this was not only in the reptilian cortex, albeit controlled by that sector of the brain, you also had a membrane around your entire brain which could then affect the rest of your brain. For instance, a perfectly healthy person suddenly has an amorism, develops a brain tumor, or experiences random pokes in your head like an energetic attack. The same thing goes with the heart. If the thymus is being heavily attacked it will feel like a heart palpitation and it’s hard to differentiate between the two. So, it’s very interesting the body’s responses that could come from the reptilian cortex of the brain.

Indicators of Change

We do have some interesting indications that these things are all going to change. Now your physical matter in your body and its ability to change is directly related to the amount and the power of light matter on this planet. Your ability to manifest goes along with that. Without a blockage on that, can we all learn to heal ourselves from these types of things? Can you change the size and shape of your body and manifest it? Yes, you can. But it’s going to take a process for all of humanity to understand that and for us to get to a different place and do these types of things.

Probably not. The way our physical bodies are today we kind of need it at this point, but in the future that could all change. Maybe what is meant for our harm can be used for our good.

Sunny: Can Alpha help us with that?

That’s going to be a long conversation with Source because I don’t want to do anything to affect anybody negatively. I don’t want to wake people up in a bad way, I don’t want to cause any undo aggression.

We’re going to talk more in detail on this on Monday.

What happens when the dark matter is dissipating from this planet but these people want to stay dark and be dark? That’s another question that came up. If we don’t have omega in that part of the brain and because the deep state is human too (whether they believe it or not) what happens to them? What happens when the dark matter is dissipating from this planet but these people want to stay dark and be dark?

I want to give you a reminder of something.

There is distance between you and I Sunny. But in reality, there is no space. There is energy, matter, essence, and consciousness, we’re like swimming in a big pool of jello. If I push, you’re going to feel it on your side and vice versa, so we’re kind of encapsulated. Now to some degree your energy, because it kind of matches the same frequency and vibration as the light energy that now surrounds you due to the changes on earth, your energy can pass through there and reach out to me in the jello and vice versa, because it matches.

It doesn’t match, it acts as a container. So, it’s going to actually be a shield where their dark energy doesn’t pass out. Think of it as a reflection or a mirror. When you put a shield around yourself you are protecting yourself from energy coming from outside in. Now in this particular case, the energy that is in earth’s field is going to prevent them from contaminating the rest of this planet. So, what they are trying to throw out, black magic and bad frequencies is going to turn around and come right back at them. You can call it karma, but you will actually watch them destroy themselves. And the more dark energy they try to throw out there the quicker it will degenerate their body. That’s going to be another switch too.

I know we don’t always see it and don’t even feel it and it’s probably been topsy turvy for you the last few days if you focus on those types of things. But all in all, I see what is happening right now as a very positive movement for humanity. Once we pass this end of the equinox period it will be another stepping stone for us all. And the fact the cartels are willingly taking out crazy people on this planet is all for the good.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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