What Looks Like An Effort to Control the Weather Again, Northrup Grumman & National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Lead Chemtrail Program 2.0 | These New Chemtrails Look More Like Contrails & Don’t Have Alien Tech Like The Former | Addressing Again When Kim Gave All That Money For the US During the Trump Admin | Comprehending What C.A.R.E. Is About & How it Should Work

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-04-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Kim addresses the latest on the chemtrails, then what she is hearing from the deep state meetings of late and then revisits C.A.R.E. to address misunderstandings of what it is and how it should work.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


24-04-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth)

Chemtrail Program 2.0

People are reporting chemtrails that disappear fairly quickly and it’s become confusing as to whether they are chemtrails or contrails. Contrails are condensation that come from an aircraft which dissipate and disappear after 5-10 minutes. These latest sightings are very similar in that they dissipate quickly but they are not the typical chemtrails with alien technologies they spray to turn us into cyborgs.

The chemtrail manufacturing centers of the world are coming from Northrup Grumman. They were prompted by the remaining SSP folks to create some kind of a nano particle similar to what they had in the past in order to connect to their remaining antiquated computer systems worldwide, so they can control the weather.

HAARP was so powerful because it was connected to alien technology, and granted the SSP 15 militaries did have limited access to the alien tech that was provided to them so they could sufficiently run a weather program. Now Northrup Grumman has no access to this technology, therefore they were prompted to recreate the same thing for control.

Northrup Grumman’s claim to fame is the organization’s ability to create technologies not considered a positive for humanity, and that goes back a long way. The founders were Project Paperclip – Thule Society members. So, I would say Northrup Grumman will do whatever they were told in exchange for advanced technologies they no longer have.

The SSP, Northrup Grumman and Lockheed Martin are all tied together in the same programs. The same thing goes for the pharma industry and DARPA is also involved, and are your front corporations. Other than Elon Musk’s X, SpaceX, etc., Northrup Grumman seems to have been the recipient of a lot more tech than we thought. The problem they have now is they are trying to replicate these with little to no success. What we are seeing now is they are working together on this new chemtrail program with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

They are not any more harmful to you than like inhaling too much exhaust when driving in traffic. But those who are super sensitive will likely have issues. But they are not nearly as potent or detrimental to the human body as the old ones were. I’ve seen a lot over the US and they are not a person focus thing, where the higher more concentrated populations the more chemtrails you would see in the sky. Where I mostly see them is over farmland areas and it’s not targeted at the farms and food itself, but for the purpose of creating a drought in certain areas. However, what we’re actually seeing is the opposite happen, which is a lot more rain, so that’s kind of funny.

Northrup also created some nano and femtotech which can interfere with human brain function as well, but at this time they cannot be utilized for spraying or putting in the food. It’s similar to what Elon Musk is putting out and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were working together. The good news is these front corporations as I call them, are struggling to find the things they used to have access to.

So, the predominant reason they are trying to recreate these new chemtrails and control the weather, nano tech and femtotech, is because the SSP folks told them to.

Note: For related post on femtotech see, Femtotechnology, Not Graphene is the Replicating Tech in Vaccines/COVID Tests/Masks | China is Flat Broke | General Milley on Tour | More Dismantled Systems | The Walking Dead TV Puppets | Part 2 | Just Empower Me

Deep State Meeting

There were a lot of meetings over the last couple of days because of their lack of success and lack of finding resources to continue this weather control program. In this group were remaining SSP operatives, Global Headquarters, high-level Generals, Langley 5 and this is a worldwide thing. Some of them came to the realization if they are going to survive and make money, they are going to have to do it our way.

First, they are mistaken because what I gave was money for the United States to function in proper ways and what I wanted to happen did not happen. It was for paying off student loans, US debt, etc. I think these people made that comment because they were trying to see if they would be able to manipulate me. If I did it with Trump would I do it again with them and the answer is NO!

I tried to do the right thing by people with what I had access to at the time, which was through government. I was always able to get down to governments at density 3 and at that time that was all I could do. That was my mistake, but we were also still under contract until 2022 because of the 10-year extension, but that is all expired and I have no obligations with anybody.

Note: For that post which I reference often see, 10 Year Money Printing Extension Expired July 4th | 13 Shadow Militaries All Gone! | Cryptococcosis, the New Virus Intercepted | Candida Outbreak Diverted | Agreement with Draco Expired | The Remaining Imbeciles Have No Friends Left | Just Empower Me

The other thing I heard from that meeting is clearly some are still adamant they can find some way to never talk to me, ever. Those people were given until 3pm EST today to make progress by the members of their respective groups. If they don’t make any progress, they told them their flags are going down at 3pm. Now I’m not saying this is going to happen, it’s just what they said and I just listen. If they do that great. The question is how much backing do the 25% who are for continuing have over the rest of them.

We’ll see what happens, I just watch. It doesn’t make any difference with what we are doing right now. I do think the influence of common-sense interjections is coming from the cartels though. They’re saying look, you’ve tried for 16 years now, and nothing is working. We’re going around in circles, waiting for these days and nothing happens. I wouldn’t say the cartels are together with them at this time, but it seems like it’s a lighter conversation going on, like a corporate board member seeing the corporates going down and saying what can we do to change it in order to survive.

There are still operatives participating for some reason and the talk amongst them is about loss of life. They are saying look, there aren’t going to be any of us left.

We did receive communications from some of them as to whether we are ready to receive contracts from them. What they always told me is they will not do that until we can successfully transfer money without resistance from anyone else. So, if that’s the case they have to wait for us and it will take as long as it takes to get it done, that’s your answer. And that could be this afternoon, we keep trying, cleaning, and clearing. It’s all alien tech at this point and not from here at all anymore. So, it’s not humans, the NSA, or the SSP. Occasionally they will jump in with something they found, but all it does is block us and doesn’t give them a step up at all, quite the opposite actually.


There are a lot of misunderstandings about what C.A.R.E. is going to do so I wanted to give some information. First, C.A.R.E. is a compilation of humans. Let’s for example talk about one division or committee, food.

There are many who have been farming land for 3 generations on a commercial scale and these people would be in part of food security or the agricultural division and they know what the problems are. Part of that same farming division would be a group of research scientists who will listen to the farmers and try to come up with solutions to the problems farmers have faced. In addition, you will have those people involved in transportation services and they will discuss with the farmers and research scientists the issues they have faced in transporting food and how they can solve this issue. Also how do we get the food to the people. While that is transportation it can also be retail. So what problems are they encountering? How can we solve these issues, do we need big box stores or are smaller stores better. In addition to that, we have manufacturers of farming equipment. What are their problems. Is there a better way to design and use equipment? Then they will have a conversation with the Research & Development people. Then we have people who are industrialists. These are the people who have been in industries for a long time and they have run multi-million corporations. They know the pitfalls and financial aspect and what is making farms and stores successful and what is making them fail. They source the raw materials, check on custom fees, etc. For example, from a scientist standpoint they will say the best material creating widget XYZ is gold. But gold is expensive, it’s soft, it’s this or that. Then the industrialists come in and say, where can we source the material? Is that feasible? Do we need another material that could do the job? There are short term solutions required right now and we need these types of people to be on these committees.

I talk to farmers on a weekly basis from all over the world and listen to all the issues they are experiencing which are a critical part of humanity to the point where if we don’t address their needs they are going to go out of business. For example, during droughts their crop insurance doesn’t really pay. So I said what if we do 10 year forward production contracts and we paid that first year upfront. Say you don’t produce quite enough the next year, then it rolls over to the next year. You’ll be required to produce that deficit for sure, but you still get that payment. So, there are ways we can do that in a lot of cases for production of news things.

I’ve heard a lot of people making comments that we made a computer program which is great for our sovereign bank. Well one funnel is what we’re trying to get away from, plus, it makes you a huge target. We want the complete opposite, to break it up in many tiny pieces.

We have a financial system with a hand already dealt and halfway played by the time we sat down. We have huge financial problems with derivatives, CDLs, etc. We’re going to need people who have experience in this area and we need discussions with financial assassins. Sorry, but we do. They can help you not be destroyed. And even if we’re not targeting deep state problems, we’ll still have crazy people. We need to slow this car down; recognize we didn’t get here overnight and unfortunately; we have to unwind the system as it is. It took hundreds of years to get here as paper money started in the late 1500s. Realize it has just gotten more and more complicated over time. And I know everyone hates MERS, but we have to come up with something better for consumers.

I know of a group of people from a particular country in the Middle East who went to an African country where they decided to build some homes their way and didn’t consult the local people at all. The project failed. The local people can’t even afford to eat right now so of course they are going to pull out the copper wires and sell it because they can’t afford to keep the power on or pay the water bill anyway. The builders don’t live in their reality.

The same thing happened when some Americans went to a country in the east and wanted to put in an electric running train for their Silk Road project, and China wanted to do the same thing. I was on a call with them and the power was going out constantly and it was in a major capital city. There is not enough electric power in the country, not a lot of clean water, no infrastructure for this project whatsoever. And the people in this area can barely sell their fruits and vegetables in the market, they don’t have credit cards, and they are never going to be able to afford 196 euros to ride your trains.

You have to talk to the merchants and people in the area, the power companies, etc. This is related to the financial system and part of revitalizing it so people can live in a short term and a long-term basis and thrive. But my story about the homes has to do with human behavior. Part is financial and part is a housing issue. Considerations for local engineers and consultants is important. I need someone who has been designing homes there for a long time to work in conjunction with industrialists. I know this may sound confusing to you but what I’m seeing in groups being formed is zero consideration for what I just said. I see a bunch of good-hearted people and in some cases the oppressed what to become the oppressor.

I’m not trying to discourage people because there is a place for everyone. And I don’t want to control it. I want to be at the bottom of this. But we have to start somewhere and right now we have no organization and we need to figure out what to do in order to live. It’s a positive thing for humanity in the long and it’s a lot of work too.

I’m not trying to scare anyone off but it’s important to discuss all the details. Just think about one area like the farmers, all the work and possible solutions that are needed, including people who have been there and done that.

It’s time to go as a second low flying helicopter just passed my house and I have to go see who that is. It probably has to do with their 3pm deadline today.

Until next time,


Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports

Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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6 thoughts on “What Looks Like An Effort to Control the Weather Again, Northrup Grumman & National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Lead Chemtrail Program 2.0 | These New Chemtrails Look More Like Contrails & Don’t Have Alien Tech Like The Former | Addressing Again When Kim Gave All That Money For the US During the Trump Admin | Comprehending What C.A.R.E. Is About & How it Should Work”

  1. Mes remerciements a la personne qui traduit, car c’est un travail laborieux. Concernant par exemple Northrup Grumman ou d’autres. Vous apprendrez tout ou beaucoup, sur ce qu’ils font depuis longtemps, si vous vous interressez a le diffusion de la réalite ufologique de maniere douce et voulue ‘par le gouvernement americaine’ dans les livres par exemple et heureusement en langue francaise, de Michael E Salla : ‘Programmes Spatiaux Secrets et Aliances Extraterrestres’. Il y a une série de 4 livres qui se suivent, et c’est deja énorme. Ensuite vous avez le livre ‘Le don des étoiles’, de Elena Danaan qui vous en dira aussi des informations. Avec le premier auteur, vous saurez l’immensité des cachoteries de l’Histoire dans le 20 eme siecle que vous n’auriez jamais imaginé. Car nous sommes victimes de ce que l’on appele une ‘intervention’, et l’humanité a été dupé par la faute de la cupidité de ses dirigeants, mais aussi sciemment trahis par d’autres.

  2. I still feel that Kim’s statement in the April 24, 2024 update about chemtrails is not true. I suspect she says this because she is a bit fed up with her followers’ complaining about chemtrails. I have been reading the comments on the UNN website for a while and see many people complaining about chemtrails and canceling their subscriptions because of zero evidence of truth about what Kim claims. Now I do wonder where people want to find the proof then because the mainstream media is fake news. But I do get it because all the persons Kim claims she killed, or , as she neatly puts it, sent to Source, are still just walking around in fake news.

    But we can see those chemtrails with our own eyes and also experience the physical effects of those dirty chemicals. I understand that she does not consider it a priority but she does lose her credibility this way.

    I do thank you PJZ for the transcript. I still read it but no longer spend hours listening to her updates. It’s the same stories every week. Naughty people and Kim sending them to source. I’m sick of having to hear about these psychopaths. It is also completely pointless because indeed there is never any evidence of truth behind her words anywhere. The deserts have also been greening for years. So nothing new .
    She would do better to stop making all that misery caused by psychopaths public but quietly clean up that mess and tell her followers only the positive improvements that are taking place. There is enough good happening in the world and thoughts are powers. Worrying about psychopaths diminishes collective co-creation and changes nothing at all.

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