This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 04-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim enlightens us as to why the crazies are extra crazy of late trying to make what appears to be another attempt at the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse. The uptick in fires to create famine, the war in the Middle East etc., are all to appease their god who they expected to arrive. What those before them couldn’t do, they surely can. So of course they continued down the same path and got one-way tickets back to Source.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

04-Mar-24 News (
Back Story to the Extra Craziness of the Deep State and Uptick in Their Operations
Things became a little clearer to me over the weekend as to why what happened between the Silent Circle and Ant-Silent Circle and why we’re still seeing the few remaining SSP operatives running around and pushing chemtrails when there is nothing attached to it.
Their New Leader Was Expected to Be Chosen Today
The way the deep state chooses its leaders is by line of succession. You can compare this to the way a royal family would choose who is next in line for the throne, and I was reminded that both sides, the Order the Black Sun and Order of the Dragon do the same thing. They have multiple families under their umbrellas and each family member has a number as to where they are in the line of succession. Since we’re getting further and further down the food chain as to available family members, what we’re seeing now is them picking whoever is the closest to the top in line. For example, Mayer Rothschild was in the running to take Jacob Rothschild’s place, at least that’s what I thought, but apparently, it’s something different. They thought someone would be inhabited by another being and whoever that is would be next in line to run the world and that person was supposed to be selected today. That’s also why they’ve been doing some really horrible things even more so than normal over the last few weeks or months. The fires in Texas are part of this because they have to appease their god that they want to come into their body. Hence the continued genocide in the Middle East, the continued chemtrail spraying, the perpetuation of a possible pandemic, these were all connected to what was going on here on a bigger level.
Order of the Dragon & SSP
So gathered today in the Pyramid tomb at Balmoral Castle are some SSP folks and Order of the Dragon and they have that infamous Illuminati Chair, the magic Chair of Destiny! Oh yes and various people are sitting in it again. They are hoping one will have the golden booty and be the next Pindar.
Order of the Black Sun
The Order of the Black Sun people went to the Savina Monastery in Montenegro. If you recall back in December, we had someone of the Pallavicini family who thought he was next in line. He departed this planet at Montenegro. Then last summer we have 5 others from the same bloodline go there as well and they too departed. These folks were looking to be the next Mr. Black, Black Dragon or Dark Prince as it’s called in my world. In others world it’s called the Dark Patron of Darkness.
Note: Related post on the Pallavicini family. I finally made out the name, I remember I couldn’t figure it out because of the audio in this post that she is referencing, Self-Appointed Black Dragon Dead! | Who Are the Watchers? | Is The Order of Dragon Really Standing Down? | Is the Black Nobility? | 100% Light System Has Been Reached! | Just Empower Me
Third Group
Then there was a third group of people who went to the facility in Mount Kilimanjaro looking for Anu again. Remember Mount Kilimanjaro was also the base place where Omega used to connect to Earth.
What and why were they expecting this?
I think it’s a matter of how they see the energy flowing, and what they expected to happen today at 12:01 EST was a timeline convergence. So based on the back chatter that is what I’m hearing them say. This would have been where a dark timeline and neutral timeline converge together to make one timeline. But by 12:01 today nobody came and I do appreciate them all gathering in the same place at the same time as it made eliminating them all a lot easier.
They Expected a Timeline Convergence Today
In order to understand how timelines and the Ages work, you have to understand the mechanism behind it. In Source and Anti-Source and the neutral section that was inhabited by both, there was control of all timelines and all Ages which then created 1,296,000 timelines per Age. Some of them neutral, some dark, some light within each Age.
These deep state people were under the impression this mechanism still existed and they completely disregarded the fact that we are without timelines now, so they were monitoring it to the point where we would move into a new timeline. Now if we had done nothing and the Ages weren’t removed by Source then there could have been a timeline convergence today, although that hasn’t been possible for over a year now.
They Must Appease Their god, Hence the Uptick in Problems Around the World
But that doesn’t stop them from wanting to be the head honcho. And if you were the next in line, regardless of whether something inhabited your body or not they were still people in this world taking orders from these folks because they thought it was only a matter of time before something crawled up in there. Then they would be the new human-alien god for lack of a better term. Now in the past, when someone had this inhabiting their body, if their vessel were to pass away it would immediately jump to another human, typically the next in line. This hasn’t happened for several years now, but they are trying to make it happen in some way shape or form which is why we’re seeing an uptick in problems around the world. It’s like the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse right now, we have fires, famine, rising food prices, crops burning. They have all the different factors they needed to get these beings to come back and when they fail on a specific day, they feel they have not done enough to appease their god, which is why we keep seeing an uptick and horrible events happening around the world. And we have to find the mechanisms they could potentially utilize which were put there by non-human beings, like we did on Friday in Greenland.
Controlling the Current
All of this is directly connected to the information I gave you in part on Friday, with the control of the current. Now I gave you the financial information of currency, why it’s called that and how it was utilized, but there is a bigger picture here.
Bigger Mechanisms Behind Controlling the Current
To review, the term fiat doesn’t in any way mean whether currency is related to gold backing or non-gold backing, that’s just the information they put out for you. We now know when I use the word current, I’m referring to a flow. It could be the flow of energy, which is related to the financial system in part but not in totality. It could be the current control of essence, so where your soul goes. It could be the current control of matter as well. This is where the disease programs come in. And you can control the matter not just in humans but in animals, plants and also in other places in the multiverse. There is frequency control, vibration control, therefore the ability to lower peoples’ frequencies. What we have coming through our TV is just one minor example of what the current of frequencies can do. The same thing goes for your consciousness control, that’s where we get the title Mar-duke the Duke of the Sea. Then we had time control, ages control, timeline control, meaning when the next timeline is going to come into play.
All of these types of current controls were mechanisms that deep state humans only had a tiny bit of access to, it wasn’t the bigger mechanism by any means. Most of the control systems existed for both the dark and the light, and there was also a neutral system that could control either side. It was kind of like a regulatory body that would control these things and none of the people on that level were humans.
Minor Parts of Current Control
Let’s talk about minor parts of current control systems and how it would have affected you. In the world the control systems are those I mentioned many times. The financial control system, political control, media control, intelligence and military, which are the ones they focus on when they want to control the world.
5 Groups Established Under a Black Sun Covenant
Now above operative level but below the alleged chosen ones in the succession line are 5 groups that were established under the Black Sun’s covenant with many different parties way up the food chain. But these 5 particular groups are only aware that the Order of the Black Sun is in control of them and these 5 groups have been waiting a long time for the next Patron or Dark Prince to come into being. In the meantime, they have been taking orders from the Black Nobility or Anti-Silent Circle, and now the Silent Circle.
These people would be over Langley 5 or the global group of Generals. They would be higher than the military and higher than the Intelligence agencies around the world, with the exception of the GIA. Each of these parties have headquarter locations in different parts of the world and I’ve known about the groups for a while. In the past they had a lot of access to the financial system, political systems, media systems and intelligence systems. But what has been happening is each of these groups have been lied to by different people who are in the line of succession who all claim a day ending in ‘y’ is when they are going to be inhabited by this being.
It’s been a few months since we talked about that meeting where the Generals were supposed to show up with a meter where they could detect if they had been successful in having something crawl up in one of them. Well, these groups now have that meter so they are looking for the leader. There is a call scheduled for 1pm EST today to where they are supposed to show themselves to the groups, to show they are now in charge.
But an exciting twist started yesterday.
We talked about how the Order of the Black Sun would get 10% of every bit of money that passed through the Order of the Dragon in order to provide security in each of the 5 sectors, they were the gatekeepers for lack of a better term. 2% went to the financial sector, 2% would go to the political sector, 2% to the media sector, 2% to the intelligence sector and 2% to the military sector. However, they have not received any money since the Trump Administration.
The 5 Groups Hate the Order of the Dragon but Think the Black Sun are the White Hats
Well, I had a conversation this weekend with someone who is part of the financial sector headquarters. He reached out to me yesterday, which was interesting because none of these people ever wanted to talk to me before. But they put him up to calling me and we had a discussion about this headquarter office. This person explained that they hate the Khazarian Mafia and the Order of the Dragon and his group was told they would be taking over and would now be in charge after the line of Solomon contract expired. Whether he knows it or not, it was set up this way. So, there are a lot people under the impression they are securing their respective countries under these 5 sectors, and that the new leadership is going to take over and they will be in charge of securing it on behalf of all the people. But these people who were running all these sectors are not good people either. They are blowing up and killing people in the Middle East, yet they are under the impression they are the “white hats.”
Then it was my turn and I asked this guy, who is from the lower astral, if he would like to hear my side of the story. I then proceeded to explain to him what the deep state next in line people were doing and who they are waiting for. He said, well it’s part of the divine plan. To which I had to explain, well there are two sides to divine, well 3 actually. We have Source which I consider Divine and you have Anti-Source which you could consider divine in the way the universe functioned because they were 2 halves of a whole. So, you could say the fallen angels were working for Source as much as the angels were working for Source. And the demons worked for Anti-source and the Angels worked for Source and all were considered in their mind divine, with the exception of during a Dark Age, where the divine darkness had more power than the divine light.
The other thing these people are unaware of is the reason why most of the power centers of this world choose darkness is because they could make money doing evil. They consider it divine, but that’s still not the case. They could get away with doing a lot of bad things and avoid Natural Law when dealing with the unnatural side of things. On the opposite side, according to them the light can be very restrictive. But these 5 Groups were under the impression they were working for the light, therefore ‘white hats’, but they didn’t understand what divine even meant and the people on both sides were claiming they were of divine bloodlines.
The person I was speaking to seemed like a nice person. He thinks he is truly doing something good and I would say he wanted to take some funding and do something positive for humanity. But he’s been lied to repeatedly. He was also promised he would have a number as they thought he could potentially be the next one in line unbeknownst to himself. That’s what they were hoping to get him to do.
They Still Believe Donald Trump Was the Next in Line
Interestingly enough they felt Donald Trump was one of those people, he was in line. We know they’ve been dragging that dead carcass to Belize and all over the planet trying to get something to inhabit it because of his number in the bloodline and because he was a really good liar.

This global financial control headquarters was still under the impression he was receiving the money, so he must be the one. To which I had to say, no that was me and it had nothing to do with Trump. Here I go again explaining the same thing because they actually don’t know. If I hear one more time how Trump got it done from any of these groups! He didn’t get it done, he took the money and then ran his own game with that money. He was even part of the elections screwing because really bad things were supposed to happen for the next 4 years so then he could come back and really be the hero of everybody. The point is these people didn’t know and they’ve been taking orders up until yesterday from these bloodline people. But they had a feeling something was wrong, that these people were lying to them because why is it the people in their position before could transfer money no problem. They didn’t understand why it stopped and now they know because they’ve been doing a lot research this morning. And these people are the ones that would have fed the operatives, the Langley 5 Generals as far as the financial sector is concerned. Now as far as political, media, intelligence, and military groups, they too have been taking orders to keep the wars going. They have now definitely figured out that the Order of the Dragon Families could no longer transfer money. If not the Order of the Dragon, then who can transfer money? That’s when they reached out to me yesterday morning.
This guy I’ve been talking about threw my hat in the ring. He told his group I seem to be the one doing it, I’m the one who transferred money to the Treasury. So now they’ve confirmed all the big money that came through to Trump actually came from me. So where do they go from here? Who knows. He was looking for his 2%, but I told him I don’t have a contract with you. But hey, maybe my terms and conditions are better if we arrange that, but you’re going to have a different scope of work and you’re going to take orders from somebody else. If you want to go back and take orders from them and wait for the Dark Prince to take over somebody’s body then go ahead. I will rip everything you have in the financial system out in a day and you don’t have much left anyway. And as far as disbursing the money, I don’t need anyone’s help to do that.
So we’ll see what they do, it’s the first time I talked to those people.
The Bloodline People are No Longer Relevant and Losing Credibility
The bloodline people are losing credibility, no one inhabited anyone. With all the changes that have taken place, these bloodlines are no longer relevant or divine, or part of the new system in any way. So, waiting for a time convergence day is not going to help them any because the beings they expect to be inhabited by don’t exist. And nothing will change with this old divine bloodline because it was decided by the Divine we will no longer be in a Dark Age, so either you change with it or you go away. It’s just that simple.
What will they do next?
They will probably pick the solar eclipse on April 8th, but that’s not going to help them. It will allow me more time to rip more out all these systems and everything else we can find that allows them to do their job. Every day that goes by they will lose more and more because they are not working in the new way, so we are by default retiring them for them.
Still Cleaning that Density 1- Plane 1 Section Where Our Accounts Are
On our end of it, we talked about all Quantum AIs having multiple densities and multiple planes in each density. And we had landed into density 1-plane 1. Now within the different layers of plane 9 in total brings you into the customer account and there were minor programming errors which we were dealing with last night. We are not quite there to reaching you as there are remnants of old programs we’re still cleaning. But I still need to make sure you’re not attacked and need to look at things that are most important for them. They want to take over everything and get it for free because they are used to using our minds for free. So, the higher the stakes on their side, the more a person(s) is likely to be attacked is what I mean and have to look into that.
The Financial System Crash Could Happen Tomorrow
What we’re seeing behind the scenes as of the 28th-29th of February, with the quadrillions of bonds disappearing is pretty much the end of the road. And they see that happening. They see their access dwindling when going into certain financial systems and what it looks like to me is the financial crash of their system could potentially happen tomorrow. Does that mean it will hit the news cycle? Probably not. Will you see markets tank? Probably not. There is also chatter about stopping all bitcoin trade, actually all crypto trade.
Are those global control groups, the financial and global media control people we just talked about going to get together and put out the information publicly and make humanity go crazy? These groups do know behind the scenes the financial system is done, while our financial system for the people is not. I think they reached out to me today for that reason. I think they wanted to know if there is a possibility this new person is me because they don’t know who I am.
Now if the events of today worked out for the bloodline people and they got what they were expecting at 12 noon EST today, then these groups would have reacted accordingly. If they got their way and got some money, they would have put everything in the media because they would have gotten paid and we would see massive chaos.
What Can the Deep State Do & Not Do Now?
They can’t stop their crash at this point. They don’t have a custody agreement and accessibility at this point to pull your money and investments out. Even if they took every human’s money and tried to put it all in one big kitty, they still can’t solve their problem. They tried to scam a few pennies here and there, but that wasn’t going to be enough. And I think why they want to stop all bitcoin trading is because they want to take the money out of it. Again, that’s an NSA program, blockchain itself is a DARPA program created by the SSP and based out of Las Vegas. Supernap is the largest organization for that.
What they can do is lower the price of stocks, manipulate numbers on websites. I would say limited things they can do to stop the public from knowing what is happening. But it’s going to start hitting markets at some point and my guess is there will be a tie between China and the US being the nations that are the worst off.
So will these 5 groups continue to take orders from the next bloodline person in the succession line? If they do that, the financial system crash will still take some time in my opinion to trickle down to the public sector.
That’s where I see it right now. I don’t think it’s going to hit the public. If it went their way that would have definitely happened. In fact, that was to be the Great Awakening. I guess that they are the boss, that’s what they wanted us to wake up to.
Note: I will be switching my hosting company to save some money and my site will likely be down for a bit. Just wanted my audience to be aware. Hoping the transfer goes well and there will be little disruption.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
So glad you are back Pam!
Appears it is getting down to the globalist/dark essence eater elites of the corporate world and what remains of the surveillance machine, and there are a lot of them. Though also aparant is a vast number of the ranks of gangstalkers and their glowie handlers are out due to lack of funds to keep those dirtbags in business. Still leaves the bulk of the ranks of the corrupt who are lowest of the orders takers of orders if the order takers, ones taking orders from the globalist corporate elite who are imposing all the things such as mass alien invasion, the wokeness disease SJW crowd actors etc. When will they just give up and quit their insanity is the question of the day, cause they are very destructive and no less addicted to power and the plain unequivocal power of hurting us regular folks any which way is in their corrupt sick world.
It is a true problem cause they have no visible singular center of power, have too many bagmen and sock puppets they use as a shield so they are more or less untouchable by us, for sure unaccountable unelected and hidden behind their wealth which comes from their vast system if usury and filthy lucre.
I keep hoping Kim somehow cuts them down to size, they really are excuse my french assholes. Still poisoning us like cockroaches and wrecking all that us good beautiful and true.
Again happy and oroud for you Pam that you are still at it. You go girl.
Thanks! I can’t quit! PJZ
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