This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 22, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us the status of the 5 Families who foolishly took that contract from the Order of the Dragon. The admitted Kim was right, they were lied to and recalled the Jesuits who are all confused. Umbrella steps in to fill the gap and no one seems to be believing them, the first of many government bankruptcies was announced and it’s going to get real. The fall of governments is in progress as we officially move into the Golden Age!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Update on the 5 Families of the Silent Circle Who Took Contract From Order of the Dragon
Kim gave us an update on the 5 Families of the Silent Circle that accepted a contract given by the Order of the Dragon. On their side of things, they performed but the Order of the Dragon people who gave them all these access codes did not perform. The 5 Families had realized by Tuesday, after they completed their research, they were lied to and what Kim was saying was true.
Things have gone completely silent for the past few days which has left all the Jesuits who were running around a bit perplexed. The world is changing and things do not work the way they used to which is confusing to many. They were under the impression they could do something they just cannot do.
There have been meetings over the last few days and as a result and currently at this moment in time, the Jesuit Order has stood down because they are being forced to step back. They have not received any orders or directions and now they just stood down, which is a good thing for us.
Umbrella Military Steps Up Since The Jesuits Step Down
However, up came Umbrella Military Corp operatives since the Jesuits stepped down. They had some conversations with the Rothschilds and some other families in China and a few other places and decided they were going to pick up the contract that was laying on the table. They have been running around like reckless cowboys and are the reason why we are seeing chemtrails again.
They are making lots of promises like, we will have this done by Friday! But essentially, they have accomplished nothing.
File Agreements That Were Rejected
They tried to file a lot of agreements in the Hall of Records and Kim rejected them all.
Search for Things They Used to Have
They are looking for the Black Eagle Trust, a lot of lines, and tech they used to have.
Planned to Take All US Dollars Out of the Banking System
That was their big plan on Wednesday which is why Kim skipped the news that day. Then they were going to use all those dollars to gain control over the US government, which in their mind would eventually give them control of the entire world, except that is not entirely true. They tallied up the number of US dollars in circulation, which in reality was $18 trillion. That number is fairly accurate at the moment but Kim said a large portion of that belongs to the Silent Circle and their various corporations. So, if they intended on taking all those dollars out of circulation they would not have lasted through the night. But even if they did take those dollars out of circulation, they have a problem because they need allocation numbers to put them back into the banking system.
Then they decided to tuck it into a payroll company or something like that thinking no one would notice, like Kim would not find it and put it back in anyway. Let’s just say they did manage to get the whole lot of the US dollars and the Silent Circle was fine with that, they still couldn’t buy the US government with that amount because they haven’t done the numbers. The debt is $33 trillion and treasury notes are coming due, how are they going to do that? This is the problem with people who never run anything and now are trying.
Still Trying to Run the Trump Show
These are the same operatives running the Trump show and Kim said there are a lot of people not believing them anymore. Evidently that is based on the fact many are hanging up the phone and there are a lot of angry people who have worked with them who are kind of going off the rails.
There is a claim on every major news channel and mainstream media right now that some tweets by Don Junior that appeared on the 20th then disappeared are not true.
What is going on behind the scene is the Trump family members decided they want to preserve and save the family name, and the former breathing person’s legacy and move on with their lives. They would like to keep the name as a good name and the operatives are driving it into the toilet doing all kinds of crazy alt media stories and riling up patriots. The Trump kids are very frustrated and want to fix it for themselves and their children, so they did announce their father had passed away. Kim was told late last night that they have a plan to get rid of the operatives and preserve the family name. They do not want to lie to the American people anymore and play the game anymore and the operatives are constantly promising big payouts to the family and they are not getting any. Not to mention we have dead people running in elections which is ridiculous.

Did Don Junior actually write those tweets?
Kim has heard two different stories. One was they hired someone who was given passwords. But it is a dangerous situation dealing with operatives and she decided to leave it at that. But they are sick and tired of their Umbrella Military Corp people. The Trump family is done and Umbrella Military operatives should just stop if there is any shred of decency in them which is a term she uses lightly.
Sunny said she asked that question because it does look like someone hacked his account and it doesn’t look that credible with those other crazy tweets. But Kim said they had to make it look crazy. Remember these operatives are crazy and dangerous and they kill people. They had to make it look crazy and insane, like a hack, or like someone went off, got crazy and sent out all this stuff with a little bit of truth mixed in there. It is a slippery slope but allegedly they have a plan because everyone is tired. When the operatives started announcing they were running the country again it meant, here we go again. Like Kim said, if it’s not the eyes, it’s the legs, if not the legs, then the feet or whatever is in control. But by the end of the day, when they realize there is no money that story will probably be over.
Umbrella Operatives Try to Go to Durango
The operatives showed up but they were denied. Kim is positive the local security knew, just like Kim knew there was a big promise of a big payout and they told everyone they were going to be there to do the big contracts and do the big things because they are in charge now. That didn’t work and they are very angry with Kim, but like she said it doesn’t have to be this way.
UN General Assembly
The UN General Assembly is going on as well and Umbrella Military has been there as well making big promises to operatives and countries and making crazy statements. But people are starting to wise up. Speaking of wising up, the other operatives there and UN personnel are having meetings as well. Like Kim told us in the past the operatives get there three weeks ahead of time to make all the deals and they were having conversations with the Chinese Elders and the Rothschilds and all these people they report to, various agencies and whatnot and there were promises of money again, this time it was Monday. There was a lot of talk about the BRICs meeting, that something big was to happen there but nothing did happen.

General Assembly High-level Week 2023 | United Nations
Operatives & UN Personnel are Comparing Notes
So, the operatives were starting to look for some real information a few days ago because nothing is really happening and not much wheeling and dealing is going on. Instead, they started comparing notes. What did they promise you? Where is this money? They were checking the banking system to see how much money is really available and they were told the Treasury Department was supposed to fund all these countries but that didn’t happen and there is no money there. They know about the promises Kim talks about on the news because they are the ones being promised things. Well, they did come back to Kim two days ago and told her everything she said is accurate. So now they started watching her news and started to encourage others to do the same through their alternative methods, the way agencies do things. They were actually in a meeting while Kim was giving this broadcast so she expects they will have a decision after that.
Operatives Know Kim Can Fund Governments
She has shown the money, it is there and the Treasury Department put out word to them because her contact at the Treasury Department is the same person they are going to. The financial operatives from other countries always go to the Treasury Department with the other financial operatives. And they were told during the Trump Administration how much money Kim gave to the country and where it came from because Kim’s contact at the Treasury Department was the one on the other end. It was the White House terminal on the one side and then it connected to that person’s terminal at the Treasury Department for the funding. So, there is proof for these people.
And they found out there was $23 trillion at the Treasury just sitting there for months and everyone ignored Kim. She put together all these budgets over a period of months because all the governments said they were going to move forward but they moved backwards instead, so she probably got tired of waiting and took the money back.
Well now the word is getting out Kim is where the money is. A lot of closed-door and back-door meetings are going on now. The UN is lighting up like Christmas tree, meaning there are lot of ears there literally, the walls have ears at the UN. There is an entire underground system and you cannot go to the bathroom at the UN without someone knowing how long you were in there and everything to you did in there. So closed door meetings really mean absolutely nothing in that building. Everything is monitored.
Heads of State & UN Employees Find Out They are Bankrupt
What Kim found out is that an education process for Heads of State and for UN employees is going on, they are finding out what is really happening, and as of this morning the UN employees have been informed for the first time ever that they are bankrupt. The General Secretary, the heads of the World Health Organization, they are all there right now and they really did not know how bad it was. They have been told lies by their deep state handlers, by the Rothschilds, by the Chinese people, and by Umbrella Military for so long. Now big choices need to be made — for countries, for operatives, there is no time to wait.
Getting Rid of the Bad Management but Saving Jobs
Kim wanted to emphasize lest we forget, that there are a lot of people who work at the UN for foundations who try and help the indigenous people for example, and for the WHO, such as doctors, people in the laboratories, etc. and they have no idea what we are talking about right now. They are people trying to help other people and do something good for the world. There is nothing wrong with them. It’s the leadership of all these organizations who take orders directly from the deep state, the actors who say exactly what they are told to say who are the problem and they are the ones in a full-on panic. They are the ones passing down all this insane information on climate control, etc. and they realize something is wrong but they did not realize they were bankrupt.
Wars Don’t Make Money Anymore
They (the bad management, bad science people who are leading everyone down a bad path) were still under the impression that wars make money. But that only works if you have access to new money to fund new production lines.
They discussing how money works, supply and demand, and how new money must be entered into the system to keep everything running. They thought the good production contracts to have would be guns, tanks, etc. and that is why they think wars make money. Since the expiration of the Treaty of Versailles however, nothing has come out for war. Today all the wars are is being funded by people being promised that they will have money tomorrow, until there is no more tomorrow, and that day is today.
Other Notable News
Kim Received Call From China
Kim received a call from China late last night and said they are preparing an official letter from the CCP and have appointed a person to be their representative to Kim because they need financial help.
Government of South Africa Admits Publicly They Are Bankrupt
South Africa did have a pile of money sitting in their Treasury that Kim transferred until she was told, oh no we are going to have crypto currency. Well, they have officially announced in the news that they are bankrupt, the first to announce publicly.
History of US Government Bankruptcies
Sunny asked if any government has gone bankrupt before and announced it. Kim said the US has announced bankruptcy twice secretly and that relates to the JFK story which she has told us about numerous times but I’m including again for new people.
JFK and his whole family were Black Sun royalty and in conflict with the Bush family over who was going to be King of North America. It was called Project Camelot. JFK, being a member of the family visited President Sukarno in Indonesia and they made a deal to prop up the Treasury of USA. The Fed at the time was deeply involved with the Treasury of USA which was run by the Black Sun because of the contract that existed with Solomon’s Demons of the Black Sun, hence the Federal Reserve relationship.
Bush Senior was the Black Dragon then and head of the families at that time and he knew about this deal and the consequences to breaking the contract. Also, Kennedy could have gained that Head of North America status had he pulled off what he was about to pull off. Now the Fed had the right to issue $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, and $100s bills, that was in the contract. They left out $3, $7, $9 and others in between so that was the loop hole. Kim saw these notes printed from the Mint at the Treasury Department against the gold JFK obtained the right to use from the Order of the Black Sun’s Eagle Trust that was acquired during WWII. Let’s call it Nazi loot. The Nazi loot went to the Treasury USA and they began to print the $3 bills. Shortly after that, JFK was assassinated and there is definitely a tie there between Bush, the CIA and JFK that Kim told us before.
After he was assassinated, they bankrupted the Treasury of USA, and bankrupted the US Government because all the Fed had to do was call back all the treasury notes they were issued. In 1912-1913, because the Fed had all these treasury notes, all they had to do was call all those bonds in and that bankrupted the US. That was the second secret bankruptcy. Then they could take the leased gold and put it in the name of the Federal Reserve because we had a gold back currency then, until Bretton Woods. That became the assets behind what is known as the Red Book mentioned in the movie National Treasure. The original Red Book actually had the name John F. Kennedy and she showed us those books a few months ago.

Note: Above excerpt on the Red Book from related post, US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real | Just Empower Me
Kim also outlined how the budget process works in brief because she told us this before as well:
- Congress does the show and then there is a number put on a treasury note for the budget
- Then a bond is issued for that number every 4th of July.
- The bond gets transferred to the Federal Reserve to get monetized, nowadays it is with digital currency
- The Federal Reserve would then send that digital note to HSBC in Hong Kong for trading
- They would make a ton off trading from July through September
- Then they would return that original value of the bond to the Fed by September
- Then there was a whole system tied of putting that money into the banks
Essentially the structure is about control mechanisms and it is better they work as a pyramid so that you only have 10 fingers from which to pull strings. That is how the world is structured because that is what it is geared towards. Everyone wants to fill the vacant seat at the top, except there is not a vacancy and they do not even realize the control of the US government; thus, all governments are not even a level near the 10 fingers.
Conditions Kim Has Put Forward for the Following:
United Nations
It was Kim’s office that paid for the ugly United Nations building and the land in New York. It was not the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds. It came from her office through them and then to the contractor to build the buildings. There has not been an Unknown Country signature on any UN document, nor has there been any ratifications in 7-8 years. That signature is always required on everything UN because behind the scenes it was her predecessor who authorized the UN to come into being and was under his control. Just because we have middle management trying to take over the organization does not change the fact, they are defunct. She has written them off. But since we own the land and the building, we would like it back, all of them.
Rebuild and Restructure
Kim said we will probably tear down said building because it’s ugly, it’s awful, full of ears and we’re not interested in that game. Once it is rebuilt it will be under the name of CARE. It will be a whole new organization with a whole new charter, and new way of working. These security councils and all these organizations will be completely restructured because they are bankrupt. It does not mean we cannot save jobs though. We don’t want to save the bad ones, but the jobs of these other people trying to do good things can be saved.
What is it going to take to work with governments now?
- You can expect the GIA to be working in your Treasury or Central Bank until you are officially out of bankruptcy.
- Expect a restructuring. The stuff you do makes no sense, which is why you are bankrupt.
- Expect to go to a spending tax only. We don’t need income tax period. And this is just the beginning.
- If you are going to continue to be a Representative you are going to represent all the people that live in your state. That means not representing a lobbyist or corporation and you will not take kickbacks; those days are over.
We would try and save as many jobs as we can, to restructure and keep as many jobs as we can. It’s about the people. For example, those who work for the IRS we kind of hate. But it’s really just the management, the upper people who don’t even go there to work that we hate. There are other positions these people who work at the IRS can do.
New Technologies Will Come Out
We are coming out with other technologies whether the deep state people like it or not. There is not going to be economic assassination of that, people are going to participate in that and do it in a clear and concise manner and not destroy entire industries and then try to rebuild them. For example, everyone drives a car on gasoline. What are we going to do with pumps when we move to better fuel options? We can’t follow California and do something as stupid as declare only electric cars by ‘x’ date are allowed which all need charging stations and there aren’t any. This is what she is saying, the people making these statements are just saying what they are being told to say. The ridiculous comes from behind them.
Langley 5 Generals
There are talks among the Langley 5 Generals about if the switch over happens what happens to us? They run the operatives, a system of slavery. Kim didn’t put forth any conditions for them and personally I hope none of them survive. Perhaps they should fall on their swords.
Some Real Concerns
We are in the final stages of what Kim has been telling us will happen over the last several months. It’s all now happening. And she is not saying the GIA is taking over the world but we need some kind of oversight and oversight people are afraid to cross, period. We need someone to correct a wrong. She is not trying to degrade operatives but there is no time to waste talking craziness. We don’t have time for that anymore, the world is on the brink of financial collapse. There comes a point when the bill comes due and that is Monday-Tuesday next week, it is over.
The Market
If nothing is done between now and then you can expect to see changes in the market. If you are invested in the market, get out of it, at least until the end of the year. No investing for 3 months is not going to kill you and probably preserve the capital you have.
The Banks
Other than the hare-brain scheme from Umbrella Military she has yet to hear of any bank that will be shutting its doors. There are some deep state people who would like to see us making a run on the banks, panicking with no food and no this or that. For them it is a power feeling and then they will come in as the savior. They will probably try to stage something like that and then think they will come in save the day and everybody is going to love them. But that’s just not happening.
South Africa
However, in South Africa, Nedbank is seriously on the ropes right now. There are some lawsuits from the Guptas right now which Kim said is hilarious because they are Black Sun. If you have money in that bank switch to another bank is her advice.
Eskom is a perfect example of a failure. The countries that currently receive some power from Eskom are looking for alternative energy sources because the power supply is not there. Eskom is not looking at alternative energy sources and is just letting it hobble along. There are blackouts happening often and it is winter there. Again, this is due to mismanagement.

Bankrupt Governments Across the Board
Does the fact that the governments are bankrupt going to affect you personally?
Not yet as far as she can see but she will keep us updated. In the meantime, stay calm. South Africa’s public announcement on the news was probably to make people panic. The South African President has been run by the CIA forever, by the faction that works with the Order of the Dragon people. That being said, it is why China got to drive them off the cliff because they told everyone the RV was coming and the Chinese Elders were going to save the day.
The World Has Stockholm Syndrome
Kim said the goal is not to keep governments around forever but in the interim it seems like it is back on the table. But expect your government to be restructured, useless departments will be the focus everywhere. All presidents are run, they are handled and there will be no more selections for presidents. They also need to be breathing, and no more cabal control.
Kim thinks it would be better to have governments around for a few more years until people get used to a new system, wake up, are told more truth, real history, get more real news and understand how to govern ourselves. We have Stockholm Syndrome globally. We have basically been held hostage by kidnappers’ generation after generation and we need to give people time. It’s like opening the door to a locked cage, the people don’t just come out right away.
Fall Equinox
The Fall Equinox is a time when they do a lot of bad things and they would get money for said bad things, death payments and that kind of thing. But that has not happened this year and the payouts for the Fall Equinox is once every seven years anyway, it was not a yearly thing.
There is a full-on panic going on in the deep state for those who won’t let it go, extreme anger, and an attitude that they are going to win at all costs. These people think to some degree it should be all turned back over to them and they will fight to the death. But they don’t know what they are doing. The pandemic orders are old and done and even though the book said it was to be restarted in 3 years, they do not have the money or pull and we the people predominantly are not going to buy it. Maybe 20% will and that is an average and some countries are more controlled than others. But up after the Equinox they will wake with nothing changed in their favor. They already started looking today for things that would normally appear and they are not so it is total chaos within the Umbrella Military and remaining Order of the Dragon people.
Golden Era is Officially Here!
This year’s Fall Equinox is different. Remember Kim told us we are transitioning. Well yesterday we officially transitioned into the Golden Era as it is called in the declaration. We are seeing less and less blockages and things put in place by her predecessor, less dark matter. It is all fading.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Thank you for the Kimfo.
Honestly feeling out-of-phase with Kims reality. Freakish chemclouds and chemtrails
over the chcgo area last night. Most intense ever really. Yes, you can feel the glorious
feelings, however a lot of danger. Emergencies, sirens, mars lights. Ability to
“manifest” completely overwhelmed.
Again i’m going to suggest a bit of love, empathy, & response to eachother. PEACE.
Thankyou Kim and team of Warriors.
Our NZ elections happen on 14 October 2023.
They have already committed a fraud against the voters with what they did to NZLoyal and Liz Gunn just last week.
And theres that added piece of corruption where someone in NZ govt inc. take all the minor party votes and reallocate them to the 2 major parties – they usurp our votes and reallocate them – a fraud as every vote must count!!
Obviously here in NZ its National Party under Christopher Luxon who is already being pushed and touted as the winners by our govt paid fake news media.
Im not comprehending how our NZ Military havent already stepped in to shut fown our upcoming elections.
Dear Kim, can you please assist in this regard?
God bless you with continuing success.
I do not think much of the goden era
I do not think much of the so called golden era so far.
Dear Kim
The chemtrailing in New Zealand is again blocking out the Light that weve recently been sent.
So no light just chemtrails blocking the sunshine and filling our lungs.
Hope you can remove those who are blocking the light and poisoning our sky and lungs please.
Id love to know life without living in a manufactured state of permanent Autumn/Winter.
Thankyou and God bless you.
Gracias por compartir, digamos que todo es un proceso de transición y viene desde cada uno de nosotros , debemos enfocarnos en nuestro ser interior y recordar que muy pocos hemos despertado y muy pocos han entendido que estamos evolucionando entre la 4 y 5 dimensión, activa tu amor hacia el prójimo , activa tu amor hacia la madre tierra y has el esfuerzo de entender que la última herramienta que utiliza el Guardian es dañar al prójimo negativo , ella sabe que el.equilibrio es importante , y ellos ya no soportan la luz y como fiera herida no les importará destruir y matar para su propio beneficio, es como una pareja tóxica y una de ella quiere terminar, simplemente el tóxic@ dice : si no eres mi@ de nadie serás….gracias por compartir.
No, it’s not true, I didn’t write them, those tweets, they’re fake, I have here in front of me, all the tweets of Don Jr. and I just confirmed that there is no tweet on that date, where they say that, of course I would love it if they did, so all at once the whole truth comes out, that up to this moment, I doubt very much about that, in fact, there is absolutely no tweet from Don Jr. posted on September 20, 2023, when I start to see things like these, notes, and things like that false and dubious, I start to doubt the sources, really, this bothers me and a lot, we should not continue like this, someone who is telling us to stop spreading fear pornography, now this???, I don’t know what to think…
7.6.2023.КИМ ГОГУЕН.@executororden7861
3 месяца назад (изменено)
Что касается тех, кто сражается с тьмой, то тьмы не осталось, поэтому вы сражаетесь в одиночку. Прошло только три месяца и….И отвечает ли Ким за сказанное ею—-Что касается тех, кто сражается с тьмой, то тьмы не осталось, поэтому вы сражаетесь в одиночку. 7 июня 2023 года. 7.6.2023.KIM GOGUYEON.@executororden7861
3 months ago (modified)
As for those who fight the darkness, there is no darkness left, so you fight alone. Only three months have passed and…And is Kim responsible for what she said—-As for those who fight the darkness, there is no darkness left, so you fight alone. June 7, 2023.