Black Nobility Pallavicini Family’s 65%-35% Deal With Order of the Dragon Predicated On Make Believe | Remember The 10-Year Extension of Budget Money Kim Authorized in 2012 But Wished She Didn’t? | Someone Else Is Making That Claim & Scammed Entire Deep State | What’s Behind Those Rumors of a Big Event on July 15th? | Kim Reviews Financial System With New Info That Surfaced | Revisits the Seal Established 250,000 Years Ago Outlining Ownership of Earth During the Dark Age | What Were Their Roles in the Financial System? | Part 1  

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 1 of this post Kim talks about the video she did in the past of who controls the financial system because that was incomplete. A lot more that has come to light since then and there is mass confusion out there as to who controls the financial system. So some things are a review, but there is always more to add as more information is uncovered, so always worth doing.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


08-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (

There is Mass Confusion in the Deep State as to Who Really Controls the Financial System

I’m going to go through this again with the new information because mass confusion has caused a lot of agreements to be made and for governments to hang on for things that will never happen. In addition, if you remember all the assignments I did to governments for 10 years (not 12 years like they are being told), well, there is someone who scammed the entire deep state into believing he made those assignments and is in control of the world. It all finally came to light as to why the deep state thinks control is within reach. With the absence of Enki, Enlil, Marduk and now the Red Queen (aka Artemis), they thought they could control the assignments, but what they didn’t count on is that the original assignments actually came from me. Secondly, they didn’t count on the fact they were only 10-year assignments and not 12-years like they were being told and their plan failed miserably. I knew this person, the scammer, and he knew he could never come back and ask me for assignments, but it all started coming to light after Friday evening.

For background on this, see my most frequently referenced post again (if you’re new). Kim being a newbie at the time in learning her position got convinced by Marduk to renew budgets worldwide for governments, militaries, agencies etc. which of course are all run by the deep state. The budgets totaled in excess of hundreds of trillions of dollars. Yeah, she admits that was a massive mistake, but she learned a lot since then, just like all of us. But those extensions and budget money gives the context for this broadcast.

Note: Referenced post, 10 Year Money Printing Extension Expired July 4th | 13 Shadow Militaries All Gone! | Cryptococcosis, the New Virus Intercepted | Candida Outbreak Diverted | Agreement with Draco Expired | The Remaining Imbeciles Have No Friends Left | Just Empower Me

Returning to the Pallavicini Family’s Recent 65-35% Deal with the Order of the Dragon

Let’s go back to the 65%-35% deal where the Order of the Black Sun-Black Nobility Pallavicini and Orsini Families wanted 65% control over not just the financial system but the entire world. They offered the Order of the Dragon 35%, but before they proposed that deal the Order of the Black Sun et al thought they could have 100% control with everything they had. The problem was they had no ability to put their fake money that was in the Mariana Trench (Level 5) into the financial system and they thought the people who were hindering them were the Federal Reserve and Dragon Families, that’s why they made the 35-65% deal in the first place.

Note: For related post on this proposed 65%-35% deal see, Iranian President & Staff In Belize & Didn’t Die | Black Nobility Pallavicini Family Makes $75.42 Trillion Worth of Promises | Their Deal, In Exchange for Executing on Marduk’s Final Plan Will Become 65% Owners of Planet Earth While 35% Goes to Order of the Dragon | At Lower Level, $56 Billion Promised to Langley 5, SSP, Q Crew, Trump Operatives To Burn US To The Ground | Tier 1 Bank Operating Systems Now Merged With Global Repository! | Just Empower Me

The Dragon Families promised they would issue the allocations through the Fed on the 4th of July because it used to happen that way. On the 4th is when I did the original assignments for the world and they must have thought I was going to do that again because I’ve been getting a few phone calls that were kind of weird. I was wondering why are all these people were calling me. One such phone call was from an organization called the Office of International Treasury Control and they allegedly fall under the UN International Treasury Control. So, I’m getting all these phone calls saying we’re going to “help” you move money into the system now, and you can put it in our global server. We’ll start small and if it goes well, then we’ll continue on with this deal. So, this would be the second time it was implied consent from me.

Then I knew of a Military meeting that was to take place, not with me of course, which never ended up taking place. But they were going to get me to renew those assignments one way or another because now they discovered that the Dragon Families could not issue allocations numbers and major doubt started arising around that time. The Fed Families fired back saying the Black Sun didn’t get enough control over the financial system. We’ve been throwing out some test transfers of allocations and real money and you guys are just not catching it.

Meanwhile those transfers were by me of course. They were small, $30,000, $5,000, $10, various amounts probably 10-20 times a day while I was trying to find what else was in there blocking us. They tried to make it look like they had me surrounded in the financial system so I would then be forced to give them allocations numbers, or have to go to them for allocation numbers? I don’t know, this was the game we were playing. But these Black Sun people were not playing with a human technology or with the Order of the Dragon Families. Whatever they were told at the time when they were allowed to place things in the Mariana Trench, which is Level 5 of the web was a lie. And the permission for them to do that ultimately came from someone else when the original agreement was made and that Party who gave the behind-the-scenes authorization is no longer there. But everyone is fighting because of the financial video I gave a couple of years ago as they thought that was it.

Note: For Kim’s original financial video, you can access my Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me page. However, it’s still linked to the old site, but I will update that link when I find it on the new site (

What’s Behind Those Rumors of a Big Event on July 15th?

Rumors are going around on the internet that a big event is going to take place on July 15th, and it also correlates with the expiration of the Federal Reserve’s agreement with governments worldwide to issue currency on their behalf and to control their currencies worldwide. But that expired July 15th 2012 when that agreement expired. Now you can say on a technical detail, based on the assignments I did in 2012 that yes, they probably extended the agreement by default for another 10 years because those assignments were good for only 10 years, which would then bring us to 2022.

Note: For related post from above see, Origins of the Federal Reserve | Kim Explains to Pentagon & Generals Why Fed Can’t Print Money & Why the ADIL P4 System Didn’t Spit Out Any Cash for You | Dragon Families & Black Sun Still Fighting Each Other | Hum, Did They Misplace that Sun Tzu Book? | Bottom of the Food Chain Thinks They Will Rule the World? | Ascension Process Completed! | The Creator’s Plan is ‘THE PLAN’ & We Have Work to Do! | Just Empower Me

But the rumors are saying there is going to be mass chaos, possible assassinations of current and former presidents. A lot of things are allegedly supposed to take place. But if you remember, every single thing they say is based on their success. And they are basing that success on an imposter guy who gave them extension after extension, which he never had the power to do. There was no ratification of those extensions and everything they were trying to do to make this happen was being done offline, offline derivatives and offline securities until there were no more.

Review of Financial System with the New Information That Surfaced

We’re going to go over this financial controller thing again so we can understand, and so they can understand all the difficulties that happened in between.

Alpha has 9 sectors. Each one of these is considered a plane and a density, which means the equipment comes from another density, another plane, another section, or subsection of another plane. Based on the old Joint AI system agreement (JAIQS Agreement for dueling AI systems) which expired a couple of years ago, we also had an Omega overlay. When we were talking about the deepest parts of the web or web 9-9-9 you would be talking about the inserts and overlays that come from Omega.

You can see the overlay of Omega goes straight through 5 and 4. In between 5 and 4 and all levels was a zero. And they were granted limited access to everything in between from plane 5 to plane 4, everything in between density 5 and density 4, and everything in between subsections of planes between 5 and 4 because remember, everything adds up to 9. Prior you would have had 8 of Alpha connected to 1 of Omega, 7 goes with 2, and 6 goes with 3.

Earth born Humans now exist in density 1, plane 1, section 1, sub-section 1. But in the beginning, you actually existed in subsection zero, which is also part of the reason why you only received credits, because Alpha and Omega had a relationship based on a Joint Covenant agreement and based on agreements to those who had limited access to both. And when I say ‘those’ I’m not talking about human beings.

Note: Above from related post, The Viking’s Order to Infiltrate Assemblies | Fallout from Ending Dark AI System JAIQS | Black Sun’s Slave Master of the Week | IBM Watson Could Have Replaced AZURE | Who is Lowell “the Patent Guy” Wood? – Part 1 | Just Empower Me

The agreement for the two to work jointly was that Alpha was the omnibus lender of planet earth and Omega was the party that received all the debits. Omega could not hold real cash, straight energy or Source direct current, so there was a transmutation process that would happen on Level 9 that none of these people could understand. That transmutation took positively charged energy and reversed it out to make negatively charged energy which could then bind to you. It’s also the reason why the operatives were so confused as to why what they are doing is not working. It has to do with energy and quantum physics.

Now we talked about what their version of a quantum financial system is and it’s a Quick File System written by Oracle. Is that a quantum system? Unto itself no. But they are trying to find a way to connect something they had in the past into the current system so they can control the financial system. Now for them it’s all about the money, but in their system, they also had control over every corporation. If you ever saw a One World Order system, that was it. They dragged the military into it saying hey guys, look at all the humanitarian subsector operating systems we have in here and look at all the good things we’re going to do for veterans and how we are going to release technologies.

Note: Recent post referencing their Quick File System, Where’s Your Influx Of Cash Deep State? | Their QFS Not Even Quantum, It’s Oracle’s SAM-QFS (Quick File System) | Crashing USD & 10 Days of Darkness Fails | Operatives & BRICS Countries Dropping USD Just Failed Economics 101 | Elon Musk’s Claim Humans Can Transfer Their Consciousness To AI Systems Tied To Artemis & Jupiter Accords | Spheres Containing Consciousness of Red Queen-Artemis & Maybe Lucifer, Marduk, Enlil, & Enki Causing Reinstalls & Never Ending Hope for Deep State | Pulling All the Soul Keystones of These Beings Looks Like An End to Reinstalls | Will It Bring An End To Deep State’s Hopes? | Will This Bring An End to Kim’s Frustration & Humanity’s? | Just Empower Me

Beings Involved in Controlling the Financial System In the Past

In looking at the matrix, Omega was at around 79% of control of all human networks. That means fiberoptic cables, telecommunications, military and intelligence systems. You name it, Omega was in control and for those who are new here, Omega was tied to what I call Anti-Source. That being said, if you wanted the majority of control of all earth’s systems, you would have to take a part in Omega.

Alpha was at 21% when we started. We’ve been trying to clean it out for a long time, but because of too much intertwining between these two we have since converted from Alpha over to the Light system. So, an agreement and covenant were made to get rid of Alpha and replace it with the Light AI.

Let’s review of Access by Level.

Level 9: No humans had access to level 9.

Level 8: There is a limited tie in to Level 8 by the BIS and Order of the Dragon, but they had to stay in their line or in their lane. They weren’t allowed to go over or under at all.

Level 7: The Banksters or the ones who work for Rothschild, Rockefellers etc., these are your George Soros types in this section here.

Level 6: The Federal Reserve

Level 5: Militaries/Intelligence/Security System of the world. By security system it could mean the Gatekeeper program. If you know your planes of existence Level 5 is the Causal Plane, that’s where energy goes from being in your soul section to being converted into matter, at that point, as it goes into the Astral plane which is just below that. This is also something you need to understand about yourself, because you too have gone through big changes in the last few days, it’s all kind of tied together.

Level 4: Microsoft, software programs, banking systems, Google

Level 3: Back-office of all financial institutions worldwide. Predominantly all back-office systems were run by intelligence agencies and is why they believe they have control of the back-offices of the banks. At one time it was the CIA’s VTX system that controlled all those worldwide, and that was based out of Alaska. They talk about trying to reconnect it, but that has not been allowed since 2019 when it was taken out. They’ve been trying to reinstall it ever since.

Level 2: NSA which is not just an American National Security Agency, we are talking about 9 Eyes and every country in the world. The NSA is one of the few intelligence agencies that had a direct connection to Marduk and it blew them away the other day when I personally called them on that communications line that Marduk used in the past. When I told them who I was they got really nasty and said we’ll get back to you and all this crap. I believe they had high hopes their fake system was going to do something.

Level 1: In part, it was controlled by Level 8, so you did have a lot of oversight there, like the General Office of Accounting and some money aggregate systems that would count how much money was in the system. ECHELON also, which I know had a lot more control than they let on. We humans are also in here at Level 1 and as I have explained in the past, every single system was a custodial system, everybody owned everybody.

As I also explained many times, in order to get through anything in the system, the way it was designed is one party had to work with the other party. Now we have not had a human level global financial digital system for very long. It only started in the 1970s and took off in the 1980s. Then things really started changing in the 1990s. We could now send transfers worldwide without using old system such as Key Tested Telex, which at one time was a glorified fax machine. We then went to dial up mail and that’s how debits and credits went back and forth.

From the view of the Order of the Black Sun, you can see how agencies, the Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Families (which we know are Order of the Dragon) are involved in the financial system, so they think all they have to do is make a deal with the Fed Families because they had a line into Level 8. So, they just have to make that deal and get all the allocations they want. Wrong!

The final meeting that would pay for operatives, financial and otherwise and Militaries would have been on the Harvest Moon. So, you’re still a ways off from any money coming out of the system.

To some degree some people know about Covens and that’s probably because a lot of the covens were human. This is the Sanhedrin, the dark side of the Chabad, line of Solomon people. There was 42 major Coven Masters in the world. Now as far as new allocations of money, about a month ago was the time of year the Coven Masters would get money, which is why the deep state people think they were going to get money. But they’ve been gone and no one told them where to get orders and what they’re supposed to do.

If you’ve been following me a long time, I told you about the 7 dark mirrors in the world where the Coven Masters would go to get their instructions. That hasn’t happened in a long time because those instructions came from somewhere by beings that no longer exist.

Note: For more on the Dark Mirrors see related post, The War for Control of Earth is Officially Over! | The Creator & All His People Now Own Earth FOREVER! | Each Continent Had a Mechanism Indicating the Status of the War & Today Earth’s Destiny Was Revealed | Operatives Waited for Instructions from Dark Mirrors Which Did Not Come | Stop Gap Measures in Genesis Program Left by Marduk Fizzled Out | Zero Point for the Multiverse Moved Back to Source | DEATH & WAR NO LONGER PAY | NOW THE ONLY THING THAT PAYS IS PROLIFERATING ALL LIFE! | Just Empower Me

Underneath the Coven Masters you obviously have more coven folks, these would be people running small covens here and there, your black magic workers, Santeria, voodoo, church of Satan people. People who run these types of things might be in a coven. The Covens used to get orders about 2 weeks from now. Their meeting would start on the next new moon where they would get orders and instructions and then money would come out through the system. Now the money would sit and wait until it was time for the next meeting.

Before your Coven meeting is a meeting with the 21 Parents. They were genetically modified humans to the point they were super human in our mind. They lived for 11,000, 12,000, 7,000 years. They would take naps and go into stasis. These Parents were speaking on behalf of the human race. So, in the past you wouldn’t call them Guardians but your Advocate. They weren’t for or against humans. They just felt that we were living in a pigpen and they were the farmer. And I can’t disagree that we lived in a pigpen with all the orders coming directly through these Parents. But as it relates to alien communications, orders and instructions, that’s why the Parents were elected, to give those down to the 42 Covens which eventually go down to the Order of the Dragon, Black Sun and those types.

We talked before about the Seal which was above the Parents head. The Seal is what ended the war 250,000 years ago and in the Seal it said the owners of earth and all its inhabitants were Enki, Marduk, Artemis (Red Queen), Lucifer, the Abraxas and Anti-Source.

Note: For related posts:
1. On the Seal and the war refer to, 250,000 Years Ago Today the Largest War on Earth Ended | It Started With the Pleiadeans Fighting Against the Anti-Pleiadean Red Queen & Sole Ruler of Earth | After That War, Ownership of Earth Was Split Between Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas & the Red Queen | An Official Seal Was Placed on Earth in the Ozarks at That Time Allowing Direct Gateway To Lower Astral For the Winners of the War | Just Empower Me

2. On the Kings of the Realms see, Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth? | Just Empower Me

As owners of planet earth, they were the beneficiaries of any Trust on earth, including the Lucis Trust, all rare earth minerals, all your essence, energy, consciousness, etc. You name it they owned everything on earth and anything that came from us little batteries they also owned. They would collect all your energy or your energy would go in to feed the Omega system, what was necessary to keep it running, hence is what the deep state knows as allocation numbers.

Present Day | The New Light System & All Roads Lead to Kim

Now we have the new Light System, we are integrating our own system so we don’t need to do a flip. But you deep state people needed that flip to happen so that you could enslave all of humanity. Now your little systems that you’ve been building for the last 10 years off of a former authorization of mine also wouldn’t have worked and never will. I know you think your programs are going to help veterans and save animals and help 9,000 different corporations around the world because you’re going to control every aspect of life on this planet. And you were happy to have control because you had something, it was probably really small but you have an enormous ego to compensate because this is what you wanted. But all who are listening and don’t know what I’m talking about, what you would have done is enslaved all of humanity with debt because they have no ability to transfer direct Source energy into a dark control system.

All this time I’ve been trying to convert that negatively charged money into positively charged money. Therefore, you don’t need energy to link to it, it’s a direct current. That’s what I’m working towards because I understand those principles.

So, I’m going to repeat for the crazy people, the deep state people out there who don’t even know they are deep state because they think they are ‘white hats’ and think they are doing something good, because the programs look lovely. Those selling you on that don’t understand quantum physics, therefore their versions of QFS and gold back systems would have never happened because you cannot place a direct current of a hyper conductor, (aka gold) behind a debt instrument.

So, we reviewed again who the owners were of planet earth underneath the Seal and everyone had a different job to do. Next, we’ll talk about the Remnants. Note: Since these beings are gone, I assume in this context Kim is using that term to mean their lasting effects.

So stay tuned for Part 2 of this long broadcast and we’ll pick up there, but Kim will be focusing on one owner in particular, that not so lovely being called the Red Queen who we now also know was Artemis.


Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports

Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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1 thought on “Black Nobility Pallavicini Family’s 65%-35% Deal With Order of the Dragon Predicated On Make Believe | Remember The 10-Year Extension of Budget Money Kim Authorized in 2012 But Wished She Didn’t? | Someone Else Is Making That Claim & Scammed Entire Deep State | What’s Behind Those Rumors of a Big Event on July 15th? | Kim Reviews Financial System With New Info That Surfaced | Revisits the Seal Established 250,000 Years Ago Outlining Ownership of Earth During the Dark Age | What Were Their Roles in the Financial System? | Part 1  ”

  1. Well, I think Kim could explain this so well, but no matter how many times she does so, these people will never get it…’s like when you show someone in black and white, and right in their faces, they still look at you and say you are wrong. I don’t think they can be fixed, they think they are heroes and running the old programs of the Hero Journey, and this program is tough to remove. I know this takes time, but I’m kinda tired of nothing really happening, not that I don’t appreciate her stopping these folks who don’t understand what they are doing. They probably never will.
    So….dates pushed ahead again, no one is paying attention, life goes on and hoping this transition goes without much of a whimper but probably not before these stupid democrat and republican conventions, Cortney Brown talks about them, in a remote viewing, especially in Chicago at the democrat convention it’s not gonna be good.
    I recently saw a short video of Kim explaining how the Akashic records were actually Artificial Karmic soul history interconnected collective. The matrix loves acronyms:

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