BRICS Currency Was Not Launched, Just Talked About | SSP Rumor of Big Alien Event & EBS Alert Falls Flat | Mossad Operative Confesses Deal Promised by Trump Org: “Once Trump Gets Into Office, They Will Help Israel Decimate the Middle East.” | SSP Lies About Paying Everyone Once Trump Gets Back In the White House & The Tomorrow Game Continues | Except Funding Trump’s Admin Came from Kim the First Time & Vows NEVER Again! | Will the Deep State Idiots Continue To Do Their Bidding & Wait For Money That Will Never Come?

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 28-OCT-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. We have all the information from behind the scenes as to the events in the Middle East and you are going to be shocked as to who is behind it all. After this weekends failures it looks like they are eliminating more of their own. It’s the deep state versus the deep state and no one is safe. And apparently the secret space program operatives were unaware you cannot open portals with dark matter.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



SSP Rumor of Big Alien Event and the EBS Alert Falls Flat

The SSP true to form told everyone there was a huge event that was going to take place this weekend. It was all over alt media, circulating through intelligence agencies throughout the world, and to operatives that there was going to be a big turn of events, possibly an alien invasion, with 60 billion aliens that would invade this earth. I’m sorry I can’t help but laugh at this one. And there will be an EBS or IBS or BS, and a BS. Well, we definitely got the BS, they got that right. As far as everything else, not quite so much.

They did however make a valiant effort to open up portals over the weekend. Apparently, they thought they could do this with dark energy and dark matter. For those of you who dabble in quantum physics know you cannot open a portal with dark energy and dark matter or low frequencies. You can’t do it now, not a year ago or even 5 years ago. You need something different, that Source energy is not going to help you bring in your aliens that don’t exist. They don’t exist on Gaia, not in the hologram we know as earth and they don’t exist anywhere anymore. Perhaps they thought there was going to be some computer-generated Project Bluebeam they could pull off.  I’m not sure what they were doing. But just like everything else these cowboys do it fails.

Now they are saying November 5th is when the gateway is supposed to open. Well, I don’t know what gateway is going to open but it certainly won’t be anything to their benefit. Of course, true to form they tell everybody they are going to be paid.

Getting Fake Trump Back in Office Will Yield Them NOTHING!

Putting some orange people into an office is not going to help you get paid in any way shape or form. If these operatives around the world, intelligence agencies and governments think you are going to get paid by these people you have lost your ever lovin mind. And what I’m about to tell you is a perfect example as to why I know they are never going to get paid.

Over the weekend Saudi Arabia announced they are no longer interested in joining BRICS and this is the first BRIC to fall because many other countries are not going to want to join BRICS and there are two reasons for this. Putin walked across the stage with a BRICS currency that was a prototype.

Back to the cowboys that we know as the SSP operatives or Duck Dynasty attempting to run this country. God help us Americans.

They have been doing a little campaign of their own. Let’s see, what they have been promising the world?

  • They are going to launch a currency backed by America throughout the Middle East and promised lots of money to who is going to run the Middle East.
  • They’ve also been telling other folks in Ukraine they are going to be launching a new currency and that everybody is going to have a share in it, like shareholders in a corporation.
  • They have been talking about huge pipelines again going from Israel to Saudi Arabia and vice-versa, as well as natural gas coming out of Israel and the Gaza Strip once they gain control of it.
    • Who is going to profit from that pipeline?
    • Who is going to own the pipeline?
    • Who is going to supply the entire Middle East and possibly the entire African continent with energy that they will control?

This is all part of the deal. But this is the surprising part of the show, we’re going to call it a show because I’m going to do my very best to refrain from swearing during this broadcast and it’s really hard.

On Friday night around the time I would record my GIA report I get a call from my boots on the ground in the Middle East. They tell me Israel all of a sudden decided to retaliate from an attack that came allegedly from the SSP, as we discussed on a prior report. But the missiles were actually launched from Iran.

Now this was a little strange, so I did some investigating Friday night and what I found was an American cowboy, let’s call him Duck Dynasty operative over the in the Middle East was giving the Israeli Defense Forces orders and instructions and inciting them, rather demanding they retaliate with some pretty huge promises.

I’m like, why are they listening to this guy and who is he?

I got to the bottom of who he was, although I was 100% sure he was an SSP operative and 100% sure he was American and 99.9% sure I was dealing with Duck Dynasty there. Well, the intel finally came in over the weekend after Israel didn’t get what was promised from this American. It came in from a very angry Mossad agent, deep inside Israel.

Kim: Of course, and we assumed it was the Rothschild family.

I said, you’re kidding me?

You are blowing up the Gaza strip, retaliating against Iran, and you are telling me you are doing all this for the Trump organization who we call Duck Dynasty, hence the American cowboys.

Kim: Now it all makes sense. We were wrong. It was not the Rothschilds. Well, in part I guess you could say they are involved because these people are all in it together.

Kim: So, the alleged anti-war administration wants to decimate millions of people? You are doing this per the operatives running the Trump organization?

That fact is 100% confirmed and it came not just from the system but from someone inside Israel who was angry because come Saturday night nothing happened. No pay came, no portals opened, there were no arms promised based on their counterattack, no American support, and this left Duck Dynasty in a little bit of a tizzy. They were extremely angry all-day Saturday and Sunday because they didn’t get their alien invasion, or their portals open, but man I’ll tell you they tried.

I was getting alerts all day Saturday and part of the day on Sunday that they were trying to open these portals. Why? Because I am the gatekeeper. I control when the portals open and when they close and those are not your portals anymore. They do not go down anymore to get you a bunch of demons to invade earth. No SSP they do not, they go straight to Source and you know what, I should have opened them and let it suck all of them in so they go right back to Source and Source can sort all you people out after what I heard over this weekend. (I wish she did and probably every reader of this post does too.)

Is Israel going to continue attacks on the Middle East?

Who knows.

Are they going to get over the fact there is no support?

I don’t know.

Are they believing that on Nov 5th Trump will get back into office?

Yes, they are believing he’ll get back into office.

I need to give the state of Israel a little bit of the back story here.

Note: For a few related posts on this fact because Kim has said this numerous times over the years.
1. Which Lion Fits Trump Best? [Sept 24, 2021]
2. CIA Dupes US Marshals to Access WH | Enforcer Removes Block Chain! | Will Trump Death Announcement Come? | Removal in Quantum Physics Means NEVER EXISTED in All Time & Space | Can Black Sun Take Control of the 5 Pillars Needed to Rule the World by June 13th? [June 10, 2022]
3. Government Shutdown News | Jesuit Order Morons Know Nothing About Economics | What Was the $21 Trillion Check About? | Chuck Schumer Proves He is a Moron, Tells Kim to Get Out of the Government’s Business of Paying Off the US National Debt (Which She Already Paid Off Under the Trump Administration) | Kim Makes Decision to No Longer Attempt to Fund Governments & Reversed Out All Accounts Under C.A.R.E. For Every Country | Part 1 of 2 [Sept, 6, 2023]

The next $780 billion donation was negotiated between the mafia organizations of the world, Steve Mnuchin and Trump because America ran out of money. $780 billion was donated and never paid back. The Black Nobility who is behind all the mafia organizations in the world is also going broke. They lost their Albanian Trust with ties that used to exist between banks all over the world. And they would move all kinds of black ops money through the Universal Trust lines that existed into backdoors in banks. They don’t have that anymore. They are also out trillions of dollars because that system doesn’t exist anymore. So, they aren’t going to donate money to the Trump organization because they don’t have any money to donate.

Note: For related post on the Albanian Trust see, News Spreading About the Fed & the Dragon Families Being Irrelevant | Black Sun Attempts to Steal From Mafia, Gets on Hit List Instead! | What’s the Old Albanian Trust? | How Did Kim Get Control of the Mafia’s Money & What’s Her Ultimatum? | Remember Those Fulcrum Files? | Last Fallen Angel Returns Home Ending the Real War! | Humanity Enters the Cradle of the Creator! [Jan 4, 2023]

I do know and found out about their little money laundering operations they’ve been running through BRICS-Pay. Well, it appears the cowboys want a cut off of BRICS now too, and Black Nobility, you know you don’t have a way to launder that little bit of money through that. I’m also aware what you have with Deutsch Bank as far as physical cash from illegal drugs, human trafficking and other things you’re doing. Now I left your organization alone for a reason. Obviously, it would be, tenuous at this point to have arguments with the Triads and the Sicilian mafia and all these different groups, but if it comes to that it will. So right now, you are comfortably doing what it is you do and I’m here watching every dime of it.

Now there is a reason why you can’t actually put that money into the system as yet. You kind of defaulted on your contract you had and I’m not interested in renewing it based on everything you have done not only to me but to the people of the world. So, I don’t think this group will have the capacity to support the Trump Administration the way I did in the past.

So, if you think you are going to buy time SSP from Nov 5th and get them to blow up the Middle East between then and inauguration day, that’s on you. But don’t cry come January when there is no money, no payouts, and no arms, that’s all on you people. I’ve warned you.

That Trump Administration is not going to get any financial support from us. The people will be just fine because we will be working with them and not the government if this happens, and I don’t care about the democrats because they are just as bad. I am not a politically motivated person, but I can tell you right now I am not going to support a bunch of cowboys running around this planet because you think you own the joint. You people are ridiculous. The Mossad is disappointed, well you will be again if you continue these activities from Nov 5th until the inauguration day because that’s what they are going to do. They are going to play the tomorrow game with you people. So, if you decide to continue, you do so at your own peril because I was there Friday night and you know I was. Our enforcement units were there Friday night, 100%. Where is your cowboy now? Have you seen your cowboy? No, you haven’t have you? I can tell you he won’t be telling you anymore lies. And you’ll be a lot easier to spot cowboys when you’re all in White House, yes you will.

To further give you other reasons why you American citizens should probably vote for someone else, I don’t know, maybe we’ll nominate my dog. There was a rally that took place in Madison Square Garden and they let this guy talk for approximately 13 minutes on stage, this guy, oh dear god, Tony Hinchcliffe. The Trump org thinks this is funny.

He insults the Puerto Rican population, he makes fun of the hat an African American man was wearing in the audience and he goes on to say instead of carving pumpkins we should be carving watermelons. Then he says they should stop the war in Israel (but now we know the Trump organization has no intention of stopping any war), but he was put up there blindly I’m sure, and he goes on to say the Israelis and Palestinians should decide with a game of rock, paper, scissors. He says the Palestinians are the ones who would be throwing the rocks and the Jews, well we know don’t like to give up that paper. How many people is he going to insult in 12 minutes? The only people he didn’t insult were, hum white people. Then he goes on to say Kamala Harris called Trump a Hitler. Maybe she’s not so wrong.

I will repeat, I am not politically motivated. I could care less. I know the whole history of Kamala Harris. I know of her involvement in Bohemian Grove, I know what they did to her as a young girl in Bohemian Grove. I know about her involvement with the Obama Administration. I know Kamala Harris sent $3 billion in pallets of cash to Iran. So, I know everything that she personally and her operative team has done. I know about the little UK scandal thing she had going on for a year and half. I know about China and the BRICS organization, the deals she made with China for her own personal self.

I had a conversation this weekend with an associate of mine and his comments to me were like, you know we could really clean up the CIA and the Orders, and we can do all these things with these people. Why do I want to go through the effort of cleaning that up? Why would I want to go through the effort of looking at these governments like they make any sense?  Afterall, recently the Russians look like a bunch of idiots. You’ve destroyed that country haven’t you. The Chinese have been looking like idiots for over a year with their portal opening and second launch of viruses and their Skynet program, and all the lovely things you would like to do to the entire world. We know.

Now take a look at the Americans, God help us all. Apparently, the government is going to be run by Duck Dynasty. And Duck Dynasty has been committed to blowing up the entire Middle East, changing thousands of years of history with their Greater Israel project. Then what people? Let’s just say that happened, let’s say every Islamist country is no longer occupied by Islamic people like I heard in 2010 by other Black Sun operatives over in Russia, because they are also committed to this was well. I know about all the weapons they have been transporting through Cyprus, I talked about that last week. I know what you are continuing to do and what you’re doing in Syria right now. And these are worldwide operatives right now. And I know you’re doing it all for money because some cowboy said some portal was going to open and be an alien invasion and somehow that would amount to money for you people. And now you’ll wait for the next full moon, new moon, day ending in y. And you know what? They’re going to fool the whole world when they get elected Nov 5th because then you’re going say it’s not just about being elected, it’s actually about the inauguration, we have to wait until we get into the White House. Then will come January, and then what’s next, National Hot dog Day? What is your next day? Oh, let me guess, the spring equinox. Come March we’re going to be in charge again, just like they said last year.  

But you all are still listening! If you all drive every single government off a cliff, including Israel, Iran, the UK, Russia, China, and the United States, then go right ahead, because we don’t need you anyway. As far as I’m concerned, your stupid operations are absolutely insane, ridiculous. You don’t ever get anywhere; you can’t run an operation. You can’t even run a rally in Madison Square Garden without offending ¾ of Americans, and the rest of the world by the way. Why not insult the Jewish people, and while you’re at it you should have thrown in something for the Catholics and everybody else. But you wouldn’t do that would you? Because the same organization you’re involved in, the if you’re not white you’re not right also run the Vatican now don’t they. You wouldn’t want to insult the Jesuits now, would you? No, you would not.

What a Crazy, Crazy Weekend

That confession from the Mossad operative told me everything I needed to know because it’s exactly what I watched happen in real time Friday night when I should have been doing the GIA report. And unfortunately, no one took that guy, Tony Hinchcliffe off stage at Madison Square Garden. Was it scripted for him? Did they purposely insult ¾ quarters of Americans because they already cut backdoor deals to get back in the White House and they felt they cut backdoor deals with all their ‘allies.’ I know the UK is waiting for money from Duck Dynasty. I know with 100% certainty Israel is waiting for money from them too. And Russia and Ukraine are also waiting for money from them too.

This year next time when we’re doing our GIA report and the CARE update I’ll say, hey do you remember the 28th of October 2024 when I told you so? Because you’re going to be doing the same thing next year if you still have a government. Choose wisely because this is not going to end well for you Duck Dynasty or the world. So good luck. I could care less if you get back into the office. It’s just makes it easier for me to find you, that’s all. Enjoy your time in the White House and you better watch your 6.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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3 thoughts on “BRICS Currency Was Not Launched, Just Talked About | SSP Rumor of Big Alien Event & EBS Alert Falls Flat | Mossad Operative Confesses Deal Promised by Trump Org: “Once Trump Gets Into Office, They Will Help Israel Decimate the Middle East.” | SSP Lies About Paying Everyone Once Trump Gets Back In the White House & The Tomorrow Game Continues | Except Funding Trump’s Admin Came from Kim the First Time & Vows NEVER Again! | Will the Deep State Idiots Continue To Do Their Bidding & Wait For Money That Will Never Come?”

  1. bonjour Kim, idem Just, je vois que les pions ce déplaces, que le poteau rose et sur le point de manifester, j’en suis ravi pour la terre, l’univers, la galaxie et toutes ces véritables vies organiques! que la lumière soit!!! bien évidement sans hologramme! merci pour le rapport👍👍👍

  2. Thankyou Ladies and God bless you and all humanity.
    In New Zealand we the people have given the govt and all their entities the sack.
    Placed leins on all their entities and have taken back control of them all.
    Basically weve thrown out the Legal system of NZ coz we believe God created people, people created Corporations and Govts – so we the people who stand with God have a higher standing than the govt and their entities and now we are free to step out into it with ‘no fear’ : )
    “If its going to be, its up to me.”
    Thats us here in NZ right now – the new beginning.
    The govt entity corporations have been seized and placed in a trust for all the people of Aotearoa NZ.
    Ive just learned that the word Legal means ‘without God’ so its a good job the Legal system has just been brought down – it leaves us free to walk with God and pave the new way where communities look after their own communities with a Christian heart.
    Kindness re established!
    (NowFreedomForAll) rumble and (publicnoticesnz dot com)google – if anyone wants proof.
    God bless all humanity with surviving and overcoming.

    1. congratulations, dear Barabara! i just read your publinoticesnz site and have tears of joy in my eyes! that’s the right way, the godly way, we shall overcome.

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