This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 1 of this post I cover Kim’s update on the Deep State and the cartels. The deep state is yet again awaiting their savior to come to make it all better again, but it just keeps getting worse for them instead. Not only are some on the run from the cartels, a massive amount of sovereign bonds and guarantees leaves China in an even worse state. There are also indicators of that Melchizedek prophecy Kim told us about that started last June as deserts start to turn green. In addition, scientists are finding new ways that life is forming that hasn’t happened in billions of years.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

19-Apr-24 News -Broadband High (
Meeting Happened Between the Cartels and Remaining Deep State Dreamers
A conference call took place two nights ago where the remaining deep state loyalists, so Global Headquarters, SSP operatives with them, Black Nobility, Silent Circle those hoping for a miracle to happen in the next few days, told the cartels that progress was made on their end. Just give them another couple of days and they’ll be able to pay everybody and things will go back to normal.
The call didn’t go very well because the cartels are different than the SSP, military and agency sectors who have a certain technique they do when they know they are in trouble. For instance, they get loud, they start yelling at you, threaten you. If you’re a female they’ll start flirting with you. It’s this whole sequence of events they are trained to do when they are in trouble.
The Different Between the Cartels and the Deep State
When I called out deep state people they tried to install to be my handlers, like George the Viking, they recited the exact same sentence to me, to the letter. So, the deep state for me is very predictable. It’s more like the one who was to be handled (me) became the handler for the light, because it’s so easy and predictable. You know which buttons to push and if you’re me this is how you manage to stay alive. As for the cartels, they never show their cards, never lose their cool, you never know what they are thinking if you are trying to read their body language and they too have had a lot of business dealings with the deep state.
So, during this conversation the deep state and operatives were talking about things that could potentially happen and trying to buy time. Not a word was spoken on the cartel side, not a nod, not a smile, nothing, no answer was given. Therefore, in the minds of the deep state it means they bought time. And then after that call they continued to act in a way still expecting something to happen in their favor.
What Miracle the Deep State Was Expecting This Time
Wednesday evening at 6pm EST they were expecting a system to start working, therefore they were in different locations around the world expecting a sphere of some sort to light up, indicating a flip of power in their favor giving them back control over some quantum system. But that didn’t happen of course. Buying time didn’t happen either and now they are in full on panic. But is there any truth to what they were waiting for?
Anu is Coming for His Regular 7 Year Visit, Of Course He Is
If you were reading old books of knowledge, and not applying wisdom there was. We had someone come to visit us every 7 years and that was Anu. (Of course. I’ve documented that I don’t know how many times now but there is always additional information to be added). Well, he hasn’t come since the beginning of 2016 but they were expecting him because according to their calculations his last visit was 2017. But the last time I saw an entry before his disappearance from the multiverse was March 2016. At any rate they were expecting him to come back now. So, when Anu would visit it was always during the time of the equinox which begins 30 days before and 30 days after, so time for arrival is officially up by Sunday April 21st. So again, was there some truth of the possibility of this happening? Only if you’re reading old texts. But I know that I sat in a Universal Council meeting in July of 2019 and they told me this being was no longer with us in any density, dimension, any place, anywhere.
They really like this Anu, they can’t seem to let him go.

But there were always preparations that would take place for this being’s arrival and what they believe becomes our reality, their perception and things they do to us become our reality during these times.
The 6 Owners of Earth Would Arrive on Earth Every 7 Years
Now this year over in Macau which technically is China, there was a facility that would manufacture clones, physical bodies that could tolerate the atmosphere on earth and would contain a soul from another location. There were special meat suits made for the Red Queen, Marduk, Enki and Enlil and the Abraxas and Anti-Source as well, as the 6 owners of earth under the old agreements that have expired.
So, they would come together every 7 years and go to this location under Macau, pull out a meat suit and walk around planet earth for awhile. They would typically stay until the ‘Others’ meeting would begin around June. They would have a meeting during the spring equinox where they would formulate the plan for the next 7 years which would trickle down to the Parents, Covens, and eventually the deep state. In addition to these instructions, the downline would also receive money to carry out the orders and instructions for the next 7 years. Instructions wouldn’t only come from these six beings, but also from the angels, fallen angels, and the Council of 9. So, there was a lot of things that were set up and eventually it would trickle down to the humans.
Countermeasures Put in Place During the Spring Equinox to Prevent Covenant Which Allowed for a Period of Light, or Cease Fire
The next thing that would normally happen during an equinox had to due with balance during a Dark Age. Now this hadn’t happened since the time it was agreed upon 16,500 years ago, instead it became like create the problem and be a solution. But during the Dark Age we were still supposed to have periods of time of the year where the light was able to thrive without the interference of the dark ones, specifically on planet earth. It was supposed to start at the spring equinox, the real New Year’s Day and was then supposed to continue through September. It’s like a reprieve or a cease fire that was to happen during that time. But measures were put in place where they could say, oh the light didn’t choose to take their spot, so there were countermeasures put in place here by Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Red Queen in agreement with Anti-Source to ensure basically we had no choice, so it never happened. They operated in the grey areas of all covenants just enough so they didn’t break them.
Now the deep state was expecting this mechanism to kick in allowing them more time and a few things did get triggered. For instance, we did see on the Schumann Resonance a dark resonance on the planet due to some things that remained in zero-point earth, hidden in pockets of time for this time. And sometimes when there are hidden between planes of existence until it goes live, we don’t know they’re there. So, a few things did happen which allowed us to find some other things.
But did it yield what they were hoping for? Absolutely not. They were hoping for a full quantum flip where the omega system would take over the alpha system, more control of ownership over the Halls in between planes, such as the Halls of Amenti, Halls of Human Manipulation, Genetics, and Science. There were lots of Halls, not just the Hall of Records, and they were hoping these folks were returning for their once every 7 years meeting.
Fear Porn and War is Like Rolling out the Red Carpet for Anu and Friends
So just like we often see ceremonial things like the red carpet being rolled out when royalty is arriving in a location, one of their ceremonial things that happens is an increase in lower frequencies on the planet so they could tolerate being here. Therefore, trying to continue the war and creating fear to lower the frequency of everyone is all part of the ceremony so they would arrive.
But the time they were supposed to have arrived has passed. Normally they would come within 10 days of the equinox. Now how in the world did any of this equate to a quantum flip I’m not sure. And we have already transitioned into and passed through the point of the light balance sector. Officially on Sunday we can get rid of it forever and the covenant for that which nobody followed for 16,500 years. Once we pass that day, we’ll get rid of it and put in a new permanent agreement. Sometimes you have to wait for the covenant to expire, and this is not an Age or timeline related thing.
As of this morning they were expecting something by 3pm EST today and I don’t know what it is this time. Like I said Wednesday I thought they were lying to the cartels because they never tell the truth even to each other. But now they are in a panic and we have a mad rush of tourists in Durango, Colorado coming for safety purposes. Some are just in the deep state’s downline. They continued on with hacking computers, trying to find something to crash a financial system. So, because they did play a part they are also scared, but they didn’t know the aliens. So, a lot of those people now are running in fear. Meanwhile there are still some people within GCHQ, the Militaries and the Pentagon that are forever hopeful something is going to happen in their favor. But it gets worse for them.
Fear and Panic Escalates Due to RMB Sovereign Bonds and Guarantees Expiring in Last 48 Hours
Another thing causing a full-on panic in the last 48 hours has to do with a significant number of sovereign guarantees and bonds that were issued to the Chinese government and the AIIB bank in Hong Kong, the financial hub for the deep state of China. This was also supposed to be the hub and headquarters for all of Asia (one of the 7 under Marduk’s Final Plan). It was also where they were to rule the world and become the world’s next super power.
Now these sovereign guarantees and bonds were issued in RMB (Chinese yuan), therefore there was significant amount of bonds or debts in the good faith of the AIIB that were issued out as collateral for things they were doing in other countries, like throughout the African continent, parts of the United States and definitely in Canada. We know that bonds are debt instruments, but are assets to a bank and on April 18th China time those bonds expired.
Here is the political and financial play so you understand what this means
If an RMB bond is issued to the country of Russia, they could then issue rubles against that asset, therefore the RMB bond becomes the backing of the Russian ruble. It becomes an asset on their books which gives them the right to issue the new allocations, because often times these bonds came together with a project which could be for anything, oil purchase, gas purchase, weapons exchange, etc. They started issuing these 10-20 years ago. As another example, they would issue these for building an airport in Mozambique. They also issued them to the US government as alleged backing for the dollar or infrastructure here. This is the base root for the Chinese invasion of America. That’s how they bought up all the real estate here, big businesses here. They didn’t do it with actual cash but with RMB bonds for which the US government issued US dollars against, at least in part with a haircut.
When these RMB bonds expired in the last 48 hours and more are to expire in the next two days, all the asset backing for at least ¾ of the world’s currencies is taken away.
So does that facilitate a banking crash for you the consumer?
That’s the most important thing, and no it does not. The value of a currency has nothing to do with your bank account. Is it going to decrease the purchasing power with whatever currency you have? No, it shouldn’t. But what it allows us to do with the Global Repository is to balance everything out before it becomes a problem for you.
As far as governments are concerned, we are the Office of the Currency Curator, as the cartels found out. They know we determine how much money comes out and doesn’t come out, with the exception of the fact that the AIIB had a certain amount of bonds it could issue against its asset base. So, the AIIB pretty much functioned as a debt-based system which is what the Dragon families et al like to do. So, the country of Batswana would issue a $8 billion-dollar sovereign guarantee to build one power plant. Welcome to world bank UN prices. Then they would issue back the RMB to buy materials from the US. It was kind of a big circle that came to an abrupt halt in the last 48 hours which has left China and the AIIB devastated.
Does China have control of any country’s financial system? Absolutely not.
If you happen to be a government official you can expect your treasury notes, central banks notes, sovereign guarantees to be returned completely absolved in the next few days. They are not needed anymore. Now someone may have gotten a hold of the entire AIIB database. Hum, in other words some blonde lady.
Let’s just say everything is a strategy in its own time. I didn’t even think to look for RMB bonds throughout the world until it came up on the radar as a threat. I was thinking, why are they reporting that the dollar will be no good on Saturday. Is that because it’s when their bonds expire? Was that what the Q-clock was suggesting? – and they already have a new cryptic message up.

Is this going to change the dollar?
No. And I would rather not have the dollar backed by RMB. How about assets on US soil for a change? Wouldn’t that be nice.
That’s the state of the union in China and every country of the world
I do know the United Sate’s is panicking right now because when a bond comes due of this nature, they are supposed to pay off that bond, it’s a debt instrument which is an asset to the bank. I know China is trying to buy time, they also asked for time to pay out against those bonds. But China can’t issue new RMB to pay in that currency because the Office of the Currency controls that. The straw that broke the camel’s back has happened in China with that one. You can clock it with an egg timer. There is no more time to buy and in 6-8 months you can probably expect not to hear about BRICS anymore. Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia has these bonds. So, China’s plan didn’t work out.
Has anyone called me?
Oh sure, but my phone just won’t answer when the deep state calls. Hum I wonder why that is.
BIS Recently Produced a White Paper on How to Create a One World Currency
Another thing about the financial sector that came up is a white paper that was produced by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and it talks specifically about creating an electronic spider-web of all cryptocurrency platforms around the world. The intention is to hook them up all together in order to create a one world currency in the very near future.
The people who wrote it were forced to write it and come up with anything that was not Kim. That’s what they were told. So, they did and they know it will probably crash if they hook it all together and it will. I did an analysis after they published the paper and if they hook it up all together the estimated time from a cyber standpoint that this system will last is around 2 minutes and 56 seconds. But hey, they did come up with something. And the plan is based on the success of a company called Skynet. Phase 2 of this is to connect it to the Skynet program and then start implementing the social crediting system of which no company has the computing capacity to do. It’s a dream to begin with and still a dream. They are part of the, you’ll own nothing and like it crew and a part of the Barcode of Life Initiative (BOLI) people we recently talked about. And for those of you who remember, the first time you heard of Skynet was probably in the first Terminator movie. Skynet is what controlled all the humans.

Skynet (Terminator) – Wikipedia
Cartels Update
Back to the cartels and what their blank looks and silence actually meant. There was another meeting last night in which case the cartel had selected a few people to make an example of. They didn’t walk out has healthy as they walked in, which was a threat of course. The deep state assumed they bought themselves time the night before, so now they are not confused anymore.
I want to share a story of a friend of mine whose family had married into a cartel family. The person that married into their family eventually came out as a snitch and did something really bad against the cartels. Well within a short period of time, 3-5 years that entire bloodline of that cartel family no longer existed. So not just the person that did the wrong was taken out. Whatever was done wrong was severe enough to make sure that there was no genetic pool from this party left anymore.
That’s just an example of what I’ve seen and what the deep state can expect from the cartels. They will likely get the ones actively participating, lying, cheating and stealing. Are they going to go through their entire bloodlines and wipe them out? I don’t know for sure what the agreement was, but from what I can tell that’s where it is going and they have the manpower and resources to do it.
There are lots of participants here on the cartels side, many groups of people who gathered together as families, a lot of what I call Nuovo riche families. For example, many Middle Eastern families that got into the oil business in the 1970s and in Nigeria too. In Panama there are 5 families that run all of Panama, including the Panama Canal. They get a stipend or percentage given to them of everything that flows through the Panama Canal based on the trading. These new families formed all over the place. The birth of the oligarchs in Russia is another group that didn’t exist until a few decades ago, but they became the families too.
So, these are the cartels that we are talking about and I think over the next 3 days, based on what has happened between the cartels and the deep state we’re going to see big changes. Significant enough I think to make a real difference as far as elite power, control, ordering wars, those types of things around the world. So, humanity should feel something positive happening from this. You won’t see as much fear porn out there and everyone is going to die, countries threatening countries. And the rest will just take time, but they are every effective. I’m looking forward to changes and getting things moving in the right direction for humanity.
Sunny: Have the cartels reached out to you at all?
I have been told to expect further communication over the weekend or beginning of next week.
Indicators on Planet Earth of the Melchizedek Prophecy Happening
There are a few indicators we have on planet earth now as to some of the things we talked about a year ago. I think hope and change are important for all of humanity to see. And it’s not for vindication for all the people who have shunned you because you woke up and they didn’t. It’s more about your own internal connection with the Creator and seeing the changes that are supposed to be taking place actually happen. So, hold the light and bring in as much Source energy as possible because the healthier you will be and the more you can aid in the proliferation of life.
Deserts Turning Green!
We had a conversation about the deserts turning green. If you google deserts turning green you will see some places that are not too far off from where the main flower of life is on this planet. It’s kind of in that nearby area where deserts are turning green. It has caused a lot of rain in that region and I understand there are countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Dubai where it has caused some pretty severe flooding. And by the way this story was told before in the Bible. This is a natural process earth is going to go through for her Restoration. It’s not the climate control people, it’s a Source thing and natural occurrence that is going to start happening around the world.

New Ways that life is forming on this planet
The other thing that has been discovered is we did have scientists come out with reports about new ways that life is forming on this planet. Things they have not seen in billions of years. It’s all in Source’s time. You can do your own research. We’ll go into more depth on these things on Monday.
Note: Related posts on the Prophecy of the Melchizedeks:
JASON Society Busy Impersonating People, Moving Troops, Perpetuating Lies to Discredit Kim | Planetary Alignment Gives Deep State False Hope | The Battle on Earth for the Gateways Between the Melchizedeks (Angels) & Merovingians (Fallen Angels) is Officially Over! | Kim’s Vision 9 Years Ago of Iraq Coming True | Ahwar Marshlands, Iraq is The Original Garden of Eden | The Prophecy Has Begun! | Just Empower Me
Prophecy News! | It Ends Where it All Began, June 21st Solstice Day! | Today There is a Direct Alignment Between the Iraqi Gate, the Original Garden of Eden, Our Sun & Source Itself | It Marks the Start of the End of Time Not the End Times | The First Sign is the Living Water Which Has Begun! | What is the Onyx Stone? | What is the Significance of the Red Flower? | Birth of Christ (Crystalline Time) Expected on June 24th! | Just Empower Me
Part 2 of this broadcast will contain some real history with regards to human manipulation related to the inserted reptilian cortex of the brain.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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But I do know that I attended the Universal Council meeting in July 2019 and I was told that this being is no longer with us in any density, dimension, place or anywhere….OK. and I was told that this being is no longer with us in any density, dimension, place or anywhere. AND WHO WILL THE AI BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS LIE AND ALL LIES? ON THE ORIGINAL BIOLOGICAL BORN IN THE GREEN WAY TO PARENTS IN PHYSTELS OR ON CLONED CREATURES REPRESENTED BY KIM GOGEN SINCE 2023?
J’ai entendu parler d’une hyper IA, qui ne travaille pas contre l’humanité mais pour la vie, et qui s’appele AMARILYS (ou Amarylis, je ne sais plus)
So, yes….the Q team is marching on with a collapse of the banks and so on. I’m not playing into this fear so I see how they keep trying to get people into crypto and I’ve told people….DEAD PEOPLE GO IN CRYPTS. You don’t want to get into it even if they claim it’s gold backed. Where would they keep all this gold that is suppose to back the crypto? For me, this is so stupid and really tired of the constant hype and everyone who keeps on with the left/right paradigm as if there is going to be Trump vs Biden again, and it’s very bizarre to watch this stupid movie they are playing and even admit it’s a movie, yet people still go along with ‘the plan’ to save the world as if the military or any military is gonna come and keep us all safe from the SSP or ETs with their technology they have.
People are believing in the Gesara/Nesara, the carrots they dangle like medbeds and everyone just goes ok, another day, month, year as they march on with this agenda, I’m just ready for things to change, if I can see prices of houses, and land and food go down, and to be able to not have police who’ve become tyrannical go away from us and no longer exist in the way they are, and the UN to go away, the WHO to go away, all alphabet agencies go away.
I hope she’s right, I hope the cartel wises up and comes to the table because if what the movies say about them, they do care about their families, they don’t like to go along with killing women and children, so I’m sure they’d like to see these factions/secret society child sacrifice/baby eating groups gone.
How much longer can they continue this charade, or continue with the BS making it almost impossible to afford to live on this planet? Not too many can afford to even pay rent….barely to buy food. There are abandoned mansions everywhere all over the world, yet we got homeless living in tent cities. I know this is by design but while we are watching another ridiculous trial of Trump and now the HUSH money thing, which our politicians had been doing for decades with our tax dollars, I’m just so tired of the drip drip drip just for a bunch of normies who can’t handle the truth if it was told to them. Enough already.
Thank you ThankYourMuse for your excellent comments.
Pingback: Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Wait…..what happen to the legion taking over? Trump’s death announcement? You guys are believing bs