This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. A lot of stuff was going on the last couple of days as more and more of the deep state’s stuff fades away and we are officially within 3 days of the lunar eclipse. And in this report Kim shares her experience being in front of an open Arc of the Covenant again but provides more details and why it expired today.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

22-Mar-24 News (
Both Sides of Deep State is Fighting With Each Other
There was a call yesterday between the Rothschild Dragon Families et al, the Silent Circle and Black Nobility where they started calling each other out on the lies. The Black Sun claiming they were going to be in charge on the eclipse and Dragon Families handed over a bunch of stuff that doesn’t work anymore. They came to zero conclusions on what they are going to do about their failures.
Talks About War in Taiwan
The people still willing to work for them, as there are still a few, are planning on starting a war in Taiwan and it’s heating up a little bit. The war is not about Taiwan and China per se, it’s about engaging two super powers into a war, the United States and China. Kind of reminiscent of the Cold War days, except this isn’t a cold war but rather a hot war, which would continue on in each of the respective countries. At least that’s their plan.
They are claiming the war in Ukraine is dying down. It didn’t work out and wasn’t enough to start WWIII but they feel this will war with Taiwan will be. There isn’t anything left in Taiwan that anybody wants except for some computer chip making companies, but even those were already divided up by the deep state and controlled already. They have no funding but believe it will come on the 28th which is 3 days after the lunar eclipse.
The Black Sun Have Not Been the Gatekeepers and Dragon Families Not Guardians of Earth for a Long Time
There is a lot of talk amongst the deep state about a lot of changes happening on April 1st. What I’m hearing at the higher levels is they anticipated they would have money or some kind of power or control on the lunar eclipse and not so much on the solar eclipse. But I don’t see anything happening except for a complete reversal. There were a few things they were banking on, one of them being they still failed to recognize they are not the Gatekeepers of this planet and the line of Solomon is not the Guardian of this planet and they have not been for a long time. As Guardians and Gatekeepers this allowed them a certain number of tasks and duties with the support of Source and Anti-Source at the time, depending on the Age, and being we were in a Dark Age they all worked for Anti-Source.
White Knight-Black Knight System & Checkerboard Floor
The remnants of a system they hoped would return in totality and we talked about before but it’s important to talk about it again so they understand has to do with the White Knight-Black Knight system. Then there were 8 colored Knights in between the two. It was a dual system of black and white portals that were able to access planes of existence within computer systems. Although they could not access the system, they could still see a remnant, and entire field that looked like a checkerboard within AI systems which tied in both Alpha and Omega systems. Also, to some degree in the past this would have affected the Gateways in zero-point earth and in part why you see those black and white checkerboard floors in all their buildings, when you research the freemasons and all those groups, and when you’re watching their movies. The Illuminati chair which is currently underneath Koontz Bank in London has a checkerboard floor. Well the checkerboard floor was indicative of the White Knight-Black Knight system which would take you in either direction.
Sunny: Did you notice the Q site has a Shop section now with checkerboard pattern stuff for sale?
This has to do with SSP folks running the Q program and their affiliation with the White Knight-Black-Knight Gatekeeper system. Do you remember when they posted “we are the Gatekeepers, we are the 9? Well, you would have had 9 up and 9 down as they were Gatekeepers on who can pass in one direction or the other.

All Products | Q (
Gatekeeper System in Tel Aviv
If you were to look at the system when we started you would have seen a plane of existence which was the Alpha system and a plane of existence which would have been the Omega system. So, you would have seen a chocolate and vanilla layer cake so to speak, because they went all the way up and all the way down and they were intertwined. Even though one system overshadowed the other for a time, you would have seen those come together in a nice layer cake, and in between them going horizontally to the vertical cake you would have seen a space in between which was specifically for all the different colors of the Gatekeepers.
The Gatekeeper program was installed for computer systems on earth in 1948 and its predominate area where it existed was in Tel Aviv, Israel. This was the main location for the all of planet earth although we also had part of that in the United States and other areas of the world. There were 9 locations in totality to some degree that could act as a barrier between the dark and the light.
So old Gatekeepers and old Guardians (the line of Solomon) can understand the confusion going on now I will tell you a story.
As Guardian and Gatekeepers, they would have the right to do certain acts as it relates to the usage of the main gateway between the Alpha-verse and the Omega-verse known as planet earth. And the rules of the road as far as they know it were that only the dark and Anti-source could use the gateways.
What Were the 2 Major and 7 Minor Arcs of the Covenant?
Now let’s talk about its connection. Today there is a World Bank which is in London, although it is headquarters is in the United States, and underneath that World Bank is an Arc of the Covenant which they had stolen many years ago. So, for those who have been following me for awhile now, this may be repetitive. But there were 7 minor Arcs of the Covenant on the planet, there is not just the one and there are 2 major Arcs of the Covenant on the planet that were not accessible by the gatekeepers.
Let’s go back to stories we know so I can tell you why they are confused and still trying to do what they are doing.
2 Major Arcs
Of the 2 major Arcs, one is for Source and one is for Anti-Source and each contain the full essence of one or the other. Now in Dark Age both would be dark and during a Light Age both would be light and this was part of the Arc of the Covenant which doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with a human being but Gateway control.
7 Minor Arcs
Then there were 7 minors Arcs of the Covenant which were accessible to some degree by the Gatekeepers. Now in a Dark Age and per subsequent agreements with the Order of the Black Sun and Order of the Dragon or Line of Solomon, they were able to utilize the power of the Arcs to control the Gates, at least so they thought. They would take these Arcs and move them to specific locations to where they would have more access to the financial system, for example. Hence the one they took and stole out of Tibet and then moved it to underneath the World Bank in London. They wanted to create a gateway for themselves so they could possibly access the highest level of things from the World Bank.
So all 9 of these Arcs of the Covenant were dark for a very long period of time.
Sunny: So the Arc of the Covenant we read about in the Bible was dark?
It became dark, yes. Remember the 12 tribes of Israel were of Source, it just depended on which side of Source. Solomon went dark and then therefore everybody else went dark. To be fair it was a Dark Age, however he could have come and created balance but he did not, that’s not what they chose. And this Arc in particular we are talking about being in Israel and eventually moving to Japan in Mount Fuji is one of the darkest portals on earth.
Sunny: So a minor Arc has part of the essence and therefore can do less than a major Arc?
Yes, and due to the Emerald Covenant we had colors, which is basically a separation of white or black or the combination of the 2, and the 7 minors during the Dark Ages would have different color essence, energy consciousness, and matter. It would have been a piece of Source or Anti-Source and not all of Source or Anti-Source. So having the 7 minors in different locations where they don’t belong and the 2 majors being dark is how they controlled the gateways. They used these as part of the Arc of the Covenant as appointed along with secondary covenants with Source or Anti-Source, which is what made the Gatekeepers and the line of Solomon so important in part.
Not That Long Ago All the Arcs Turned to Light
There is a difference between standing in the room with an Arc and standing in the room when the Arc is open. In fact, it is something completely different. If in the presence of an Anti-Source Major Arc, so a level -9, you would either have to be from that density or have that much purity in you in order to survive standing in front of an open Arc. You’ve heard stories of people turning to dust in the Bible. Well, that was true because remember the main location for the Gatekeeper program was based in Israel. Now thousands of years ago when these stories were written allegedly, the Gates in earth were more relevant than in computer systems. But after 1948 the installation of the Gatekeeper program under Tel Aviv in Israel happened. It was originally located there because it was the Main Dark Gateway for all of planet earth.
To give you an idea what it would be like for a dark person to stand in front of one of these Arcs, imagine a very negative person in your presence and then amplify it by a 1,000. It’s a whole other level when standing in front of one of these Arcs.
Kim Became Guardian and Gatekeeper in 2018
I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll tell you again. I signed my agreement to become the Guardian after the other Guardian agreement expired back in 2018. That eliminated their ability for Guardianship of earth. But I’ve also been the Gatekeeper for around six years now and the Arcs turning light was an indication of the planet turning back over to Source. Therefore, this gentleman who was sent by the elites to walk underneath the World Bank in London this morning was surprised the Minor Arc they had there was no longer dark. Now this guy was cannon fodder because none of the elites or alleged people that thought of themselves as Gatekeepers wanted to dare step in front of the Arc. They gave him what he needed to open it and then told them to open it. But he told them this isn’t a dark gateway, it’s a light gateway, it’s golden, so he didn’t know what they were talking about but asked if they still wanted him to open it? He was pretty nervous because he knew the ramifications, that it was a suicide mission. But he lucked out as the Arc was already turned off due to the expiration of the agreement, because we no longer need the covenant.
What the Arc of the Covenant Itself Really Means
The covenant was made at the beginning of the creation of Anti-source itself, so between Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source. It had to do with gateway control on earth. And the turning back of the Arcs to light and eventually switching off the Arcs was indicative of the fact there is no longer a need for a Gatekeeper because we don’t have anywhere to go down below, it’s now only one way. So, controlling how much darkness or light comes to the planet is no longer an issue because there is only one way and one Source.
Arc of the Covenant Agreement Expired
Getting us to this point, that was the job, the Giver Of Life Declaration (GOLD) Agreement and the restoration of not only earth but the multiverse in his likeness was the job. Once that was 100% complete there is no need for these Arcs anymore, hence why that agreement expired very early this morning by Source itself.
Note: For post on Giver Of Life Declaration (G.O.L.D) Agreement see, The Chinese Spy Balloon Belongs to America | Balance Between Light & Dark Cannot be Achieved, Source Brings An End to the Remaining Darkness | Now In Every Hall of Records is Source’s Agreement, Giver Of Life Declaration aka G.O.L.D. | And So the Golden Age Begins! | Kim’s Final Test | Lesson of Stalingrad | Just Empower Me
Sunny: Did you have an idea this was going to happen?
Not a clue. Source and Anti-source agreements are written essentially in essence. Even when you go directly to Source and ask for the agreement, you are either permitted to read it or not. Nine years ago, when I signed my contract in preparation for the expiration in 2018 as Guardian, I was not permitted to read that agreement. It was a long scroll with a lot of writing on it and all I could read was Dec 2nd-Dec 7th 2018. Being human I was like hey, what is this for? I wasn’t told, but since the only constant in my life which never wavered was Source, I signed it. And I’m glad I wasn’t told because it’s best I didn’t know. It’s been a learning experience for me and hopefully for all of you as well.
So, I wasn’t told this was going to expire today, but once it was ratified in the Hall of Records it expired and now the Arcs are no longer functioning. They are like pretty coffee tables now. This is no disrespect; I say this jokingly of course, but they served their purpose. They were of Source and made of very specific made-in material that is allowed to contain the pure essence, consciousness, frequency, crystalline time, or anti-crystalline time, depending on which section you’re in of Source. So, it’s a direct indicator to us we are moving right along as far as restoration is concerned. Not needing those anymore tells us we must be fresh out of gateways and checkerboards. And now with the expiration of the Arc of the Covenant there really is no need for a Gatekeeper so I can finally put down that hat and that’s a good indicator for us too.
Kim’s Experience Being the Presences of the Opened Arc of the Covenant
I stood in front of one of the major Arcs before and what an experience it was. It was life changing for me.
Sunny: So that major Arc had to be light already or changing into light?
That’s right. Remember it is completely Source and depending on who you are talking to it can go either way. There are 2 major Arcs on the planet that can go either way because Source can appear either way and like attracts like. When I saw it, the Arc was 100% pure white light. The only one who has control in the multiverse of these Arcs is Source. So, in the absence of like attracting like, it would have been dark, if there was somebody there of the dark. Remember there was only one Source, while Source was split in three really when you add in the neutral part, but it could have gone either way, light or dark.
Sunny: So why were you standing in front of it?
I was in Asia doing some business there, or thought I was and I was having a tough time with the Families. This is when I first was learning about the all these Dragon Families and was led to believe they were good folks, of the Divine. That’s when I started learning about the two sides of the Divine because I thought these folks are not good people, their energy feels like the exact opposite. It actually makes you dizzy, it’s like an electromagnetic disturbance in your peripheral unless you shield up. It’s really bad, like a vortex spinning in the opposite direction of yours.
Then this little old Asian man around 5 feet tall comes up to me with his translator who says come with us. I thought, well it can’t be worse than where I am now, maybe it will be something better or something different. After quite a bit of a drive and journey and then a 10-mile hike we landed at this hole in the ground with stone stairs leading to a room where there were other people. Then they opened up the Arc and the Asian man stood behind me. When they opened it up, I saw the bright white plate. It was awe inspiring to see it right in front of your face. I heard the stories about the Arc of the Covenant and assumed that was what I was looking at. Then, after I came to and realized where I was again, that I was in a hole in the ground I looked around and there was no one left in the room, just the Asian man standing behind me, I guess he was using me as a shield. I never saw that Asian man again.
Kim Could Have Gone Total Light or Total Dark
Marduk told me a story of the first time we met, I was about 8 years old and he reminded me of the story many years later. He told me I could have gone either way. They knew I was here and I could have served complete darkness or complete light and part of me thinks looking back at the experience when the Arc opened, that they were checking to see if it lit up dark or lit up light because they knew that was my connection here. Marduk used to call it 99.8% pure, closest to the Source.
But I wonder if they thought they could sway me to their side. I remember the Asian man standing behind me at the time seemed happy. Who knows if he was even a person, but he was shaking his finger like I told you so. But I’m not totally sure what that was all about. Were they trying to turn me dark and he was trying to figure out which side I was on? Or was he trying to point out the fact of which side I had already chosen? I really don’t know, but I felt like it was a test for sure, there was something to that. It was like a way to test as to how much light or dark is in a human to very high degree. I never thought of that until today and think perhaps they were testing to see if that guy they sent under the World Bank could turn it dark. But the Arc was already turned off so he got off scott free.
It was an interesting trip to say the least, but for it to come up again today, and what they were testing for, I’m guessing it had something to do with a back-to-back lunar eclipse/solar eclipse. Probably some old knowledge they had and being within 3 days of that full moon they wanted to know if the Arc would turn dark if you put somebody in front of it who is not of pure light. Or perhaps they thought it would turn neutral. I almost see it as a Geiger counter now, like some kind of gauge as to which direction Source is going on this planet.
Deep State Expected Access to the Alpha System, Of Course
One thing I’ll say about the Arc in London is that it was not open but it did appear to have some kind of small quantum tunnel that came from inside of the box to where the wings were on this particular box. It showed a small deluded version of Source in it. So, I’m not sure what they did to that thing, I’m sure it was to serve their purposes. But they were hoping to get some access to something and one of the things they are telling people is they will have access to the Alpha system. It’s also the reason why they brought in a group from a place called Lodge 999 at 2:30 am yesterday my time to my Zone.
Black Magic Workers from Lodge 999 Arrived in Durango
Lodge 999 is based in Germany and is where they breed black magic workers that are far superior to those of the Jedi program here in the United States and they specifically are psychic assassins. I saw the helicopter come in and they said they were here with authorization. They didn’t get the information from the local security here that they were not authorized until much later. Remember I mentioned recently that there was also a fight to take over this Zone. Well, these people from Lodge 999 were here to manipulate me, to use the system so they could pretend on their end that I work for them or ignore the fact that I ever existed, which is what they like to do. They would then claim they are the ones who transferred money for the war, just like Trump did.
This group from Lodge 999 felt if they moved in closer they could be more effective because their black magic wasn’t working from where they were at. Most people succumb to what they do. I ran into them in Germany in 2010 which is why I knew who they are. They wanted to drive me around like an avatar and get me to do what the Black Nobility wanted me to do, that was the original plan. There is a different way of shielding yourself when it comes to these people because they have a way of using your shield against you. But if you turn the shield around it becomes a deflector, and whatever they send or push to you goes back to them. Then you cut the cord and pull it and now you got them by the solar plexus. So, their plan didn’t work and yesterday they started yelling at each other.
So all in all the financial system isn’t getting any worse. They haven’t managed to take anything from anyone’s account. The banks themselves are upset, as are the Dragon families. But we’re moving forward. There are no more Arcs of the Covenant, which means we are likely out of dark gates. But will the Deep State people get what that really means? Will it be enough to make them turn around? I’m not sure. We’ll see what happens. Hopefully this weekend won’t be as bad as the last one.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Woww that was so interesting.
Thankyou to everyone living in the Light and moving forward : )
I just wonder how much longer this charade will continue. I saw a video of a girl named Vera who worked with Lisa and the team that Kim was eventually wanting to put UNN under a business corp and they could work as employees under after they split what money was left 3 ways in the partnership agreement for the UNN website and the telegram channel under the production team there. What was odd, is that Vera’s account didn’t make much sense because it all started according to her, over who would pay for some hats for their team. They all or at least Vera and Lisa agreed that Mike would pay for them as he offered to do so. But with no convo about this at all, Vera makes it about the hat purchase when Kim just stated that she wanted to split the money and if they wanted to continue working on the production team then they could get a salary, as she wanted to have access to the bank account, and the telegram app that they were using to put out the situation news reports. This girl, Vera claims that Kim left the Telegram channel then Lisa blocked Kim, which doesn’t make sense if she already left the Telegram group then why would it be necessary to block her. Seems to me there was a huge communication problem, and then after the first convo about splitting the money, they decided to go silent and no longer had their team meetings for like a week, and then she claims that Kim all along planned to do her corp cuz she had filed it right away after the first convo. Of course she did this, that is business, it takes time to form a corp and if she were to state this is what she wanted to do then it makes sense business wise that she would do it the day she notified them. It’s funny how these people who work for Kim think that Kim was up to no good when all the while she was communicating with them, and they just went silent on her for several days, then didn’t answer her calls, because Vera was attending a funeral, I guess she expected Kim to know this or just decided that she didn’t need to tell her, Kim should know.
So they blocked her from the site and from the other channels like Vimeo, which I think there was some hacking going on and both sides were suspicious of each other but eventually Kim offered them to make a salary to maintain the website and Telegram if they chose to after she formed the corp….makes business sense to me.
Anyway, you can find that video on Rumble, Vera insinuated from all of this, that Kim is Deep State….here we go.
Sunny: Did you have any idea that this would happen?
I have no idea. Source and anti-source conventions are written to the point. Even when you go directly to the Source and ask for an agreement, you are either allowed to read it or you are not. Nine years ago, when I signed my contract as a Guardian ahead of its expiration in 2018, I was not allowed to read the agreement. It was a long scroll with many inscriptions on it, and that was all I could read. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? THEY DID NOT HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY, DUE TO THE STATE OF ACTIVATION OF THEIR STRUCTURES, TO GET ACCESS TO THEIR MIND OF CONSCIOUSNESS TO UNPACK THE INFORMATION OF THE SCROLL. AND WHY, HAVING, IN HER WORDS, THE STATUS OF A GUARDIAN SINCE 2018, WAS A PANDEMIC ALLOWED? WHO IS BLINDLY LYING TO WHOM?