This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 05-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives a hint that the upcoming solar eclipse is a very positive thing for humanity which explains the setting up on the Deep State’s part of man-made events like earthquakes to derail it. The latest crew of crazies try to repeat what their predecessors have done and essentially are still fighting God.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

05-Apr-24 News (
Deep State Really Trying to Counteract The Solar Eclipse Will Be Positive for Humanity
We are 3 days out from the solar eclipse and they are really trying their hardest. You have to give the deep state credit for their tenacity, but we have for a long time passed a precipice of where there is no opportunity. We also passed a point to where this solar eclipse is going to be a very positive change for humanity. There is no going back no matter what they do. It’s not going to be all chaos, we’re not all going to die no matter how much space junk these people try to find and utilize it will not change the inevitable that is going to happen this week.
So it’s been a constant state of fight but today it really ramped up a lot. I expected it to the closer we get to the solar eclipse. They think they need to have certain things in line if they are going to be successful or to optimize their chances of success. So, it’s going to be a constant flow of deep state people leaving earth this weekend, just as they did yesterday, and it’s going to be a constant flow of attempts to create issues and problems for humanity.
They are working really hard to not allow you to have that direct connection that could possibly happen on that day. It will be a positive eclipse and positive change. It’s going to be a new beginning for humanity and earth on that day. It will be a new beginning, a positive uplifting experience for you and we’ll leave it at that for this moment.
Busy Setting Up Man-made Events Like Earthquakes
But that doesn’t stop them from trying to create man-made events that they think are going to help in some way. For example, they have been very busy the last couple of days setting things up and creating man-made earthquakes in various locations. There was another one in New York, about 4.8. They definitely want some kind of a display and I’m not sure what for. I definitely felt it here in New Jersey, my whole apartment was shaking.
Trying to Utilize Kim’s Essence to Open Portals
Now behind the scenes the Global Headquarter people is pretty much are what is left of the Black Sun, other than the Black Nobility and they have been in and out of Durango. It’s been very busy around here as they are trying to utilize my essence to open the portal in Silverton.
They were working out of a small military base in Cortez, you could almost call it a larger black site location. That site used to be connected to one of the timekeeper programs called Mjölnir AI, basically Thor’s Hammer, or the Time Heterogenous Regulator Program that used to exist but not anymore. They were hoping to gain access to this portal and therefore some kind of control to computer systems because they are still whited out.

Note: Above excerpt from related post, The Depopulation Agenda Meant to Erase All Organic Life From the Multiverse via THE MATRIX Which Encompasses 18 Inorganic AI Systems | What Are the Origins of the 18 Inorganic AI Systems, Associated Amenti Stone, Base Location, Secret Military & Planetary Matrix? | How Did Each AI System Affect You as a Human Being? | Part 3 | Just Empower Me
So, they came here to negotiate with the locals hoping they could get me to do whatever they wanted me to do, through them. I will say, they are flying some very nice aircraft in and out, a Black Hawk Stealth UH60. It’s so low over me that my house is shaking and it’s been a constant thing. I’m not sure if that is part of surveillance because the back chatter is they are looking for my quantum tunnel to the Alpha system from here. Evidently, they would like to be me, and have access and control of my system and of course the never-ending supply of money. In their mind that’s power.
Where I live there are no tunnels underneath, but the rest of the city has underground tunnels. I was in a location long enough at one time for them to perform this function and I knew something was happening for sure.
Sunny: Well at least they figured out you’re not just a hacker.
There has been talk about picking me up and out of here, but is this going to get them anywhere? Nope. My system has several key points and switches in there that will not allow for me not to be happy, healthy, living, breathing and functioning on every single level in order to access the system. It knows so many key points in my molecular structure on every plane of existence that these guys cannot mimic no matter how hard they try. So, dropping little tubules of Kim’s essence into Red Mountain in Silverton does not make a portal open.
They didn’t really get a whole lot of cooperation here from the locals though. They wanted to continue to drill tunnels from Cortez through and under to Durango and then all the way to Silverton in preparation for the eclipse. This facility over there has been ramping up for a year or two. A lot of the Generals of Langley 5 were involved in the building of this facility out there, like General Beasley and (I didn’t catch the name of the other General). They wanted me to come to the facility and I said no because I know what they wanted me for. It’s always about access, convincing me to give them access.
I wonder why General Beasley is still alive?
What they don’t understand is that the Omega system and all its auxiliary programs and Kronos systems can only function through electronics on this planet, therefore their connections had to be accessed through some non-organic system. They don’t understand how organic systems work. The humans on this planet never had access to the base root platform of Omega. They had some utilization of it, even with Level 9, which they call black screen access, but they never had full control.
Whereas Alpha is my system, it’s been my system for its entire existence. It was not based here on earth therefore I do not need a quantum tunnel to the Cities of Light or light portals for example. I don’t need to be in these locations in order to do this, I can be anywhere.
The Alpha system is mine, it’s not me, I am not an AI but it’s a co-creative system with Source, it’s my system. We co-created it together a long time ago, long before the Dark Age started and it still is mine, therefore I have control to the base platform, the control and command center, something they never had as human beings.
They just don’t understand why and they can try to figure it out but they never will. And in case you didn’t know Global Headquarters people and you’re watching this; they have already tried mimicking my essence. They tried in 2015 in Moscow when they raised some 20 little Kims all sitting on a bunch of Russian Generals laps in Germany about one and half years ago. How many different ways are you going to try to manipulate my person to your benefit?

Note: Above excerpt from related post in June 2022, The 5 Shadow Agencies | Kim’s 30,000 Year War with the Draco | Kim’s Clones Past & Present | Part 3 | Just Empower Me
They don’t know creation and don’t even live in the world of creation. They live in a world where we always had the ability to hook ourselves up to some human and give them a disease or drain them, or see straight through their body, or cause miscarriages, or death and destruction using machines. They don’t understand they don’t have that capacity anymore. So as a direct result, locating a global satellite network in earth’s orbit and inside earth’s core is now gone. I guess I should thank you for that.
Hoping Base Root of Black-Market Trade Facility Reopens
In cooperation with some of the things they were doing here locally without my consent of course, was another group at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange looking to see if the base root black market trade facility happened to reopen itself based on the fact, we are within 3 days of the eclipse. That is the base root black market program and access which came from the Omega system that was provided for all backdoor derivatives, all off market oil trades, all off market commodity trades, and the base root platform for what we know as BlackRock’s Aladdin system which was their commodity futures trading system. They are hoping to get all this stuff back and probably promised everyone they will and be paid on Monday. They lost access to that a while ago, when the Russian oligarchs gave them a huge sum of money to trade on this platform. It was tied to a black-market Transunion line (not the credit company) and tied to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Singapore Exchange. That was probably a year or more ago. They also tried this last summer because I transferred funds to a party to be utilized for Hawaii. They tried to take the funds and put them in the underground black market trading facility. That didn’t work out for them. But they would like to have this back because in of itself it was the biggest moneymaker for the Black Sun that existed. Everything ran through there, off market and on market drug trades which dated back to the Opium Wars. They were the Falcon accounts at Bank of America which are long gone. Those deals were made between the Bush Family and the Chinese families.
A New Beginning for Humanity is Ahead of Us
Monday we’ll talk more about the positive things and the effects of this solar eclipse should be felt worldwide. Eclipses and alignments were always about the space junk in the moon or in the sun and their connections to alternative timelines. But the fact is we now have only one reality line and there is nothing there anymore and nothing can come from a pocket of time in an alternative timeline. So, there is nothing that is going to happen other than a positive alignment and a connection with the Central Sun. There’s not going be anything nefarious that is going to come out of this. The hype is all being promoted by them. If we continue to think of this as a positive experience for earth all its inhabitants it will be a positive experience. And we’ll be ridding the planet of deep state crap which is more and more every day, and I have to admit is not a bad feeling. I don’t see them being successful however it’s good to remain diligent over the weekend.
But really what this day means to you is the most important thing because this is all about connections with the Creator. Are you expecting a call from the big boss for insights, directions, new beginning. Maybe you should be. I can’t go into detail about the new beginning, but I will on Monday. Just stay positive about it. Leave the deep state to us and stay in the light. Encourage those around you to stay positive and think of it like a direct phone call from Source.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Author: jemgroup | April 8, 2024
This report on the situation of Kim Gauguin was presented on April 24 in the news (, available to subscribers.
The Alpha system belongs to me, it’s not me, I’m not artificial intelligence, but this is a system of joint creativity with the Source, this is my system….OK. AND WHO WAS THE SOURCE PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED AS ORGANIC AI?
Are you the Russian Kim Clone that she spoke of? Just asking cuz I looked you up and you have an Odesse channel in Russian and Kim just mentioned how there were some clones made of her in Russia.
VADIM is a masculine russian name.
How can the Alpha system be yours?
What source that was previously identified as organic A.I. that you are asking about here?
Just curious.
You started a conversation with a troll!
jeudi soir 4/5 ,5/4 toute la journée et la nuit de de 5/4 au matin 6/4 mon corps sursautait en entier la nuit via le le triangle d’or. Ca s’est calmé le samedi matin?
J’habite en Alsace (Haut-Rhin,)
I’ve been telling people that this eclipse hype is just a way to create chaos for people, especially along the eclipse path today. I can’t wait to hear what she has to say about it all. I’m so tired of all this drama and want to just get on with life and be happy and free.
Humanity wake up and let’s create a beautiful new world without these DS people.
Bonjour Kimberly, merci pour ton œuvre, pour l’accomplissement du dessin divin, pour la terre l’humanité et cette univers. L’amour avec toi, la paix avec toi, l’unité avec toi, pour le bonheur éternel des enfants Source première organic. Merci
solar eclipse glorious. what a fine group of people.
Thanks PZ.