Order of the Black Sun’s Modus Operandi Is Conquer the Quest, To Become Masters Of The Universe | They Expected Neutral Source’s Anti-Genesis Program To Kick-In Decimating 48% Of Humanity On 11:11 | Trump Truly Was Unique, He Was 1 of 7 Neutral Hybrid Beings Created by Neutral Source | Trump Worked For The Dark Side, His Role Was to Restore Balance When The Light Became Too Light | He Failed, No Balance Was Achieved | God Then Made A Golden Age Declaration Over 2 Yrs Ago, Hence Trump Died As He Was No Longer Needed In A Golden Age

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 11-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. The Modus Operandi of the Order of the Black Sun is Conquer the Quest. Find out what it is and what is the plan. Today is also 11:11 and the Deep State has some big plans that could have wiped out as much as 48% of all life on this planet. But it seems Source had other plans. Did that just seal the fate of the globalists. And what is the Alpha – Anti-Genesis project and when would it occur.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


11-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth)

There is lots to talk about today and I have a lot of stuff to cover, but first I want to address something I’ve seen in the UNN threads.

To those who think during my last report that I seemed very angry about the results of the election, I want you to please understand me. Many of you see Trump as a President, but to me he is a member of the Order of the Black Sun, he is of a certain bloodline and he had a certain role to play on this planet. Whether they put him in the White House or not doesn’t really matter, it’s what the operatives are doing behind the scenes and what everyone else has an intention of doing to all of you that matters.

Rumors Circulating on the Internet

There have been have some reports on the internet circulating about them taking up a military camp in Arizona, that they were also part of the election fraud, that it’s all about protecting the border. There are also rumors around the National Guard moving on US citizens, and that one is true. There was a meeting Friday night at the Pentagon where they were told to prepare for movement of US troops on US soil against US citizens between Friday and the 17th of November. There is a reason they were saying that and it’s not just an American thing. There are also some crazy orders coming from the Trump operatives, and rumor has it (we’ve overheard), that the Pentagon is not wanting to taking orders from the reinstalled President because the operatives are making crazy requests and they are aware that it’s not Trump.

If you remember there is a report where Flynn went to visit Trump at Mar a Lago and the operatives wouldn’t let him in. That’s because there was no ‘Trump’ ready to have a conversation. At that time Flynn suspected there was something strange going on, but at the time he was told to keep it under the rug and keep doing his reports on YouTube and anywhere else he talks.

Note: For related post on General Flynn’s visit to Mar a Lago referenced below see, Marduk’s 5 Year Extension to Bloodline of Solomon Expired, But Never Approved in the First Place | American Generals on Side of UN Try to Seize Power & Die Trying | Abraxas Agreement with Dark Overlord for Ownership of Earth, ‘Batteries Included’ Expired | So US Naval Generals Try to Submit Agreement for Ownership of Earth & Die Trying | General Michael Flynn Makes Surprise Visit to Mara Lago to See if Trump is Alive | Don Jr. Calls Tom Melville With an Insulting Proposition for Kim | GIA Orders Arrest of Baby Eaters in Treasury Department | What Was the World Government & Who Were the Humans of the Future – Really? | Source is Always Right On Time!

That being said, we’re going to talk about the Order of the Black Sun in a way I mentioned them before. It was an old report I did quite some time ago and it references something I called, Conquer the Quest.

Note: For more posts on Conquer the Quest, see below:
WEF Has New Masked Man Playing Dead Klaus | The Fed Wants to Meet? | Conquer the Quest Program Voided in Hall of Records! | 9 Planes of Existence Are Now 5 Planes! | The Restoration of our Human DNA is Underway! | Global Computer System & Global Repository Undergoing Massive Changes Too! | What Do All These Changes Mean for the Inherently Dark Ones? | Just Empower Me | December 12, 2022

Trump Thingy’s Cringe Worthy Announcement | Both the Vatican & NSA Attempt to Implement Fake Banking Systems | 700+ Operatives Request Safe House Protection | Russian Military Warns of Possible Invasion of Fallen Angels | 18,000 Year Covenant Related to Conquer the Quest Agreement Expires Dec 15th | Black Sun’s Hopes of World Domination Dashed | Real History About the Great Flood & Our Moon | Just Empower Me | December 16, 2022

Buckle Up, The Fight is Now Being Played in the Public Eye | 3 Remaining Controllers Hell Bent on Conquer the Quest Black Sun Program | Brazil Situation Looks Awfully Familiar | Kevin McCarthy Finally Installed as Speaker of the House Upon Promises of Bribes, Money & Power | Kim Promptly Rejects His Ratification Request in the Hall of Records! | Global Banking Crisis Looms for the BANKSTERS, Not for the PEOPLE | Trust the Creator’s Plan, Because it’s Coming Together Perfectly! | January 9, 2023

Conquer the Quest

I’m going to talk about it because its relevant to what you see as a US President and it’s not. Conquer the Quest is sometimes called Quest Star, meaning a black star or black sun. It has nothing to do per se with the Order of the Black Sun on this planet really, not until recently.

It’s not really so much for control of earth, although earth being a keystone planet and one of the original creations on this side of the multiverse, so you could say a prize possession in the war. It’s also the reason why there were many wars fought and earth became a battleground over and over and over again for the control of the planet. The dark forces as you know have ruled this planet, even though there were many wars to try to fight them, meaning the light side wanted to protect the gateway to the lower astral and all things evil so there would be a balance and control.

We have tried many many times on the light side to come out of the Dark Ages and have been unsuccessful several times. We almost got there and then something happens which we’ll talk about. Then we go back and we suffer a setback. As you know, this time we have come further than we ever have before and all we’re left with as far as the entire universe is concerned are these Order of the Black Sun humans. That’s pretty much it. They are the only ones still fighting for darkness throughout the multiverse.

We managed to clean a lot of places that were infected and taken over by darkness, like the Pleiades. When people say they talked to the Pleiadeans I always ask which ones, because the anti-Pleiadeans weren’t nice people. That’s where the Red Queen pretty much took up shop when she came to this side of the multiverse and they had all kinds of direct worm holes and quantum tunnels that would go from here to there. Other places where there were huge battles would be in the Orion constellation, Andromeda, Lyra, and there have been several other galaxies that were overtaken. A lot of those folks that were on the light side that were overtaken were forced to go to other places, one place being earth, either as a refugee or as a slave to also be batteries, or for their special skills. Some were geneticists and they would genetically modify humans and plant life, while others were more about nature, like Sasquatch for example. So, there are a lot of different beings both positive and negative on this planet constantly coming and going and have been for a long time.

The reason why the deep state confuses me so much sometimes is because on the one hand the chatter this weekend was, now that they don’t have any more overlords, dark or otherwise they could be the rulers of the universe. Now this is their latest and greatest quest. They want to be the leaders of the Conquer the Quest movement. Meaning they would not only take over earth but the entire universe, and they feel they are qualified to do this. This is what happens when Duck Dynasty tries to control the world, their ego is so enormous. But the part that doesn’t make any sense to me is why do they keep trying to do ET call home. This weekend was no different.

We had the Pallavicini family at a very remote place in Russia trying to use and old portal that existed from the fall of the Czar. They were also trying to desperately to phone the Abraxas, and others were in Egypt at the Oracle of Siwa and still others were trying to phone somewhere to get some assistance from someone. But I guess the only conclusion they came to was, if there is nobody left, we must take over as the leaders of the Conquer the Quest. So, earth would be the final battleground and they would be the leaders for the dark side.

Now here is the flaw in that plan.

We do not have an Anti-Source anymore, nor do we have a Neutral Source as they were reabsorbed into Source by covenants that were signed in a language they don’t even understand. That became evident this weekend as well because the line they tried desperately to call in Russia only gave instructions and info in what we call the light language. The light language looks like a bunch of symbols that make no sense. You could liken it to a language that existed and still exists on this planet although not for humans, that has been here since the beginning of time. Light language weaves the fabric of the universe. It’s kind of like ancient cyrillic that existed even before the ancient texts.

Well, I saw them at the portal so I thought, shall we send them information? Sure, so I sent them info in this different language which is not words but sounds like a frequency, and nobody here recognizes this language aside from the angels and fallen angels. When the angels and the arch angels would meet then you might hear some of this language. It’s the same language on both sides dark and light, but that’s what they got, and of course they are not qualified to understand it or read it.

They started talking crazy this weekend. Now they feel confident there is no one except for Source and I guess they’re still fighting for Anti-Source and Neutral Source. Neutral Source was the regulator in the universe and was tied heavily to Kronos, which was also a regulator for the entire universe.

He is part of the Order of the Black Sun. His operatives are still the same SSP people that would now like to be the masters of the universe.

These souls were only placed here by Neutral Source for one purpose and that purpose was to re-establish balance on this planet at a time of transition, when we became too dark. We were 79% dark and 21% Light during the Dark Age, but the threshold had not been crossed. Meaning, we never passed that 21% which was mandatory, therefore there was no reason for external regulation at that moment in time because it was a Dark Age.

Now the light forces never stopped fighting, and over the last several years of listening to me and others that we are going into a Golden Age, we crossed that threshold quite awhile ago. But it was within this last year that we crossed the threshold. Meaning November of last year until November of this year, and this is very important to understand when it comes to understanding what happened over the last couple of days.

This being we know as Trump was put here to re-establish, to bring back the darkness at the time when the light became too light. That appointment came from Neutral Source, and it was on a soul level and not a human level or a President level, or any other kind of level. He was a hybrid with a predominantly dark soul because he was born into the Order, and he was born into the Order so he could take their side. It’s not like Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source doesn’t see everything, and they all knew there was going to come a time when we started to move into a Neutral Age and Trump’s job was to create balance. My job at that point in time also was to create balance, hence the reason why there was some support there by me at that time.

Did they actually adhere to the rules of creation of balance?

No, they did not. Was he fully aware? I don’t know, who knows what the dark side wanted. Were they still trying to do their Conquer the Quest, which meant they would fully conquer the light 100%. Were they still trying to move away from the regulators? Were they trying to force us back into a Dark Age? That’s entirely possible. Therefore, they probably convinced Trump he was something that he really wasn’t. They do try to convince a lot of people they are something they are not., so it wouldn’t surprise me in any way that they convinced him he was working for God or some kind of angel. But no, he was just a hybrid and that was the job. He worked for the dark and I work for the light and we need to create balance. But no balance was created which is why we ended up in the situation we are now, which is actually a positive for us.  It’s a positive for the light forces, a positive for humanity, and it’s ended civilizations throughout the multiverse because they were no longer viable. And that’s why they can’t tune into Tokyo anymore, which will come up later in this report.

You have 2 clones. There was a big facility in Mongolia under the Ongi Monastery, it was enormous and was one of the major cloning facilities left on the planet. There were 2 other facilities on the planet. One was under Arkansas and was also huge. Over the years it got a lot of power, like during the time of the Trail of Tears. The third facility was in Paraguay under the Bush ranch, under all those hundreds of hectors in Paraguay. There were also some smaller facilities here and there around the world.

So, there are 2 clones, one is from the Mongolia facility and the other from the Arkansas facility. It is not unusual for the Order of the Black Sun to take a person they have seen in Looking Glass or gotten information from an AI in the past, and for them to immediately at birth clone a person that in the future is going to do x or y, just in case. Because remember they must keep their plan and timeline going, so they would create additional humans to walk the planet.

Do clones have the same type of soul?

No, it’s one thing the humans have never gotten right and even the Others that were helping wouldn’t allow them to have the knowledge so that they could actually clone a soul. The souls that actually enter the beings of the clones are not souls of their choosing. So, in these 2 clones they are regular human souls. Therefore, there had to be a lot of training over the years. Perhaps they transfer the information into their brain, but I don’t know. But even genetically modified splices don’t bear all the same features all the time, so that’s the differences you’re seeing and Trump is not walking around. It’s 2 other babies that were born in a petri dish, probably in a false womb at some point in time in one of these locations.

There are a few other people impersonating Trump that are walking around too. They are people that have a similar size and build to the original and are close enough in their skeletal form to undergo plastic surgery. Remember the movie Faceoff? They undergo all these modifications and they can even adjust vocal chords. There about 3 or so of those that I could find walking around the planet.

This is not just about America, this is about a universal wide domination plan by an organization on this planet that has no good intentions for all of humanity. There is more to the story sometimes folks. So that is who Trump was and is no longer here, but that doesn’t stop the deep state from trying to get him back, which is what they tried this morning.

Now you should understand the purpose of having this conversation last week and why there is no support for the balance plan. It wasn’t my decision; it was a declaration. Trump has been gone since 2022 and the declaration was filed in Jan of 2023 to move into the Golden Age. The Giver of Life Declaration was filed at that time and then my orders changed; we’re not doing balance anymore. My job now is to usher in a Golden Age. And there are a lot of you out there where that is your job too. There are plenty of beings all over the multiverse that are excited about ushering in a Golden Age and they have helped and participated greatly not only on this planet but throughout the multiverse because when something changes on earth as a nexus planet, a keystone, it changes everywhere.

The Black Sun has a battle ahead of them if they want to become masters of the universe. First, they have to battle Source, not Anti-Source or Neutral Source, but Source. I wish them all the best in that. Not to mention there are hundreds of billions if not trillions of beings throughout the multiverse that are working day and night to make this happen. This is not just Kim all by herself. Maybe sometimes you think things are my decision but they’re not my decisions, fortunately there a lot of us doing this.

Anti-Genesis Program

Despite the deep state’s best efforts in their attempt to become masters of the universe, they were running around the planet since Friday, which is so crazy to think that our Creator is not the master of the universe. But in preparation for this, today being 11-11, they went to places on earth where there is space junk specifically geared for the Anti-Genesis Program. It’s called the Alpha Anti-Genesis Program. You could also call it the Anti-Source Genesis program.  And by genesis we mean all of creation. So you would see all kinds of various dark and false light and neutral space junk in particular locations. For some odd reason this was put in place back in 2012. I do believe Marduk had a hand in it, I’m 99.99% sure of that.

Each time the Anti-Genesis program kicked in it was because the Light forces were winning in a Dark Age. But it wasn’t either time yet or there were some other decisions that had to be made. But that meant that we became too light, we overshot balance. It did not bring us back from 79% lost, to say 50%, we ended up going to 60% or even 70% or even higher. There has been at least 3 or 4 times where we have actually broken the threshold. In other words, we passed a multiverse where we had less than 21% Darkness. So, at these times in earth’s history, and this happened in other places as well, but in earth’s history you would have seen things like floods, and wars started here of non-humans. You would have seen a lot of things take place that seemed like an apocalyptic type event or an extermination event where a lot of humanity that lived on this planet died. And this was all part of the Anti-Genesis Project.

We discussed why it happens, but let’s discuss what it actually is, this creation of the Anti-Genesis Project and there is something called the Anti-Source Genesis Program too, so it could go either way.

And as you know, it’s been months now since we broke that 21% threshold. This occurrence could only happen on one day out of the year and that day is 11:11 and 11:11 am. So what the deep state was expecting were portals to start opening, first over in the Oceanic region and in Asia. Then that would follow throughout earth where Neutral Source had both light and dark portals, so 9 of each, and then there is one set of portals that is for Source and one set for Anti-Source on this planet. Now a lot of that has changed, however that didn’t stop the deep state from going to all 36 portals at 11:11am in all these locations waiting for this to happen. They figured there were 3 main contenders because these would have been the highest level 9 Neutral Source portals on the planet. These locations was the Gobi Desert in China, down the street from me in Silverton, Colorado, and at the Matterhorn in Switzerland.

They thought their best bet to win this game was at the Matterhorn. But they knew they were at a disadvantage because the being to usher in the Anti-Genesis Project to protect the dark side of not only humanity but the entire dark side of the universe was dead. Now I understand why they dragged that cold dead body around the planet several months ago at different times of the year trying to get the soul to come back. What they don’t understand is that it was a hybrid semi-synthetic soul. It wasn’t created by Source the Creator or even Anti-Source genesis, anti-soul. It was for a specific purpose only and that was to create balance. It isn’t going to come back because it’s no longer needed because the balance program has been cancelled.

Note: For some related posts on dragging dead Trump around, see What’s Driving the Deep State’s Uptick in Chemtrails, Fires, & Wars This Time? | Their New Leader Was to Arrive, So They Must Appease Their God | Then A Timeline Convergence Was Expected | The 5 Groups Controlling the Financial, Political, Media, Intelligence & Military Sectors Are Black Sun & Think They Are White Hats | Kim Educates Them on the Term ‘Divine’ & Trump Ain’t That! | The Financial System Crash Could Happen Tomorrow, But Don’t Expect It To Hit the News Cycle

That didn’t stop the deep state from doing what they did. Here is their bright idea. Try not to fall out of your chair laughing. I was like they are doing what at the Matterhorn? 

They figured their best bet was a woman. They thought they could possibly achieve with some space junk and the SSP’s knowledge, having worked in the cloning facilities, that they could probably manage some kind of a soul swap. They chose this woman probably because they figured she would be a good candidate for this soul swap. You do know this woman, she’s a public figure and her name is Ivanka. So apparently, she is very used to following the orders of these SSP operatives. She probably feels very threatened by these operatives and does pretty much whatever they say. So, she went to the Matterhorn facility with these people and attempted at least once to try and do this soul swap.

Well, there isn’t really anything there to help them achieve this, but it didn’t stop King Chuckie either. By the way King ‘Chuckie’ Charles is dead. You probably won’t hear that until December because deep state people only die in December when there is no business to be had. That’s what they were talking about, but we’ll see.

Anyway, back to Ivanka. Of course nothing happened, the portal, pillar is not there. The Anti-Genesis program had been cancelled anyway. There was no need for the balance being to come back and the soul went back to Source a couple years ago because it was not necessary to have him anymore. So that didn’t work out for them and that got them very frustrated. The portals they were manning did not open and pretty much by the time they went through most of the world and hit all 36 locations, they got no signal, no nothing.

On Friday they were at other locations which they were given limited access to. Now even Marduk couldn’t fully trigger the anti-genesis program all by himself, neither could Lucifer, or anyone else, it had to be the decision of Neutral Source. However, by 2012, remember we were all going to die? Well, it became obvious something needed to happen and there was some space junk installed in the main facility on the planet which was in Mount Fuji, Japan, but the access point was under the Tokyo Tower. If you follow Q, you have seen posts of the Tokyo Tower, so they obviously knew this was going to happen. Other locations included a mountain in New Zealand at Mitre Peak, the Platforma De Venus in Mexico near the Chichen Nitza, a favorite location of the deep state. Another place was Cradle Mountain in Australia, another mountain in Bolivia called Huayna Potosi, and White Top Mountain in Virginia. There was some additional space junk placed in the Andromeda Nebula and Aldebaran, home of the Abraxas on this side of the multiverse.

At each one of these locations the SSP apparently had been trying for the last 18 months to fire up these facilities. Each time they would send frequencies, electromagnetic pulses of anti-matter and other things. But Friday night they tried using them against me. They had a meeting on Saturday morning under the Capitol building and then decided to use every single one of these facilities. On Friday night it was just the Virginia facility. They were hell bent and determined to use every single one specifically against me. So that made for a very uncomfortable Saturday in my world and Friday night wasn’t that comfortable and that was just one facility, until we hunted them all down and got all the facilities.

So, no space junk for the SSP. Do they know what they were doing? I don’t know. I know they knew they were Anti-Alpha Genesis sites, and by alpha I’m not talking about the AI, but Anti-Source facilities basically, and of course alpha would go along with that at the time these things were created because we had an alpha and were working with the alpha system. So, they were feverishly trying to get these sites to work unbeknownst to me. I had not found them at these locations but apparently for about 18 months they were trying to figure out what to do. Somehow, they managed to man all these facilities on Friday, probably in anticipation for a major world event which was to come today.

It was actually designed to wipe out about 48% of humanity this time around if we were still on the balance program. The dark side’s best hope was to regain balance, and that’s what they were shooting for. But not until 48% of the population was wiped out.

We had a lot of major apocalyptic type of events they were hoping for. As you can tell, pestilence was one. They’ve been talking about new plagues for maybe a year or so now. Monkeys were released from some place in North Carolina, they are talking about monkeypox coming out of Africa, and they were talking about all these different diseases they’ve been trying to deploy. Most of the facilities for the diseases was in the US under a laboratory called the LIGO laboratories. There is one at Caltech, one at Princeton, one in Washington State and another in Louisiana. All had large amounts of hybrid non-human created disease that they would generate.  The area in Washington is called the Hartford region and known for nuclear waste and that kind of stuff. So, this would have been the pestilence section that should have gone off today and of course they were at all those locations this weekend as well trying to fire all this stuff up. They were at other laboratories as well on Sunday because they weren’t sure which ones to go to in preparation for the pestilence part which was in charge of wiping out 48% of humanity.

They also were hoping for the rest of horses to come along with that. You know their war in Israel, they are really trying hard at that. There have been some attacks on Syria and Lebanon over the weekend as well. They are all going to do their part in the Apocalypse plan of the Anti-Genesis Project.

But try as they may to be the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse and bring back the soul of Trump and whatever else they were trying to achieve this weekend, they still need authorization from Source, Neutral Source, Anti-Source to regain that balance. And unfortunately for them all aspects of the same being we know as Source have come back together. It’s not like there is multiple personality disorder anymore, it’s all one now. And the Creator decided almost 2 years ago now to move into a Golden Age with the Giver of Life Declaration. The SSP knows this, but maybe they were hoping for a heil Mary here with their Anti-Genesis Project. So today they waited patiently at all the Neutral Source portals for them to kick in and that Anti-Genesis Program, and were willing to do their part and earn their keep to be masters of the universe.

I have to laugh because it’s either laugh or cry at this point. I’m so frustrated with these people and I’m more frustrated with the fact it’s taking forever to clean up this mess. But relatively speaking a few years here, 3 billion years there, well I guess a few years of our lives to sacrifice isn’t so much.

And don’t get me wrong, this will also help us achieve what we’ve been looking for too because now all those other portals are fully uninterrupted. So, to anywhere in the universe or anywhere they led to Anti-Source or Neutral Source or any dark energy or dark matter, and them firing dark energy, or us as humans transmuting our energy to dark energy. We transmute our own energy to feed the beast, the systems, the hologram unknowingly. To be fair it’s not the humans fault, there are a lot of people that just don’t know. And we feel a lot of what they throw at us, despair, depression, sadness, and anger and a lot of that is being manipulated. We are humans and have lived in the cesspool of universe and have for a long, long time. So give everybody a break, it just is what it is and it takes time to counteract. We go up and down and then they start a war and then people are dying and it just creates more negative energy. But that negative energy in theory in the next couple of weeks should not generate anything because there is nothing left to generate once those portals are changed with Source. I believe it’s going to help us tremendously.

Hopefully these psychic attacks and all these operations they try to run on us won’t be there anymore and hopefully they’ll stop knocking on heaven’s door. The really aren’t even going to get a signal anymore in a short period of time. I know they were so much looking forward to being the masters of the universe and that was a lofty goal, but that isn’t really a decision for them to make, so, they are very angry right now. And it took a lot of work to clean up the mess, just in case there was something that could have been harmful.

As far as Source, that was the ultimate trigger. There is nothing else the deep state is going to do. They aren’t going to bring back a hybrid soul to inhabit somebody else’s body, even a daughter. So, are they on to a new date? I have no idea. But we did try balance on our side, they just don’t understand balance on their side. But that’s fine, it left us in this situation with enormous amounts of cleanup and space junk to get rid of so we can fully embrace Source, and not only on this planet but everywhere.

As far the Golden Age AI, hopefully there will be no more interference soon. This has never happened before so we don’t know how long that is going to take. In theory though we hope it finishes by 11pm PST.

Probably by Wednesday we should know if the deep state is still going for Conquer the Quest. Are they going to wait until the solstice, continue to try and cause us harm? I don’t know. But the one thing I do know is there is a lot of descension within the ranks and there are a lot in the militaries not wanting to follow them anymore.

The other thing that came to light, and I will leave you on this note. Remember I mentioned last week that they think I would be forced to work with them? Oh, she’ll work with you, that’s what the Black Nobility had said. Now it makes more sense, they thought this Anti-Genesis Program would kick in for sure and there was going to be balance and I would be forced to work with that thing or that soul to regulate and keep balance throughout the multiverse. Well at least that mystery has been solved for me. Now I get it.


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2 thoughts on “Order of the Black Sun’s Modus Operandi Is Conquer the Quest, To Become Masters Of The Universe | They Expected Neutral Source’s Anti-Genesis Program To Kick-In Decimating 48% Of Humanity On 11:11 | Trump Truly Was Unique, He Was 1 of 7 Neutral Hybrid Beings Created by Neutral Source | Trump Worked For The Dark Side, His Role Was to Restore Balance When The Light Became Too Light | He Failed, No Balance Was Achieved | God Then Made A Golden Age Declaration Over 2 Yrs Ago, Hence Trump Died As He Was No Longer Needed In A Golden Age”

  1. bonsoir kim, idem just, merci pour ce rapport. oui ce soir il le tarde de voir la fin de vie de toutes ses sectes en divers sacrifices au services du serpent cette antichrist disparaître sans aucun billet retour possible, pour l’éternité infini éternel!!! place à toutes vies positives pour le bien de tous/toutes!!

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