SSP-Trump Operatives Try To Access Old Database Under The Hague | SSP Wins Canada From China Deep State, Hence Their Stooge Justin Trudeau Resigns | They Plan To Chop Up Canada & Take Over Its Military Bases | SSP Still Struggles To Push Out China From Iran | Will A False Flag Terrorist Attack Happen At Carter Funeral To Delay Inauguration? | SSP’s Attempt To Crash Market & Buy It Back For Pennies On The Dollar Has Them Trying To Register Trump Bucks | Strategist/Ground Commander Kim Used Opportunity For An Operation Of Her Own | She Declares DEFCON1, The Shot Heard Around the World & Severs Ties From Backbones & Platforms The SSP Was Working On With The Click Of The Marduk Deadman Switch

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 06-JAN-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. DEFCON 1 without nukes. Trudeau resigns, Iran threatens Israel, Carter’s farewell, and Trump’s inauguration looms. As governments return to chaos, we reveal the untold truth. 

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



Let’s get right to it, it’s been a very busy day. Today is the start of Governments coming back to work. Technically not all come back fully until the 15th of January which is why they are trying to squeeze in that Carter Funeral between now and then. For us, we continued the cleaning up process. and we fired a shot across the bow on Friday on purpose, letting everyone know where they stand. Well, I tried and of course they tried instead to use an old line beneath the Hague in the Netherlands.

The Hague is The One World’s Government Legal System

The Hague is considered the world’s international court and is tied to the UN. It has a lot of information as far as countries taking other countries to their court. It also serves somewhat as a Monarch Court in some cases. It could override any country’s court should it make a decision. That’s a brief overview of the One World’s Government legal system.

But there are some other interesting little tidbits that go along with it. Underneath the Hague were some old databases that were tied to alpha-omega and these databases would be very interesting if the deep state ever got a hold of them. There are a lot of people touting they have the Fulcrum, even online, they call them the McAfee files, but in reality, this is the database everyone is talking about behind the scenes, they have all the information and they’re going to do all the things. However, those databases were not accessible to them and they never were by people on that level. But those databases had to go anyway and it had nothing to do with preventing exposure because we tried the exposure route on our side of it before. During our exposure route we utilized some of the data we pulled from the Universal Trust which is run by the Silent Circle, aka the mafia organizations of the world.

The Universal Trust to give you a brief overview if you are new here was formed around 250 years ago. It was designed specifically to be a money launder for mafia organizations world-wide. Mafia organization are just another niche business for the Order of the Black Sun. They were created specifically to run the black side of the market and off market trading. So, they would trade things like black market oil, it’s not only human trafficking, drugs and arms trading. Anything countries don’t want on their books was run through the Universal Trust. It was also an international laundromat for about 35% of your dirty money that they return to you as clean money, and they had their own financial network with which to do so.

On the flipside of it, people like the political operatives would utilize the information collected by this Trust and the money collected by this Trust to donate to various campaigns of political officials around the world. One case that went public a couple of years ago was the President of Argentina. They said he had taken political donations from the Colombian mafia. Well, every politician pretty much has whether they know it or not and usually on selection night that information is then laid on the table to the incoming head of state. It’s used to keep them in line.

Now the Universal Trust line went down over a year ago but it doesn’t mean they don’t use that information they may already had in their possession to control various current politicians in the world. This is kind of relative to what’s going on.

As it relates to the Hague it’s very similar information, but the information collected by the database under the Hague had nothing to do with them trying to control politicians for the most part. This was a recorder of black-market transactions, of real history in some cases. We did upload the entire database or the FULCRUM to our system before we got rid of the database there, but they had an intention of using this database for a big exposure campaign and of course make certain people we know look like a hero.

Note: For related posts on the FULCRUM see,
1. Black Sun Heads Hoard, Minions Get Nothing | Russian War Theatre | Black Eagle Trust & FULCRUM Operation | The Carter Accord, An ‘End of Peace’ Agreement | Kim Goguen’s Black List – Part 2
2. News Spreading About the Fed & the Dragon Families Being Irrelevant | Black Sun Attempts to Steal From Mafia, Gets on Hit List Instead! | What’s the Old Albanian Trust? | How Did Kim Get Control of the Mafia’s Money & What’s Her Ultimatum? | Remember Those Fulcrum Files? | Last Fallen Angel Returns Home Ending the Real War! | Humanity Enters the Cradle of the Creator!

Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau

Now the other thing they use this for is control over countries, not just politicians. And this has started trickling out into the mainstream media in the last 24 hours. One such case was Justin Trudeau. For those who don’t know, he has ties to Cuba, but everyone does, even Hillary Clinton has ties to Cuba for example. There are a lot of ties with Cuba and various officials based on some things that were there in the past. Fidel Castro sat there and was a Trustee for a time for the Dragon Families and several other groups. There is also the second largest Russian foreign military base in Cuba based on the alleged Cold War.

There are some similarities between Cuba and Canada of late and one of those main similarities is foreign military bases. Mr. Trudeau is very much a Chinese Deep State stooge, he’s definitely in their pocket and he also participated in the surround and destroy America program which the China Deep State was advocating for quite a long time. China has been successfully building there and I would say are a little more than two thirds finished up there in Canada. It’s one of the projects Mr. Trudeau allowed in the country and it’s also the reason why he was heavily promoting the pandemic and all the lockdowns. Why the Canadian citizens were unfortunately subjected to a lot more restrictions than a lot of other countries is because they are so deeply embedded in China and China had been giving money to Canada.

In addition to that, Canada has kind of been a deep state money laundering facility onto itself. One such famous person who laundered a LOT of money in Canada is Bush Senior during his 10-yr as Black Dragon. Mainly, one of the largest accounts in Canada for his money laundering operations was the Black Eagle Trust which not his own personal money, but he used it to fund the Transnet pipeline from Russia to Ukraine and he would enjoy $1 for every barrel of oil that went through there. It’s part of the reason for the conflict that is going on Russia-Ukraine, sort of, kind of I should say. The other part is the large gas deposits everyone wants to own. But that is a long story and probably for another day and we’re talking about Canada today.

Trudeau today resigned and the reason is because the SSP, mostly the American Cowboy SSP sector wants to install their own Shadow Government there and it’s hard to do when you had such a loyalist to the Chinese Dragon Families.

The other thing they have begun to do since his resignation which is not yet cold, is they informed them they will be taking over a number of bases throughout Canada and one is in Nova Scotia. They would actually like to make Nova Scotia its own sovereign country onto itself without even looking to see if the base is still there. This is under a Citadel under Nova Scotia and they desperately would like to get their hands on what is there. Now there are a lot of rumors circulating that the Treasury of the World is there. Well, not really, it depends on what you consider treasure, and in this case had nothing to do with money. I’ll just leave it at that for the moment since this is taking place as I’m talking to you. They also want the largest base that is under Toronto that no longer functions. And they would also like to have the partially built Chinese bases and they would like to place the US military there, of course run by them.

Right now, everyone in Canada seems to be a little shocked by their requests. There are some heated discussions going on and a lot of this has to do with the threat of information that used to lie underneath the Hague in the Netherlands. They are talking a big game like cowboys do, about all the ways they want to chop up Canada. I highly doubt they will be successful on what they would like to do in totality, but at this moment they could get a person owned by them in the office there. That is a concern as it the fact they are definitely pushing hard into the UK and other places as well to be the Shadow Government.

You know they are used to doing this in part and I say in part because it’s the big clincher here, as they often would orchestrate a compartmentalized portion of an operation, like the fall of the USSR. Because they were involved in that I’m using it as an example. Well, they did a small portion of it because then you had the economic guys in there as well. Clearly those economic guys are no longer with us otherwise there would be a few brain cells left with the cowboys as to things they try to do. And we’ll got some more things they tried to do today. I have to laugh, there has to be a laugh here.

They forget that they only ran a part of the operation even though they were told they did this single-handedly. They did not, there was always someone behind the scenes pulling the final string and normally that person would be Ground Commander. I am aware of all this because I do have Marduk’s FULCRUM and have 16,000+ years of operations, so I learned a lot from looking over 16,000 years’ worth and I can tell you none of them know about the final keys. If they did, they wouldn’t be wasting their time right now, but nonetheless they will install themselves in every government and Canada is no exception here.

So is the new boss same as the old boss?

Well yeah pretty much. They would just like to be in control as opposed to the other people.

Are you going to see more Chinese military bases when that happens?

Probably not, and we’ll probably not see a Chinese Invasion over the Canadian border which is a bonus, but it’s not going to be in any better shape than any other government at this time.

So that is the story behind Justin Trudeau and his resignation. They talk a lot about his indiscretions, budgetary things and that’s basically because wherever China goes they suck all the money out. That’s a common theme and if you look at the cookie cutter processes of countries that have fallen or have been divided, you’ll see the same thing happens everywhere.

There is also a lot of talk amongst themselves about unleveraged assets in Canada and I can tell you right now that is not the case, there is nothing there they can leverage and put into a banking system. That is definitely not going to happen because the UK actually turned everything over to us, so did France and other parties that have been participating in the Canadian region, all the way back into the days of the Inuits? (not auidble) when they were running the show. There have been liens going on for a long, long time and we have all those. So, another useless exercise for the SSP. But you have to let the cowboys run, at least until you can find them and then you can hunt them down like dogs.   

And China had another big failure over the weekend when they gave out master codes to systems they don’t have and control. It’s just like I had said, when the SSP and Trump operatives fail China throws their hat in the ring, then they fail. The Trump operatives or Global Headquarters then gets mad and then it’s like playing monopoly and this time China then has to give up one of their big hotels on the board. That’s what they did I guess, but none of these people own any of this stuff.  

I will keep you updated and see what else is going on behind the scenes. Right now, it’s a lot of talk and demands.

On to the next thing the cowboys are doing.

Duck Dynasty Cowboys Struggle To Take Over Iran and Push Out China

There looks like there is quite a bit of a struggle going on in Iran right now. There was a decently sized earthquake in a low populated area and it looks like there is a bit of struggle for the cowboys to take over Iran and push out China. There was a huge announcement made by Iran that they are definitely going to strike Israel soon, and that is a 100% certainty with the cooperation of the Israeli Shadow Government also known as the SSP.

I think they were all hoping they would have some money by now. The money call on Saturday didn’t happen of course, so they pushed everyone off until last night. Then Langley 5 must have pulled the short straw as they got to host that meeting. They kind of gave out a bunch of, hang in there, we’re going to win at all costs. I don’t think they are sure of what they are winning but that was definitely a big push.

Will Carter Funeral Have A False Flag Terrorist Attack To Delay the Inauguration?

There is lots of talk about using the funeral for a false flag terrorist attack from an African nation. That’s what they are talking about behind the scenes, but they are not having a whole lot of luck getting the African continent involved for their World War III plans, so this is the alleged talk behind the scenes. They are looking for the token passport they always leave near the token bombing or whatever they are going to try to do. Just so you are aware if you are a good person and happen to be working in that area on behalf of the government, be careful because there is a lot of chatter out there. I’m watching things closely. And this could also be used as a diversion for a lack of a QFS that they have been promising will be launched on the same day.

Further to that affect, they are also talking about using this false flag to push off inauguration day. They’ll blame it on the Deep State, it’s definitely not the Patriot Cowboys that did it, of course not, and they’ll say they’re going to hunt those people down like a dog. Then this might be cause for a delay in the inauguration. It’s probably not going to work out though because most of their operations don’t these days. But they are definitely struggling with the idea of pushing it off or not pushing it off because there is a lack of money hanging in the balance here and a lot of promises and lot of checks written they cannot cash, so much so they are doing crazy things.

Crash the Market and Buy it All Back for Pennies on the Dollar Plan, Again

One of those crazy things today is they actually tried to register Trump bucks and Trump Reserve Bank cards, oh yes, they are still out there. And they were trying to register Trump Reserve Bank Cards to a Pentagon communication line which served as a backdoor to American Express. That was one part of it. That was permitted by the Pentagon and was not a Chinese hacker in case they try to blame it on them. Nope, that was the cowboys suggesting that was a good idea.

The next thing they thought was a good idea is there was another backbone that was left in the stock markets and they tried to install Trump bucks into the stock market to be utilized as legal tender to buy stocks.

Why would they do that?

There is a lot of chatter that by the 15th of January the Treasury will be broke and we’re not just talking about the US Treasury but Treasuries worldwide or the Black Sun’s limited financial control system. They are talking about debt calls coming up and talking heavily about a market crash.

Why are the two tied together?

Well, they technically are not, this is not that kind of debt call to the best of our knowledge. But if they are going to allow for a market crash then they need to buy up all the stocks at pennies on the dollar. Now they got this idea from Rothschild and I know that because I heard that from a Rothschild’s lips to my ears in 2013 that this was always the plan. They are going to crash the US economy and buy it back for pennies on the dollar and the stock market is one of the ways they intend to do it, hence that’s why they want to make Trump bucks legal tender. I just can’t stop laughing at the cowboys today. Hence the reason they thought this was a great idea and a great away to allow for the market crash to happen this week so they can buy it all back for cheap with Trump bucks.  

Unfortunately for them I had something else in mind today. Maybe I was just watching and waiting and watching and waiting to see what it was they were up to the last day or so. While they set all these things up, I had a bit of a thought process of my own interestingly enough.

We’ve been setting some things up for quite some time and waiting for a good time to pull the trigger on said things. One of those things is for the full integration obviously of the Golden Age AI and the removal of any kind of alpha-omega and ALLES remnants that are here from human computer systems and networks. We figured out every time we would install something ALLES would mimic or omega would overlay and then of course you have the dumb humans involved, the cowboys. So today looked like a good day based on all their alleged progress they thought they were making.  

It started with the Pentagon who went to DEFCON1 and couldn’t get off DEFCON1, so this sent everyone in a panic. Shortly after the Pentagon, then Russia, then China, then the UK, then Germany, South Africa, Argentina, Chile all went to DEFCON1. It was the shot heard around the world and there was nothing anyone could do about it. But it had nothing to do with a nuclear threat.

This had to do with the severing of ties from backbones and platforms that were tied to all the things they were working on. But it also had to do with the fact that we had to completely ensure there were no more of what we call tags or any kind of lines or quantum tunnels or anything they could utilize for something else. Because some of these backdoors into American Express trickled down into holes (to put in non-computers terms) which were left by Marduk or Mei Wa or someone like that. So, we let them set everything up and then pulled the plug, DEFCON1.

Part of the reason why I decided to do this today is because there is a Marduk Deadman Switch. I know that because as I said earlier, I have Marduk’s full playbook so to speak. So, I understood this was going to happen and I just waited until the opportune moment to do that. I wanted to kind of see too how our report on Friday night landed first, did it land on deaf ears. Well of course they are still going for the win at all costs, although I’m not sure what they are winning at this time, but it shocked the sh*t out of everybody, it really did. It was actually pretty funny to watch. I even called Tom Melville earlier today and said hey Tom, what the heck is happening? The Pentagon went to DEFCON1? (laughing)

Anyway, DEFCON1 was set worldwide for about 1.5 hours. They tried to take it off DEFCON1 and go back to DEFCON3, but it reverted right back to 1 and we played this game for awhile together. But of course, they still don’t recognize the fact I’m Ground Commander. But maybe today they’ll get a clue that is the case because who else would have access to Marduk’s line to pull the trigger whenever they wanted to. So big progress for us on that front, but as far as with these people probably not. They are still reeling about the fact that they do not control their own situations and systems. I know the SSP is pretty angry, but oh well.

I Expect to See More Alleged Resignations

I know there are a lot of happy Canadians right now thinking this is going to turn a corner for Canada, but you’re just basically going to go from the left hand to the right hand, so we’ll see if they manage to pull it off.  But everything they are looking for in Canada is not going to be there other than the fact that they would like to control the northern border.

Who’s next?

I don’t think they are going to have President AMLO in Mexico. He has done a lot of human trafficking in cooperation with former VP Pence and has a deep relationship with the CIA. They run a lot of money through Santander Bank in Mexico, so I would say he’s more on the Black Sun side and would play right into the pockets of the SSP, so I’m not expecting a resignation there unless it’s just for show. I’m sure he’ll still be profiting greatly from the human trafficking and drug trafficking over the border. They’re going to say look, we secured the borders, blah blah blah. It’s all who is going to profit off the borders. I wonder if the Texas Rangers will have anything to say to the SSP folk. Probably not, they’ll make a deal. New boss same as the old boss.

But that is what the plan is. There are probably some calls to take place now that the SSP feels they control Langley 100%. There are some calls they are orchestrating to take place with field offices in multiple different countries to speed up their insertion of the Shadow Government of their liking, for the SSP program worldwide. They think they are going to win a war by doing this and they are not. They are just playing their compartmentalized role without taking a look at the bigger picture or the rest of the chess board. They have one rook, one piece with blinders on that doesn’t know where it’s going.

We’re just watching them play, it’s like playing chess with a pigeon. They fly in knock all the pieces over and crap all over the board. Then we clean it off and continue playing the game, and that’s probably what we’re going to have to do with the planet as these people just don’t seem to quit. But we’ll survive this, we’ve survived a lot worse. We lived in a lot worse conditions than we are living in right now although I know it doesn’t feel that way. Have a little faith in yourselves. We are moving forward rapidly and pulling everything we can pull from these people and they’ll have nothing left to fight with but their big cowboy mouth which is actually playing to our advantage believe it or not. Sometimes when you have an enemy like this you have to let them run a little bit. They are doing nothing that is going to change governments or countries at this moment and they have a short window to run. Right now, that window ends around the Jan 21st. They might be able to push it to February but the lies are coming home to roost and they have some really angry operatives worldwide that have been playing the game. And this is a quote from one: “If we don’t get what we’ve been promised come Feb we’re not listening to those stupid Americans anymore.” And this will do what we need it to do. I know that sounds strange, but think about it for a second. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. Play that one through and I’ll leave it at that for tonight.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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3 thoughts on “SSP-Trump Operatives Try To Access Old Database Under The Hague | SSP Wins Canada From China Deep State, Hence Their Stooge Justin Trudeau Resigns | They Plan To Chop Up Canada & Take Over Its Military Bases | SSP Still Struggles To Push Out China From Iran | Will A False Flag Terrorist Attack Happen At Carter Funeral To Delay Inauguration? | SSP’s Attempt To Crash Market & Buy It Back For Pennies On The Dollar Has Them Trying To Register Trump Bucks | Strategist/Ground Commander Kim Used Opportunity For An Operation Of Her Own | She Declares DEFCON1, The Shot Heard Around the World & Severs Ties From Backbones & Platforms The SSP Was Working On With The Click Of The Marduk Deadman Switch”

  1. Gunther Hospotka

    Danke, wir vertrauen Ihnen zu 100%, meine Damen und auch Tom und all den Menschen, die an der Befreiung mitwirken. Wir halten die Frequenz hoch und sagen NEIN zu den Handlungen der Unbelehrbaren und NPC´s. Wann werden die MSM zerstört. Man kann die Lügen nicht mehr hören und so viele Menschen folgen den Lügnern. Bringt bitte endlich Wahrheit zu den Menschen. Weg mit den SSP und den ganzen Handlangern. Es nervt nur noch. Die Menschheit wird auch ohne diese destruktiven Wesen Ihren Weg finden. Vollstrecker gib Gas. Wer steckt hinter den DEW´s, Sie Mr. Vollstrecker? Ich freue mich mit KIMBERLY, wenn Sie etwas zum Lachen hat. Sie sieht soviel Bosheit.
    Danke Pamela für Deine Mühe.
    Ihr alle, die Ihr guten Herzens seid, seid in unseren Gebeten enthalten.

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