This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 20, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. This report is chockful and I did a lot of rearranging to make it flow as best I could. We have an update on the war and Kim delved into what it means to move from one Age to another more for the Deep State people who seem to be very confused at this point. But that hasn’t put the brakes on the Enforcer’s mission. He started taking out thrash late Tuesday night.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Picking Up Where We Left Off
In the last broadcast Kim reported that the Universal Council did not see the remaining non-repairable humans ever turning around. Therefore, they gave an order to the Enforcer to take out the trash and he is well on his way doing just that. He started late Tuesday night and Kim said she is relieved to have someone else other than herself doing that job.
So how much trash does that entail? Well at this point a third of the deep state, which is around 3,000-4,000 would like to move forward and away from the Order people. There is another third that is kind of on the fence because they are just learning about what happened in the past, why things are different now and they are doing a lot of research. The last third want to continue full throttle ahead and are saying they are going to do the thing. Oy vey.
War in Israel Update
It appears the 15 secret militaries and Langley 5 are trying to heat things up for the equinox ending since their Gate to Hell didn’t open and their savior didn’t come yet. Maybe they aren’t going hard enough and didn’t kill enough innocent people to open their gate. She is assuming this is why they are doing these horrible things. And she is assuming there are enough people there with enough weapons who want this to happen, so they are helping.
Head of Hezbollah, Ali al-Sistani and Khomeini
She sees the head of Hezbollah is resigning and we can expect a death announcement of Ali al-Sistani. He already passed away a long time ago, this is an actor. They love their people in masks. Khomeini also passed away, the real one a long time ago.

Home – The Official Website of the Office of His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-Sistani
There are a lot of changes that have happened and she can see people losing faith in them. While we still have the deep state people in three groups right now, that waivers from time to time on who is moving forward and who is not. They are becoming increasingly aware of more and more of their own people disappearing, and Kim’s message from herself and the Enforcer’s team who is hunting them down, is that they can hide in all the bunkers they want but they can still get to them.
Behind the Scenes
Behind the scenes operatives were told they need to keep this war going for at least 3 weeks. It does look like Hezbollah is taking a lot more active role. There is a new guy stepping up who does not realize they are not going to get paid is her guess.
In some ways it looks like they are turning away from Gaza and have officially allowed for aid to cross into Gaza, so that is a positive movement. They were forced to, allegedly by our allegedly dead President visiting. If things had gone their way and they got a hold of some money for this war to keep it going, they did have an intention of fake assassinating the fake already dead Biden on his trip to Israel Wednesday. But that plan did not happen because there was no money.
But they know they are not going to win this war, so they have been turning things a little bit more to Lebanon and there were talks with Turkey. They would like to get Turkey involved as well as Egypt. And for some reason there were certain areas of the Sinai Peninsula that weren’t appearing on Google Earth. It disappeared off the map this morning like it didn’t exist. So, there are a lot of strange things happening out there for sure.
She does know the Russians were forced back into Syria, so they are really giving it a go. She guesses Langley 5 wants to continue it regardless. With no gate to open she is hoping this war doesn’t last and with they will finally stop, but there is still a lunar eclipse coming up at the end of the month and they love that kind of stuff, so she doesn’t see them stopping before then.
But what are they going to win from this? There is no money coming out of this, dark consciousness is going away, everything is leaving now and she isn’t sure where they are going. Maybe it’s just to get back at her, so they are going to kill the humans? But they will never succeed in killing 90% of the world’s population and their world war most likely will never happen. And she isn’t going to back a $1.4 trillion Trump faced coin. One way or another this is going to end, whether it be by their departure from this planet or because they figure out what she is telling them is true and they just stop. Both Kim and the Enforcer’s teams have mitigated a lot of stuff to some degree, but in terms of the arsenal the deep state has, they are using tinker toys.
Langley 5 | Their Quest to Find a ‘Principal’ to Keep Operatives from Defecting
The deep state remnants have noticed on that paperwork for the 10-year extension of funding, which Kim has mentioned several times, that it says ‘on behalf of the principal,’ and because of that they are still trying to dial an alien. This is mainly Langley 5 who cannot admit they were beaten by a girl who was never trained by a military or agency therefore they cannot understand how she does this. To quote them, “There has to be a man behind her.” But of course, there is none, and that statement does not mean she was acting on someone else’s behalf. However, Langley 5 is telling everybody Kim was appointed by themselves, see we are the principal! That is what they are telling the operatives who want to move forward to keep them from switching teams.
Note: Related post on 10-year funding extension for the deep state, 10 Year Money Printing Extension Expired July 4th | 13 Shadow Militaries All Gone! | Cryptococcosis, the New Virus Intercepted | Candida Outbreak Diverted | Agreement with Draco Expired | The Remaining Imbeciles Have No Friends Left | Just Empower Me
Meanwhile they a sweating behind the scenes searching for a principal because they know they are not it, but they legitimately believe there is one. And the people following Langley 5, their assets and downline legitimately believe they could be appointed a new trustee by these people to take Kim’s place. Rothschild is no stranger to this game either and must have coordinated it because they are telling everyone the same thing, that they can appoint a new trustee to take Kim’s place.
Why in the past did Kim use the term Trustee and why they won’t find another principal on Kim’s side?
They cannot appoint a new trustee because the deep state and Kim are in two separate worlds. When her predecessor left and the Parents left it left their downline thinking they are in charge because there is no one else left. And the Covens would lie every year and give them fake instructions and all kinds of crazy stuff which is why they are doing all this crazy stuff now. But after fighting for balance to no avail, God transitioned us to the Light Age, so Kim is the principal and always has been. Kim doesn’t have a boss, aside from Source, so submitting agreements to reach her boss is still going to her. Even during the Dark Age for the Omega and Kronos to function they still needed cooperation of a right hand and left hand under the rules of the Dark Age.
Listen up deep state people, we are in the Light Age and that is why your alignments don’t work and money isn’t coming because you don’t have Kim’s cooperation anymore! She used to have to cooperate in the Dark Age, but she no longer does in a Light Age and she is THE Principal.
Langley 5 Thinks if Kim Hacked the Hall of Records They Can Too
The other thing that came up is now they believe Kim hacked the Hall of Records, which is part of the Alpha System. In the past we had a Dark Hall of Records for their crap, which went through that system directly to Marduk, who would then send to Anti-Source. He could not do anything without Anti-Source’s approval as it pertains to the Dark Hall of Records. But that is gone!
Kim then told them that when they submit something to the Dark Hall of Records line in Colorado Springs, like they did this morning, to make an appeal to the principal, they should know that line goes to the only remaining Hall of Records, which is part of Kim’s system. And the system they claim she is hacking has always been her system since the beginning of time, which was 300,000 earth years ago. They know about consciousness transfers, about the incarnation cycle so they should be able to understand this. We’ve all done this before and made the transitions into different timelines but never in 3 billion years have we transitioned out of an Age before, and there were only 4 Ages to begin with.
To further their delusion Langley 5 now thinks if Kim can hack into the Hall of Records they surely can. They are basically trying to hack into a system that exists in the 9th plane of the 9th density using an IBM quantum processor. They are refusing to surrender to a different way. They are under the impression we are still in this equinox time, therefore, as we move to more dark days than light days, they have a chance to open these gateways to hell then the lower astral Gladiators, who are an army of demons will come and save them. But that is never happening because we changed Ages, which came from on High.
They Installed Fake Servers to Show Fake Trump Bucks
They installed a fake server into the Central Bank of Argentina to try to show Trump Bucks are live for the Silent Circle, to get them to work with them again. But they are just trying to buy time and no one wants Trump bucks or Trump coins anyway. And Umbrella Military were busy. They stormed into the Treasury yesterday and apparently were able to get a few people in the US mint to print a commemorative coin with Trump’s face on it so they could donate all the proceeds to the Trump operation. An endorsement from the Treasury Department may add some legitimacy to what they are doing, that is their thought.
The Deep State is Under the Impression They Work for Someone Higher than God
And to be fair it depends on which side of the coin you are dealing with and in what Age. So, in some respects during a Dark Age that is the case, Anti-Source, which is darker than Lucifer and what you would call the Omega is the superior side of Source for a few billion years.
On the flip side, during a Light Age our Creator, our God or whatever term you use is the superior being. The spark of creation created his left hand and his right hand, it was a different way to create densities and matter at that time. But they have violated every rule possible in the Ages Agreement and refuse to listen to counsel. There has been a lot of counsel to these human beings, not just from Kim and they just will not listen. It has been going on for at least four years but they will not listen. That is the reason why we do not have Parents, Coven Masters, Covens and very little left of the Families and why she knows for sure there will be no quantum financial system on their side. Source ended it.
Getting Down to the Wire
We are getting down to the wire for sure. They keep trying to buy time for the operatives which is why they took those documents for the funding extension from 2012, because there is not a name on there.
But trust Kim when she tells you, no handler ever appointed her into this job. When she says she is a Trustee, which is now changed to Curator’s Office of Currency, she doesn’t mean she owns planet earth and they never did either. She is just the trustee and we are the beneficiaries. It means Kim is administrating things until humanity grows up and that is not an insult, it just means there must be a growth period.
We are going to be building an entirely new ecosystem for us to exist and in a cooperative manner. This is a New Age and there are rules she must live by including Natural Law and many other rules we will have to follow along the way. Earth is a being onto itself. It has a heartbeat and connection to Source in of itself and has a wealth of things yet to share with us. We haven’t seen these things in billions of years because Earth was separated during the separate Ages.
Where They’re at Now
According to Kim, the deep state people did figure out no help is coming, no Gladiators from the lower astral. They are at the end of the equinox here and they are probably in a panic. They are still hunting for a principal as she is recording this. She can’t fix stupid but she can inform them, which is what she aimed to do throughout this broadcast.
Delving More into What Changing of the Ages Means
Due to their confusion and because Kim never seems to stop trying, she spent a lot of time during this broadcast re-explaining for the deep state people and us how we got here. She hopes they might finally understand what the changing of the Ages really means and why we are not going back to a Dark Age or a Neutral Age and ultimately choose wisely.
The Ages Agreement
Ages were created for Source and Anti-Source, by them and for them. The Council of 9, which you would call Angels and Fallen Angels together were the Managers of the Ages. They would make sure, in accordance with the concords that were related to the Ages that all species did what their species were supposed to do. They ran security on stargates and portals and all kinds of stuff to ensure no one broke the rules.
What Changing of the Ages Means
We have lived in a Dark Age for about 3 billion earth years. Since the beginning of time so to speak, we lived in a Neutral Age for a few billion earth years prior to this Dark Age. During a Neutral Age there are no permeations of the light forces into the dark multiverse and no permeation of the dark forces into the light multiverse, but there is a certain amount of coexistence that we had at that time.
Timelines exist within Ages, therefore the Neutral Age had multiple timelines and the Dark Age had multiple timelines that we have been going through over the last 3 billion years or so. Timelines within the Ages allows for multiple existences to occur at the same time, and as we were moving out of those Ages and timelines, some of us may have had memories of timelines that did not exist. Due to the timeline we were in having ended last year, and the Dark Age was soon to be ending as well, we were supposed to be going into a Neutral Age.
Source Decided to Skip the Neutral Age and Go into the Light Age
Again, the Ages were dictated by Source and Anti-Source itself. So, for lack of a better term the Alpha and Omega, ultimate Source is what decides when we move in and out of an Age, so there is nothing Kim could do about it. She cannot make that decision and Source decided that we are to move out of the Dark Age and into the Light Age rather than a Neutral Age. Evidently this has left the deep state very confused because they are expecting to go back into a Neutral Age now, where we had balance and then at the end of the Neutral Age we would go to a Light Age. In other words, everyone was supposed to go back to their respective corners, where there was no dark consciousness permeation into our side and no light consciousness permeation into their side.
But that is not going to happen. So, these people trying to open the Gates to Hell in Israel is not a thing anymore because we are out of the Dark Age and in a Light Age which means they disappear, just like during the Dark Age they intended all of us to disappear. We’ve heard about the depopulation agenda right; although they still needed a certain amount for batteries because the dark cannot exist without the light. But all that stuff ended when the Age Agreement ended. So, if you are looking for a principal aside from Kim you will have to give God a jingle because he made those decisions. Kim didn’t make those decisions, although she is happy with them. The party is over, she is just cleaning up the mess, throwing out the trash and moving forward into the Light Age.
Kim’s Role in the Transition to the Neutral Age
When it came time for the transition into the Neutral Age, Kim’s position has been to achieve balance, she is equal and opposite of the being we call Marduk, her predecessor. From the time her position went firm in 2012 that was her job, to achieve balance and she has tried for years to achieve that. She fought and fought and fought, she made offer after offer to try to get them to understand to no avail that we are moving to a Neutral Age now and that they cannot go back to an Age.
Let’s go back to that 10-Year Extension for Funding Kim granted to the deep state as an example of Kim trying to achieve balance. Kim has mentioned it several times and showed us all those papers to the Treasury Department, Department of Defense, etc. and now we have more context given our awareness of the Ages Agreement. And because the deep state people have brought up some language used in those budgets that has given them false hope, it needs to be clarified.
When Kim’s non-human predecessor Marduk, who was still alive and here at that time requested a 10-year budget or 10 years’ worth of funding she granted it at that time, being that she is equal (the right hand) and opposite to Marduk (the left hand). In the world and in the universe, but more specifically related to earth, Marduk was leader of the dark forces at that time on this planet. He ruled earth before Kim got here. So, the term ‘predecessor’ means he was in charge before Kim got here. Once her position went firm, Kim and Marduk were equals for a reason, because we were undergoing the transition to the Neutral Age and you need an equal left and right hand. Therefore, when she granted the 10-year extension for funding we were still in a Dark Age and in a dark timeline, and in order to move from the Dark Age into a Neutral Age there is supposed to be a balance right? Hence Kim’s granting of the funding. It was a few years later that she figured out Marduk had no intention of moving towards balance.
Kim’s Role in the Transition to the Light Age
But at the end of January of this year 2023 Source decided we were to transition and he filed the G.O.L.D. Agreement in the Hall of Records, which the deep state remnants can request from the Archivists. That was the line in the sand. God said we could not achieve balance with these human beings that are left here, therefore we were going to move to the Light Age instead.
Note: Below excerpt from related post, The Chinese Spy Balloon Belongs to America | Balance Between Light & Dark Cannot be Achieved, Source Brings An End to the Remaining Darkness | Now In Every Hall of Records is Source’s Agreement, Giver Of Life Declaration aka G.O.L.D. | And So the Golden Age Begins! | Kim’s Final Test | Lesson of Stalingrad | Just Empower Me

That means, at that moment in time, all of them and their downline were on the left and Kim was on the right. They are not the same people at all, not on the same team. And the reason Kim is the principal (the term on those budgets causing confusion and false hope for them) is because we are in a Light Age or Golden Age. We have skipped over the Neutral Age because it was apparent it would not be achievable with the lower astral beings. They were supposed to retreat. Even their boss, Anti-Source told them this is what they are supposed to do and just because they didn’t pass that information down to the crazy Langley Generals and Rothschilds, etc., that is not Kim’s problem. She is not their boss and they are no one to her because now she is the principal in a Light Age. To Kim that means building an entirely new system that will function in a Light Age which will continue for billions of years and there is not a damn thing you crazy Langley Generals, Rothschilds, and Chinese people are going to do about it. The writing is on the wall, it is in the ether, it is in quantum physics.
Some History of Kim & Her Job
First, this job she has now was always her job. It was decided a long time ago, many incarnations ago that this is what she does. She does not know why she agreed to this but she is going with it anyway.
During the Dark Age | How Did Marduk Gain Control Over Both Systems?
Marduk formed the Parents and one of those Parents was Cassandra from ancient Greece. Kim in a former life was Cassandra and there were 2 of her, he referred to them as the blonde twins in charge of financial affairs. Then Markuk killed Cassandra (Kim) and cloned them. One was of pure light and the other one was of pure darkness, and neither were the original Cassandra (Kim). That is how he gained control over the light and dark systems. One ran the backend of the financial system which was the Quantum AI system and other one ran the dark side known as the Omega system. He cloned Kim in a former life just like he did again in this one. Kim mentioned that about a year ago, that there were about 25 or so 5-year-old Kim clones that were bouncing on a bunch of Russian Generals knees in Germany who were waiting for something to inhabit their persons.
Note: See related post where Kim mentions she was Cassandra, the Alpha system was always her system and the 25 baby Kim clones, The 5 Shadow Agencies | Kim’s 30,000 Year War with the Draco | Kim’s Clones Past & Present | Part 3 | Just Empower Me
It was for that reason Marduk was able to trick Alpha and Omega to work at his pleasure for several years, until 2007 which was 5 years before Kim’s position went firm, and it was during the spring equinox that this happened. His ability to work both ends ended at that time and now he was stuck with looking for Kim because he knew it was only a few years before she would completely take over the Alpha system. Then they would have to have a working relationship to make things function. Kim would have to release funds, which would get transmuted into the dark system to run this planet because we were still in a Dark Age. And limping along, this is what they did until 2014 when the jig was up, when it became apparent after a few years that her predecessor was not going to achieve balance. Kim met Marduk face to face in 2015 and they had an altercation. He didn’t die at that time; the consciousness was still there but the meat suit was gone. Then they ran into each other again in August 2016 which is when he departed the multiverse. One day we will understand more about this, what a jumper is which we will also be able to do someday.
Control Structure
Kim outlined the control structure again, which I always repeat because she provides a little more detail every time so I find it worth doing again.
Lower Astral Beings Above Marduk
Anti-Source was in control of it all. Then there were the lower astral beings that included the Fallen Angels, Lucifer and Baal etc., the list goes on and on. We had Tarzakians and Targethiens who were lower astral beings, the ones we would call demons. The lower the density, the less dense the being, hence why Tarzekians look like smoke almost, they are dark ether. The Abraxas were anti-humans, clones made of dark matter from the lower astral that moved into the upper 5th density 3 billion years ago at the beginning of the Dark Age. So above Marduk’s head were pretty much all lower astral beings.
Marduk, Enki, and Enlil
The next tier down consisted of 3 Draco beings, Marduk, Enki, and Enlil who were pretty much stationed here all the time. Anu, Marduk’s grandfather was King of the Draco (Anunnaki means King of the Draco) and he would come in once every 7 years and that year would have been this year. They were all waiting for him to come back, but he died a few years back and it had nothing to do with Kim.
So, in the governance of the world, Marduk, his brother Enki, his father Enlil and his grandfather Anu were it. That was your world tyranny right there. Those are the names in our language and that is as close as we are going to get to pronouncing them because they are really frequencies we really wouldn’t want to say or are even able to say.
The Parents | World Government People
The next tier down were the 21 Parents. Everything runs in 3-6-9 always and 2+1 = 3. The Parents were normal organic humans who were given life extension technology and the ability to go into stasis for regeneration purposes, to regenerate their vessels. They could do consciousness transfers and take vacations on other planets because they were given that technology by Marduk. The Parents had been around 16, 15, 12, 11, 3 thousand years. Some were young and some were older. Some were important figures throughout history. For example, Nefertiti was a Parent. They came from all walks of life of human beings. But because they did something probably horrific to humans and they were around a long time, hence having a lot of wisdom, they became Marduk’s chosen humans and they are what you would consider your world government people.
The Parents also liked to keep pets. So certain members of the Order would please the Parents and they would take them on like you would a dog. Except they didn’t treat them like family, it was more of a weird sexual thing, dominatrix type of thing. They would take them on as pets for periods of time but they wouldn’t be afforded life extension technologies, rather they were afforded other kinds of things as a pet.
42 Covens, Order of the Dragon Families & Order of the Black Sun
The next tier down was the 42 Covens and they received orders on down the line until to what we have left, which is a few Order of the Dragon folk like some Rothschilds, some Li Family people in China, some families in Russia and throughout Europe predominantly, in Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. The Order of the Dragon families feel they are hybrids with the Draco because the DNA was passed down when they interbred with the Parents.
Simultaneously we also had the Order of the Black Sun which was also part of this structure, and they prided themselves at having bred with the Abraxas. Some of the higher ups passed on and she talked about what happened in Greece a few months ago. They would have been half human and half demon, so hybrids essentially. At any given time, there would be some hybrids still on earth. This is how these groups came to be.
Note: Below excerpt on the passing of Abraxas bloodline people found in Macedonia, Actually Today It Ends Where it Began 3 Billion Years Ago! | More Agreements Expired, Both Orders Are Officially Fired! | A Few More gods of Ancient Greece (aka the Abraxas) Found & Sent Home | Kim Encounters Interesting Ruse Woman for the Second Time | Drone Attack on Russia Was Ordered by the China Deep State with Help From American Partners | Universal Council Takes Over Security of Earth | Silent Circle Makes Bonfires Out of Pallets of Fake Super Notes! | Just Empower Me

So as far as the deep state is concerned, they are the downline of all these layers and levels.
Status of the Dark Consciousness Fading
In the last broadcast Kim explained that she and the New Earth Council used the equinox to catapult the transition to the Light Age and that the dark consciousness is fading rapidly. This was referring to the base root of all things remaining dark, interference between the planes of existence is dissipating, it is being squeezed out and we are probably around 92-93% complete.
The deep state people are short circuiting because those chips are no longer there, but for the average everyday person a similar thing is happening. As the dark consciousness moves down the planes, you may have experienced odd emotions, feelings like your mouth was not connected to your brain, experienced anger about something you ordinarily wouldn’t be angry about. These kinds of experiences are happening because it’s wriggling around and trying to do bad things to you. Maybe you felt some dizziness, pains, flu like symptoms. It’s trying really hard to influence you as it dies. If you are super sensitive then yesterday was probably the worst day for you. But Kim’s guess is we should be completely done by Monday, maybe Tuesday at the latest. And as far as computers are concerned, we are down to plane 1, which means remaining dark consciousness coming from the quantum flip-fold over, of things that existed for eons is still dissipating and it has nothing to do whatsoever with crazy Langley people.
Final Comments
The deep state is still holding on to the diehards, those operatives from the 15 secret militaries and what they are trying to do is futile. Just like during a Dark Age there are limited things that Kim can do because she is not the one in charge in a Dark Age, there are limited things the deep state can do during a Light Age.
Kim is also not the one who decided to make this transition bypassing the Neutral Age and going to the Light Age. She is like our local representative, to aid in the transition until we put her out of a job. That is our job evidently, once we really start this Restoration Plan going. And what will that look like? Well, that means the 8 billion people on this planet will be developed into a functioning society without governors, without governments and we are all able to travel around and, well everything is changed. It means everyone will be functioning in an organic way rather than an inorganic way. Once we are all ‘live’–living again rather than experiencing its opposite, ‘evil’–dying, she can finally go retire. According to the Universal Council she will be around 80 when she can take a vacation. Oh dear, poor Kim!
Sending my prayers, love and compassion to all the innocent people caught in the conflict in the Middle East. And I’m sending prayers that Kim can take a vacation well before she is 80!
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Thankyou Kim and God bless you with success always as you move all humanity unto the Light.
Been following Kim for a couple of years… I am now OUT… There is no change at all, it’s gotten worse and I will believe it when she takes out someone we have heard of.. This all sounds like a fairy tale… JMHO
skipping neutral age: directly from dark to light. i always knew it, thanks to my master thakar and kim delivers the why and how and when. i am so thankful to all who helpfully particitpated in this martyrdom!
Pingback: Kimberly情報:地球全ての政府は、数か月後にお金が止められ消えます。 - 真実探究BLOG☆
Khomeini or do you mean Ali Kamenei?
So many things I always suspected but could never say why finally being revealed.
You just know it’s true.
There’s a schedule to things that looks familiar.
Personal memory, shared memory . . .
Thanks PJZ for the transcription.
23.10.2023 КИМ ГОГЕН ПРЯМЫМ ТЕКСТОМ – ВСЕ НЕИСПРАВИМЫЕ УДАЛЯЮТСЯ С ПЛАНЕТЫ. ПОСЛЕ СОВЕТА КИМ ПРИНЯЛА ДОЛГОЖДАННОЕ РЕШЕНИЕ. НЕСКОЛЬКО ЛЕТ НА РАЗНОГО УРОВНЯ СОВЕТАХ ДКЛАЛИСЬ ПРЕДЛЖОНЕЯ ПО УДАЛЕНИЮ ЧАСТИ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ С ПЛАНЕТЫ ПУТЕМ ПРОГРАМЫ СМЕРТИ ИЛИ ПЕРЕНОСА НА ДРУГИЕ ПЛАНЕТЫ ЗВЕЗДНЫХ СИСТЕМ. КИМ О МНОГОМ ПОКА ИЛИ НИКОГДА НЕ ГОВОРИТ. 10/23/2023 Kim Gauguin in direct text – all incorrigible are removed from the planet. After the council, Kim made the long -awaited decision. For several years, at different levels of the Soviets, the pre -military to remove part of the population from the planet by proof of death or transfer to other planets of stellar systems. Kim about a lot for now or never says.