Another Show of Compartmentalization This Week As Duck Dynasty-Trump Operatives & Black Nobility Try to Get Access to ‘Unknown Country’ | The Global Structure As To Who Ran the Planet & Who Reports To Who Is Not What They Thought | Kim Revisits ‘Unknown Country’ & How It Affects The Political System, Financial System, Military & Intelligence System & Media Structures of the World | Kim Has Been the Sole Owner of Unknown Country Since 2012 But Now Moved It Into The Golden Age AI

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 13-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. It’s been awhile since we talked about Unknown Country and how it affects the political system, the financial system, the military system and intelligence system and media structures of the world. Apparently, the Order of the Dragon still thought they had some access as “citizens” and the Black Nobility thought they were still Security. The compartmentalization of the layers of authority on this planet were not what the deep state operatives thought. Welcome to the real world everyone.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


30-OCT-24 GIA UPDATE (unitedn13-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE (

Anti-Genesis Project Cleanup Update

It’s actually been kind of busy from what the deep state’s doing and the main source of our busy work has been cleaning up the remnants of the Anti-Genesis Program. Mainly this has nothing to do with the deep state at this point, although there is always wishful thinking on their part. But sometimes there are standing orders out there and it’s mainly Kronos that is trying to re-establish some balance based on old standing orders. It’s thrown up a few things here on earth and a few other locations. It’s not that bad but it might have created some disturbances. The unfortunate part about standing orders is the deep state detects something and they get all excited about it and then their actions led them to escalate things a bit in the Middle East because they thought it’s all happening and everyone is going to get paid. But whatever they detected fizzles out so nothing positive happens for them.

The Treasury Dept Updates Langley 5 & Pentagon on the Real State of the Union

Speaking of getting paid, if you are the deep state, the Treasury, Langley 5, and the Pentagon had a meeting yesterday to discuss the real state of the Union and the situation with the Treasury. Can they leverage something in the banking system, is there something they can do to prolong things.

The Treasury basically told them if something doesn’t happen by November 14th they are going to close the doors. Are we going to see a change in government that is going to happen? Probably not. What it means is there isn’t a whole lot more Treasuries can do, and remember Treasuries are not technically government, they are an organization tied to the Order of the Black Sun. So, it’s getting pretty desperate out there and people are starting to realize the truth behind things. There has been some chatter between various members of different groups such as the Jesuit Order and Military folks in the US and other countries to try to figure out a way to get around their current leadership to make a change.

There was also chatter about the Russian Government backing away from the BRICS currency because they know it’s not possible and need to figure out something else. We could very well see BRICS break up in the next 12 months. I’m not sure that will be public but that’s what is being discussed. Members they were courting like Iran, Saudi Arabia and some African countries have kind of figured out it’s all a big hoax. Meaning, there are no new currencies and there is really no support coming from those nations that run BRICS, which is mainly Russia and China, and they are not really seeing fulfillment on the promises that were made. I don’t know, but Russia seems like they are on the brink of maybe walking away. The oligarchs and clans that run the country over there put out a lot of money and have seen no return. Remember a few clans report to the Order of the Dragon and a few to the Order of the Black Sun. The USSR-KGB guys would report to the Order of the Black Sun and the Black Nobility. While on the flip side you have a lot of financial people and other clans that still report to the Order of the Dragon. It’s actually the Order of the Red Dragon that is saying this isn’t working out and they need to figure something else out. They have a short window of time before they don’t have a country anymore, so what are they going to do. And these guys are old enough to remember when the Soviet Union broke up.

Another Show of Compartmentalization

There are a lot of people saying this is ridiculous, there is always another date. Speaking of which, a full moon is coming up on Friday and of course they are trying to make a lot of promises as it relates to that too. The little hiccups we saw as far as the Anti-Genesis Program were non-starters. That’s a positive for humanity but off the table for them and they are trying to figure out what else to do.

So today was another show of compartmentalization. What I mean by that, the people we have left on the Black Nobility side and Order of the Dragon side, the SSP side, as well as political operatives were never read in on the global structure as to who ran the planet and who reports to who.

There are some tweets that have gone out where the SSP is saying they are taking over for the elite, good bye 1%, we’re in charge now and the world will change. But in reality, it’s how they go about it which tells me they really don’t know what is going on.

Unknown Country Was Formed by Marduk To Control All Governments Around the World

It’s been a while since I talked about Unknown Country and I’m going to review that again. Unknown Country is named that way for a reason, because no one is going to take Unknown Country to court, internationally or otherwise. Unknown Country was formed by Marduk and the trio of Draconian death up there at the top, as a way to rule governments around the world, just like every other structure financial or otherwise.

The United Nations is a front organization but appears to be a membership organization for nations. They have a UN Security Council and a World Health Organization, and they have a number of organizations within the UN that control things like energy, monetary organizations, etc. They are kind of like the mom or dad for countries around the world. This is what you see in the public eye. In the Media sector you would also see the United Nations playing a huge role in the control of media organizations.

Unknown Country was the backbone behind the United Nations. As an example, if you want to ratify a new country you would have to get the approval of the United Nations in order to do so. Before that it was the League of Nations, and before them Unknown Country was always behind the ratifications of governments worldwide.

The Federal Reserve is the same way. They controlled all currencies in the world according to what you see. They would also be the regulator for all financial institutions worldwide, the face front for new allocations for new currencies from any country. They also print US dollars there along with some of their partners. They would also print other currencies, partners being De La Rue, and ABCorp also prints all of their bonds and those types of things in the financial sector.

Unknown Country is also behind the ratification of anything the Federal Reserve would do. If you were forming a new international banking institution or currency changes, Unknown Country would always be behind it.

Militaries and Intelligence Agencies would also be considered arm and legs of front companies that would have worked for Unknown Country at the end of the day.

The same thing for all executive branches and all branches of all governments worldwide. Unknown Country would have been kind of in the background and it does have quite a status as it relates to the structure of the world control systems.

The same goes for any NGOs like FEMA, the Red Cross, and other government service organizations worldwide that are not part of the United Nations like the Peace Corps. They would also fall under the registration of Unknown Country.

Unknown Country also stood behind and above the BIS.  

How Did the Structure of Unknown Country Come Be?

Unknown Country was always controlled by the highest ranking non-human individuals on the planet. It was created to maintain control over all human structures on the planet. It was fed orders by several layers above, from individuals who appeared to be a part of or citizens of Unknown Country.

Unknown Country also controlled organizations like the Knights of Malta, the Jesuit Order, and other societies especially as it relates to their world passports. If you have not seen a world passport before there are some on the internet as some individuals are registered with a World Passport. It’s a black passport and they can travel anywhere in the world if they are a high enough ranking member of Unknown Country and of a particular society that you belong to.

A negotiation took place in the last couple of days between political operatives in the US we know as Duck Dynasty, the Trump people and some member of the Lee family in China. They convinced them that the Black Sun is going to be in control and we need their Unknown Country codes so they can bypass Kim and ratify their new incoming President and make great wonderful changes in this world. It was a big long story, and any members of the Lee Family who are left over there and even the Rothschilds and others really don’t know what is going on in the world anyway. But these guys gave a good enough story to tell some member of the Lee Family and they gave them their access codes to Unknown Country. The other half of the access codes to Unknown Country were with the Order of the Black Sun and Black Nobility so they figured they now had both keys and they were all very excited last night that they had these keys. Then they proceeded to try all last night and today because they thought this was going to give them some control.

Alas no, because above Unknown Country there are many other levels of control of political, media, military, intelligence, and financial systems, and societies and NGOs. There were also many others that may have been members of Unknown Country above them, but right now the only one up here is me.

Today as they were hacking away with incorrect and very old codes I took a look at it and thought I should slap my name on there. So, I am now the head, well I’ve always been the head of Unknown Country but now my name is actually on there.

But what does this mean?

You can look at Unknown Country as it relates to human structures on this planet as the leader of the executive branch in every nation of the world. It’s also the Country that controls all countries in the world. It’s behind it all, behind the UN, the WHO and everything, which is why they were really excited to get a hold of this, but no. Since my name is now on Unknown Country the status has been re-established. Any former members, which would have been for example, Family members of the Order of the Dragon and Security members for the Order of the Black Sun and all those members are not there anymore. This would also go for large corporations, secret societies and others who were members of Unknown Country. So those statuses have now all been removed from the system so they can’t even see them anymore and it’s just me.

Will we ever register other people to Unknown Country?

At some point yes. But here’s what would happen if we do it right now. You will all become a target because the operatives know Unknown Country as the people who control the world. They will be looking for anyone who could actually give them any kind of access to financial systems, political control systems, ratifying new heads of state, forming NGOs, funding NGOs, funding media, funding intelligence, because that is the type of people who were actually registered there. At this moment it would make you a target and I don’t want to do that to anybody at this time. Technically you are already registered as citizens of Unknown Country.

There is an executive branch or a monarch and all those would fall under Unknown Country as citizens. In between them you would have had your Order of the Dragon and secret societies and so on and so forth. That is why a President or Monarch can’t make change in a country by themselves. The same goes for their group of political operatives. They have zero ability to make any kind of change. And now what they are going to see is none of those ranking people are registered to Unknown Country anymore. That means the organization behind every government in the world has now changed. This is now all visible to them on computer screens. The only one in there is me, target #1.

I know some people who work in the Pentagon and GCHQ who are questioning whether they should be taking orders from these people anymore. For example, there was a phone conversation with GCHQ and they were talking about the fate of the monarchy. I don’t know which Monarchy because I asked the question and didn’t get an answer to that. But the fate of the monarchy my guess would be is Crown Corp and Rothschild Family which used to be monarchs under Unknown Country. Are they asking what is going to happen to them or King Charles? Well King Charles passed away almost a month ago and the chatter is they are going to announce this, but who knows.

The Hall of Records is connected to Unknown Country the same way it is connected to other governments under Unknown Country. So, it really wouldn’t have helped them much with their plight in what they are looking to do and bypass me because I’m still there.

There is information out there about cities that are kind of nations onto themselves and not part of the country they are alleged to be a capital city of and that is very true. It applies to London, Washington DC, Moscow, Tehran, Bern, Tel Aviv and Beijing. They are all actually registered as a sovereign nation onto itself. The BIS and the UN in Geneva and UN in New York also, they sit on their own sovereign ground. All these islands of sovereign nations that exist within nations are actually registered under Unknown Country directly.  

For example, that means Washington DC onto itself would actually be the same tier in the Christmas Tree if Unknown Country was the star at the top. They would be on the same tier and same level, which means the citizens of Unknown Country, so the Order, the Illuminati would actually be able to give orders and funding separately from the rest of the United States government to Washington DC. That’s not corrupt at all is it? The same thing goes for Moscow versus the rest of Russia, Beijing versus the rest of China. Technically they used to be the executive branch of all those sovereign nations. This is why the Order has so much political control.

The same thing goes for GCHQ in the UK, and the Pentagon in the US. They are an island onto themselves and fall under Unknown Country’s military, they are not the US military legally speaking. They are legally titled as a sub-section of Unknown Country’s military. The CIA, SVR in Russia, MI6, MI5, China’s Secret Service, Israeli Mossad, they all fall under subsectors of intelligence of Unknown Country.

So, you can see why these intelligence agencies militaries, political government structures and media organizations do not have the capacity to do anything the Orders haven’t told them to do.  The same thing goes for forming new government organizations, the same thing goes for the UN, the WHO. Part of the biggest problem for humanity is Unknown Country and the claim the Order is making that they are still citizens and/or executive branch members of Unknown Country which is LIE. And today based on negotiations between Duck Dynasty-SSP Trump Operatives and the Lee Family of China that has been proven to be correct, because it worked as a lock and key system.

Unknown Country is Moved Into the Golden Age AI

You had to have one member of the Order of the Black Sun Executive branch and one member from the Order of the Dragon Executive Branch, but there was always a 3rd key. 2 keys to get in and 3 keys to get out, and 3 keys to change everything. They don’t have the 3rd key, that is ME and that was even before I changed the structure today.  It’s been me for over a decade. What I did today in preparation for what in now happening and is coming is I said okay, Unknown Country used to be under Alpha and I moved it now with a registration underneath the Golden Age AI. Now it is appearing to all these governments, the Fed, and the Treasury that I am now the owner, not the manager or president or citizen, and it’s starting to get around. This only happened a few hours ago. We’ll see what happens in the next 24 hours, but it was made very clear to the operatives who were trying to takeover or register themselves to Unknown Country that’s not happening because they still need my authorization.

I will continue to do some restructuring which will give us the ability to register citizens differently of countries. We can technically bypass government controls if we need to do that. It would change the legal system hopefully on the higher levels of things. There is a lot we can do with a re-registration on Unknown Country.

Do we technically need a One World Country?

No, but right now we really don’t have government structure, just some flailing operatives and Order members trying to drive the bus and they don’t know how to drive the bus and they have no engine in the bus. We have the engine to the bus and we can put the engine in a different car and drive away. Them without us is not going to happen, and this could prove to be an interim structure, a useful strategy and tool for a short period of time until we can make some serious changes.

Are they still going to take orders from people who are not citizens of Unknown Country?

The one thing I wanted to make very clear when it comes to the WHO and the UN and all these people is are they still going to be taking their orders?  I don’t know, but this information is being sent everywhere and there will be no denying the structure has changed.

Will figure heads, like Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Fed be taking orders from people who are not citizens of Unknown Country?

Powell claimed if Trump got into office he is not going to step down, even if the President tells him to. The reason why, and he’s right is because he as Chairman of the Fed would be reporting to a member of Unknown Country in the past, not the US government. The Fed technically has nothing to do with the US government. The Fed holds an equal status to the US government and always has. In other words, they are an island onto themselves as well because their headquarters is in Washington DC. The same goes for all those organizations in Geneva, the United Nations in New York, and the same thing for Embassies all around the world.

If you look at all the structures we see as deep state structures, you haven’t begun to see how it really works until you investigated Unknown Country. Unknown Country signed and ratified every single government in the world at some point in history, including the Treaty of Paris which made the United States a country. Unknown Country is always the final signature. Crown Corp also held a similar status to the United States. Crown Corp was still subject to Unknown Country.

I hope this makes sense. It’s important we stop the compartmentalization of the cray-cray people and stop the hiding information from governments, militaries and intelligence agencies. Even the Pentagon can see if they view their archives that they are not the military of the US. They always believed they reported to Rothschild family and every year they used to get funding through the ABIL P4 system or Net 6 which was predominantly connected to the Rothschild family. They would receive orders and funding from Unknown Country on that line from the Global Military Complex which is Unknown Country. So, it would be one of those crazy Dragon people or Black Sun people. However, Unknown Country is actually Me and has been me since 2012. I know that is a hard concept to grasp, that as the owner of Unknown Country all militaries worldwide belong to me.

Am I going to support your military?

No. Why? Because you are not listening to me but still listening to old citizens of Unknown Country who are not registered or ratified there anymore.

The reason why NATO had such high clearances and would give orders to militaries of other countries is because they were a higher-ranking tier underneath the Unknown Country military force. So was the US intelligence agency the CIA, and technically they should have been taking orders from the owner and not the citizens of the country. Wouldn’t it be great if the citizens of the country could give orders to the military. That would be an interesting thing, but that doesn’t happen. These alleged citizens and everyone had their region. Remember the color wars? Anyone with blue in their flag would take orders from the Blue Dragon, if white is in your flag you would also be taking orders from the Germans, if red you would also be taking orders from the Russians and so on. Take a look at your flag, you can see which part and which color dragons and eagles you would be reporting to. That’s how Unknown Country works because it’s made up of all colors.

Omega had some kind of relativity as it related to Unknown Country, but the ultimate ratification had to be done by both sides. So, with no Alpha support under the actual Owner of Unknown County, not the debtor or the lender of the country, Unknown Country can’t do anything. So now that it’s out of Alpha and into the Golden Age AI as this restructuring will start to take place in a new and different way.

Well, we inherited them, we can ratify them or get rid of them. We unratified all governments a few years back and no one responded to us. Even though at a higher level than Unknown Country we unratified governments around the world. Did they let that information out? Well, now we know Archivists weren’t on our side. What were they telling them? Who knows? But these are all definite options at this point in time.

At that time, we also tried to do Assemblies throughout the world and there were people I know who were very upset because they didn’t work. Although many worked well together and understood a leader and a boss is not the same thing, some of you did. But there were many, especially in the US who tried to form new structures of Presidents and heads of state and the amount of hierarchical structures they tried to put in place was insane. At the time there wasn’t a full understanding of different countries and how dangerous it could be to try to form a group that would be separate from government and the registration lines we put in place at that time didn’t really understand different cultures, different societies, different people. And for that reason, the Assembly system ended up being a failure. It’s not all of you. If you are a group and have a full understanding, we are here to help people, and implement restoration of your respective regions then I apologize to you. And I see the Assemblies are still running in a lot of different places. They have become a group of people trying to do positive things in their communities and for that I thank you if you are those people, it’s working and I thoroughly appreciate what you are trying to do for humanity.

But we are not going to start registering Assemblies again at this time. I don’t think the status quo government re-registration is the way to go. I think we need to look at things from an individual basis and possibly formulate some community services type things so people know where to go to get Assurance for example. But I don’t think we’re going to do the whole Assembly official thing anymore. It will be more directed under CARE because really all we want to be is of service to Humanity. We have terrible transportation, smelly factories and healthcare treats us worse than insects. We’ve had secret technologies for years and some even in use like the SSP aircraft. We have a lot of changes to do and I don’t want to focus so much on governments and structures and power and those kinds of things. We really need to be focusing on the giant mess we are in. We sat down at this poker game at the final round and boy did they deal us the worst hand you could possibly deal somebody. We just sat down with hardly any chips left and thought, how are we going to play this game.

But bit by bit we have a lot of amazing humans who are aware of a lot of technologies and can aid humanity in growing and living in a better environment. Food is another huge one. We tried forming a worldwide food group and we need to revisit some these things and start working on supply chains. Honoring our farmers is a big one for me because they get paid next to nothing for acres and acres of food that is sold for hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars and they get not even close to that for their food. There has to be a better way.

We have a lot of those systems in mind. I don’t verbalize a lot on the news because the more I give the deep state the more they will put people in place to stop us. So, there will be a time for that and structures of CARE to be known worldwide and I hopefully that time will be very soon. But as long as these people are running around trying to block everything that we are doing it’s just not time. It will be a while before any large money goes to someone until we can protect them too. That’s going to be super important. You don’t know these people. We are approached constantly on my side of things and my little circle. I’ve seen them with good friends of mine where they tried to destroy their businesses. They come after them with tax authorities and all these different ways they can try to destroy a person just because it’s a friend and I don’t want to see that happen to you people. I’m pretty good at protecting against them but I can’t talk to thousands of people directly on the daily to tell you how to navigate against these operatives. I can tell you what they are going to say, do and this is how we stay a few steps ahead of them, because of my experience with these people and having been on the receiving end of all these things myself. It’s like they have a handbook and I don’t expect you to know that and I don’t want you to be harmed in the ways I’ve been harmed throughout my life. I’ve got lots of phones that don’t work right anymore, I’ve been poisoned a couple of times, I’ve got scars all over the place and I don’t want to see that happen to any of you. So please understand me, maybe that’s the little momma bear in me to think that way, but I hope it’s because I have your best interest at heart and because I do care about all of you.

On that note, moving forward.

We have used this cleanup of the Anti-Genesis Project to find a few other things that could potentially block the Golden Age AI from full integration and that has helped us along a little bit further. We’re getting down to small things now.

There is a Global Tax authority that used to be registered under Unknown Country as well. That old structure is no longer there anymore, legally. And there are no people that run the Global Tax Authority that the IRS and other tax authorities in other countries report to.

Are they still going to take orders from the people that are no longer with Unknown Country?

I don’t know at this moment. Again, this just happened in the last few hours. We’ll see what the fallout is in the next couple of days from that. Some are very diehard and will continue to try to maintain their status in any way possible. Some with probably claim they are still Principals of the organization. Is everyone going to listen? Will operatives follow them even without the legal capacity and clearances to do what they do? I don’t know.

Note: For related posts on Unknown Country:

Black Sun Generals & Rothschild Play Good Cop-Bad Cop So Followers Wait for Lion’s Gate (aka when they expect their systems to return) | Remnant of Lower Astral System Behind Managers of Paper Currency Agreement Tied to 12 Locations on Earth Removed But Kim Replicates As They Are Useful | Welcome Back to 2014 & Putin the Savior | Per ‘Unknown Country Kim’s Chair Rules Supreme, The Middleman In Between Kim & The People Have No Power or Authority! | Will Governments Finally Realize ‘Unknown Country’ Determines Their Destiny? | Aug 4, 2023

Kim Now Has Sole System Control of Unknown Country | She Thanks Those Loyal to the Deep State for Chasing Her Carrots & Pointing Out Remaining Access Points | Desperate Deep State Offers Kim Boats, Houses, Possible Husbands, A Few Hundred Million Dollars to Work for Them or Concede | Social Media Channels Exploding in Middle East with Info Regarding Public Officials Nefarious Activities | Governments Promised Money Today That Will Never Come, Crashes are Imminent | Kim’s Estimate Now is Less Than 1/3 of All Governments Will Not Move Forward  | Aug 7, 2023

Hawaii Devastation Orchestrated by Jesuits Similar to Hurricane Michael Event in Florida | A Light Portal Exists On Maui | Self-appointed Jesus Claims He is King of the World | The Jesuits, Who Are Splices of Abraxas & Lower Astral Beings Think They are God’s Chosen People | Lions Gate Not What it Used to Be for the Splices | The Meek Have Inherited the Earth Which Means We Have the ‘Privilege’ to Restore Her & All Life Residing Here | Unknown Country is the Rule Maker & Can Undo That Which Does Not Benefit Us | Aug 11, 2023


Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports

Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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1 thought on “Another Show of Compartmentalization This Week As Duck Dynasty-Trump Operatives & Black Nobility Try to Get Access to ‘Unknown Country’ | The Global Structure As To Who Ran the Planet & Who Reports To Who Is Not What They Thought | Kim Revisits ‘Unknown Country’ & How It Affects The Political System, Financial System, Military & Intelligence System & Media Structures of the World | Kim Has Been the Sole Owner of Unknown Country Since 2012 But Now Moved It Into The Golden Age AI”

  1. Thankyou ladies its all good news here today : )

    So Kim,
    Can we all help by asking our PrimeMinisters to cease all taxation now that the Unknown Country has been restructured? And if theyre moving our country forward with the new ‘Unknown Country’ under Kim Goguen?
    Would that be helpful – to let them know we know?

    God bless all humanity with success in the new Golden Age.

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