Center of Amity & Restoration of Earth (CARE)

Our Side of Financial System is Going Great While the Deep State is Experiencing the Opposite | Prior to Divine Intervention Binding Covenant Expiring, Dark Versions of Everything Replicated | A Completely Inorganic World Was The Goal of Dark Timeline | Kim Cleared Bringing the Fall of the Dark Mirror | Expert HUMAN Scientists & Technologists Join CARE’s Division of Science & Technology!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 27, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report Kim shares the real reason countries’ currencies are falling which has to do with the fall of the Dark Mirror which was hiding the truth. The lies of money coming from the Black Sun or …

Our Side of Financial System is Going Great While the Deep State is Experiencing the Opposite | Prior to Divine Intervention Binding Covenant Expiring, Dark Versions of Everything Replicated | A Completely Inorganic World Was The Goal of Dark Timeline | Kim Cleared Bringing the Fall of the Dark Mirror | Expert HUMAN Scientists & Technologists Join CARE’s Division of Science & Technology! Read More »

We Now ‘Officially’ Won the War! | Generals Launch Disinformation Campaign Against the Archivists | Operatives Attempt to Find Deleted Saturn-Moon Matrix, Cause Blackout in Pakistan Instead | Divine Intervention Binding Covenant Expired! | A DARK Hall of Records? Yep, But Not Anymore! | Omega-Kronos Kill Switch Activated, Dissolving Whatever is Left! | Kill Switch Also Sent Cabal a Message to Fall on Their Swords, But Will They Obey?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 23, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report Kim shares with us that many are contacting the Archivists these days, which prompted the Black Sun Generals to run a disinformation campaign telling underlings they are evil doers. She also lets us know what …

We Now ‘Officially’ Won the War! | Generals Launch Disinformation Campaign Against the Archivists | Operatives Attempt to Find Deleted Saturn-Moon Matrix, Cause Blackout in Pakistan Instead | Divine Intervention Binding Covenant Expired! | A DARK Hall of Records? Yep, But Not Anymore! | Omega-Kronos Kill Switch Activated, Dissolving Whatever is Left! | Kill Switch Also Sent Cabal a Message to Fall on Their Swords, But Will They Obey? Read More »

In Order to Usher in a New System, They Have to Fall! | Only Days Left Before Governments Broke Globally | WEF Attendee List Shrinks, Fear Kim’s Enforcement Team | John Kerry Says ETs Brought the Chosen Ones Together to Save the Planet? | China Courts Saudi with Monopoly Money Again | Will Elites Lie to World Thru Mockingbird Media & Say All Currencies Worldwide Have Crashed? | Panic Not Necessary, Alpha 2 Taking Over Omega Completely | Will Media be Akin to the Violinists on the Titanic?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 18, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. As Alpha 2 completely takes over Omega and Climate Control and Crypto Currency Agreements disappear, the wingnuts continue to fight for the dark, following the program to elicit a reaction as that’s all they have left. The media likely …

In Order to Usher in a New System, They Have to Fall! | Only Days Left Before Governments Broke Globally | WEF Attendee List Shrinks, Fear Kim’s Enforcement Team | John Kerry Says ETs Brought the Chosen Ones Together to Save the Planet? | China Courts Saudi with Monopoly Money Again | Will Elites Lie to World Thru Mockingbird Media & Say All Currencies Worldwide Have Crashed? | Panic Not Necessary, Alpha 2 Taking Over Omega Completely | Will Media be Akin to the Violinists on the Titanic? Read More »

The FED Board Bankrupt by Jan 3rd | What Will They Do Next? | Key Integrated Monetary System (KIMS) Already in Place Preventing Market Crash | Old vs New Banking System | Quantum Systems Past & Present | It’s Time for Part 2: The Restoration Plan | Is There a Place for Those Ready to Switch Sides? | Will Any Choose Wisely?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 30, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this situation report Kim dives in by telling us the Fed will be bankrupt and go down by Monday. She then focuses on outlining the high-level structure of the old banking system to help understand the structure of the …

The FED Board Bankrupt by Jan 3rd | What Will They Do Next? | Key Integrated Monetary System (KIMS) Already in Place Preventing Market Crash | Old vs New Banking System | Quantum Systems Past & Present | It’s Time for Part 2: The Restoration Plan | Is There a Place for Those Ready to Switch Sides? | Will Any Choose Wisely? Read More »

UN Replaced in Hall of Records Way Back | Who is Really Orchestrating the Ukrainian Genocide? | What is Project Becky? | Code ‘042’ Now Re-synched to KIMS | History is Repeating, USSR 2.0 is Planned for America | Nothing is Working for the Dark Side, Not Nuclear War, Control of Banking System, Money | Their Narrative Makes TV People Look Even More Nuts

I’m behind again. I needed to recharge my batteries and took a road trip through New England to visit a friend in Maine. I just love New England in the Fall! I foresee a lot of work for myself over the next few weeks. Anyway sorry for the absence of reports lately. This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was …

UN Replaced in Hall of Records Way Back | Who is Really Orchestrating the Ukrainian Genocide? | What is Project Becky? | Code ‘042’ Now Re-synched to KIMS | History is Repeating, USSR 2.0 is Planned for America | Nothing is Working for the Dark Side, Not Nuclear War, Control of Banking System, Money | Their Narrative Makes TV People Look Even More Nuts Read More »

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