
Who is the One-Eyed Man? | What Do the 1st & 2nd Temples Mean? | What Does ‘Christ Will Be Reborn’ on Dec 25th Mean? | The Omega Covenant & Harvest Bill of Lading No More! | 1st Night of Hanukkah, ‘The Day’ of Transition: Bound to Slavery Curse Cancelled, Slavery Agreement for Soul Cycle Management Officially Broken | We Are Officially Leaving the Dark Timeline by December 22nd & Christ Will Be Born Again!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 19, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Another phenomenal report was provided by Kim. She explains the message she received in 2019 about the one-eyed man. She also shares some more real history around the first and second temples mentioned in the Bible, what Christmas and Hanukah …

Who is the One-Eyed Man? | What Do the 1st & 2nd Temples Mean? | What Does ‘Christ Will Be Reborn’ on Dec 25th Mean? | The Omega Covenant & Harvest Bill of Lading No More! | 1st Night of Hanukkah, ‘The Day’ of Transition: Bound to Slavery Curse Cancelled, Slavery Agreement for Soul Cycle Management Officially Broken | We Are Officially Leaving the Dark Timeline by December 22nd & Christ Will Be Born Again! Read More »

Trump Thingy’s Cringe Worthy Announcement | Both the Vatican & NSA Attempt to Implement Fake Banking Systems | 700+ Operatives Request Safe House Protection | Russian Military Warns of Possible Invasion of Fallen Angels | 18,000 Year Covenant Related to Conquer the Quest Agreement Expires Dec 15th | Black Sun’s Hopes of World Domination Dashed | Real History About the Great Flood & Our Moon

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 16, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report we have a cringe worthy update about Trump in tights as a super hero. The battle for the financial system continues as both the Vatican and NSA try to implement their fake banking systems and fail. …

Trump Thingy’s Cringe Worthy Announcement | Both the Vatican & NSA Attempt to Implement Fake Banking Systems | 700+ Operatives Request Safe House Protection | Russian Military Warns of Possible Invasion of Fallen Angels | 18,000 Year Covenant Related to Conquer the Quest Agreement Expires Dec 15th | Black Sun’s Hopes of World Domination Dashed | Real History About the Great Flood & Our Moon Read More »

Non-Repairable Countdown: – 94,000 | Control Grids Tied to the 7 Deadly Sins Uncovered & Dismantled | Who are the Council of 9? What Did Source Give Them the Greenlight to Do? | How are the Republicans Doing with their Quest to Regain Power with McCarthy at the Helm?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 30, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim started off this broadcast saying we have only about 6,000 problem people left. She gave us the scoop on a new find related the control grids, which no one on the side of the light had …

Non-Repairable Countdown: – 94,000 | Control Grids Tied to the 7 Deadly Sins Uncovered & Dismantled | Who are the Council of 9? What Did Source Give Them the Greenlight to Do? | How are the Republicans Doing with their Quest to Regain Power with McCarthy at the Helm? Read More »

No Big Surprise, Dead Trump is Running Again in 2024 | Generals Try, Like Poppy Bush in 2014 to Get Kim Assassinated for Zero Cost & Fail | Is the Secret Service Back in the White House? | Non-Repairable Countdown: -33,000 of 100,000

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 16, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gave us a short update about how the Generals tried to get her assassinated for free, that we’re down to approximately 67,000 targeted individuals left, her prediction that Trump’s big announcement was only that he is going …

No Big Surprise, Dead Trump is Running Again in 2024 | Generals Try, Like Poppy Bush in 2014 to Get Kim Assassinated for Zero Cost & Fail | Is the Secret Service Back in the White House? | Non-Repairable Countdown: -33,000 of 100,000 Read More »

Pindar Chair Show in Durango | Juan O’Savin’s Real Boss is The Pale Horsemen | Operation Wipe Out (aka) Armageddon Derailed! | Surviving Infiltrators Tagged & Likely Sweating Profusely

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on August 26, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post we’ll go over again some events in the previous update and provide updates on the Pindar Show. Also included is the real reason Juan O’Savin was stalling meeting with Kim, who his real boss …

Pindar Chair Show in Durango | Juan O’Savin’s Real Boss is The Pale Horsemen | Operation Wipe Out (aka) Armageddon Derailed! | Surviving Infiltrators Tagged & Likely Sweating Profusely Read More »

Who Owned the Moon? | Planet Mercury a Cyborg? | JASON/Pilgrim Society & Cronies of 13 Secret Militaries Wrecking Havoc | Did Crazy Jesuit Generals Make a Deal with their ‘Enemy’ the Khazarian Mafia while the ‘Meek’ Inherit the Earth? | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 21, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is Part 2 of a long Intel update. Topics include our Moon and who used to own it, how planet Mercury was turned into a cyborg, thousands of Tarzakien demons possessing willing humans were extracted, they tried reviving some …

Who Owned the Moon? | Planet Mercury a Cyborg? | JASON/Pilgrim Society & Cronies of 13 Secret Militaries Wrecking Havoc | Did Crazy Jesuit Generals Make a Deal with their ‘Enemy’ the Khazarian Mafia while the ‘Meek’ Inherit the Earth? | Part 2 Read More »

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