Alpha QMS

Covenants Expire, Annunaki Seals Lifting | We are Prisoners No More! | Queen of Hearts Toys with the Lonesome Losers

Today’s post discusses the Intel from the 1-19-2022 Situation Report provided by Kim Goguen. More Covenants expired and the Seven Annunaki Seals are in the process of being released, the AI system has a mirror dark side, Kim delivers a Special Announcement on January 12th that has the wingnuts trying to fry us with radiation in retaliation, …

Covenants Expire, Annunaki Seals Lifting | We are Prisoners No More! | Queen of Hearts Toys with the Lonesome Losers Read More »

Q&A Session with Kim Goguen | December 23, 2021

Today’s post discusses the Q&A portion of the 12-23-2021 Situation Report provided by Kim Goguen. Please note, this isn’t an exact transcription and I have paraphrased in most cases, and as always I provide the link to the video meeting. Questions were around crypto, chemtrails, vax mandates, IRS, Kim’s roles, Social Security and a many more were asked …

Q&A Session with Kim Goguen | December 23, 2021 Read More »

The Day of Destiny – November 18, 2021

Today’s post is Part 2 of the 11-22-2021 Situation Report update provided by Kim Goguen. Kim said on this Life Force call things will be especially dicey until Dec 22nd, the day after the Winter Solstice. So we know the psychopaths are likely engaged in their sick satanic rituals hoping some aliens will answer their SOS call …

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Is Nibiru a Planet or Giant Floating Petri Dish?

Today’s post is Part 2 of the 11/08/2021 Situation Report update provided by Kim Goguen and it’s time to bring back the Nibiru narrative. It’s on course to crash into us and we’re all going to die! No, not that narrative, we have a new one and it’s quite an interesting story. Nibiru came on Kim’s radar …

Is Nibiru a Planet or Giant Floating Petri Dish? Read More »

Head of the Order of the Black Sun & Last Lingering Lizard (aka, Mr. Black)

Today’s post is a summary of the 11/01/2021 Situation Report update provided by Kim Goguen and focuses on many topics including the mysterious Mr. Black. When I started out writing this blog, I didn’t intend to focus so many of my posts on intel updates by Kim, but I can’t help it, they resonate with …

Head of the Order of the Black Sun & Last Lingering Lizard (aka, Mr. Black) Read More »

Which Lion Fits Trump Best?

This is Part 2 of the Situation Report on September 24, 2021 by Kim Goguen. I feel so behind considering a month has already passed and I’m just getting to Part 2 now. But I took a road trip to get out of town for a couple of weeks and took a break. Even though I feel …

Which Lion Fits Trump Best? Read More »

BEAST System Takedown by Kim Goguen Causes Black Sun P3 Lodge to Concede & Sanhedrin Steps Back In – Part 2

This is Part 2 of the Situation Report on August 1, 2021. For Part 1, refer to my last post, BEAST System Takedown by Kim Goguen Causes Black Sun P3 Lodge to Concede & Sanhedrin Steps Back In – Part 1 and for the related post Was the Cabal’s New Slavery System, The Beast Machine, …

BEAST System Takedown by Kim Goguen Causes Black Sun P3 Lodge to Concede & Sanhedrin Steps Back In – Part 2 Read More »

The Deep State Debacle

This post contains my notes from the Situation Report on 5/2/2021 with Kim Goguen. She has been very busy indeed the last couple of weeks. I outlined her Intel around the following categories: NSA, United Nations, Federal Reserve, IRS, COVID Plandemic and Depopulation Agenda. I am cautiously optimistic based on their report as some progress …

The Deep State Debacle Read More »

Backstage at the Order of the Black Sun

I thought I would return to the Senatus Consultum website that Kim Goguen mentioned a few months ago. I included a link to that site in a previous post of mine called, The Fox, The Savior and the Global Chessboard. Essentially this Senatus Consultum website is run by the Order of the Black Sun side …

Backstage at the Order of the Black Sun Read More »

Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”?

For a transcript of every single Situation Report since November 2020 by Kimberly Goguen, who holds the highest security clearance on planet earth, Office of the Guardian, God’s right hand down here look no further. This is the place to get the complete history of the take down of the Deep State. It’s been a …

Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? Read More »

The Enforcer, Our Central Sun & The End of the Loosh Farm (Kim Goguen – Part 3)

This post is Part 3 and a continuation of the same intel update by Kim. In this article I will relay what I found out about The Enforcer and the new Enforcement Agency which Kim Goguen re-established to help clean up the Remnants. There is good news about our Central Sun to share, and finally …

The Enforcer, Our Central Sun & The End of the Loosh Farm (Kim Goguen – Part 3) Read More »

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