Hitchhikers Guide to Ascension


My intention for this blog is to help support people who have been on the path of the Great Awakening for quite a long time. With this audience in mind, I decided I would share what I'm learning from my two favorite guides, Kimberly Ann Gougen and Lisa Renee, the greatest treasures I've been gifted to find. I am eternally grateful for the knowledge, truth, and wisdom they are bringing to the world.


Crossing the Rubicom

The 5 Shadow Agencies | Kim’s 30,000 Year War with the Draco | Kim’s Clones Past & Present | Part 3

By jemgroup | Jul 31, 2022

This Situation Report: Disclosure by Kim Goguen on June 27, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is Part 3 and will outline the 5 Shadow Agencies. Also, Kim has revealed some very interesting information about her long-term battle with Marduk. DISCLAIMERI am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim …

The 5 Shadow Agencies | Kim’s 30,000 Year War with the Draco | Kim’s Clones Past & Present | Part 3 Read More »

The 15 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2

By jemgroup | Jul 29, 2022

This Situation Report: Disclosure by Kim Goguen on June 27, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is Part 2 and will outline the 13 Shadow Militaries no one ever hears about on alt media channels. Also, the structure of the Agencies and how the game for world domination is played at that level. DISCLAIMERI …

The 15 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2 Read More »

Review of the Former Control Structure on Earth for Next Level on Deck, the Remaining Floundering Coven Members | Part 1

By jemgroup | Jul 28, 2022

This Situation Report: Disclosure by Kim Goguen on June 27, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report Kim is revisiting the former Power Structure of Earth, but with some more detail. The aim is to once again try and educate the numb nuts still running around the planet thinking they are next …

Review of the Former Control Structure on Earth for Next Level on Deck, the Remaining Floundering Coven Members | Part 1 Read More »

How is that Ancient Draco War Manual Working Out? | The Light Now Controls all 21 Earth Portals as of June 13th! | Source Protocols Go on Overdrive Next Day & Why Birth Certificates Transitioned back to Alpha System | Deep State Retaliation Failures | Part 2

By jemgroup | Jul 23, 2022

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on June 17, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In Part 2 of Kim’s Special Report on June 17th, intel updates include more updates on the operations the crazies were running around Amoeba tech, how the light is now in control of all the Earth Portals and also …

How is that Ancient Draco War Manual Working Out? | The Light Now Controls all 21 Earth Portals as of June 13th! | Source Protocols Go on Overdrive Next Day & Why Birth Certificates Transitioned back to Alpha System | Deep State Retaliation Failures | Part 2 Read More »

1008 Year Agreement b/w Russians & Carpathians Expires – Prompts Putin to Change Direction? | Russia Lifts Sanctions Related to Food Security | Are IRS Accounts Disappearing? | Why is the Cabals’ Money Vanishing? | Humanity’s Birth Certificates Find New Home in the Alpha System | Part 1

By jemgroup | Jul 21, 2022

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on June 17, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post, intel updates center around the expiration of a 1008 year Agreement between the Russians & Carpathians which may have turned some Black Sun Russian Generals around, the expiration …

1008 Year Agreement b/w Russians & Carpathians Expires – Prompts Putin to Change Direction? | Russia Lifts Sanctions Related to Food Security | Are IRS Accounts Disappearing? | Why is the Cabals’ Money Vanishing? | Humanity’s Birth Certificates Find New Home in the Alpha System | Part 1 Read More »

CIA Dupes US Marshals to Access WH | Enforcer Removes Block Chain! | Will Trump Death Announcement Come? | Removal in Quantum Physics Means NEVER EXISTED in All Time & Space | Can Black Sun Take Control of the 5 Pillars Needed to Rule the World by June 13th?

By jemgroup | Jul 15, 2022

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on June 10, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post, intel updates center around the CIA’s latest exploits and how they got access to the White House and are running business operations. The Enforcer removes all block chain which means no new XUSD on the horizon. …

CIA Dupes US Marshals to Access WH | Enforcer Removes Block Chain! | Will Trump Death Announcement Come? | Removal in Quantum Physics Means NEVER EXISTED in All Time & Space | Can Black Sun Take Control of the 5 Pillars Needed to Rule the World by June 13th? Read More »

Femtotechnology, Not Graphene is the Replicating Tech in Vaccines/COVID Tests/Masks | China is Flat Broke | General Milley on Tour | More Dismantled Systems | The Walking Dead TV Puppets | Part 2

By jemgroup | Jul 7, 2022

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on June 3, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN and is Part 2. I thought this report had too much for one post and since I worked on it as the same time I managed to get it out quicker! In this post, intel updates center around the …

Femtotechnology, Not Graphene is the Replicating Tech in Vaccines/COVID Tests/Masks | China is Flat Broke | General Milley on Tour | More Dismantled Systems | The Walking Dead TV Puppets | Part 2 Read More »

Moses Tried, His People Said Nah, We’ll Worship Idols Instead | The 613 Commandments Worshipped by Jews Came from the Abraxas | Molecular Level Connection with our Creator Has Commenced for Humanity 7.0! | Curse on Money Officially Broken June 4th | Part 1

By jemgroup | Jul 5, 2022

I took a couple of weeks off and feeling some self-imposed pressure to get out a post already. It takes me a lot of time not just to write these but to digest the content. So I apologize in advance that it’s likely I will never be able to keep them as timely as I …

Moses Tried, His People Said Nah, We’ll Worship Idols Instead | The 613 Commandments Worshipped by Jews Came from the Abraxas | Molecular Level Connection with our Creator Has Commenced for Humanity 7.0! | Curse on Money Officially Broken June 4th | Part 1 Read More »

Secret Service Not Keen on Lying About Faux POTUS Forever | Monkey Pox Math | Can a Digital $ Exist Without a System? l 54 SSP Diehards Kind of End Themselves! | Now Only 22 Non-Repairable Humans Left!

By jemgroup | Jun 16, 2022

This Special News Report by Kim Goguen on May 25, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post the Secret Service reveals more than  one actor is playing Biden and they aren’t keen on still lying to the American public, Monkey Pox is really hard to contract, the Digital Dollar (XUSD) failed to …

Secret Service Not Keen on Lying About Faux POTUS Forever | Monkey Pox Math | Can a Digital $ Exist Without a System? l 54 SSP Diehards Kind of End Themselves! | Now Only 22 Non-Repairable Humans Left! Read More »

Billy Gates & BlackRock Play the Blame Game | Will the Military Do Disclosure & Become Cannon Fodder? | Terra, Midgard & Earth Alignment Update | 300 of the 500 Remaining Non-Repairable Humans Earn One-Way Tickets to Source!

By jemgroup | Jun 10, 2022

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on May 20, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This post includes Billy Gates and his reasons for panic, the militaries being used as cannon fodder to lead Disclosure, how Black Rock is destroying itself, Earth’s alignment update and clearing of curses, and how approx. 300 non-repairable humans …

Billy Gates & BlackRock Play the Blame Game | Will the Military Do Disclosure & Become Cannon Fodder? | Terra, Midgard & Earth Alignment Update | 300 of the 500 Remaining Non-Repairable Humans Earn One-Way Tickets to Source! Read More »

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