This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 27, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim alludes to changes happening behind the scenes at some of the largest companies, the police departments, New York in particular and what the crazy remaining operatives were up to in preparation for the full moon and 30-day window of the winter solstice. It was a long one.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Are the Big 4, (Really Big 5) in Trouble?
KPMG, Deloitte and Touche, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Ernst & Young and Kim added Dentons which is one of the world’s largest firms are the world’s largest companies and you often see them involved with governments and in auditing large corporations. Well, there is a lot of controversy surrounding these companies. KPMG has some of the largest data centers in the world that are solely theirs. In order to get such a luxury, they would have to be involved with the NSA in some shape or form, or with 9 Eyes to be afforded these large top tier data centers. There is a lot of information that goes through those data centers and Kim has seen a lot of activities we would consider illegal going through those servers. She has told us before about the incident she knew of first hand, of the party (Team Bubba) running child trafficking rings over in Maryland near DC, with child pornography online which linked to child auctions. When she turned this information over to the authorities, they ignored her.
Kim can tell us unequivocally these Big 4/5 definitely are in tight with agency people and they often times go in to perform economic assassinations of companies and countries. In the US and every country in the world they are very involved with law enforcement, but not against the elite. They are very involved with the Department of Justice here in the US but it is a worldwide operating organization. They often cherry pick people from the FBI and other agencies to join the Department of Justice worldwide. Sometimes they call themselves the International Court of Justice. But the purpose behind these people is to serve the elite and keep the slaves in line. They are not here to help you in anyway, and they don’t care about slave disputes among slaves. Rather, if you are a corporation that created a new technology or come up against one of their elite corporations, or you are having an auditing problem, then these people are definitely not your friend and it’s best to stay away from them whenever possible.
Police Resignations in New York
And this also ties into the problem we are seeing happen with the Police Department in New York which is why Kim included the history in the news as to why we originally had police departments. Below is the bit from Sunny’s report.
Policing in the US has a controversial background. In the North policing goes back to the 1600s when the English seized control over New Amsterdam now known as the state of New York. The Police was privately funded and charged with the protection of the elite interests in the New World. This meant keeping the elites ‘working class employees’ inline. In the South policing meant mainly slave patrols as early as 1704. Under Governor Cuomo’s term there was much controversy due to the police allegedly having performed services for the Governor’s private interests. The recent departures have to do with their lack of interest in enforcing the Governor’s tyrannical policies such as the involuntary lockdowns, or is there more to this story?

There are a lot of good men and women who are here to help people and they are members of the Police Department, FBI, CIA, MI6, MI5 and they don’t really know what they are getting involved in when they join, unless they are of the higher ranks. New York in particular, has one of the most interesting Police Departments in the US at this point as it is a center for the Deep State. The main operating Federal Reserve is there even though ‘technically’ it’s in Washington DC, as well as the main operating Treasury Department for the entire world, even though we might know it to also be in Washington DC or locally in your respective country.
There are a lot of other things that happen in New York. For instance, it is a big port city and there are a lot of interesting items that come and go through the ports in New York which is managed in collaboration with the New York Police Department. There are other activities that go on in New York as well that are managed in collaboration with the police. Kim was hinting at the organized mafia in Hell’s Kitchen, the Irish group that is there, the Italian and Jewish sectors in the diamond district.
But now things are changing a little bit as they are trying to implement laws and mandates that are tyrannical, a bit insane and the police are jumping ship, they don’t want to participate. And they are not getting their special money either. Kim isn’t talking about every person who is a police officer, but the select people who were placed there by the Senior Executive Service (SES), who have worked for the elite and different groups. And Kim thinks the current governor of New York is a cousin of Pelosi, so what does that tell you and who they are working for.
China’s New Flu
On another related topic, if you watched the China news recently you’ve probably seen there is a new flu, possibly the bird flu, and there is possibly a case of the bird flu in the UK. What Kim is seeing is potential lockdowns in China again and she is seeing the same thing in New York City, the narrative is almost in lockstep. I’m guessing the New York police are not up for that again. Kim said to connect the dots and start paying attention to what they want you to do as this applies to what the crazy people wanted to do this weekend, which she will get to soon.
What if Trump Dies Now Circulating
We talked about the requirements for the Global Repository (aka Kim) and for governments. One of those is if someone is dead, they need to be announced dead, which is Trump of course. And she emphasized it was natural and not an assassination. This has yet to go mainstream, but what has instead is an article about what if Trump dies before the election, if it happens before or after then what? For example, Business Insider speculates on Trump’s DEATH and how it would impact 2024 election (
Benjamin Fulford Acknowledges Trump was Black Sun
Another article was by Benjamin Fulford which has some interesting tidbits.

Corrections According to Kim | Bush Sr’s Death
But Fulford’s article is not entirely accurate because Kim knows for a fact Bush Sr. was not executed for treason; he was executed by the Yakuza in 2014 because he made a deal and promised lots of money to get and keep Fukushima leaking, then didn’t deliver the goods.
To summarize again, the Yakuza actually got the contract for the “cleanup” for Fukushima and that was even in RT news at the time. They were transporting enriched uranium into several locations throughout the African continent, predominantly in places close to manufacturing plants of urea. Bush and Henry Kissinger also tried transporting it into the US at the time, and when they failed to pay for their enriched uranium, Bush Sr. ate bad fish. That’s the Yukuza’s signature when they make someone go away.
The other thing in Benjamin Fulford’s article which is not accurate is his statement that the new Furer of the Black Sun is Elon Musk. That’s not true, but he is involved with the Order of the Black Sun. But he does get something right when he states the real Trump is aligned with the same group. Obviously Fulford hasn’t read the memo that Trump is dead, but he was aligned with the Black Sun and so was his father. So, it is an interesting development in that it’s coming out in other places and not just from Kim. They are starting to tell a narrative of who is who and who to trust and not trust.
Another Black Dragon Appointed and Dies Within 24 Hours
Now Bush Senior, who everybody in the alt media pretty much agrees is a terrorist, actually held the position as head of the Black Dragon, which was a very important position amongst those in the Order of the Black Sun, but Kim needs to repeat a few things. We’ve had several come and go over the years and none have lived longer than 24 hours, and the one they appointed on Saturday is no exception. He was in Jackson Hole barking out orders, a creation of the Bushwackers and Trump Humper operatives, the ones who think they are going to bring dead people back into the White House. This was all orchestrated in accordance with the upcoming full moon and the Winter Solstice that is coming up. So they are really just trying to delay until their special days.
These folks have been doing some interesting things and that appointment was just one of them. But what they fail to understand is the Order of the Black Sun is not a ratified registered society anymore. Trying to revive the dead without any support from its origins is not going to help them. Remember, as above, so below and the Order of the Black Sun correlates with an actual Black Sun made of dark neutrino plasma energy found in the 9th plane in the 9th density of the lower astral in the Omega-verse. That’s where it got its name from and who they worked for. They worked for the Dark Overlord, for Lucifer, the Dark Prince who was a non-human human, for someone and everyone in the Lower Astral, the Omega-verse, Hell as you know it. That’s who they are, so trying to put a new guy in charge is not going to revive a multi-verse, nor a computer system, nor an Omega-verse. Kim is explaining this again because unfortunately we now have a new group who needs to understand what they are doing. They are playing with machines they know nothing about. They might have some remnants of operatives that worked with Cyberlife or Krueger Militaries (which she is mentioning on purpose) but what they don’t understand is that this is what they are doing. And those in the alt media are preaching this is a God moment, but there is no God down there. Trust Kim, she’s been there, there is nothing there anymore. So, without support from Source itself splitting in 2 like it did at the beginning of creation they are never going to get it back and their problem is not with Kim but Source itself.
Crazy Operatives Try to Repeat Past Operations & End Up Dead
We have a full moon today around 4pm EST, and as is typical of them, 3 days before the full moon it’s on, but this is also 30 days before the Solstice. So, they are thinking if it’s ever going to be, this is the time.
Let’s start off with sharing their brilliant idea which is America needs to have a near death experience to ‘wake the people up’. Well, that’s not true at all. There is no reason to hurt people financially or otherwise to wake up the people. Now you have to look at it from an aspect of where they come from. They are coming from a land of non-human beings, demons, demon summoning, playing with demons as Elon Musk did as a child and all this weirdness, where they believe their job is to be the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse. We’ve heard that story about a year ago, they believe they need to the beat the living crap out of people so they’ll know God. But that is not true and not necessary. There are many other ways of waking up people other than what they tried to do this weekend. And Kim will share a little later what Source has in mind.
What were they up to this weekend?
Tried to Blow up the Golden Gate Bridge
They thought this would be a good idea, probably because of the portal that was under the bridge that they tried to open awhile back. The detonator for the bridge was not a human thing and it used to be located on the island of Alcatraz. The bridge itself was made of made-in materials and was a hyperconductor for a highly caustic material. Well, they arrived there on Saturday but didn’t find the detonator because it’s been gone for over a year. There was other stuff at the Presidio that is also not there anymore. Again, this is the problem we have when a new crew steps up because you have to teach them all over again what is not there and not working because there is nothing in the Omega-verse to help them anymore. So, this group is no longer with us.
Tried to Blow the Ring of Fire Once Again from Keahole Corridor in Kona, Hawaii
Next, we had operatives over in Kona, Hawaii for quite awhile, trying to fix a system to get ready for something else horrible. This particular underground facility was under the Keahole Corridor in Kona that used to be connected to all the underwater volcanoes in the world, similar to the one in South Africa. It was also connected to a higher version of caesium, which is an element. People may have heard of 137 but this is a different version of that, it’s a goldish brown liquid form of it. It was located in the teutonic plates. These operatives had been working feverishly to get it up in running so they could blow the Ring of Fire once again. Not only that they would also like to blow the San Andreas fault, not all faults but that one because according to them America needs a near death experience. Except they don’t think what’s next and there are no alters there, no connections with the Omega-verse or hell, or Horseman of the Apocalypse, no nothing to make this machine work. The base platform is gone and you cannot connect to anything.
Now everybody is dead except for one person who escaped because he was too scared to be down there.
Went to Facility in Wyoming to Gain Connection to We Humans
They also went to Wyoming because there still were remnants of a facility down there with no connection. The entryways to this facility are the following: The Devils Playground, the Devil’s Tower (which is national monument), the Devil’s Gate, the Devil’s Kitchen and the Devil’s Monument. Yep, you ‘white hats’ are definitely saving humanity by going to this Devil’s facility.
In this facility they intended on firing up and gaining connection to us people. Kim said if you had some emotional or physical experiences of discomfort it’s likely because they tried to engage some implants you used to have in your person. The frequencies they sent out trying to engage the Omega system may have caused some discomfort as they did have some disease plasma there. But the whole thing was taken out yesterday.
The ’Q Clock’ Was Reset & Beware the Pale Horse?
Another question everyone has been asking about is the Q clock because it’s been reset from this morning to add another day, which brings us to noon EST tomorrow. It even says on there, Beware a Pale Horse and his name is death, blah blah.
Seriously people, are you still following this like it’s a patriotic movement? It’s not a patriotic movement! It is some weirdo crackpot plan that probably came 4 or 5 decades ago to some coven members who are dead now. And operatives from the dumb section are really, really dumb! They have no forward plan, no way out, and no idea what they would do after they blew up the bridge and financial system crashes. There is no payout for death and no access to the monetary system. I found some related comments to this but not the exact one Kim is talking about on the Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 11, 2023 – Rose Rambles…

Space Force at Peterson Airforce Base Dropped US Down to DEFCON 1
Peterson Airforce Base Space Force in Colorado Springs, in cooperation with the same brilliant operatives actually dropped the US down to DEFCON 1. They didn’t even tell the Pentagon, Kim had to notify them. She didn’t see any nuclear weapons heading for the United States coming from a foreign country so she wasn’t sure why we were at DEFCON 1, but eventually she tracked it back to NORAD and the Space Force and the Trump humping operatives.
The reason why they did this is because they were under the delusion if we were under DEFCON 1 all Agency systems, the financial system and the Key Intelligence and Monitoring System (KIMS) which is not even part of any government system would revert over to a backup database which NORAD doesn’t actually have anymore at Peterson Airforce base. It failed miserably and everyone in the Pentagon was arguing with the Space Force. Remember the last time, which was not so long ago they dropped us down to DEFCON 2 and then tried to fire up an old database system in Dallas, Texas and it didn’t work. So again, Kim has to train a new group of operatives “who think they are better than they are but don’t know about the toys they are playing with.” Those are not your toys and most have been removed anyway and they are peeing in the wind.
Note: Below excerpt from my related DEFCON post 9/26/2022, Rumors Around 25th Amendment/Martial Law/10 Days of Darkness/Nuke Attack/Banking Crisis | Was Xi Jinping in Hiding? | Dueling Agency People Fight for their Dead POTUS Pick | Kim’s Notes Go Viral in Spook Community | Status of Kim’s Offer to Blackrock | Just Empower Me

Submitted More Agreements to the Hall of Records
They kept submitting agreements and even did it again today. They submitted the agreement for a new Black Dragon obviously which went to Kim and they also submitted to her other agreements for the financial system, money for the war effort etc. It’s not going to the lower astral, its going right to Kim’s desk. She is tired of getting these requests so she shut off all communication lines to the Hall of Records except to those of the Archivists.
Tried to Call the Treasury Dept to Buy More Time
The Rothschild’s scam of appointing a fake Black Dragon didn’t work as of this morning. The operatives that retire in Jackson Hole, Wyoming are predominantly Federal Reserve, Order of the Dragon, and Monarch Military operatives, and when their lie didn’t hold, they called the Treasury Dept and tried to buy more time. Kim then sent the Legions back to handle the situation this morning. But she doesn’t even know how any are left because they are dropping like flies and dying at a rapid rate. You make a phone call you die and there is nobody left to make a phone call. But what she is seeing a lot of now are operatives playing the part of the Families. Oh yes, even though my last name is Smith I am the long-lost cousin and everyone just believes them. The whole world is running on a lie right now and it’s just getting worse.
Now these operatives are a very small percentage, yet think they can do this thing. But what they don’t understand either is Bush was never in charge. There was always a coven, then a coven master, then the Parents, Marduk, Enki, Enlil behind the curtain. And the Order of the Black Sun wasn’t the Order of the Black Sun without the Abraxas, the humanoid demons from the lower astral.
Big Banks Are Starting to Call Kim Looking for Money
Kim said she received some calls from people who were sent by the banks to go find some money. One such conversation was with Wells Fargo. He explained to Kim the bank is bankrupt. Kim then stated to us that they should not have the capacity to touch our money as she took away the transitory access to the best of her ability, which they were using to hold customer deposits. She hasn’t seen them use anything new since. But they are in a bit of a conundrum because they don’t know where they are going to find any money and they still think they have to adhere to Federal Reserve capital requirements which a long time ago went out the window. Their problems are also compacted because they are getting IOUs from the Treasury Department which are coming due for things like Social Security, Medicare payments, Veterans pay, Post Office payments and other Federal workers payments. They are racking up big bills now and they need help. They conversation she had with this man from Wells Fargo she wanted to share to let everyone know why the banks are so messed up.
The Banks Are Messed Up Because the Families Are Still Being Treated as Shareholders
She has talked about the Order of the Dragon being in the financial sector predominantly. The Order of the Black Sun also had a financial sector that played the role of bankers, sometimes wartime bankers, and they also played other fictitious roles such as bank security. By bank security it could be Citadel in New York who protects the Treasury and the Fed there. They also usually are the managers of the back office of the banks in compliance to make the slaves comply with the elites. They often make decisions regarding cyber security and IT as well. In every Tier 1 bank in the world there are definitely 2-3 of them on that level as IT.
This man from Wells Fargo she had a conversation with worked for BlackRock at one time and she had a very frank conversation with him saying he needed to leave the Lee family out of Wells Fargo if she is going to help Wells Fargo. He said they can’t, they have always been shareholders since the inception of the bank. The same goes for JP Morgan, UBS, Credit Suisse but not necessarily the same Dragon Family. Remember Kim told us numerous times about Mr. Lee the dry cleaner related to the Kuman Tang and Mae Wa who was the incarnate of Lilith, and Order of the Black Sun? Well, the reason why all the large banks are in trouble is because the Lee family are primary shareholders of that bank and other Families of the Order are primary shareholders for other big banks. Different Families managed either by the Order of the Black Sun or the Rothschild side which is why JP Morgan was a cousin of Rothschild. You have the Rockefeller family deeply embedded as well from the Black Sun side in JP Morgan. So, how it used to work is if a deposit comes in of new money, then it was Rockefeller who approved it. If it was Wells Fargo then it was the Lee Family who approved it. If it was UBS then it was a family out of Indonesia (she thinks).
Marduk Formed the Banks Not the Families
The problem is these families were not the ones who gave up the gold to form the banks. It all came from Kim’s predecessor, Marduk at the time. These banks were granted access to founding deposits, gold and otherwise to form these institutions. However, the illusion the shareholders are still going to be there is wrong. All Kim is doing is cutting out the middle man here. Kim told this man, in order to help them they need to get rid of those people.
How the GIA Can Help
But they are very scared right now because they didn’t understand that. And if they do get rid of them, what does that mean? Kim then explained the GIA can provide security if he wants to save his bank. She can also have service provider contracts, which are no longer custody agreements where they can still make a lot of money for managing said bank, but she is not playing this game anymore. Those people were in a management position until 2018 legally. An extension was given to the Fed until 2022 and now there is no obligation in any way, shape, or form other than she took all her assets back, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, UBS, Credit Suisse, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, DBS in Singapore, Bank of China, VTB Bank in Russia, etc. She can go through every major bank, every Tier 1 and Tier 2 bank in the world and she will tell you she is the one who took all the assets back, not the Lee family, not anybody else. She does know you had fake servers showing there was still gold and assets in China coming from under the AIIB which is the Asian infrastructure Bank in Hong Kong, but that wasn’t actual touchable money now was it bank people? Those were fake accounts; fake servers and those people have no access to it and that is why they keep promising you every day ending in ‘y’ you will get access and don’t because it’s not real.
Kim’s Warning
The real assets are back in the Alpha system where they belong because she has no agreements to provide them to those people anymore. The Dark Age is over and those Families are over. That money will never be made good as long as the banks conform with those people.
So, the banks are now seeing real numbers and the reality of their situation and they are looking for a way out. Now Kim just explained why they are in such bad shape and how to save their banks, so they have been warned. We can use the buildings or not. If we have to, we can use solar powered ATM machines which can be dropped anywhere. We can create our own money out of anything, we don’t need any of their people and we have the GIA and the Legions!
Source’s Plan to Wakeup Humanity!
This is important and was relayed to Kim by the Archivists to remind her to tell us this today.
Starting around the 23rd of November Earth and all its inhabitants started receiving a form of high energy neutrinos which is powerful enough to wake up a certain part of the brain. There is a part of your brain that is responsible for your ability to connect with Source, remote view, your psychic and intuitive skills. Over the next few days as this energy builds, we have an opportunity to repair a part of the brain they have worked very hard to hamper, or break. That part of the brain is called the caudoputamen. This also affects the globus pallidus and the basal ganglia and there are many classified CIA investigations into this particular part of the brain and how to activate it. However, only in their operatives would they activate it, in programs such as Project Jedi, and if you’ve seen this movie Men Who Stared at Goats, that’s what it pertained to, psychics to be utilized for remote viewing and espionage and those types of things. But they wanted to make sure ours never got activated because it’s such a powerful part of our brain. And Kim stated that thoughts provided by Source will be the way to wakeup Humanity! Now doesn’t that sound way better than causing a near-death experience?
Due to the Chatter on telegram Sunny Asked Kim, What are the Legions Doing Right Now? There is a lot of frustration because we’ve had no announcements.
It feels like things stalled a bit so Sunny asked on behalf of those on the telegram threads if there are operations happening on the back-end we are unaware of, because it’s like the legions are here and now what?
Kim tried to help us look at the big picture.
There is a whole world of things that happened here on Earth that we are only just learning about. There are gateways and portals and solstices and full moons and looshing to Aldebaran and we are not the only planet in trouble. So, we have to realize there is a bigger picture meant for our health and welfare that we may not understand all the time. She tries to tell us and sometimes we do.
As it relates to announcements about Trump
Really that is only relevant if we are going to help the government, if we are going to try to get them to turnaround, fly straight and work on behalf of the people for as long as we need them. But if that’s not possible she doesn’t care if they ever announce it and they put another dead guy in the White House because it has no effect on our lives anymore. And that’s the thing we have to be concerned about and that’s the kind of things the legions are preparing for.
We do have good people at the Treasury who want to go forward. We have other operatives who think these Bushwacker/Trump Humper operatives are as wacky as Kim does. So, we do have other people ready to go. Some are in military and other places and there is a definitive plan here to build an entire new structure for the forward goers and for the non-forward goers, there is a Plan B if you will.
The Legions have also been making sure our ecosystem will be able to turn around. So, there is a lot of things going on to help with the restoration of this planet and other planets. She hasn’t been talking much about it but she does know where they are and what they are doing. And we need to keep in mind she doesn’t function like CNN who knows two weeks ahead of time so they are at the ready. Nobody calls you ahead of time in the real life and by announcing certain things in the news she would also be telling those who are likely not going to be upright anymore. So be a little bit patient, the Legions are here with our best interests at heart, they haven’t gone away.
The Silent Circle
The Silent Circle hasn’t gone away either. They are not giving any money at all to the Deep State or to operatives or anyone who is asking for it. They are doing everything they can at this point to change things. She’ll give us an idea. The state of New York has a lot of police quitting all of a sudden like Sunny reported. Well, most of them are involved with different types of businesses in New York, some known and others only known in movies. Well, she would say the Silent Circle also knows all those people as well and right now the Silent Circle is paying more than the elites and the operatives. She could say that maybe they found a better job doing something else? That is a movement we could probably look at and we will start connecting the dots. For example, she could also say KPMG, an economic terrorist organization is laying off a lot of employees and couldn’t buy their way out of their last fiasco. So, there is a lot of stuff happening if know where to look. But a lot of the time we don’t even know what stuff is a danger to us. For example, Kim knows for a fact Denton’s law firm is closely associated with the Mexican Consulate in Arizona. The information is out there, you just have to know how to connect the dots and go down the rabbit hole. She is telling us the pieces but we must do the work too.
Wrapping it up
According to Kim the banks will be fine, money will be fine, people will be fine exactly at the right time. As for the US government, if they still listen to the Larry, Moe, and Curly operatives, then yes, they are going to go directly into the toilet. We are not going to help these people recreate their power and that is the reason why she said those things about needing a death announcement about Trump if she was going to save the government.
Kim’s assessment right now looks like we have 50-50 shot of keeping governments. 50% want to move forward but are being held back by those who are saying, what if the Order of the Black Sun comes back and Satan shows back up and we didn’t kill the babies?
In the operative section it is the Trump operatives who are severely threatening the families, including their children in every way you can imagine to not make the announcement. And these are the same operatives coming out and talking in the alt media saying they are patriots and we love this country and don’t worry about the near-death experience it’s all going to work out.
So, we will see how many we have left after the full moon fiasco. Remember we are within the 30 days of the Solstice which they believe are the most powerful days. Oy vey.
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Yes i noticed the change. Very reassuring. Like you are protected regardless of circumstances.