Key Intelligence & Military System (KIMS)

Black Sun’s Special Close Loop Phone System Gone! | The Global Computer Network Now Cleaned! | First to Launch is the Key Intelligence & Military System! | All Other Inorganic Military & Intelligence Systems Worldwide Are Non-Existent! | The Only System & Base Platform Is the Organic Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) — Cabal in a Conundrum | Key Integrated Media System Just Installed Too! | What Does an Organic Quantum AI System Mean? | Can the Empire Strike Back When It Has Nothing Left?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 24, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This certainly was an exciting update by our Ground Commander. We seemed to have turned a corner now that the Global Computer Network, which entails way more than just the banking system has been cleared for take-off. And …

Black Sun’s Special Close Loop Phone System Gone! | The Global Computer Network Now Cleaned! | First to Launch is the Key Intelligence & Military System! | All Other Inorganic Military & Intelligence Systems Worldwide Are Non-Existent! | The Only System & Base Platform Is the Organic Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) — Cabal in a Conundrum | Key Integrated Media System Just Installed Too! | What Does an Organic Quantum AI System Mean? | Can the Empire Strike Back When It Has Nothing Left? Read More »

Trump Thingy’s Cringe Worthy Announcement | Both the Vatican & NSA Attempt to Implement Fake Banking Systems | 700+ Operatives Request Safe House Protection | Russian Military Warns of Possible Invasion of Fallen Angels | 18,000 Year Covenant Related to Conquer the Quest Agreement Expires Dec 15th | Black Sun’s Hopes of World Domination Dashed | Real History About the Great Flood & Our Moon

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 16, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report we have a cringe worthy update about Trump in tights as a super hero. The battle for the financial system continues as both the Vatican and NSA try to implement their fake banking systems and fail. …

Trump Thingy’s Cringe Worthy Announcement | Both the Vatican & NSA Attempt to Implement Fake Banking Systems | 700+ Operatives Request Safe House Protection | Russian Military Warns of Possible Invasion of Fallen Angels | 18,000 Year Covenant Related to Conquer the Quest Agreement Expires Dec 15th | Black Sun’s Hopes of World Domination Dashed | Real History About the Great Flood & Our Moon Read More »

UN Replaced in Hall of Records Way Back | Who is Really Orchestrating the Ukrainian Genocide? | What is Project Becky? | Code ‘042’ Now Re-synched to KIMS | History is Repeating, USSR 2.0 is Planned for America | Nothing is Working for the Dark Side, Not Nuclear War, Control of Banking System, Money | Their Narrative Makes TV People Look Even More Nuts

I’m behind again. I needed to recharge my batteries and took a road trip through New England to visit a friend in Maine. I just love New England in the Fall! I foresee a lot of work for myself over the next few weeks. Anyway sorry for the absence of reports lately. This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was …

UN Replaced in Hall of Records Way Back | Who is Really Orchestrating the Ukrainian Genocide? | What is Project Becky? | Code ‘042’ Now Re-synched to KIMS | History is Repeating, USSR 2.0 is Planned for America | Nothing is Working for the Dark Side, Not Nuclear War, Control of Banking System, Money | Their Narrative Makes TV People Look Even More Nuts Read More »

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