Black Magician/The Destroyer/Lucifer

What Happened to Juan O’Savin? | The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse is Not a ‘God’ Plan or a ‘Devil’ Plan, it’s a ‘Nefarious Others’ Plan | Lucifer/The Dark Prince Fails to Return Sept 3rd – Remnants Are Stunned | Q&A Session: The Enforcer? Vatican Bank? Artemis Rocket? Chemtrails? Plus More…

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 4, 2022 and is available on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This particular update was delivered on Circle of White Light Radio and hosted by Alan James. In this post we’ll pick up where we left off and find out if Juan O’Savin #107 still …

What Happened to Juan O’Savin? | The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse is Not a ‘God’ Plan or a ‘Devil’ Plan, it’s a ‘Nefarious Others’ Plan | Lucifer/The Dark Prince Fails to Return Sept 3rd – Remnants Are Stunned | Q&A Session: The Enforcer? Vatican Bank? Artemis Rocket? Chemtrails? Plus More… Read More »

Who Are the Progenitors? | Who are the Archimedeans? | 5 Million Year Depopulation Program Uncovered! | Meeting at the Mirrors Lures 229 Cabal Members Who Are No More! |Project Lincoln Logs Continues | All Cloning Stashes Removed! | Deeper Understanding of Media-Shots-Chemtrails & Luciferase

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 29, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this Intel update Kim explains what the remaining ‘special’ ones have been doing in their continued and desperate pursuit to find the non-existent Dark AI (Kronos). In the past she said they connected to the Dark AI …

Who Are the Progenitors? | Who are the Archimedeans? | 5 Million Year Depopulation Program Uncovered! | Meeting at the Mirrors Lures 229 Cabal Members Who Are No More! |Project Lincoln Logs Continues | All Cloning Stashes Removed! | Deeper Understanding of Media-Shots-Chemtrails & Luciferase Read More »

1008 Year Agreement b/w Russians & Carpathians Expires – Prompts Putin to Change Direction? | Russia Lifts Sanctions Related to Food Security | Are IRS Accounts Disappearing? | Why is the Cabals’ Money Vanishing? | Humanity’s Birth Certificates Find New Home in the Alpha System | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on June 17, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post, intel updates center around the expiration of a 1008 year Agreement between the Russians & Carpathians which may have turned some Black Sun Russian Generals around, the expiration …

1008 Year Agreement b/w Russians & Carpathians Expires – Prompts Putin to Change Direction? | Russia Lifts Sanctions Related to Food Security | Are IRS Accounts Disappearing? | Why is the Cabals’ Money Vanishing? | Humanity’s Birth Certificates Find New Home in the Alpha System | Part 1 Read More »

Backlash from a Dying Species | Why Earth and Humans are So Unique | Metatron’s Corrupted Cube Continues to Dissipate While the Tesseract Takes Over and New Timeline Begins

This Situation Report from Kim Goguen on April 18, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This update discusses backlash from the dark and dying species, who is the ACIO, and why Earth, Humans, particularly Human DNA is so special. Also, Metatron’s Cube is still dissipating and so are the Treaties and …

Backlash from a Dying Species | Why Earth and Humans are So Unique | Metatron’s Corrupted Cube Continues to Dissipate While the Tesseract Takes Over and New Timeline Begins Read More »

The Enforcer, Our Central Sun & The End of the Loosh Farm (Kim Goguen – Part 3)

This post is Part 3 and a continuation of the same intel update by Kim. In this article I will relay what I found out about The Enforcer and the new Enforcement Agency which Kim Goguen re-established to help clean up the Remnants. There is good news about our Central Sun to share, and finally …

The Enforcer, Our Central Sun & The End of the Loosh Farm (Kim Goguen – Part 3) Read More »

A Hierarchy in Shambles (Kim Goguen – Part 2)

In this post Part 2, Kim Goguen and The Viking explain the control system, the hierarchy of ‘The Order’, and the business they were running. ‘The Order’ is nearly all gone now, and what is left is in utter shambles. The top levels of ‘The Order’ have been unknown to most humans on surface earth …

A Hierarchy in Shambles (Kim Goguen – Part 2) Read More »

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