Hitchhikers Guide to Ascension


My intention for this blog is to help support people who have been on the path of the Great Awakening for quite a long time. With this audience in mind, I decided I would share what I'm learning from my two favorite guides, Kimberly Ann Gougen and Lisa Renee, the greatest treasures I've been gifted to find. I am eternally grateful for the knowledge, truth, and wisdom they are bringing to the world.


Crossing the Rubicom

lion, male lion, female lion

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

By jemgroup | Oct 22, 2020

I listened to an update by Kim “Possible” this morning entitled “Demolition of the Dystopian Underworld”. It was my second time around. I joined the zoom call on Sunday and then replayed the upload. If you don’t know who Kimberly A. Goguen is, I recommend you look into finding out. A few years ago, while …

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times Read More »

The Multiple Meanings of COVFEFE

By jemgroup | Sep 10, 2020

An extremely interesting decoder that goes by the name Gene ‘Cosensi’ caught my attention several months ago. Evidently, he is a former US Navy intelligence decoder. He has many contacts in the military and he has been reporting on the battles taking place underground in the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) which is a worldwide …

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overcoming, stone, roll

The Seemingly Insurmountable Task of Q

By jemgroup | Sep 4, 2020

Waking people up who are in a very deep sleep is no easy task. Waking up a people who are zombie like, nearly comatose, under a malaise of indifference and apathetic is a tall order. Humanity has been attacked on all fronts, poisonous food, water, cleaning products, indoctrination by propaganda disguised as the news. A …

The Seemingly Insurmountable Task of Q Read More »

All it Takes is a Title and a Costume to Fool the World (Part 2)

By jemgroup | Aug 30, 2020

If you are on the awakening path and reached the point where you’re looking at everyone who crosses your path with new eyes, you’re probably saying, how could I not see that before? It’s seems so obvious. It’s disturbing to see so much, to truly see what apparently was hidden in plain sight all along. …

All it Takes is a Title and a Costume to Fool the World (Part 2) Read More »

Have You Ever Noticed How Humans are Always Described in Limiting Terms, Never Empowering Ones?

By jemgroup | Aug 27, 2020

Why is that? Well, it starts early, like right out of the womb. Labeled a sinner immediately doesn’t sound like a powerful first start. What sin could a new born baby possibly be guilty of? Crying? The baby just entered our upside-down world where Left is Right, Up is Down, Black is White, Forwards is …

Have You Ever Noticed How Humans are Always Described in Limiting Terms, Never Empowering Ones? Read More »

My Gift of a Wise Woman from a Mysterious Visitor

By jemgroup | Aug 18, 2020

On the morning of August 7, 2018, I was in that zone where I wasn’t entirely awake, but I wasn’t dreaming either. A man in a beard and dressed in black like a Rabbi or Kabbalist (they often both dress in Jewish orthodox clothing), pulled up a simple wooden chair and sat next to my …

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All It Takes is a Title and a Costume to Fool the World (Part 1)

By jemgroup | Aug 14, 2020

This is going to be a little disturbing. First, I have to preface this by saying, every single one of us has been duped, or nearly every single one of us. It’s become quite easy. The construct has been setup, drilled into us through years of repetition and humanity just accepts without question. People in …

All It Takes is a Title and a Costume to Fool the World (Part 1) Read More »

The Passing of Karen Berg

By jemgroup | Aug 10, 2020

Last week I received an email about the passing of Karen Berg. My heart sank upon reading this news. I was shocked too. I don’t know what caused her passing, if she was ill, but I’m sure many would agree, she was taken from this world too early. The Kabbalah Center I started taking classes …

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Melania and the Hibiscus

By jemgroup | Aug 4, 2020

During today’s walk I turned a corner on my usual route and saw these beautiful hibiscus bushes in full bloom. It struck me they looked familiar. Then I immediately made the connection. I just flipped the page of my calendar earlier in the day and noticed that Melania was wearing that yellow dress with hibiscus …

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First MASKS, now Goggles and What Does Purple Have to Do With It?

By jemgroup | Aug 2, 2020

Fascist Fauci suggests wearing goggles and in less than 24 hours the program works like clockwork for at least one person. I was taking a walk and noticed there were only a couple of people in line at Trader Joe’s so I headed over and then I took a double take. I had just finished …

First MASKS, now Goggles and What Does Purple Have to Do With It? Read More »

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