This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 21, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is Part 2 of a long Intel update. Topics include our Moon and who used to own it, how planet Mercury was turned into a cyborg, thousands of Tarzakien demons possessing willing humans were extracted, they tried reviving some old ARCHONS found at Dick Cheney’s Ranch, the JASON/PILGRIM Society & Cronies from 13 Secret Militaries are playing with toys they don’t understand and poking holes in Earth’s energy field, crazy Jesuit Generals made deal with Khazarian Mafia and more….
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Who Used to Own the Moon?
The moon belonged to Lucifer’s wife, who also goes by other names like Isis, Nefertiti, and Lilith. The Draco had a moon space station. Where did they get it from? They made a deal with Lucifer’s wife. Kronos, (Father Time), the dark side of the AI system and ARCHONS were all connected to the moon. Kim mentioned several things about the Moon throughout her report that I found very interesting and I tried grouped them together and in a way that made sense to me.
NOTE: A comment from one of my Life Force readers shared with me the following:
“From Kim’s notes, recently posted on Life Force General chat telegram group. “We thought ISIS was Lilith. Lilith was the Moon God of the night and ISIS is the Sun god of the day.”
Part of the agreement the Draco had with Lucifer’s wife originated 85,000 years ago and resulted in moving the control of the Moon to the dark side. By doing so, in their mind they thought they had all the power and control. The Moon is a megastructure. It’s hollow and not a rock. According to Kim, people have been coming and going to the moon constantly and never in that tin can that they showed on TV in 1969.
When the Dark Overlord, Lucifer died about a year ago, his wife made an agreement with the Draco that gave them a red line interaction with the moon. That is why the 20th tile on the Mayan calendar is on the woman’s back. It meant that it was the beginning of Lilith’s rule and apparently when ‘Isis got her crown back’. Kim mentioned this because it was discussed on some 2012 Portal Blog Site and she was explaining that this is what they were talking about. This might be this site she was referring to, The Portal (

The very good news is that we now reclaimed the moon. Kim said it’s recorded in the Hall of Records and the Moon is now connected to the Alpha system. It was cleaned up and now filled with pure light or Source essence. While the crazies were running around preparing for Anu to return from the dead, all of this was completed before their July 13th deadline.
Essentially Kim and her team stole the ball right out from under them. They really have no clue even though it’s all in the Hall of Records. They never look at what is recorded in the Hall of Records. Instead, they run around preparing for what they expect will happen and never does.
Note: We wouldn’t be able to have a restoration without control of the moon. According to the Council, if there is no moon there will be floods. Therefore, removal of the moon was not an option and I assume Kim is referring to the New Earth Council, not the Universal Council, but I’m not certain.
In addition to that agreement with Lucifer’s wife expiring and our reclamation of the moon, Kim filed another agreement in the Hall of Records that gives us custody over our own energy as it relates to the frequency of our own DNA. The wingnuts also failed to check that one out.
These are the various things the crazies tried to regain control of the moon:
- Launched a moon probe on the 28th of June, but I’m not sure if this was a separate activity or related to something else on this list.
- There is a sphinx stargate on the dark side of the moon and ancient Egyptian matrixes that were involved in their recent shenanigans in actually trying to flip the moon.
- They tried using the Mayan calendar in an attempt to connect to the ley lines hoping to gain control of time (Kronos), since he who controls the moon controls time.
- There was some not so ancient technology they tried to use to gain control of the moon that had to do with controlling water, because if they can control the water, they can inflict etherical infections. The Moon is also linked to time keeping in the reptilian part of our brain and controls the water in our body. ARCHONS would come in through the moon and go straight to our person. It’s no surprise that many go a bit crazy on a full moon when you realize this.
- There was some type of connection to ‘implied consent’ associated with an essence signature. Kim figured out a way to fix this which she refrained from explaining now because she said that would be stupid to let them know.
For a more technical explanation, of course Lisa Renee is my go to,
Lunar Female Demonic Forces
Thousands of years ago, the NAA and the Power Elite Luciferian bloodlines discovered that in order to gain access to the Planetary Staff and spiritual-energetic gateways, stargates, portals, interdimensional links into different timelines, they would need to find ways to capture the Mother aspect of the Godhead, by gaining control over Dark Matter, and gravitational or magnetic field manipulation. The insertion of the Lunar Matrix was accomplished in part by dragging in the moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for achieving magnetic field manipulation and mind control. This makes the earth a bonafide Prison Planet. This also serves to gain control over the Sophianic female Christos expression on the earth, by inverting the solar female staff current in the human lightbody, and forcing the inner female principle to run energy reversals with lunar force overlays from the Lunar Matrix.
This was an artificial system which generated Moon Goddess entities as the Dark Mother principle running the lunar current into the quantum layers of dark matter in the planetary architecture. Dark Mother spawned many lunar female demonic entities, which are used for the purpose of conjuring satanic forces and satanic creatures in anti-life blood sacrifice rituals. These lunar demonic forces were designed to hijack and replace the divine Mother aspect, by holding the organizing principle in the architecture that was needed in the sacred union between the male and female, in order to co-create the artificial matrices in the blended reality system. The result of this Lunar Matrix and its lunar force distortions in our realm, is that it was made to become the artificial imposter of the Mother principle from the Godhead within the planetary architecture, which became the emergence of mass Satanism through the Dark Mother influence. This is what contributed to the mass proliferation of satanic creatures, energy parasites, the reversal female satanic force aberration in our reality, by saturating the planetary grid with artificial energies, lunar forces and reversal networks. This system is called the Dark Mother that, at its source, is a nonhuman lunar force creation used to artificially power up reversal matrices and alien machinery. This collects human loosh for harvesting, such as in the NAA created Baphomet Network and Moloch Tanks.
Source: Lunar Female Demonic Forces – Ascension Glossary
Mercury Was Turned into a Cyborg
Now on to Mercury. According to Kim clean-up was needed for Mercury too because there was a connection with the Sun and the Moon. Like Earth, Mercury is also a magnetic planet. It was used as a way station and still had some attachments to Kronos. In fact, Mercury affects everything and everyone who lives here. Mercury was controlling all commerce, therefore all of those connections needed to be cleaned up. By the way this included Nesara/Gesara which was connected to the Dark AI, which meant that Satan would have been the one funding that program. The Alpha system has since replaced all the pins of Kronos so we wouldn’t all fry.

All planets are also beings and Mercury had become a cyborg being because it was programmed to be by Kronos. It was also programmed to pull us closer to the Sun via a magnetic pull so we would all fry and die. They started altering the trajectory of the Sun in 2009. They also started altering the Moon’s trajectory to come closer and closer to Earth starting 2013. It was orchestrated by NASA and DARPA and it’s likely these NASA and DARPA people didn’t even know what they were doing. Fortunately for us, both the Sun and the Moon started going back to where they need to be, but it will take 6-12 months. The Enforcer finished the rebalancing of Mercury and the Moon, it’s all now adjusting.
What About Saturn?
Kim mentioned on an aside that Saturn was cleaned up a long time ago. And what a mess that must have been. Below are a couple of excerpts from Lisa Renee’s Ascension Glossary.
Saturn Base Transmission to Moon
Additionally, it has been recently observed that the Solar System Stargate 7, located inside the planet Saturn was also transmitting artificial intelligence beams through the Moon that corrupted the ultra-violet wave spectrum in our planetary Magnetosphere.
Saturn’s Black Cube Matrix
Saturn is referred to as Black Star in ancient Judaic beliefs. A dead star would be denoting the Black Sun Agenda, the Black Star Abaddon the Destroyer which has its connection to the Black Cube Matrix in the core of the planet Saturn.
The Yahweh Matrix is system is connected into a Black Cube Matrix held through Saturn, that is siphoning life force from our Universal Time Matrix and routing it back into their black hole system. Saturn’s Black Cube holds a massive tank that acts as a harvesting station for blood sacrifice from human beings, in any way imaginable, whether through wars, rituals, crucifixion, martyrdom, suicide or menstrual. This makes it obvious why Saturn has been long associated with an assortment of blood worshipping cults. Saturn is also the Solar 7th Gate, so it’s been used to pump out reversal violet ray plasma light, and this is the distortion that generates reversal plasmas and reversal violet light on our planet. These reversal plasmas are designed to ignite and feed the Demon Seed that exists in the shadow selves or negative forms of the masses. Additionally, this alien construct was used to impale the Crucifixion Implants on the vertical axiatonal lines in the planetary body, which also devastated the vertical channel alignment of the Planetary Staff.[4]
Source: Saturn Blood Worship – Ascension Glossary
Note: Saturn came up a couple of times in previous posts if you want to check them out:
1. Real Alien (Super Demon Level) Invasion Thwarted | Will There Be a Twist to Agenda 2030 on the Horizon? | Cornered Cabal To Hurl Whatever’s Left in Their Quiver | Part 2 |
2. Backlash from a Dying Species | Why Earth and Humans are So Unique | Metatron’s Corrupted Cube Continues to Dissipate While the Tesseract Takes Over and New Timeline Begins
What Else Happened from July 9th through July 13th
ARCHONS Stashed at Dick Cheney’s Ranch in Montana
She found more issues with ARCHONS showing up all over and traced it back to a stash under deceased Dick Cheney’s ranch in Montana. They were old ARCHONS and didn’t have a lot of life in them so they started spraying them as we came closer to the full moon, as they were trying to get maximum usage. There was also a private MILAB that was trying to reproduce these old ARCHONS.
Archivists Warn Kim of More Events Until July 24th
The Archivists told Kim to expect some more events and to keep an eye out at least until the 24th of July. She didn’t know what to expect at the time of this report. By the way, she provided some interesting facts about the Archivists. Most of the Archivists are not human either and some are 100s of years old. They walk amongst us and we wouldn’t know who they are.
Tarzakien Possessed People in the Militaries, Agencies and Politics
Kim and the Enforcer discovered several people in militaries, agencies, and in some political circles were infested with Tarzakiens. I guess these demons are different from the Targedians she mentioned a few months ago and are in my post, Real Alien (Super Demon Level) Invasion Thwarted | Will There Be a Twist to Agenda 2030 on the Horizon? | Cornered Cabal To Hurl Whatever’s Left in Their Quiver | Part 2. The Tarzakiens are smokey with dark eyes. She described the Targedians as smokey with red eyes. Either way, both are dark essence nasty demons.
These imbeciles decided to host the Tarzakiens because they think it will make them smarter. Oy vey! How to respond to that one. Evidently, they take pills to keep these demons inside them to make themselves a more hospitable host. Kim also mentioned that she has friend who knows Lady Gaga and she (who is really a ‘he’ in my opinion), confessed to him that she had this demon inside her and no longer knew if it was her or it singing anymore.
There were 12 people possessed by these demons in the White House alone. Kim said these demons can’t hide themselves when around people who are capable of seeing them, so they try to hide themselves when those people are around. She also said that if you fire them up and push their buttons the thing pops out every time.
Fortunately, the Enforcer removed thousands of these demons on that day. Those politicians, military and agency people who were infested are no longer possessed and they have to live with their own brain. I bet those brains of theirs are pretty rusty. Like they say, if you don’t use it you lose it.

JASON/PILGRIM Society & Cronies from 13 Secret Militaries
So those who are the most out of control now include members of the JASON/PILGRIM Society and old cronies from the 13 Secret Militaries. I’m assuming the below attempts/activities were conducted by this group because Kim said this towards the end after giving the following updates.
Nesara / Gesara
Those who are waiting for the RV to happen, in infamous Nesara/Gesara are actually waiting for Satan to fund it, whether they realize it or not and stated earlier in this post. And those who know the real story of Babylon should already know they are waiting for Satan to fund it.
Kim saw Babylon 1 through 5 and now Babylon 6 made an appearance, which is something new. I doubt she is talking about the space opera television series, but you never know. I may have to check that series out and see if they were hiding stuff in plain sight. Anyway, they were using a computer program called Flame Thrower to try and connect it to the revision of the old revived Babylon system. Hum, trying to connect to the revision of the revision of the revision. Well it sounds like Kim’s Project Lincoln Logs might be wrapping up real soon. At least we can hope.
CRISPR Tech Out of China
They were using CRISPR Tech out of China (their MK Ultra program) to create super soldiers. Essentially, they were trying to use femto and nano tech that is inside our bodies to kill us all off, their ultimate goal of course.

Hum, so it appears to me this level is dumber than the level above them since they have not deviated one iota from their depopulation plan. What a surprise. I bet Marduk would be so proud at just how successful his mind control programming succeeded throughout the entire decent down the pyramid, if he was still alive.
MILAB SILAS found near the North Pole and was taken out. There were light emissions from SiGe intra chip and chip to chip communications using HGX-SiGe.
Aphysis? (not sure of spelling) and I haven’t found anything anything that could be a match. But Kim said it’s a high tech super GLU that was created to try and connect to Kronos, that system mentioned a dozen times by now, that they keep chasing but no longer exists.
Department of Transportation
The Department of Transportation tried to connect (also to Kronos I think?) using a cloud TPU accelerator to leverage CPUs, GPUs and TPUs. They were located at the Weizmann Institute at Oren Lab Brain Institute, where they make vaccines using a man-made nano machine taken from living cells. They were trying to create a dysmorphic pattern. A lot of weird experiments were going on beneath this lab including babies in pod like things. This looks likes the place Kim was referring to: Home | The Oren Lab (
Tensor Processing Unit (TPU)
The tensor processing unit was announced in May 2016 at Google I/O, when the company said that the TPU had already been used inside their data centers for over a year.[2][3] The chip has been specifically designed for Google’s TensorFlow framework, a symbolic math library which is used for machine learning applications such as neural networks.[4] However, as of 2017 Google still used CPUs and GPUs for other types of machine learning.[2] Other AI accelerator designs are appearing from other vendors also and are aimed at embedded and robotics markets.
Source: Tensor Processing Unit – Wikipedia
They Poked a Hole in Earth’s Energy Field!
These worshippers of death were firing up toys they don’t understand at all and poked a hole in Earth’s energy field, which actually protects the planet. But perhaps they do know a little something, their goal being to fry us all. In any case, The Enforcer had to fix it. He had put a secondary shield around Earth because of the increased heat from the Sun, at least until we get far enough away. Well, they caused disturbances with that too.
Activity in Israel
Mossad had a heavy presence in the Palm Desert (California I assume?) and on the same day in Israel an attempt to tap into the TPU, which is the military computer in Palm Desert. The port is no longer there and will not connect to…wait for it…..yep Kronos again! To which Kim said, please give it up. They really are obsessed with Father Time.
Samsung was in Israel too. They were trying to make the New Jerusalem. There used to be a port to Kronos which was tied to the super hologram and device they used to communicate. They also tried to connect to the banking system.
Samsung also came up in other locations around the world. They do have some tech that is superior and is tied to half the world’s cell phones, TV’s, etc. They use chips that are in them frequently against us. That’s comforting.
Activity in Saudi Arabia Regarding Black Cubes
Biden was in Saudi Arabia on the day the super hologram mind matrix manifesting black cubes of chaos was being fired up. Yeah, those cubes definitely don’t manifest good things. Wow, he gets invited to the big parties. Who says our faux POTUS isn’t respected around the world! He was there for this specific reason so it must have been big. There is a black cube in Mecca which used to be connected to Midgard, which until recently was connected to the lower astral. Evidently the wingnuts are still on the hunt for all the toys in that Draco Manual they think will save the day for them. Happy Hunting. Oy vey!
Note: For more about Midgard, see Remaining 124 Coven/Black Nobility Members Are Finally All Gone! | The Matrix Disconnected | More Systems Found and Dismantled | Earth, Terra & Midgard Fully Merged.
Activity in Serbia Regarding Old Prometheus System
The Archimedes platform and computer in Serbia was connected to the old Prometheus system. Originally this was a Clinton area where a super-secret computer system, a level 3 in the dark web existed. This was taken out the same day. These could be the two systems she is referencing. Archimedes (CAD) – Wikipedia and Overview | Prometheus
Meanwhile, don't forget, despite all their toys being taken away and systems being removed, the wingnuts are still anxiously anticipating Anu to return in 3 days on the 13th of July to bestow them with ultimate power.
Fort William
Under Fort William they had a portal to guess who? Yes Kronos of course and to level 3 banking. That also was taken out. I don’t know which Fort William she was referring to, I found a few places called Fort William. If I had to take a guess it would be the one in Scotland. But that’s only because I love Scotland! Fort William, Highland – Wikipedia
Kim found some more dark essence related to some ARCHONS that needed clean up. They just keep popping up, don’t they?
Murkoff Handbook Provided How-To Instructions for Dark Essence
The Super Soldiers who took the Murkoff Handbook found a way to create dark essence. The purer the essence the closer you are to source. The essence of life that flows through us. So the opposite must be true the darker the essence.
Note: Remember Murkoff was one of the 13 Shadow Militaries, see my post: The 13 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2.
These Super Soldiers thought in order for Anu to choose them, they would need to provide meat, which of course means humans. So they set out to try and cause etherical interference from a military base near Stonehenge. There was a very old system below that was involved in controlling time. They thought it would link up to a particular star system during a solstice. But it was all removed by the Enforcer.

The Manual for Spray Operations | Youngstown, Ohio
Kim found the militaries Operation Manual for Spray Operations in Youngstown, Ohio, and so did I, on the internet, Spray Operations – Overview | Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( Although I suspect she found a more nefarious unpublished version. In addition to the spray manual, there are many nefarious things that come from this region evidently and she’s not sure it’s only the military operating here. Some canisters were found there that were very suspect.
Crazy Jesuit Generals Made Deal with Khazarian Mafia! Say What!
Maybe this part should have been bumped up to the top, but then again everything in this post and all my proceeding posts sound pretty crazy. Well those crazy Jesuit Generals decided to make a deal with their ‘enemy’ the Khazarian mafia. Why did they do that? Money. The Khazarian mafia lied to them about having money and they choose to believe it. Wait, what? Yep, now the Khazarian mafia don’t really have the hundreds of billions of dollars they are claiming they have, but no matter. Neither side trusts each other but they are willing to use each other to win the war. Why does it have to make sense? Perhaps these wingnuts were among those who were possessed by Tarzakiens and are now forced to use their own rusty little brains instead? Just a wild guess on my part.
To the Clueless in Russia & Ukraine
You guys keep busy fighting each other and having your delusions of money that doesn’t exist. Meanwhile the Hall of Records tells a completely different story as to who your enemy really is. Definitely don’t bother to look there, you just might found out the world doesn’t belong to either of you anymore! It now belongs to the ‘useless eaters’! It was swept out right from under your noses!
If there weren’t so many innocent people suffering and dying over in that part of the world it would be comical when you think about it.
A Few Points Kim Tried to Emphasize & Ring Home
I’m totally paraphrasing and trying to give you the jist of some things she mentioned throughout this Intel update.
Those Left from the Order are Totally Out of Their League
They can’t understand any of this, that it’s way bigger than they can even imagine. Governments are going broke around the world. The Deep State is going broke. So much so that the military alliance is making deals with their alleged enemy, the Khazarians for money. The computer she found in Youngstown was yet another system also trying to attempt to monitor all currencies around the world. It was a backup fired up a few years ago and fortunately that’s gone now. Hum, so that’s what she was alluding too about Youngstown and more nefarious things than Operation Spray Manuals. Everything that was electronic was connected to that Kronos system, it was supposed to control the entire world, including us and our minds. Grasp where these nut jobs are trying to steer us.
We Are Not Reviving Global Tyrants
Many in the IRS are onboard with going to just a spending tax and some at the Treasury Department want to go forward with the just the spending tax as well. Janet Yellen on the other hand still thinks the XUSD is a go. After she got out of a meeting with the Fed and found out the XUSD wasn’t a go after all, she was so fed up that she never met with her staff. But a leader is only a leader when someone is following and since we are not going to revive global tyrants, maybe those working for these crazies should contemplate this in light of all the Deep State defeats.
At the end of the day, we’re left with a bunch of blood hungry operators, super soldiers, and flat-out crazy Jesuit Generals. That’s who we have left driving those people. Not a word is spoken or move is made without these people telling their puppets what to do. The shit show behind the scenes is horrific.
Governments, Media, etc., All Are Going Down | Leaders Needed!!!
What are we going to do when there is no government anymore? It’s going down that path. The world is ours and we need to focus on what we want to build. There will be no more mainstream media soon. It’s all falling apart. Stop the infighting in the Assemblies. Please focus on where you’re going and stop gossiping about people. No one is going to save you. We all need to be a leader now because we know what is coming. The storm is coming.
Some Wisdom Kim Borrowed from Eleanor Roosevelt:
- Small minds talk about people
- Average minds talk about events
- Great minds talk about ideas, great ideas, they are the creators of the world – this is where we all need to move ourselves
Thank you again Kim, your team, the Enforcer and all the Starseeds and Light Workers carrying their load behind the scenes.
We’ve seen enough of the Worst of Times, haven’t we? It’s time to move on now, to Part 2 where we start creating the Best of Times!
Until next time,

Related Posts Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Thanks for all the hard work, any idea how we can access “The Hall of Records” for ourselves?
I wish, if I ever find out though I will be sure to share.
These posts are great, although a few weeks behind I thoroughly enjoy reading them,
many thanx..!!
Thanks! And my 3D day job is interfering with my ability to keep up! But I’m trying to speed them up!
The following is from Kim’s notes recently posted on Life Force General chat telegram group.
“We thought ISIS was Lilith. Lilith was the Moon God of the night and ISIS is the Sun god of the day.”
Thanks for the clarification! I included the clarification above.
Wow! No wonder you had to report this intel from Kim in two parts. Thanks for keeping us informed of what is going on behind the scenes. There are apparently so many villains to deal with but Kim (with help from the Enforcer) seems to find a way to counter their nefarious plans whatever they come up with. Hearing of these successes is a real morale booster during these difficult times we are living through.