
The FED Board Bankrupt by Jan 3rd | What Will They Do Next? | Key Integrated Monetary System (KIMS) Already in Place Preventing Market Crash | Old vs New Banking System | Quantum Systems Past & Present | It’s Time for Part 2: The Restoration Plan | Is There a Place for Those Ready to Switch Sides? | Will Any Choose Wisely?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 30, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this situation report Kim dives in by telling us the Fed will be bankrupt and go down by Monday. She then focuses on outlining the high-level structure of the old banking system to help understand the structure of the …

The FED Board Bankrupt by Jan 3rd | What Will They Do Next? | Key Integrated Monetary System (KIMS) Already in Place Preventing Market Crash | Old vs New Banking System | Quantum Systems Past & Present | It’s Time for Part 2: The Restoration Plan | Is There a Place for Those Ready to Switch Sides? | Will Any Choose Wisely? Read More »

Hey Central Bankers! Kim Created & Runs the Global Repository | Just to Confirm, Eris Did Not Return as Ares, God of War | Disappointed Generals Try For Apocalypse 9.0 & Hope We Believe Christ is a Demon | What’s in Germantown, Maryland? | Dec 23rd is HOLY FIRE DAY! ASCENSION IS IMMINENT!!!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 23, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim told us many calls were being made by Central Bankers. Obviously they still can’t see the elephant in the room? The Omnibus Bill is evidence the wingnuts expected a turn of events in their favor. Oops, Not Happening! Eres …

Hey Central Bankers! Kim Created & Runs the Global Repository | Just to Confirm, Eris Did Not Return as Ares, God of War | Disappointed Generals Try For Apocalypse 9.0 & Hope We Believe Christ is a Demon | What’s in Germantown, Maryland? | Dec 23rd is HOLY FIRE DAY! ASCENSION IS IMMINENT!!! Read More »

Non-Repairable Countdown: -84,000 | Trump Thingy’s Camp Reached Out to Kim for Support of 2024 Run? Yep! | Transcriptions of Kim & Trump’s Conversations Circulating Bringing Light to His Lies | More Positive Visitors Arrived from 7th & 8th Densities & Wingnuts Erroneously Thought They Came to Help Them!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 28, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim tells us we’re down to about 16,000 non-repairables still walking around, the Trump camp reached out asking for her support and that ain’t happening. The truth about her dealings with Trump are circulating to …

Non-Repairable Countdown: -84,000 | Trump Thingy’s Camp Reached Out to Kim for Support of 2024 Run? Yep! | Transcriptions of Kim & Trump’s Conversations Circulating Bringing Light to His Lies | More Positive Visitors Arrived from 7th & 8th Densities & Wingnuts Erroneously Thought They Came to Help Them! Read More »

Apocalypse 8.0? | Black Sun Tries to Unleash Absent Lower Astral on Earth | Massive Network of Corp Control Found | Huawei, the Replacement for ECHELON Undone | Battlelines Drawn | Both Sides Claim to Own Kim | Is ‘Trump’ thing Worth More Dead or Alive? | Will Black Sun Push Martial Law? | Rothchilians Sweep up on Empty Promises | Welcome to Crystalline Time! | What is Sovereignty?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 24, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Picking up from Kim’s previous update, we are minus 99 people on the Order of the Dragon side. This is the Rothschild side, which includes the Chinese factions who have been fighting the Order of the Black Sun. …

Apocalypse 8.0? | Black Sun Tries to Unleash Absent Lower Astral on Earth | Massive Network of Corp Control Found | Huawei, the Replacement for ECHELON Undone | Battlelines Drawn | Both Sides Claim to Own Kim | Is ‘Trump’ thing Worth More Dead or Alive? | Will Black Sun Push Martial Law? | Rothchilians Sweep up on Empty Promises | Welcome to Crystalline Time! | What is Sovereignty? Read More »

UN Replaced in Hall of Records Way Back | Who is Really Orchestrating the Ukrainian Genocide? | What is Project Becky? | Code ‘042’ Now Re-synched to KIMS | History is Repeating, USSR 2.0 is Planned for America | Nothing is Working for the Dark Side, Not Nuclear War, Control of Banking System, Money | Their Narrative Makes TV People Look Even More Nuts

I’m behind again. I needed to recharge my batteries and took a road trip through New England to visit a friend in Maine. I just love New England in the Fall! I foresee a lot of work for myself over the next few weeks. Anyway sorry for the absence of reports lately. This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was …

UN Replaced in Hall of Records Way Back | Who is Really Orchestrating the Ukrainian Genocide? | What is Project Becky? | Code ‘042’ Now Re-synched to KIMS | History is Repeating, USSR 2.0 is Planned for America | Nothing is Working for the Dark Side, Not Nuclear War, Control of Banking System, Money | Their Narrative Makes TV People Look Even More Nuts Read More »

Backstage at the Order of the Black Sun – Part 2 | What Deal Was Made Between the Black Eagle and Khazarian Mafia? | Who is Being Played by Their ‘Alleged Partners’? | Who Is the Reptoid in Charge of Volcanos? | What Does the System and Hall of Records Say About Marduk’s Final Plan?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 7, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this Intel update Kim returns us to that Senatus Consultum group on Senate ( site which got my attention right away because I troll that site fairly regularly. And she cleared up some questions I’ve had since she …

Backstage at the Order of the Black Sun – Part 2 | What Deal Was Made Between the Black Eagle and Khazarian Mafia? | Who is Being Played by Their ‘Alleged Partners’? | Who Is the Reptoid in Charge of Volcanos? | What Does the System and Hall of Records Say About Marduk’s Final Plan? Read More »

Latest Wannabe Chinese Queen Now Dead | New Black Sun Head Dead Too | US Rolls Out Welcome Mat for China | US Government Gets Help to Traffic Children from Texas Rangers and US Marshals | Marduk’s Plan Says 2022 is When it’s All to Be Completed

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 5, 2022 and is available on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post we find out the Queens waiting in the wings are no more, along with the replacement head of the Order of the Black Sun, the US is also rolling out the welcome mat for …

Latest Wannabe Chinese Queen Now Dead | New Black Sun Head Dead Too | US Rolls Out Welcome Mat for China | US Government Gets Help to Traffic Children from Texas Rangers and US Marshals | Marduk’s Plan Says 2022 is When it’s All to Be Completed Read More »

Generals Send New Handler to Dupe Kim but Lose Credibility Instead | Marduk’s Old Plan 7 Settlement Institutions & 7 Currencies Plan is Wingnuts New Plan | Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) | Northrup Grumman’s Joint All Domain Command Control Technique (JADC2) | Where Does Hong Kong Fit in? | 2 Queens Waiting in the Wings? | Status of Kim’s Offer to BlackRock

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 3, 2022 and is available on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post we find out their latest plan to dupe Kim so the Generals could become the Deep State’s savior and what system they plan to implement this time. A hint, it was Marduk’s old …

Generals Send New Handler to Dupe Kim but Lose Credibility Instead | Marduk’s Old Plan 7 Settlement Institutions & 7 Currencies Plan is Wingnuts New Plan | Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) | Northrup Grumman’s Joint All Domain Command Control Technique (JADC2) | Where Does Hong Kong Fit in? | 2 Queens Waiting in the Wings? | Status of Kim’s Offer to BlackRock Read More »

Behind the Scenes of the Nord Stream Pipeline Leak | How Many of Those 9 Remaining Generals Are Still With Us? | Khomeini is Dead | ABCorp Fails to Deliver Central Bank Digital Currency, the Other Slavery System | Vatican Bank Deadline Came and Went As Did Most of Their Funds | Hurricane Ian & the Ocean Relocation Program | Red Cross = Money Laundering

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 30, 2022 and is available on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post we find out the real story behind the Nord Stream Pipeline gas leaks, 4 Asian Generals are now dead as well as Khomeini, another attempt and failure at Central Bank Digital Currency, …

Behind the Scenes of the Nord Stream Pipeline Leak | How Many of Those 9 Remaining Generals Are Still With Us? | Khomeini is Dead | ABCorp Fails to Deliver Central Bank Digital Currency, the Other Slavery System | Vatican Bank Deadline Came and Went As Did Most of Their Funds | Hurricane Ian & the Ocean Relocation Program | Red Cross = Money Laundering Read More »

Rumors Around 25th Amendment/Martial Law/10 Days of Darkness/Nuke Attack/Banking Crisis | Was Xi Jinping in Hiding? | Dueling Agency People Fight for their Dead POTUS Pick | Kim’s Notes Go Viral in Spook Community | Status of Kim’s Offer to Blackrock

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 26, 2022 and is available on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post Kim updates us on all the rumors circulating about Apocalypse plans in September that didn’t manifest and now what’s planned for October. She also updates us on the dueling agency people vying for …

Rumors Around 25th Amendment/Martial Law/10 Days of Darkness/Nuke Attack/Banking Crisis | Was Xi Jinping in Hiding? | Dueling Agency People Fight for their Dead POTUS Pick | Kim’s Notes Go Viral in Spook Community | Status of Kim’s Offer to Blackrock Read More »

Electric Cars & Shale Oil Are Geopolitical Tools | Wingnuts Remained Hopeful for Sept 22, 2022 Equinox | Instead It’s First Equinox in Humanity’s Favor in 1,000 Years! | More Operations

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 23, 2022 and is available on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post Kim gives us a short update about the Black Market, which is an important reason Aladdin had to go, how the recent Equinox didn’t help the wingnuts but helped Humanity instead and some more …

Electric Cars & Shale Oil Are Geopolitical Tools | Wingnuts Remained Hopeful for Sept 22, 2022 Equinox | Instead It’s First Equinox in Humanity’s Favor in 1,000 Years! | More Operations Read More »

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