Notable Beings

BEAST System Takedown by Kim Goguen Causes Black Sun P3 Lodge to Concede & Sanhedrin Steps Back In – Part 2

This is Part 2 of the Situation Report on August 1, 2021. For Part 1, refer to my last post, BEAST System Takedown by Kim Goguen Causes Black Sun P3 Lodge to Concede & Sanhedrin Steps Back In – Part 1 and for the related post Was the Cabal’s New Slavery System, The Beast Machine, …

BEAST System Takedown by Kim Goguen Causes Black Sun P3 Lodge to Concede & Sanhedrin Steps Back In – Part 2 Read More »

Solar Kings and Maji Grail Kings Rising

I was thinking about Yeshua today, in particular, the story when he overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple. That act meant much more than just the overturning of the money changers. It represented the overturning of all the systems the NAA created and ruled humans by. All systems must come down …

Solar Kings and Maji Grail Kings Rising Read More »

Pre-Requisites for Genocide (If You’re a Psychopath)

Here we go again! The Deep State is anxiously awaiting for the Aliens to save them, AGAIN! Oy Vey. Although I have to use the term ‘save’ loosely considering that yet again, the plan if successful would be to throw them under the bus AND yet again they refuse to believe that. Last week’s Situation …

Pre-Requisites for Genocide (If You’re a Psychopath) Read More »

Know Thy Self, Know Thy Enemy

I want to share an transcript written by Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis. As a member of her site, when I login, I am directed to a glossary item of the day. Today, the entry happened to be ‘Death Cult Ideology,’ and I know it will really aid readers, if interested in understanding more about …

Know Thy Self, Know Thy Enemy Read More »

Who is Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis & What is Ascension Plan B?

Lisa Renee is another beautiful woman both inside and out that I have been so blessed to find. I reference her material frequently and am overdue in providing some more background. The extensive body of work she shares on Energetic Synthesis boggles my whole being on a regular basis. It truly is a gift. As …

Who is Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis & What is Ascension Plan B? Read More »

Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”?

For a transcript of every single Situation Report since November 2020 by Kimberly Goguen, who holds the highest security clearance on planet earth, Office of the Guardian, God’s right hand down here look no further. This is the place to get the complete history of the take down of the Deep State. It’s been a …

Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? Read More »

The 11th Hour

I recently visited Energetic Synthesis and listened to one of Lisa Renee’s many Ascension Classes that I found in the Platinum Archives which are available to members of the site. Her February 22, 2010 Ascension podcast was a heavy one, and I’m learning that most of them are. But my ears really perked up when …

The 11th Hour Read More »

christmas present, box, celebration

Heads Roll! A Very Merry Christmas Indeed! (Kim Goguen – Part 6)

On 12/27/2020 Kim Goguen announced some amazing gifts to close out 2020, the eye-opening year from hell. Note: Kim’s Situation Updates are available on United News Network DISCLAIMERI am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak …

Heads Roll! A Very Merry Christmas Indeed! (Kim Goguen – Part 6) Read More »

A Tale of 2 Covens: Losers in the Fight for World Domination (Kim Goguen – Part 5)

This is the last post, Part 5 in the series. I will outline a general list of agencies, organizations, etc. that are affiliated with the two covens, the Line of Solomon and the Black Sun. This is a good time to mention that neither Kim Goguen or The Viking are from either of the Covens …

A Tale of 2 Covens: Losers in the Fight for World Domination (Kim Goguen – Part 5) Read More »

Kane is Abel? (Kim Goguen – Part 4)

I based this post, Part 4. Note: Kim’s Situation Updates are available on United News Network DISCLAIMERI am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes …

Kane is Abel? (Kim Goguen – Part 4) Read More »

The Enforcer, Our Central Sun & The End of the Loosh Farm (Kim Goguen – Part 3)

This post is Part 3 and a continuation of the same intel update by Kim. In this article I will relay what I found out about The Enforcer and the new Enforcement Agency which Kim Goguen re-established to help clean up the Remnants. There is good news about our Central Sun to share, and finally …

The Enforcer, Our Central Sun & The End of the Loosh Farm (Kim Goguen – Part 3) Read More »

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