Black Dragon/Black Eagle/Godfather

No Immortals Come to Help Deep State After Lunar Eclipse | Rothschild Reading Alternative Timeline | Umbrella Military Amateur Hour | Their Oil & Gas Plan | Fake Jared Kushner Still Working on Pipeline Deal | Try to Orchestrate Catastrophe in DC to Implement Martial Law, Get Drawn into World War | Latest Cannon Fodder Speaker Pick, Mike Johnson | Now When Kim Gets Blamed for Them Not Getting Paid & For All Their Failures It Gives Her a Ton of Street Cred! | Prompts Worldwide Operative Meeting to Discuss Who Really Is In Charge? | Umbrella Military Down to 3 | Light Portals Opened & Help from 6th, 7th & 8th Densities Arriving!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 30, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. In this update, to focus on the positive, Umbrella Military which is at the forefront due to all their ridiculous operations and inevitable failures has decreased their numbers substantially. They started out with 30-40 and now are down to 3. Operatives …

No Immortals Come to Help Deep State After Lunar Eclipse | Rothschild Reading Alternative Timeline | Umbrella Military Amateur Hour | Their Oil & Gas Plan | Fake Jared Kushner Still Working on Pipeline Deal | Try to Orchestrate Catastrophe in DC to Implement Martial Law, Get Drawn into World War | Latest Cannon Fodder Speaker Pick, Mike Johnson | Now When Kim Gets Blamed for Them Not Getting Paid & For All Their Failures It Gives Her a Ton of Street Cred! | Prompts Worldwide Operative Meeting to Discuss Who Really Is In Charge? | Umbrella Military Down to 3 | Light Portals Opened & Help from 6th, 7th & 8th Densities Arriving! Read More »

What’s Up With the 5 Families of the Silent Circle Who Took Contract From Order of the Dragon? | Jesuits Forced to Step Down So Umbrella Military Steps Up | Umbrella Operatives Planned to Take All US Dollars Out of the Banking System & Failed | They Are Still Trying to Run Trump Show But Trump Kids Want to Get Rid of Them | They Try to Run UN General Assembly Meeting But Other Operatives & UN Personnel are Comparing Notes | Heads of State & UN Employees Find Out For the First Time They are Bankrupt | South Africa First to Admit Publicly They Are Bankrupt | The Golden Era is Officially Here!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 22, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us the status of the 5 Families who foolishly took that contract from the Order of the Dragon. The admitted Kim was right, they were lied to and recalled the Jesuits who are all confused. Umbrella …

What’s Up With the 5 Families of the Silent Circle Who Took Contract From Order of the Dragon? | Jesuits Forced to Step Down So Umbrella Military Steps Up | Umbrella Operatives Planned to Take All US Dollars Out of the Banking System & Failed | They Are Still Trying to Run Trump Show But Trump Kids Want to Get Rid of Them | They Try to Run UN General Assembly Meeting But Other Operatives & UN Personnel are Comparing Notes | Heads of State & UN Employees Find Out For the First Time They are Bankrupt | South Africa First to Admit Publicly They Are Bankrupt | The Golden Era is Officially Here! Read More »

Silent Circle Update, Why Did They Take a Step Back a Few Months Ago? | The Silent Circle’s 5 Families Who Are Part of the ‘Table’ Were Approached by Order of the Dragon With a Contract & They Took It | In Actuality, They Took a Contract from Liars Who Just Want Power & Didn’t Do Their Due Diligence |The 5 Families Asked Heads of the Silent Circle for More Leeway & More Keys to Knights System, But Were Rejected | What is the Knight Satellite System? | How Did This Tie Into 5G and 6G?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 18, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update we hear about the Silent Circle again and the reason why Kim has been well, silent about the Silent Circle. She also delves into the Knights Satellite System, why it came up now, and how …

Silent Circle Update, Why Did They Take a Step Back a Few Months Ago? | The Silent Circle’s 5 Families Who Are Part of the ‘Table’ Were Approached by Order of the Dragon With a Contract & They Took It | In Actuality, They Took a Contract from Liars Who Just Want Power & Didn’t Do Their Due Diligence |The 5 Families Asked Heads of the Silent Circle for More Leeway & More Keys to Knights System, But Were Rejected | What is the Knight Satellite System? | How Did This Tie Into 5G and 6G? Read More »

The Omega Project Was Still In Play! | Global Power Shift to China, 100 Year Plan, Bush’s Non-Complete Plan & 1984 Expansion of Black Widow Program | Implants Expanded to All Involved, Including Every US President Since Ford & All People on Mainland China | ‘New Earth’ Was To Be Jupiter’s Moon Europa in Lower Astral | Omega Machine Dismantled Prompting Call to The Destroyer’s Golden Boy to Come Out of Stasis | Chinese Had Control of the 5 Pillars Until Omega Project Machine Was Dismantled | Secondary SWIFT System Also Dismantled | Believing the Fairy Tale Told by Rothschild is Over! | Patriots Chips Removed, Now Figuring Out Chinese Robot People Infiltrated the US & RV Was Always a Distraction | Is a Turnaround Happening? | Maybe, But Kim Still Has a Backup Plan Just in Case

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 12, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim shares even more disturbing news about another machine found in Wuhan that was tied to the Omega Project, the largest project of the lower astral which was still in play. Had the Omega Project been completed only …

The Omega Project Was Still In Play! | Global Power Shift to China, 100 Year Plan, Bush’s Non-Complete Plan & 1984 Expansion of Black Widow Program | Implants Expanded to All Involved, Including Every US President Since Ford & All People on Mainland China | ‘New Earth’ Was To Be Jupiter’s Moon Europa in Lower Astral | Omega Machine Dismantled Prompting Call to The Destroyer’s Golden Boy to Come Out of Stasis | Chinese Had Control of the 5 Pillars Until Omega Project Machine Was Dismantled | Secondary SWIFT System Also Dismantled | Believing the Fairy Tale Told by Rothschild is Over! | Patriots Chips Removed, Now Figuring Out Chinese Robot People Infiltrated the US & RV Was Always a Distraction | Is a Turnaround Happening? | Maybe, But Kim Still Has a Backup Plan Just in Case Read More »

Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 Thwarted | Russia Bombing in Syria | Biden & Chuckie Still Doing China’s Bidding | Loredan & Mocenigo Families Step Up Fill the Power Vacuum, Die Instead | Umbrella Operative (aka Juan O’Savin Impersonator) in Cooperation with Opus Dei & P2 Lodge Step Up Next, Dies Instead | What Are Paper Banks? | What Was the Real Basis for the Credit Crisis? | Keystones for the Neutral Universe Found | Real History: Wewelsburg Castle, Germany (aka Hitler’s Valhalla)

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on June 26, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim tells us who tried to fill the power vacuum as there are still many dragon families with not so bright humans left and operatives with chips in their brains. She explains what paper banks …

Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 Thwarted | Russia Bombing in Syria | Biden & Chuckie Still Doing China’s Bidding | Loredan & Mocenigo Families Step Up Fill the Power Vacuum, Die Instead | Umbrella Operative (aka Juan O’Savin Impersonator) in Cooperation with Opus Dei & P2 Lodge Step Up Next, Dies Instead | What Are Paper Banks? | What Was the Real Basis for the Credit Crisis? | Keystones for the Neutral Universe Found | Real History: Wewelsburg Castle, Germany (aka Hitler’s Valhalla) Read More »

Today Marks the Death of the Order of the Dragon & Order of the Black Sun! | Since They Can’t Own & Control the World They Now Want to Destroy It | Dead Man’s Switch Attempted on Humanity & FAILED! | This Uncovered More Scary Stuff About COVID & Wuhan | The Silent Circle Are Well Underway Taking Control of the 5 Pillars that Control the World (in the Current State) | Changes in Government Already Starting | No One Can Fight God! | It’s Time to Face the Truth, Including Followers of the Alt Media

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on May 15, 2023 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim started off telling us this is a very important day for humanity and it is hard to disagree. It really sounds like we are finally turning the corner. After a long battle the light side already won, the …

Today Marks the Death of the Order of the Dragon & Order of the Black Sun! | Since They Can’t Own & Control the World They Now Want to Destroy It | Dead Man’s Switch Attempted on Humanity & FAILED! | This Uncovered More Scary Stuff About COVID & Wuhan | The Silent Circle Are Well Underway Taking Control of the 5 Pillars that Control the World (in the Current State) | Changes in Government Already Starting | No One Can Fight God! | It’s Time to Face the Truth, Including Followers of the Alt Media Read More »

Black Sun & Dragon Family Operatives Race Each Other to Obtain Funding for US | Both Sides Had Same Revelation, that Kim Actually Has Power | Instead of Working With Her, Both Sides Try to Manipulate Her to Get US Budget Money | Central Bank Digital Currencies Put Off for 120 days, Waiting for Lion’s Gate | Kim Appoints the ‘Office of the Guardian’ aka Herself as the New Mr. Black, Pindar, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Secretary of Treasury & Who Knows, Maybe She’ll Take Over As President Too!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on May 12, 2023 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim shares how the operatives on each side are racing to obtain funding for the US since it’s still the global power center and the dollar is still global currency at the moment. Each side …

Black Sun & Dragon Family Operatives Race Each Other to Obtain Funding for US | Both Sides Had Same Revelation, that Kim Actually Has Power | Instead of Working With Her, Both Sides Try to Manipulate Her to Get US Budget Money | Central Bank Digital Currencies Put Off for 120 days, Waiting for Lion’s Gate | Kim Appoints the ‘Office of the Guardian’ aka Herself as the New Mr. Black, Pindar, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Secretary of Treasury & Who Knows, Maybe She’ll Take Over As President Too! Read More »

US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on May 10, 2023 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us a history lesson which leads to better understand why many believed Chuckie could deliver all he promised and why operatives are still believing Trump bucks is a thing. She gives us the background on what the …

US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real Read More »

The Unexpected Shift to Restoration & Multi-Polar World! | More About the People in the Middle, aka the Secret Circle | Kim Calls in Her Clean & Clear Single Dollar Deal | Secret Circle Takes Over the Fed, White House, NSA, CIA, BlackRock, JP Morgan, the Treasury in South Africa, Media, Railroad Routes & China! | Will the Secret Circle Honor Their Deal & Be the Game Changer?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on April 26, 2023 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. To say this is a loaded report is an understatement. The mysterious, never talked about until now Secret Circle people have come in like a Lion and are taking over everything owned by the Trust based on a deal …

The Unexpected Shift to Restoration & Multi-Polar World! | More About the People in the Middle, aka the Secret Circle | Kim Calls in Her Clean & Clear Single Dollar Deal | Secret Circle Takes Over the Fed, White House, NSA, CIA, BlackRock, JP Morgan, the Treasury in South Africa, Media, Railroad Routes & China! | Will the Secret Circle Honor Their Deal & Be the Game Changer? Read More »

The GSD, Get Shit Done People (aka Operatives) Are Not Getting Anything Done Actually | Restoration Was Never Their Goal, Setting-up Kim Was, While They Wait for Alignment with Uranus | Does This Surprise Anyone? | Who is the Group in the Middle, a Notch Below the Black Dragon? | The 100 Year Veil Placed Over Major ‘Gateway to Heaven’ in Moscow Expired & Begins to Increase With Positive Source Energy!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on April 24, 2023 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim fills us in on what happened with the operatives after asking her a lot of questions, and it ain’t good. Not a surprise. She also tells us about yet another group not mentioned before, and their …

The GSD, Get Shit Done People (aka Operatives) Are Not Getting Anything Done Actually | Restoration Was Never Their Goal, Setting-up Kim Was, While They Wait for Alignment with Uranus | Does This Surprise Anyone? | Who is the Group in the Middle, a Notch Below the Black Dragon? | The 100 Year Veil Placed Over Major ‘Gateway to Heaven’ in Moscow Expired & Begins to Increase With Positive Source Energy! Read More »

What Happened With That Big Pile of Cash Kim Transferred to JP Morgan? | Taiwanese Arrived in US, Claim China is Going to Take Them Over | NSA, Governments & Military Still Taking Orders from China | China Deep State Busy Selling McCarthy on Head of State | Kim Makes Promise to China Deep State, She Will Crash the RMB if They Continue, Will They Heed Her Warning?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on April 12, 2023 news on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim lets us know what transpired regarding the pile of cash she transferred to JP Morgan Chase, Milley is back causing trouble at the Pentagon and was promised Black Eagle position by China Deep State, who is making lots …

What Happened With That Big Pile of Cash Kim Transferred to JP Morgan? | Taiwanese Arrived in US, Claim China is Going to Take Them Over | NSA, Governments & Military Still Taking Orders from China | China Deep State Busy Selling McCarthy on Head of State | Kim Makes Promise to China Deep State, She Will Crash the RMB if They Continue, Will They Heed Her Warning? Read More »

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