The Viking’s Message to the Remnants (Kim Goguen – Part 1)
ALERT!The Viking has since been outed as working for the Order of the Black Sun.Refer to my related posts:1. Backstage at the Order of the Black Sun2. The Viking’s Order to Infiltrate Assemblies | Fallout from Ending Dark AI System JAIQS | Black Sun’s Slave Master of the Week | IBM Watson Could Have Replaced AZURE | […]
The Fox, the Savior and the Global Chessboard
DISCLAIMERI am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They […]
World Debt Reset Program – Will You Comply?
It’s hard to believe I’m actually writing about this, but the absurdity going on now in 2020 opens the door. So here it goes. A government official from the Liberal Party of Canada leaked last week what the psychopaths are planning for us over the next several months in order to implement their New World […]
It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times
I listened to an update by Kim “Possible” this morning entitled “Demolition of the Dystopian Underworld”. It was my second time around. I joined the zoom call on Sunday and then replayed the upload. If you don’t know who Kimberly A. Goguen is, I recommend you look into finding out. A few years ago, while […]
The Multiple Meanings of COVFEFE
An extremely interesting decoder that goes by the name Gene ‘Cosensi’ caught my attention several months ago. Evidently, he is a former US Navy intelligence decoder. He has many contacts in the military and he has been reporting on the battles taking place underground in the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) which is a worldwide […]
The Seemingly Insurmountable Task of Q
Waking people up who are in a very deep sleep is no easy task. Waking up a people who are zombie like, nearly comatose, under a malaise of indifference and apathetic is a tall order. Humanity has been attacked on all fronts, poisonous food, water, cleaning products, indoctrination by propaganda disguised as the news. A […]
All it Takes is a Title and a Costume to Fool the World (Part 2)
If you are on the awakening path and reached the point where you’re looking at everyone who crosses your path with new eyes, you’re probably saying, how could I not see that before? It’s seems so obvious. It’s disturbing to see so much, to truly see what apparently was hidden in plain sight all along. […]