BEAST System Takedown by Kim Goguen, Black Sun P3 Lodge & Sanhedrin Super Villains Eliminated? Who’s In Charge Now? – Part 4
This post is yet another continuation of the previous three intel updates by Kim Goguen on the BEAST System takedown and what has ensued since then. I am basing this post on an interview she gave on Circle of White Light Radio on August 15, 2021 with host Alan James. She gave this interview right […]
Was the Cabal’s New Slavery System, The Beast Machine, Derailed by Kim Goguen?
It’s time for the Situation Report update for July 25, 2021 provided by Kim Goguen, head of the Global Repository with highest ranking security clearance on the planet. The meeting was certainly chockful of the usual suspects doing what they do best, which is staying the course to regain power so they can remain the […]
Rheinwiesenlager, the Lesser Known Camps
I was on the Energetic Synthesis Members Forum last weekend and came across an entry with a map of western Germany. It mentioned a meditation and grid work that was to take place on the 4th of July that pertained to the Rheinwiesenlager. I didn’t know much about this Rheinwiesenlager, but it attracted my attention […]
Courage Comes in All Shapes & Sizes
The war on consciousness continues. Every week seems to be worse than the one before in the outer scape. While the 5 Star Generals around the world are still intent as ever on killing us all, it does beg the question, how much longer are these psychopaths going to continue their war mongering, food and […]
Solar Kings and Maji Grail Kings Rising
I was thinking about Yeshua today, in particular, the story when he overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple. That act meant much more than just the overturning of the money changers. It represented the overturning of all the systems the NAA created and ruled humans by. All systems must come down […]
Coming Consequences for Taking the Jab (aka Mark of the Beast) – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Shedding versus Transmission
EXPLAINS HOW THE DEPOPULATION mRNA VACCINES WILL START WORKING IN 3-6 MONTHS [2021-02-07] (VIDEO) (bitchute.com) The bifurcation of two very different realities continues to widen. Those who submitted to the fear porn and took the jab, (aka the mark of the beast), will follow the false ascension path paved with transhumanism. While those who seek […]
The Deep State Debacle
This post contains my notes from the Situation Report on 5/2/2021 with Kim Goguen. She has been very busy indeed the last couple of weeks. I outlined her Intel around the following categories: NSA, United Nations, Federal Reserve, IRS, COVID Plandemic and Depopulation Agenda. I am cautiously optimistic based on their report as some progress […]