Order of the Dragon Waiting for Yet Another Alignment Making Fools of Everyone Still Following Them | Israeli Offensive in Jenin Ends Quick, Uh No Money? | So Why is the War Still Going in Ukraine? | Iran to Join SCO? | First Trump Now Khomeini’s 40th Birthday Ritual Pledge to Lucifer Tapes Distributed | Fed Tries to Demand More Time Whereas Treasury Department Prepares to Move Forward | Silent Circle is New Management for CNN & Fox News! | Paris Library & Philippines Post Office On Fire to Hide Records | Massacres Come Around Alignments to Open Portals
This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 5, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim repeats a heavy topic related to child trafficking to explain why there will still be a need for enforcement for quite some time and why she keeps trying to turn around the militaries and […]